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Royal Bastard: A Bad Boy Royal Romance

Page 18

by Emilia Beaumont


  I threw another rock in the lake, watching as it skipped across the water, just as my father had taught me to do years ago. When it sank I turned away, looking back at the house that had been in the royal family for generations. I had come to the royal family’s county seat for a few days of solitude with my father’s blessing. It was totally out of my character, but there had been a great deal of soul-searching going on. After my father’s confession about my mother, I didn’t quite know what to do. It almost felt like my father was playing a game of reverse psychology with me. Of course, it hadn’t helped that another bombshell had been dropped in my lap.

  Andrew had pulled me to the side after my meeting with our father, a heavy burden upon his shoulders.

  “What is it? I’m a little busy, Andrew,” I said when I bumped into him outside our father’s study.

  “There is something you should know.”

  “Something more about Rose?”

  He shook his head and sniffed. “No. It’s more to do with the reasons why I did what I did. And you need to know before—”

  “You already said, you’re my big brother looking after me. I get it, Andrew, I do. But I have to go… I have to go to her,” I said as I tried to skirt around him. I didn’t have time to waste. Another moment without her in my arms was a second too long.

  “Edward, listen, please. I’m gay.”

  I turned slowly around and saw the anguish that was all over his face, my heart lurching for him as everything began to slot into place. No wonder he’d done what he’d done. He pushed me hard to follow in his footsteps, encouraged me to stop fucking about and be a proper royal, and then of course what he’d done to Rose. He knew all along that one day after his reign as King was done he wouldn’t have any heirs to pass on the crown to. It would automatically fall in my lap, or my children’s if I weren’t alive.

  I took a quick step towards him and he instinctively—after our last encounter—took one back away from me. But I was too quick. I got to him and pulled him to me, wrapping my arms around him. He stood frozen, and I held him tight before finally he relaxed and embraced me back.

  “Shit, Edward, I thought you were going to hit me again.”

  “Not a chance, brother,” I squeezed him again thinking of what he’d had to go through all these years—the hiding, the potential scandal… the fear? I couldn’t even imagine. But there was one thing I knew for sure: it didn’t change a single thing. He was still my brother, and I still loved him. “Thank you for telling me.”

  We talked for the rest of the day. Rose would understand. Right then, I owed it to my brother to be there for him, like he’d been there for me all those years. He hadn’t decided whether or not to come out to Father, or the world, but I had a feeling that our father already knew. I could see that Andrew was struggling with the decision, had been for his entire adult life, but I made it clear that I would be behind him one hundred per cent whatever his choice.

  I had my own thinking to do, too; I had to figure out, now that I knew what I knew, if it changed anything. I still of course loved Rose with all my heart, but didn’t I now have a duty to the country, too? Could I let it all end after Andrew, the crown jumping to some obscure relative far removed from the intended line of succession?

  I skimmed another rock across the lake. My father, I guessed, would be proud; I’d worked through every single option and the consequences that might come of them, but in the end I said, “Screw it.” I still wasn’t going to give Rose up.

  Once Andrew was king, and if he chose to share that part of himself with the world, then damn, I would fight right alongside him for his equal rights. It was the twenty-first century after all, and we could finally bring the monarchy into it! And just because he was gay, that didn’t mean he couldn’t have heirs. He and whoever he chose to spend his life with could always adopt. That certainly hadn’t hurt Rose, and hell, surrogacy was always an option, too.

  With my mind made up, I didn’t want to waste another second, and I walked back to the house. It was peaceful here. I thought of how I really didn’t miss the sights and sounds of the city. This was a side of me that I rarely tapped into, some part of my mother’s family making me enjoy the tranquillity of the countryside.

  My mum and I had lived on the outskirts of the city for so long before she had died, forcing me into another realm of life. I had forgotten that I actually enjoyed this. And it made me realise how I could do great things without ever becoming king. I was fine with that. I didn’t need to be in a position of power to help others, and that was rapidly becoming what I was destined to do. Rose had shown me that, and I would be forever grateful for her influence on my life and what she had done to make me see that. She had made me a better man, and I just hoped that she was going to allow me back into her world. I wanted to be the man she made a family with, the man who would give her everything she deserved in this life.

  As I approached the house, I stopped in my tracks. A familiar form stood beside the car in the drive. My damn heart squeezed painfully as I drank in the sight of her, at first thinking she was an illusion I’d conjured up. But the flutter of her hair and her shy wave told me otherwise.

  God, how I had missed her these last few days, multiple times throwing myself into the car with the intention of bringing her back here before I was ready, and perhaps before she was ready. She needed space, too, I believed. But now that she was here, she would be hard pressed to get away again. I wanted to be with her all the time. It was a scary realisation, yet I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I was drunk on her and only her now. Not the clubs, not the other women or the tomfoolery. There was just her.

  “Hi,” she said softly as I reached her. She was dressed in a short dress that showed off her curves. My hands itched to touch her, and this time I wasn’t going to hold back.

  I didn’t say a word or stop walking until she was in my arms. Her mouth opened with a gasp, and for a second I gazed into her eyes, then took her breath away again with a kiss.

  “Hi yourself,” I said when I finally let her up for air. “How’d you get here?”

  “The car—duh!” she laughed, holding onto me tight. “I had some help from Richard.”

  “Oh, Richard is it now?” I teased, wondering what on earth my father had done. I would have never expected him to become directly involved in the relationship, but I was grateful he’d played a part in bringing Rose to me. I let her go and took her hand, and we fell into a casual walk. There was so much to discuss, so much I needed to say, but I wasn’t too sure where to start.

  Rose looked around at the exterior of the house, the garden just beyond the drive. “This is a beautiful place.”

  “So, what did my father want?”

  “He came to spaghetti night,” she grinned with a shrug. “Apparently my mum’s cooking is becoming widely popular with royalty. She is thinking of bottling the stuff.”

  “I’m sure that it would sell like hotcakes with a picture of my father’s face on it,” I grinned back, thinking of how excited her mum must have been to have my father there. I was mere chump change next to him. I stopped as we reached the soft grass. “Rose, I am so fucking glad to see you.”

  She looked up at me, her beautiful eyes glimmering with tears. “I’ve missed you, too. I’m sorry I left like that…” she said softly.

  “I missed you more,” I said hoarsely, flexing my fingers, “but you could’ve talked to me.”

  “I-I thought you were better off without my past hanging over you,” she replied, a tear coursing down her cheek. “I couldn’t stand the thought of you being dragged down and that I could be the reason your future was blemished. I didn’t want you to resent me for losing everything. And to be honest, I wasn’t quite sure how you truly felt about me.”

  “And here I thought you knew me by now,” I said with a smile. “I don’t give a damn about my royal position. And if it wasn’t clear before now, I want you, Rose, only you. Nothing else matters.” In
all my life I never knew what I was missing until she had come into it and corrected the error of my ways. Now she was all that I could see, and it was a fucking great view from where I was standing.

  She bit her lip. “Well, I know that now. I love you, Edward. It’s why I did what I did, no other reason.”

  Her words warmed the cold hole that was in my chest, and I drew in the first deep breath without pain I had felt since we had been apart. “The question is,” she continued, looking a bit unsure, “can you forgive me for being a total idiot?”

  I gave her a grin then, moving quickly toward her and wrapping her in my arms again, the smell of her shampoo overwhelming my senses. “Don’t ever leave me again, I wouldn’t survive it,” I breathed into her hair, all of the worry and stress melting away. “I love you, Rose Mathis. You. I don’t care about the royal family, the money, or our pasts. All I care about is being with you.”

  I felt her tears seep through my t-shirt, and I exhaled roughly, my arms tightening around her. “Marry me, Rose. I can’t let you slip through my fingers again. For real this time, though I want you to know when I put that ring on our finger, I did mean every word.”

  She drew back, her trembling hand touching my cheek. I closed my eyes, the feel of her fingers on my skin nearly setting me on fire. “I’m not going anywhere, Edward,” she breathed. “I love you.”

  “You didn’t answer my question,” I replied gently, bringing my hands up to frame her face, my lips brushing over hers gently. “Will you marry me and live in this crazy place I call life? I’m not in line for the throne anymore, you know. So don’t worry, there’s no chance of being the royal consort… It’s just me.”

  She scrunched up her nose and frowned. “Oh, damn. I better get back in the car then,” she said and went to turn away, but her giggle and playful smile betrayed her before I lost my mind. “That’s perfectly fine with me,” she replied with a laugh before searching my eyes. “Are you okay with that, Edward? Are you truly sure?”

  “I am more than okay with that,” I laughed, my fingers stroking her cheeks. I was never cut out to be the leader of this country. I would leave that task in the very capable hands of my father and eventually my brother. I just wanted to be me, and I wanted her to be by my side.

  “Yes, I will marry you,” she said, pulling me down into a kiss. I groaned and plundered her mouth with my tongue, forgetting how much she had fucking taken over my entire existence. I couldn’t function without her. I couldn’t live without her.

  When we both finally came up for air, I pulled her toward the house. “Come on,” I said, a wolfish smile on my face. “We have some making up to do.”

  She giggled as I led her into the house, her pull on my hand stopping me in my tracks as she looked around the foyer with wonder. “All of this history,” she breathed, looking at me. “I would love to photograph this place one day. It’s gorgeous.”

  “I will take you for a tour later on,” I growled, tugging her along. It had been too damn long since I had tasted her skin, and I wasn’t about to let an ancient house stand in the way of making love to my future wife.

  “You mean it?”

  I looked back at her, trying not to let my sexual frustration show. Her eyes were sparkling with happiness, a glow about her that I hadn’t always seen. It made me feel like the luckiest damn man on the planet, the reality that she was going to be mine fully sinking in. I felt lighter than I had in days, the cloak of regret and some shame shaking loose off me. I had come to terms with how my existence had come about, how my father had been caught between duty to the country and the woman he loved and how much it hurt him to this day. It was a valuable lesson, but I had no intention of making the same mistake.

  I tugged on her hand again, this time not in the direction of the bedroom I had first set out to get to. “Would you like a tour now?”

  She gave me a saucy smile, leaning up against me to kiss at my neck. “No, I can wait. I want you.”

  “Thank god,” I breathed, sweeping her up into my arms. She squealed with laughter and threw her arms around my neck as I strode toward the staircase that led to the bedrooms above.


  Epilogue - Rose


  “Do you think your father will serve this in the palace dining room? That room was simply to die for! I can come cook for him one night if he would like. I know he enjoys a good spaghetti sauce.”

  I rolled my eyes as my mum handed Edward a few jars of frozen spaghetti sauce, wondering who was going to tell her that the future king of England couldn’t really care less about her sauce. Ever since that one night when he had come to tell me what an idiot I was and had dinner in my mum’s house, she sent a bag with us to drop off at the palace every chance she got. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that we were hoarding them in our own freezer so we wouldn’t hurt her feelings. I did, however, serve it a few times that Edward’s father came to dine with us, so much so that he was probably sick of it—though he was polite enough to not say so.

  But as usual, Edward took the bag containing the jars with a smile, leaning down to kiss my mum on her cheek. “Thank you, Mrs. Mathis. I know my father will be excited to get another supply of your wonderful spaghetti sauce.”

  “I, well, I am glad he likes it,” she preened as Edward grabbed my hand, steering me toward the door. “Please extend my invitation to your father to come have the real thing any time. You two have a good night now.”

  I gave her a little wave, and we headed out to the car, hand in hand. The night was beautiful, though there was a slight crispness to the air, reminding me that the wonderful summer was about over. “So,” he said as we climbed into his car, setting the spaghetti sauce carefully on the floor. “What are we going to do with that?”

  “I think you are going to have to tell her,” I said as he gunned the engine and pulled out onto the road. “She will take it much better coming from you.”

  “That’s not fair,” he grumbled, reaching over to hold my hand. “Can’t we just start giving it to the homeless or something?”

  I laughed at his unwillingness to upset my mum, thinking I was the luckiest girl in the world as I interlaced our fingers together and gave his hand a squeeze, never getting tired of the feel of his skin on mine.

  The last two months had been a whirlwind of romance for us. My moving into his flat had truly solidified our relationship to everyone, including the media. Now there were bets on when we were going to get married and where, but honestly, we hadn’t even talked about it. While I couldn’t wait to become his wife, we were just enjoying the here and now.

  Edward was doing many wonderful things at the orphanage, as well, finding that he really enjoyed working in the non-profit world. In fact, the new wing was almost complete, and there would be a huge party to celebrate the fact that there was now plenty of room for the kids to expand their creativity. With his fundraising, we were supplying a place for them to take art and photography classes, including a group of people who were going to donate their time in teaching these kids to prepare for their future. The wing was being named after his mother, and Edward’s father was going to be the one to cut the ribbon on that special day.

  Noticing we weren’t on our way home, I looked over at my fiancé. “Where are we going?” I asked. I was tired and wanted nothing more to have ice cream in bed with the man beside me, maybe even a movie or two before we fell asleep.

  “I’ve got a surprise for you,” he responded, swinging the car into a parking spot. I looked at him, narrowing my eyes. “What kind of surprise? You know I don’t like them.”

  “You will like this one,” he said, kissing our joined hands before prying his loose. “Come on, Rose. Walk on the wild side with me?”

  “I know all about your wild side, mister. But you know I’ll follow you anywhere.” With my heart pounding in my chest, I exited the car and stared up at the building. “Why are we at the museum? Seriously, there better not be some kind of surpris
e party or something going on.”

  Edward grabbed my hand and tugged me up the steps, nodding to the man at the door to let us in. “You’re just going to have to be patient and trust me.”

  I shut my mouth and followed him in, allowing him this moment. I didn’t know what was in this place that would surprise me. I had been here numerous times in my lifetime. Edward tugged me down the hall to the art section, stopping before we reached the door. “I am so fucking proud of you,” he said softly, his beautiful eyes growing soft.

  “For what?” I asked, my heart predictably flipping over as I stared into them, nearly melting into the floor.

  “For being you,” he replied, stepping aside. I gave him a look and stepped in, shock and awe filling my body as I recognised the photos from my trip abroad. They were all on the wall, looking beautiful in the perfect light. With a gasp, I looked at the name plates, seeing my name listed under each one of them.

  “I figured it was high time for you to have your own show,” his voice said behind me. “You’ve held off long enough, Rose.”

  I turned around, looking at him. “How did you do this?”

  “I had some help,” he shrugged. “Your mum and your sister helped get them for me. And the museum curators were more than happy to hang them once they saw your raw talent.”

  “I guess it helps to have in-laws in high places,” I joked.

  “Nope, this is all you. We didn’t push, though my father was ready to lay down the law if they didn’t. But no, Rose, you did this. Your photos deserve to be seen,” he said, reaching for me.

  “I don’t know what to say,” I replied, plucking at the collar of his dress shirt nervously. This was more than I’d ever expected. This was something very special, something that showed he knew me better than anyone else on the planet. This was love.

  “Was I way off on this?” he asked softly, his expression growing dark with concern. “I can get them all taken down, the invites for the opening haven’t gone out yet, and no one will know the difference.”


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