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50 Forbidden Explicit Erotica Sex Stories

Page 59

by Lexi Sinner

  “So today you two shall come to an agreement?” Victoria questioned the pair.

  Both men instantly got quiet. Neither of them wanted to be the one who gave into the other King. They wanted to be the winner in this battle and couldn’t give up anything that was important to them.

  “We shall discuss the situation and go from there,” King Salinger said curtly.

  Victoria could tell that he did not appreciate her intervening into the situations. But she couldn’t help it, she knew both men were very good men and wanted what was best for their countries. They both really could come to a solution if they would stop worrying about what others thought and start talking to each other.

  King James shot an evil look toward King Salinger when he talked curtly to Victoria, but he did not make another comment.

  Victoria saw Robert smile at her and shrug his shoulders. He seemed much more relaxed and she thought he would be more willing to work with King Salinger during their negotiations today. She hoped that the two of them would finally be able to see that they each had plenty in common with the other.

  “I’m going to enjoy my day,” Victoria left the table.

  She looked back briefly to see the two men both watching her as she left the room. She felt her heart flutter.

  As the two men sat and finished their meal, they were silent. Neither of the King’s wanting to be the first to talk to the other.

  The servants removed the dishes and cleaned around the men before King Salinger finally offered to show King James the palace grounds. It was a piece offering that King James quickly accepted.

  “So Robert, tell me about these advisors of yours. Why do they not want a truce between England and Ireland?” King Salinger asked.

  King James could have taken offense at the question, but the tone of voice that he asked it in seemed very genuine to him. It was a logical question as the two countries had been enemies for long, it was hard for anyone to remember the reasons. Many of the people in both countries wanted a truce between their neighbors.

  “They were my father’s advisors. I feel obliged to listen to them.”

  King Salinger felt a pain of for King James. He was so young and wanted so dearly to good, it was noticeable in the things he did.

  “Do you want to lead your country or let your father do it from his grave?” King Salinger asked.

  The two men were walking through the gardens and seemed to be genuinely conversing about their lives. It felt good to Robert to have someone who was as powerful as he was to talk to. Even if they had differing opinions, King Salinger surely knew the struggles that Robert was going through on a day to day basis.

  “My father never taught me much about how to lead the country. His death was sudden and I’ve had to lean on his advisors as I’ve learned the processes.”

  “Yes, you should lean on them. But in the end they work for you and you need to lead the country with your own vision.”

  Robert felt himself calm as he talked with King Salinger. This man had been leading his country for over twenty years. He surely had so much knowledge to pass on. As they talked, it felt like King Salinger genuinely was trying to help Robert. He felt the compassion from his fellow King.

  “I’m doing the best I can,” Robert said.

  “That’s all any of us can do.”

  King Salinger felt for the young man. Losing his father so suddenly and being thrust into the King’s position wasn’t something he wished on anyone. King Salinger had been thrust into leadership when he was only 18 years old. Now at forty, it was difficult to watch as King James, Robert, struggled to lead his country.

  “Tell me more about your food supply problems,” Robert said as they made their way farther away from the home.

  “Our land has struggled to maintain produce. We are able to grow vegetables very easily, but we need warmth for the fruits that we need. The vitamins that come from fruits will help with our people’s overall wellness. It is a necessity.”

  Robert listened intently as King Salinger discussed his countries food issues. They seemed dire and he could tell that the King wanted desperately to help his people.

  “Have you tried greenhouses?”

  “Yes, that was our first option. It has helped a little. But they are expensive to build and hard to maintain. It is a very good idea though.”

  The two men continued to walk and fell silent as they pondered the problems. King James wasn’t willing to give up his countries land to anyone and he did agree with his advisors that it would set a bad precedent for other countries who wanted to harm England.

  As the afternoon wore one the men decided to take a break from their conversation on settled into their private rooms.

  Victoria ate dinner alone in her room as both men worked feverishly to find a solution they could agree to. She wanted to give them time to make the hard decisions that she knew they would have to.


  As the evening wore on, Victoria had a knock at her door. She had been writing in a journal and made her way over to the door to see who it was. She slowly opened the door and smiled broadly as she saw King Salinger standing there with a piece of cake.

  “Well Cornelius, that is surely the way to a woman’s heart.” She said as she let the man into her room.

  “How was your day my sweet?” He asked as he moved close to her.

  Victoria could tell very quickly that his goal was to get her into bed. He had a look in his eyes that said he wanted her right away.

  “My day was wonderful. I spent it reading and enjoyed some journaling. How was your day?”

  She continued to move back away from him as he tried to get close to her. Victoria wanted to have a conversation with Cornelius. Couldn’t they actually talk instead of only making love? She went and sat at her desk, without another chair nearby she hoped he would get the idea that she wasn’t in the mood.

  He got the clue and sat down on the lounge chair near the bed.

  “Robert and I had some very good conversation. He is young, but I can tell he wants to lead his country as best as he can.”

  Victoria smiled. She liked hearing the kindness in Cornelius' voice. That was the man she had started to have feeling for.

  “That is good. Did you decide on a compromise?”

  Victoria asked as she looked down at her journal. She didn’t know if she was ready to hear the answer to her own question. What if the compromise they decided on was something that she didn’t like? Although she had played every possible solution in her mind and she couldn’t find one that she was totally satisfied with at all.

  If she stayed with Cornelius, she would feel bad for leaving Robert. If she went back with Robert, she would miss Cornelius. Neither option seemed the right one for her. But she knew she would just have to deal with whichever option the men made.

  He got up from the chair and made his way to Victoria.

  “We did not find our answers today.” He said as he reached for her dress buttons to get her out of them.

  But Victoria stopped him. She didn’t like how it felt to lie to the men and neither of them knew she had been with the other the last night. She refused Cornelius.

  He tried not to get angry with her, but his aggravation was very visible.

  “Let’s just wait until you two decide on your solution.” She said as she pushed Cornelius slightly away from her.

  His eyes narrowed in on her breasts and he took a deep breath. His body longed for her and he couldn’t imagine not having her whenever he wanted. The solution would have to include him getting to keep Victoria. He decided no other option would work for him.

  As Cornelius left her room, Victoria changed into her nightdress and was about to climb into bed when there was a knock on her room. She opened the door and looked out to see Robert standing at her door.

  “Hello darling,” he said as he handed her a rose.

  “Hi Robert, I was just going to bed.”

  Victoria stood at the door with it mostl
y closed and didn’t offer to let Robert in. She didn’t want to sleep with him either. She wanted the men to work out their differences and bring a solution to this whole situation.

  “Can I come in?” He asked as he moved in close to try and kiss Victoria.

  She let him kiss her gently and then opened the door to let him in. She would feel better about talking to him in her room than if he continued to stand at her door.

  He pulled her close to him and tried to continue to kiss her, but she pulled away.

  “Not tonight. I want you two to settle things. I want to know where I will be living.”

  “Well you will come home of course, I have decided to negotiate with King Salinger and tomorrow I will tell him I agree to share some land with him so his people can have the produce they need. I’ll be able to take you home by tomorrow night.”

  Robert had a giant smile on his face as he told Victoria about his plans. He was certain she would love his idea and be excited to come home with him.

  But Victoria did not look happy at all. She had a look of sadness on her face that worried Robert greatly.

  “You want to come home, don’t you?” He said with concern.

  “Of course darling. Tomorrow will be a good day when you two have this settled. I’m proud of you.”

  Victoria leaned in and kissed Robert. She was proud of him. He had made a great decision without the help of his advisors. He was going to be a great King and she knew it.

  The problem she was having was that she would never get to see Cornelius again. She had grown close to him and it made her heart hurt to think about leaving him and never getting to feel his touch on her skin again.

  She instantly regretted not making love to him when he had been to her room earlier. Now she would never get to be with him again. After the negotiations were finished on the following day, she would go home with Robert and continue to live her life with him and far away from King Salinger and his touch.

  “I’m so excited,” Victoria said.

  She tried to hide the anguish that filled her about never getting to see the man she had started to grow so close to.

  “I’ll go for tonight. We will have the rest of our lives together starting tomorrow.” Robert said as he left Victoria.

  She stood at the door and felt sadness that she had never felt before. She would lose King Salinger, Cornelius, forever as of sunset on the next day.


  The men started their day in the study and committed to not leaving until they had figured out some sort of agreement. Cornelius was determined to get Robert to give up Victoria and he was willing to give him almost anything he wanted.

  “I have one thousand acres of land that I can give you if you can give me just 100 acres for produce. I would also like to keep Victoria here with me.” Cornelius said as they began their negotiations.

  Robert’s eyes narrowed as he realized what Cornelius was saying. He wanted to keep Victoria! Robert started to think about the situation and realized that Cornelius had probably been having sex with Victoria. He had given her nice clothing and a nice room. He had been treating her very kindly and Victoria did not seem to hate the man at all.

  Robert’s face started to turn red with anger as he felt his body becoming overwhelmed.

  “You want what? You want my wife!”

  Robert couldn’t stop himself. He lunged at Cornelius and tried to punch him, but the other King was too quick for the young man.

  “I’ve already had your wife! She was delicious.” Cornelius said as he swung and knocked Robert to the ground.

  Robert quickly jumped up. He was ready for a fight. Victoria was his and he had not fought for her before, but he was going to fight for her now. She loved him and he loved her, Cornelius would not keep them apart.

  “She only laid with you out of obligation. She has no desires for you.” Robert said as he swung and finally connected with Cornelius’ jaw.

  Cornelius tumbled back onto the couch and was unsteady on his feet when he tried to stand up. Robert took the opportunity to sucker punch him and the older King went straight to the ground.

  Robert felt bad, for a moment, as he watched Cornelius try to get his feet back under him and stand up. The older King was wobbly and didn’t seem to be able to focus as he came at Robert in a full sprint.

  At first Robert didn’t know if he would punch the man or just move out of the way. But as he swung to hit Cornelius, Robert opened himself up to a right uppercut. Cornelius was larger than Robert and his muscles showed the strength of a man who had spent much more time working. His punch instantly knocked Robert to the ground and unconscious.

  Cornelius could have murdered the young King at that very moment, but instead he chose to leave him on the ground and get a whiskey.

  He sat in a high back chair drinking his whiskey until Robert started to come out of his daze. The older King was amused by the determination of the young man as Robert got up and came at him again. But Cornelius did not move, he continued to drink his whiskey and just laughed.

  Robert stopped only a few feet away from Cornelius because he was confused at why the man was laughing. Cornelius had blood streaming down his nose and a split lip. He certainly didn’t look like a man who would be laughing.

  “Look at us! Are we fighting over our countries or a woman?” Cornelius bellowed.

  Robert looked in the mirror over the fireplace and saw his face was not much better than Cornelius.

  “Well I thought we were fighting over our countries, but I think you are right. Victories has garnered both our attention.” Robert slumped into a chair opposite Cornelius.

  “I’m sorry young man, but I love her,” Cornelius said in a genuine voice.

  “She’s a good woman to love.”

  Robert didn’t know what to do. He certainly didn’t want to give Victoria up. He wanted her to come home with him. But he was starting to think by leaving her for months with King Salinger; he had given her the opportunity to start to have feelings for the other King.

  “So let’s decide on the land issue for now and leave the woman out of it.”

  “I’d be happy to share some land with you so your people can have produce. We can work out a contract and a rental rate if that would be agreeable to you.” Robert said.

  A servant entered the room, likely responding to the commotion that had been going on earlier.

  “Is everything alright sir?” She said as she looked at the two men all bloodied up.

  “Yes, please get us some washcloths to clean with,” Cornelius said.

  The woman hurried off to get what she was ordered to. She quickly returned and handed each of the men a wet cloth.

  “I can agree to that offer,” Cornelius said as he wiped the blood from his face.

  “Alright. Well, we have the problems of the country solve. Now to solve the problems of the men.” Robert said with a smile.

  The two men sat quietly contemplating the problem they had. The problems of the countries seemed easier to solve than the problems of their heart.

  “I bet you never thought we’d be sitting her drinking whiskey together.” Cornelius laughed.

  “Certainly not.”

  The silence was difficult, but neither man was ready to give up their claim on Victoria. Both felt strongly that she cared for them and should stay with him. It would not be an easy decision to figure out which of the two Kings would be able to keep her as their own.

  King Salinger poured another drink for himself and for Robert. They were going to have a long afternoon trying to decide the solution to their problem.


  The servant girl opened Victoria’s room without knocking. She had been around long enough to know that Victoria had been with both King Salinger and the visiting King.

  “The men are all bloodied and fighting miss.” The young woman said as she opened the door.

  Victoria hurried and put her dress on before making her way to the study to see what was going on.
But as she arrived at the study she did not hear fighting. Instead, it was quiet in the room. She cracked the door and saw the two men cleaning themselves up and laughing. They were joking about both loving Victoria and not knowing what to do.

  She continued to listen as they talked and soon heard their voices raising as they became angry with one another.

  “I will not give my wife to you!” Robert yelled.

  “I will not give her up.”


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