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Noble Revelations

Page 15

by Adeleke Kayode

  Adam gave the man a grin showing his teeth even, the man was immediately unsettle so Adam being a kind and caring person put his hand on the man’s shoulder to calm him and guide him toward the door Adam was looking for. The man stared at Adam who was barely looking at him, as Adam opened the door revealing a broom closet.

  “Next time you suspect a malfunction you should probably check with people who handle that kind of stuff. Even better never check with me the end will nearly always be the same…Hahaha.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  The man frantically asked while Adam took the tablet from the man’s hand then palmed the man’s chest sending him flying into the broom closet. With a loud crash the man’s body slunk to the ground along with a row of cleaning supplies. Adam took a moment to look at the palm print he had left on the man’s collapsed chest, then at the tablet which he had planned on snapping until he noticed something. Other than the log which Adam was well aware of it seemed as if someone was searching for something through the ships files. It was possible that it was Edge’s Saint Squad after all the battleship Adam sent had hacked into their systems, this could be payback. No matter what it was it seemed interesting at least as interesting as anything was going to get for now.

  So Adam glanced at the man in the closet one last time then closed the door on him. The irony was he probably could have gotten more information out of him had he not killed the guy so quickly then again that guy managed to omit crucial information maybe he was really bad at his job. Unfortunately for him Adam wasn’t.

  Chapter 25

  Dark…everything was dark it wasn’t easy to tell if I was awake or unconscious. Were my eyes even open right now? Where was I even suppose to be, I wonder…Re gahn. Everything came back to me in a flash, stopping the Saint’s bomb, Adam’s message from the airship and finally the bomb which leveled Re gahn. The good news was I was alive at least I think I was, what were the chances of me being a disembodied spirit I’d wager not likely but still. To confirm whether I was still a corporeal being I took a deep breath. Which was accompanied by violent coughing as a result of the dust I sucked into my lungs. Pain rippled across my chest even after I stopped coughing the pain didn’t subside not even a little bit. Well at least that confirmed one thing I was indeed alive.

  “So what to d…”

  My voice was hoarse, which made sense since my throat was dry. The air around me was thin which wasn’t surprising considering the fact I was probably underground. How far I couldn’t tell, but I wasn’t going to sit around waiting to find out. Getting out of here was going to be tedious but it was very possible first I would need to breathe. A breath in…ignore the dust…a breath out. Focus.

  My body began slowly sinking downward as I started phasing through the ground. I wanted to go up not down so the first thing I need to do was reposition myself in a standing position. After repositioning my body I reached upward as if I was climbing moving my body passed the rubble slowly floating to the surface. It took me a while but my head finally reached the surface. What I saw almost caused me to lose focus, so I concentrated on phasing instead of anything else. Not too long after I managed to pull myself out of the ground.

  “I made it…now what about the others?”

  My words were just for myself since I couldn’t see anyone in sight the entire city of Re gahn was gone. In its place was what looked like a landfill covered with rubble and scattered remnants of buildings. There was a thick layer of dust that made a sort of haze surrounding what used to be the city. Any part of the street was barely visible, mainly because the entire city was leveled. It was a sight to behold really. From where I was standing I could see the waterfront and what was left of the warehouses including the one I called home. A knot formed in my stomach so I turned away to start looking for the others. Once I started moving I noticed that there were much more visible parts of the overturned street. I just couldn’t recognize it at first.

  “Hey! Anyone out there?” Even though my throat was dry and my voice was hoarse it managed to carry quite a ways.

  Where were they? I managed to survive so they had to have…That logic didn’t track exactly for everyone more so for Carter and Alastor. But right now I didn’t see anyone which made some sense considering the distance we ran plus the level of visibility wasn’t great. Once I thought about it I stopped moving forward turned around and headed for the spot I emerged from. Tessa had to be somewhere near there she and I had fallen in the same place. So she had to be somewhere nearby.

  “Tessa! Tessa are you alright? Tessa!”

  As I called out to her my voice became less and less clear as worry started to build up more and more. She was fine wasn’t she, there was only one way to find out. With that thought in mind I picked up the pace which only seemed to exacerbate the pain in my chest which caused me to stumble for a moment. The ground below me shifted as if it were grains of desert sand, my foot slid forward while I tried to stop myself. The end result was my body lunging forward ending with me crouched down holding my position.

  “Achoo. Achoo…you’re lucky you don’t have…achoo.”

  I looked up to see Tessa sneezing frantically her nose was red, there was dirt caked on her face along with a couple scratches and a scrap or two. Her clothes looking like she had been rolling around in a field of dirt and glass which made me give myself a quick once over. My clothes were just as dirty as Tessa’s maybe even more so. My guns were gone, there were fragments of what was left still clinking to my clothes. The bottom half of my clothing managed to get less torn then the top half.

  “So you spot any of the other, oth…s yet.” Tessa held back a sneeze then sniffed.

  She walked toward me then stumbled toward her right side for a moment. I thought nothing of it considering the ground we were walking around on wasn’t exactly the best terrain right now.

  “Nope you’re the first one. Don’t know where the others are. Hope they’re ok.”

  “Same. We should at least head inward to look for them.”

  I nodded it was a good idea. I just hoped that everyone would be ok. I remember thinking earlier how nothing stunned me with surprise anymore. I guess I was wrong Prometheus really went through all this trouble to kill us. How many people did they end up killing? This had to stop somewhere. Prometheus needed to end. It and all the people on board with all the merciless acts they committed. They all needed to pay. For now we needed to keep moving and continue to look for the others. Walking around was sort of a pain but it was nothing compared to the feeling in my chest. It was my ribs specifically I wondered if I had damaged them or something.

  “Achoo…it wasn’t even like I needed another reason to hate Pro…Pro…Promethuuueees.”


  “You ok, Alex?”

  I nodded as a respond while slowing down for a moment to roll up my shirt. I could see that there were purple blotches on my chest indicating bruising.

  “Does it hurt?

  “Aaaaah…don’t to…”

  It took me a moment to realize that Tessa was right in front of me touching the bruises on my chest. I had honestly been too lost in thought to notice when she had moved next to me.

  “Hope we’re not interrupting anything?”

  Tessa stumbled backward suddenly while I grabbed her wrist and pulled her in close to steady her only for Tessa to pull her hand away from me and give me a look that said I’m fine. So I decided to turn my attention to Alastor and AJ, Alastor’s hair was frizzy, no longer in a ponytail. He had a four inch cut on his cheek that was still bleeding and his clothes were a bit less torn than mine but just as dirty. He had a couple scratches on his face other than that he was fine surprisingly. AJ on the other hand look a lot more beat up, his lip was bleeding and his clothes were much more ruffed up than Alastor’s while he held his left shoulder. When he noticed that I was paying attention to his shoulder he moved it back so that it was out of view, because of that I turned my attention ba
ck to Alastor.

  “You know where Carter, Mathew and William are?”

  Alastor shook his head then pointed to the right, I turned just in time to see a bolt of electricity jump into the sky.

  “I’m gonna go ahead and guess that your brother is over there.” Alastor stated with a slight condescending tone.

  I didn’t even bother rolling my eyes instead I headed in the direction the electricity had come from. It took a couple of minutes before Carter came into view he was squatting down, he looked about as scuffed up as the rest of us. When we got closer I managed to take note of the fact that William was standing right by him in comparison to Carter’s state and the rest of us William looked almost completely fine, his clothes were dirty and he had a couple scratches but that was it. He must have phased through most of the debris…wait. Something seemed off, by now both of them should have notice us approaching yet neither of them acknowledged us. A cold feeling worked its way down my spine as I started moving quickly in a curve motion to better get a view at whatever they were looking at…

  “Oh no…”

  It was Mathew, he was laying on the ground and he appeared to be unconscious. There were small pieces of debris scattered across his body, that wasn’t what was wrong though. As my eyes made their way across his body I saw the problem. There was a rebar rod sticking out of Mathew’s side pinning him in place. Just then Carter’s attention went to me, he started talking but I couldn’t hear him at first. It sounded like he was saying I was right and he should have listened to me when I said that Mathew needed to be careful.

  “That’s not important right now. We had to get that rebar out of him. William?”

  He looked at me for a moment then an odd expression went on his face. “I can remove the rebar no problem, but there’s nothing that’s going to stop the bleeding.”

  “Damnit…wait Carter or I could cauterize the wound.”

  I glanced at Carter for a moment, it would probably be worse if he used his electricity to do it. The only thing I could hope for is that I could get this done fast because the moment I started he would wake up and be in excruciating pain. William stared at me for a moment without saying anything while he stepped toward Mathew. He wrapped his hands around the rebar which protruded out of Mathew’s side.

  The rebar was yanked out of Mathew’s side as fast as William could pull it. No pain. It took a second before the blood started gushing out like a fountain. I needed to act fast so I rushed over and placed my hand on the wound. I could feel the warm blood run through my hands it made me feel uneasy, focusing on my hand heat began building while Mathew started to groan. It wasn’t long before heat from my hand was hot enough to cauterize the wound, once it was, Mathew woke up.

  “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaah!!!!” It wasn’t subtle his eyes sprung open and he started screaming at the top of his lungs, his body squirmed around forcing Alastor to hold him down. I could smell the wound burning that along with his screams of anguish reminded me of the moment Shield had been struck with Marcus’s flames. Those same screams were in my ears now, that same smell, it was too much for me to bear. My eyes started watering for a moment while a mixture of sadness and anger washed over me.

  “Alex…Alex…” Tessa called out.

  While snapping to I quickly blinked the tears out of my eyes before anyone noticed. Tessa was staring at me, I looked around and saw Mathew laying a few feet away. When did I finish?

  “We need to get him to my ship. Cauterizing the wound only gives us more time but it doesn’t change the fact he needs medical attention.” Alastor’s tone seemed slightly concerned.

  Alastor and William gave me a look as if to say I should take him which caused me to unconsciously shake my head which seemed to surprise them a little.

  “This is no time to be messing around you….”

  “William, I can’t risk messing up if I teleport Mathew. It’s way too risky.”

  Tessa was busy looking at the others, her head moved side to side, she looked at William, Carter, me and Alastor as if she was saying Hey look at me. “I’ll take him.” Tessa stated.

  Tessa had all our attention now. Alastor narrowed his eyes on her as if something was wrong.

  “The terrain would be a nightmare for your speed.”

  Tessa walked toward Alastor as if to say that the ground wasn’t a problem, she might have made some sort of point had she not stumbled for a moment.

  “Plus, I’d wager that you injured your right leg.” Alastor commented.

  “Not important we need to get Mathew onto your ship. I can get him there. Plus it’s just a sprain.” Tessa replied.

  “Fine then, Alexander you’re coming too.”

  I glared at Alastor for a moment. Why exactly did he need me to come along and what did he mean by too?

  “I’m going to use my telekinesis to help guide Mathew’s blood flow. Prevent him from bleeding out in his sleep.”

  The way Alastor spoke sounded too nonchalant for my liking but that wasn’t important he still hadn’t explained what I was suppose to do. He narrowed his eyes on me for a second like he was thinking about something then stopped and shook his head just once.

  “Seriously I thought you were suppose to be smart. We need you to create a barrier so Tessa can run without having to deal with this terrain, which would more than likely make her a fast moving ragdoll.”

  “Ok, not sure I know how to do that but I can try. Everyone huddle up.”

  Carter glanced at AJ for a moment them moved his head in a way signaling AJ should go with us which I figured was weird until I looked at AJ’s shoulder. Something about it didn’t look right. There was blood on his shirt sleeve but it didn’t look like he was still bleeding. I guess that’s why AJ needed to come along, a random thought appeared in my head.

  “I didn’t have the chance to tell you this earlier but Juliette offered us some sort of sanctuary if we didn’t butt into Prometheus’ business. I paused for a moment while Carter gave me a look like he was going to kill me. “There was no way I would ever take a deal like that but based on what she was saying there’s a good chance she might be able to find out where their base is.”

  Carter nodded then looked at the sky before speaking. “We didn’t start this. Any of this. Prometheus did, they want a war. I’ll give them a war.”

  I understood where he was coming from but that didn’t change the fact we needed to get going. “Let’s go Carter. We can talk when we reach Alastor’s ship.”

  “No you guys go. I’ll get a message to you guys once I’ve talked with Juliette. The walkie I had gave me coordinates she’s not too far from here and I want to talk.”

  Carter started heading out while William followed behind with AJ in toe. He froze in place suddenly until Alastor spoke.

  “Ani hana busang.”

  AJ slid across the ground against his will until he was standing right by Alastor and me. Tessa glanced at me then smiled before saying “Don’t worry you’re not suppose to walk on a sprain. So I’m fine I’m just running.”

  I scoffed at Tessa’s comment while she moved in front of me, Alastor was crouched by Mathew who he had moved closer to me. AJ stood in the back remaining silent like always. First I space my arms out as if I was trying to balance my weight while walking across a rolling log or something then I picture a bubble. A large sphere enclosing around us, acting as a protective barrier. At first I thought it didn’t work then I notice that as I looked around I could see that a sphere was around us. When I looked at the sphere a certain way it became iridescent.

  Tessa didn’t bother giving us a signal and started running and the sphere didn’t move that’s when it dawned on me how this didn’t seem to be the most….and that’s when we started moving forward it was gradual if only for a few seconds before immediately picking up the pace. In a manner of seconds we started to navigate our way across the desolate wasteland that was once Re gahn.

  Eventually we made our way to the open road, holes started fo
rming within the sphere so I returned focus to it and the holes disappeared as quickly as they appeared. The world around us quickly became a blur as Tessa ran, it was an incredible sight watching the world go by through the iridescent lens of my telekinetic sphere. It didn’t take us long to reach Los Cuevros. Once we did Tessa slowed down eventually stopping not too far from a silver and white airship.

  “Take us up.” Alastor yelled.

  In a manner of seconds bright light flashed around us quickly enveloping us. Our surroundings changed, we were taken to the bridge of Alastor’s ship. Someone immediately attended to Mathew after Alastor ordered them to take him to the medical bay. I looked around it was a spacious area with various controls which I could only begin to guess at what they did. There was a number of people in the room excluding us, was about twelve, yet no one was seated that close to one another.

  “AJ, you should go to the medical bay. The same goes for you two.”

  “Awww, Alastor if I didn’t know you, I’d think you were nice.”

  Alastor responded to Tessa by first staring at her for a while before speaking. “You’re lucky Prometheus decided to drop a bomb on us that puts them on the top of my list to deal with. Looks like it’s not just Adam that has it coming anymore.”

  Tessa, AJ and I left the bridge and headed to the medical bay, on our way there I noticed two large glass panels on the floor as if we were in an aquarium. I stared down looking at Los Cuevros. The city of Los Cuevros hadn’t change much aside from the damage that I, Shield and Hummingbird had caused here nearly two years ago. Seeing this dilapidated city was starting to put things in perspective. Los Cuevros had slowly decayed and became desolate while just hours ago Re gahn was a bustling city which had been destroyed in mere minutes. Re gahn didn’t have time to grow old and turn into ruins instead it went from being vibrant and full of life to lifeless. It was all because Prometheus wanted us dead. I could only imagine that they figured they got us with that bomb as long as we were careful. We had the element of surprise on our side which gave us an advantage. Carter was right, Prometheus was going to pay, it was time for someone to put an end to it once and for all. It was time to go to war.


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