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Chase the Moon: A Historical Romance

Page 9

by Lynn Hubbard

  “I’m just too nervous is all, I don’t ride much.”

  “Eat. It’ll help settle your stomach.”

  This time Amelia reached out to take the biscuit from him. Their finger tips touched and a tingle swept through her. She watched him closely as he ate in silence. One of the few times she had seen him quiet.

  He took a swig from his canteen and offered it to her. She normally would have refused but she hadn’t thought to bring one for herself. She took his gratefully and took a sip. Her mind barely registered that his lips had just lingered there as well.

  “I’m not used to you being this quiet. Sabrina said you were Comanche. But you don’t act like a Comanche.”

  He laughed. “Is that what you envisioned? Me throwing you over my shoulder and taking you off into the woods to ravish you?”

  “Of course not!” She lied blatantly, wondering if he could read her thoughts.

  “I am told I have my father’s spirit and my mother’s face.”

  “It must be wonderful having both of your parents.”

  “Most days. My mother’s tongue can be very sharp. But I think my father likes it.”

  It was Amelia’s turn to laugh. She was rewarded by a flash of his white teeth. Her smile faded as she saw Sally heading her way.

  “Amelia, could I speak to you?”

  “You are speaking to her.” Chase pointed out receiving a grin for his efforts.


  Chase hopped to his feet in one lithe movement and he was gone.

  “What is it?” Amelia hissed.

  “I need to use the loo.”

  “What? There isn’t a loo around here.”

  “Exactly why I need your help.” Sally said a look of panic on her pretty face.

  “Oh all right.” Amelia said climbing to her feet. Grabbing Sally’s arm she lead her several yards away to a cove of bushes. The two girls wrestled with Sally’s petty coats and tulle.

  “Did you have to wear so many layers?”

  “It makes my figure stand out.” Sally defended herself as she straightened her garb.

  Amelia decided to go as well wondering why she had even suggested this trip. It seemed so much more fun when she was a child. Making her way back to the others they were dismayed to see everyone ready to go.

  “You’re with me.” Chase informed her. He decided not to mention no one else volunteered. “You want front or back?”

  “What’s the difference?”

  “Front I hold onto you, Back you hold on to me.”

  Amelia contemplated her decision. Both of them sounded good to her. “Front?”

  Without replying Chase mounted the huge horse and leaned down with one strong arm to lift her in front of him. Sitting astride the saddle she grabbed the saddle horn as she looked way, way down. Thor was a massive horse and she hated heights. Perhaps she should have chosen back?

  She felt Chase’s strong arms encage her as he expertly held the reins of the beast. She was trying to sit straight up so their bodies would touch as little as possible. However, keeping her back stiff caused her to be more uncomfortable with every step.

  “Relax. I won’t let you fall.” Chase whispered in her ear.

  Closing her eyes tightly she leaned back until their bodies touched. He was like iron but she soon picked up on his natural grace as he swayed with the movements of the horse minimizing the impact. It was like an erotic dance. Feeling safer, she soon relaxed completely in his arms.

  Sally’s transition was not as smooth. She was beginning to doubt the good sense in wearing the multiple layers as Warren helped her onto the horse to settle in front of him. Warren apparently was used to dealing with women’s undergarments. He had her cock her knee up in a side saddle position. He then had the material tucked away around her so it wouldn’t soar up in his face with the wind. Breathless from the ordeal she rested against him as he set the horse in motion, once again trailing the others.

  Sally soon realized that sitting in front was much different than being in the back. There were a lot of bugs. Tiny specks of things that traveled in hoards. She kept her mouth tightly shut least she swallow one. She soon decided that she disliked the south, everything except for the humongous manor house. She did adore that. And perhaps, maybe Warren, since he came with the house.


  Chase looked down at the woman in his arms. The rocking motion of the horse had lulled her into sleep and she rested against his shoulder. This gave him ample time to inspect her closely. He shifted her hat to protect her face from the sun so only her rosy lips were showing. A soft sigh escaped them and he wondered if she was dreaming.

  He felt as if he was in some sort of dreamland himself. In real life, he could not imagine owning or taming a creature such as her. What did he have to offer her? He could not picture her being happy at his home in the woods. She was used to city life and finery. A small part of his mind reminded him of how Sabrina adjusted well enough, and he reluctantly pushed it back into the shadows. She wasn’t Sabrina.

  The two cousins reminded him of salt and pepper. Amelia with her light complexion and brackish ways. Sabrina was darker more fiery but they mixed well together. Too bad their lives had both been over shadowed by so much pain. He didn’t know if he was that strong. He was fortunate to still have his parents and couldn’t imagine losing them.

  When his father was injured he almost killed himself riding for help. Little did he know that ride would change his families’ destiny forever. Not only did he meet Sabrina but Thomas as well. Thomas was another one he did not understand. When did life become so complex?

  Amelia jolted awake. Unsure of her whereabouts she twisted to look at her surrounds almost unseating herself from the huge animal. She grabbed for Chase’s arm and felt his other tighten around her back as he used it to physically lift her back into place on the horse.

  “Easy girl.” He cooed as Thor stomped from the panic.

  “I thought Thor was a male.” She stated, the tremor in her voice and quick breaths relaying her fright.

  “He is, I was referring to you.” Chase replied with humor.

  A bit miffed that he was mocking her Amelia straightened herself and tried to sit the horse without touching him at all. She soon realized that was impracticable and vowed to switch mounts as soon as possible. Riding with Riley was not as pleasant but at least he was not as exasperating as Chase.

  “Did you have a good dream?”

  “Yes, I dreamt of an irritating man who fell off a horse and broke and his neck.”

  Chase laughed aloud, the vibrations reverberating though his chest and through Amelia’s soul.

  “It pleases me that you dream about me.” Chase whispered in her ear.

  “Hmpff.” Amelia replied crossing her arms as she stared straight ahead.


  Riley smiled at his sisters response, this was gonna be a very interesting trip.

  Speeding his horse up a bit, he moved to scout out the best route for the large group. Luckily, the land was mostly flat making the trip less strenuous on the horses. After being in California for so long it was difficult to adjust to lack of mountains and humid weather.

  Spring was definitely the best time of year to travel in the south. The wild twisted dogwoods were just starting to open and the thick magnolia bushes were budding with their large green buds and shiny emerald colored leaves.

  There were eighty-foot tall pines torn down from the storm. The saturated ground let go of the roots and the mighty trees toppled from the force of the wind. Riley knew that the trees would become shelter for snakes and insects as it decomposed back into the soil it sprang out of.

  It was sad how things seemed to last only for a moment and then were gone. The cool breeze blew cooling his face as his keen eyes sought out hidden dangers. He could hear the lilt of laughter from behind. It could only have come from Sally, he knew his sisters voice well and Jaelyn was very cautious in strange surroundings as one should be.

/>   He soon spotted the wooden bridge crossing the Leaf River he dismounted and walked his horse over first making sure the battered wooden structure was still sound. Feeling confident, he waived the others forward.

  Chase and Amelia rode across with no problem. He eased her to the ground where she stood with wobbly legs. Thomas’ horse was skittery about the rushing water underneath and would have panicked except for Jaelyn grabbing Thomas’ reins and controlling the animal as she led them both over the bridge.

  Amelia looked on in admiration of her skill and boldness in handling the huge beasts. She was definitely glad that she was riding with Chase instead of alone.

  Warren was next, Sally made a grand show of covering her face in fright as they rode across and Amelia rolled her eyes. Riley decided the small clearing would be a good place to stop for their midday meal. Therefore, they moved to set everything up.

  Amelia was feeling oddly cold in the temperate spring air since she left the warmth of Chase’s arms. Crossing her own she found one of the fallen logs to sit on. She watched the others settle in as well. A smile tugged at her lips as she watched Jaelyn sit in the fresh grass and pull Thomas down to join her.

  She was enjoying the respite from the constant motion. Unlike her cousin Sabrina, she would definitely prefer to ride in a carriage rather than astride a horse. Her solitude was interrupted as Sally ambled over not wanting to sit in the dirt either.

  “Isn’t this a Grand Adventure? I can’t believe my father actually let me go alone. Of course Thomas is here, but otherwise occupied.”

  “Yes it is Grand, it’s very sweet how he dotes on Jaelyn. Seems like all the Stafford’s possess a certain charm.” Amelia replied as her eyes lighted onto Chase who was in a deep conversation with Warren and Riley.

  “As do the Lovett’s.” Sally said her face turning a tinge of pink.

  Amelia was about to reply when she heard a strange high pitched noise coming from the brush behind her. She and Sally both turned to stare at the rustling bushes. Fear gripped her heart as she froze in place.

  “Run!” A deep baritone voice shouted as Warren pulled his pistol.

  Not needing to be told twice the girls scattered in opposite directions. They had moved just in the nick of time as a large feral boar charged out of the woods. It’s low vision picked up the movement and sound from Sally’s ruffles and changed directions.

  Amelia watched in horror as Thomas pushed the protesting Jaelyn behind him. Warren couldn’t get a line of sight to shoot since Sally chose to run towards him. Riley fired his gun but the shot barely dented the animal’s thick mottled skin. The angry boar charged him knocking him off his feet. Its thick teeth sank into his leg and Amelia screamed in pure terror as her brother was mauled.

  Chase moved like lightning. He ran pulling his hunting knife deftly with one hand and quickly passed the screaming girl to throw himself at the beast.

  Amelia cried out in horror as a spurt of blood erupted between the three of them. She knew not whether it was theirs or the animals. She did not dare breath or move until the boar collapsed. It lay on its side heaving it’s last breath as it’s blood drained from the large gaping wound Chase inflicted in its neck.

  Thomas and Amelia ran over to help Riley as Chase went into full alert. He was cursing himself for not scouting out the area when they first arrived. He hadn’t been thinking with his head lately and that could be deadly for all involved.

  Worried there may be others nearby, Chase stood listening and watching the woods carefully for any signs of more boars along with Warren. He then headed into the brush and returned only after he was satisfied the area was safe. He wiped the blade of his hunting knife on the grass to cleanse it of blood before returning it to its sheath.

  His blade was clean but the blood had sprayed over his face and chest, giving him a formidable appearance. Wiping his face with his wet sleeve he knelt next to Amelia who was still shaking from the occurrence. Concern for her brother was etched across her face and Chase longed to see her smile again.

  He watched as Thomas slit open Riley’s pant leg to expose the nasty bite wound in his thigh.

  “Are you alright?”

  “Never better. Just a scratch” Riley replied he was feeling a bit awkward from all the attention.

  “It’s not deep but it is ragged, won’t look pretty but it will heal. Didn’t damage the bone. Your muscle will be sore for a couple of days and it needs to be cleaned. Lucky it wasn’t a male , they have tusks; are there more?” He asked Chase, the woodsman of the bunch.

  “Looked like a nest nearby, usually several females will watch over a hoard. They got spooked from the gunfire and moved off.” He quieted to watch as Thomas pulled liniment, bandages and whisky from his bag. He was impressed by Riley’s strength as he only gritted his teeth when the caustic liquid hit his open flesh. Thomas treated the wound and bandaged it tightly. He remembered talking to Thomas after his father’s injury. The medical field had advanced in leaps and bounds after the civil war. He was glad there was a benefit from all the madness that men ensue. With Riley cared for his eyes moved to Amelia. “Are you okay?”

  “Me? I’m fine. You’re the one covered in blood.” Amelia replied her quivering voice revealing her uneasiness.

  “It’s not mine.” He said with his trademark grin. The Indian Warrior instantly disappeared and he was Chase again.

  “I’m fine, really, just a bit shaken. Your shirt is ruined! Take it off and I’ll do what I can to clean it while you get washed up.”

  Chase raised an eyebrow at her suggestion as he stood up and complied. He slowly undid the buttons watching her watch him. Amelia knew she was staring but she couldn’t help it. She didn’t dare look away least this magnificent man in front of her just fade back into the figment of her imagination.

  Chase pulled the material free from his pants handing her the saturated shirt. She licked her lips as her eyes raked over his taunt chest and abdomen. Her heart was pounding in her chest and it was not from her earlier fright.

  Chase took a deep breathing trying to control his body’s reaction to the desire he read in her eyes. A weaker man would have thrown her to the ground and ravaged her right then and there.

  A loud forced sob rent the air causing both of their heads to swivel. Sally was crying loudly into Warren’s shirt as he tried his best to soothe her from her scare.

  “Just a sow, we spooked her nest. Worst she could have done is gave ya a bad bite.” Jaelyn offered.

  “Oh is that all?” Sally retorted, her anger overcoming her fear.

  Chase seeking solitude headed a safe distance away from the noise. Kneeling he dunked his head into the cold, rushing water rinsing the blood from his hair, face and chest. Nearby Amelia knelt as well dipping the spattered shirt again and again into the water. A shadow fell over her and she nodded in appreciation as Thomas knelt beside her showing her more effective ways to remove blood.

  With a grimace, Riley headed over to the dead animal. He took his own knife out and began cutting up the bore, much to Sally’s horror.

  “What you don’t like bacon?” he teased returning to his task. Jaelyn joined him slicing the meat into strips to make it easier to pack and cook. It was too large to move in one piece anyways. They might as well have a meal or two from it. When they were finished, Warren helped him move the carcass into the woods. The coyotes could fight over the rest.

  Finally satisfied, Amelia wrung the water out of the shirt before making her way back to the group. She met up with Chase to give him back his shirt. “It’s still wet.” She explained apologetically.

  “It’ll dry.” He said reaching for it and grabbing her hand in the process. She moved to pull away but he held her steadfast. Ignoring her protests and the five sets of eyes on them he pulled her into his chest. Embarrassed she put her hand up to stop him. It met bare molten flesh and she pulled it away in alarm as if she had been scorched; her face burned almost as hot. His steel like arms ignored her protests and pul
led her close as he rested his cheek against her hair.

  “I will not let you come to harm.”

  Amelia nodded not sure if he meant from nature or from himself. One last squeeze and he let her go. Amelia stood there feeling rather alone as she watched him move to check on Riley.

  Riley insisted he was fine and they could continue the trip. Thomas hesitantly agreed. They decided it would be safer to move on for now, incase other animals were attracted by the smell of blood, they packed up and headed out. Amelia road with Jaelyn, and Sally ended up with her brother Thomas.


  Amelia’s head was buzzing with thought as she sat behind the slender but powerful woman. Jaelyn and Chase were so much alike it was hard not to think of her twin. Especially when he was riding shirtless only ten feet away from her. In fact her heart was still beating a bit faster and she wasn’t sure if it was from her scare or Chase’s presence.

  She replayed in her mind how gracefully he had moved and instinctively tackled and butchered the boar in seconds. He had to have strong hands to accomplish the deed so effortlessly; she wondered what it would feel like having those hands on her. She wasn’t naive by any standard of the word. Playing cards in a saloon will cure anyone from that! No, she wasn’t innocent per say but she was still pure. A choice she had made and stuck by even though sometimes it was very tempting not to.

  Chase was making it very hard to stick to her morals. The Stafford’s were an odd bunch. They were more wild than tame. Yet, they seemed to live life more by thought and feeling rather than following any rulebook.

  She adored Mr. Stafford as well. She wished her father were able to enjoy life and smile again like Jonathan. Even with his ailment, he was jolly. She could see why Sabrina fell for Brock and had chosen to be a part of his family. Thomas had fallen as well. Would she be next?

  Chase swung his head around, his black eyes meeting her blue ones. He winked as if he had been reading her mind. She looked away trying to hide her red face; she hadn’t realized she had been staring at him. It was hard not to! She was relieved when he turned back around. She tried her best to ignore him, but soon her eyes were again drawn to him as were her thoughts.


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