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Page 8

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  “Teamwork is romantic,” Zander coos.

  “Magali is a good lie detector. It’s an impressive gift that could help when you question informants,” I offer.

  Tristan faces his brother, “Perhaps during your nightly visits to the Academy, you could convince her to help us?”

  My mouth falls open as I look at Zander.

  He’s been sneaking back at night to see Magali?

  He looks at me sheepishly. “Don’t be jealous; you know I like her. I won’t apologize for it. You refuse to cuddle with me. I have needs. What did you think was going to happen?”

  As he rants, I just stare at him.

  “I walked in on you kissing my brother,” he fires back, and Tristan takes a menacing step toward him, forcing him to stumble back toward the door. “I’m going. No one declares war until I return.” He points at both of us.

  “Go. We’ll see you later.” Tristan shoves him out.

  “If I don’t see you before I pick you up for the engagement party, wear something revealing,” Zander shouts flippantly from the hall, and Tristan slams the door in his face.

  Turning to face me, Tristan takes a step in my direction and grants me a wicked expression before reaching me.

  I don’t back down from his powerful and intense stare.

  Instead, I lift my chin and meet it, head on.

  “A few more days,” he says. “And then you’re mine, and this whole tempting fate thing we’re doing . . . it ends.”


  I’M UNSURE HOW LONG I’VE STOOD in the doorway, watching her. Even though it’s my house, my prolonged staring is turning into a strained awkwardness. To be honest, I’m so exhausted, I don’t even care. She’s here. In my home.

  Serena takes in a deep breath and I freeze. It’s amazing how one being can invoke such passionate extremes from me. One moment she calms me, and the next, I want to tear off her clothes. Tonight, I just need to be near her.

  Going back to the castle this afternoon and pretending to be interested in flowers, dresses, and place settings—for a wedding I have no interest in going through with—pushed my limits. Especially when there are diplomatic issues in front of me. Oddly, my mother was not present for any of the meetings, which makes me wonder if Zander is right and she’s involved in something bigger than all of us know.

  And dinner? It took all my restraint not to tell Oren to fuck off. Thankfully, he took his daughter and wife back to the water realm for the night, allowing me a much needed and desired moment of peace and quiet.

  “Twenty minutes of lingering is totally creepy,” Serena mutters under her breath, loud enough for me to hear.

  A cocky grin tugs at the side of my mouth.

  She knows I’m here. It shouldn’t surprise me.

  Without a word, I step into the bathroom. Her gaze fastens onto mine as I approach, and my vision skims over her, taking her in. Damn, she’s beautiful. Blowing out a deep breath, I crouch next to the porcelain basin she’s relaxing in.

  “You left the door open, again,” I point out.

  She slowly bats her lashes at me. “I know.”

  I lift both my eyebrows at her admission and play with my brow piercing, gauging her motives. I like this—our game of chess. My hand slides to her face and trickles over her cheek before I lean forward and press a gentle kiss to her forehead.

  “Want to join me?” Her voice is low.

  She doesn’t look away as I stand, kick my boots off, and without removing any of my clothing, slide in with a groan.

  Serena gives me a small grin and shakes her head at me a little, amused. I stare into the endless darkness of her sapphire eyes and it hits me: out of control and obsessive don’t even begin to describe how I feel about her.

  Suddenly, I’m so fucking grateful that I’m the one that gets get to love her. She gives me security and strength.


  “This is becoming a habit.” I wave at the empty bathtub.

  She shrugs. “It turns out, I do my best thinking in here.”

  “Without water? Or bubbles? Or nakedness?”

  The irresistible girl stares at me with a serious expression. “Without water. Or bubbles. Or nakedness.”

  We fall silent again, and I finally feel so damn relaxed.

  A feral smile twists her lips. “Rough day?”

  I pin her with a hard glare, because she knows just how rough it was. I close my eyes and drop my head back, allowing an unhappy sigh to escape. “Yeah, raindrop, it was.”

  My eyes stay closed even when I feel her body shift. She crawls over me, slinking upwards until she finally straddles my lap; her flowery spring scent wraps around me.

  When I feel her breath fall across my lips, one by one my lashes separate as my lids open. When I focus, her dark blue gaze penetrates mine. With a mind of its own, my tongue darts out and I lick the curve of my bottom lip, causing her gaze to drop and lock onto my mouth.

  A pretty pink hue graces her cheeks and I like it. I like that I get under her skin. Fuck. I’m so infatuated with her.

  And when her fierce and wild stare meets mine again, I hold in the animalistic growl that begs to come out. With a knowing smile, one of her soft, delicate hands circles my wrist, while the other undoes the snaps and removes my leather protector bands. I simply watch her, silent.

  She places them carefully on the side of the tub before her hand brings my wrist up and in between us. Without dropping her gaze, her fingers caress the dragon and my pulse kicks at her touch. Lusting after a female protector while I am on the brink of war with my betrothed’s realm is torture. Pure fucking torture. And not the smartest thing.

  Anger festers. I’m furious that either one of us had to be in this situation in the first place. It’s getting harder and harder to stay a step ahead of all the lies and backstabbing.

  My free hand shakes, as I reach up and use my thumb to tilt her head back so her luscious mouth points at me. At my touch, Serena breathes out a soft little sigh, tickling my lips.

  Everything damn thing about her is a test of my will.

  “I’ve missed you,” she whispers.

  I stare at her lips, knowing they’re soft and her taste is sweet. But I don’t kiss her, because if I do, I’ll kiss her like a woman I want and not one I am trying to resist.

  It wouldn’t be right being inside her when I’m not free to love her openly. This time, I want to do things right.

  “What were you thinking about?” I ask, so I don’t tangle my hands in her long auburn hair, pull on it, and use it as leverage to take control of her mouth.

  “Everything. Nothing,” she replies.

  Now that she’s this close, she looks weary. Drained.

  Her fingers stop moving and she shifts on my lap. I hold in a groan from the much wanted friction she’s causing.

  Serena sighs. “My energy is depleted. The elements—” she begins, but stops herself, watching me.

  “Tell me,” I say in a hushed command.

  “It hasn’t rained since you left,” she admits.

  Suddenly I feel like I can’t breathe. Serena just watches me with sagging, tired eyes. How did I not see this before?

  I run my thumb over one of the dark circles and she grants me a solemn smile. She needs the rain to rejuvenate her. Elements give her energy and vitalize her gifts. Shit.

  “Oren is holding the rain hostage from the human realms.” She adds, waiting with caution for my response.

  I blink at her slowly. “He’s what?”

  Her dark eyebrows pull together. “You didn’t know?”

  “No.” My eyes bore into her. “I’ll take care of it. Of him.”

  Her eyes shift. “It’s strange, I didn’t start to feel the effects until our protector bond severed.” Her voice is quiet.

  Serena can’t afford to be weak when there are enemies in every realm and around every dark corner, all of them hoping to end her existence. Protectors need strength.

  I yank my wrist away from
her hand and take her face hard between my hands, forcing her eyes to meet mine.

  “Come with me.” I don’t ask.

  I grab her hips, lifting her out of the tub, and then climb to my feet. Throwing my boots and bracelets back on, I grab her hand and drag her downstairs into the kitchen.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Fixing this shit right now.”

  Releasing her hand, I storm into the kitchen and start opening and closing drawers, slamming them roughly in the process because I don’t know where the hell anything is. My housekeeper, Maria, is the only one ever in here.

  “Tristan,” Serena says, trying to get my attention.

  I ignore her.

  When I get to the last drawer, I see the blade.

  Taking it out, I turn and face her. Her eyes drift to the steel knife and widen, before granting me a lopsided smile.

  “Killing me won’t work. I’m too tired to train, or cook.”

  Ignoring her snark, I motion to the pool table. “Sit.”

  She tilts her head, assessing me. “Is that an order?”


  “I don’t take orders.”

  I press my lips together and wait her stubbornness out.

  After a moment of regarding me, Serena shoots me a curious look, walks over and sits on the felt, watching as I approach. With my knee, I push open her legs and step between them, leaning into her space, flustering her.

  “Do you trust me?”

  “In theory,” she fires back.

  “Then open your palm.”

  She casts me a look and hesitates for a moment before presenting me with her closed left fist. One by one, she slowly uncurls her fingers and flattens her hand.

  I grab it hard, so that she can’t take it back or flinch.

  I hold her gaze. “This is going to sting, but trust me.”

  She nods a little and I lift the knife. I run the sharp point over her palm, the skin spreading and the crimson liquid rising to the surface.

  Noiselessly she flinches, but holds my eyes.

  I release her hand and flash her a naughty grin. While holding the knife in one hand, I grab the back of my shirt with the other, between my shoulder blades, and yank it off, exposing my chest.

  Serena’s breath hitches and her eyes drop to my stomach, then roam back up to my chest, landing on my protector tattoo.

  Without a second thought I bring the blade up to the two lions outlined within the yin-yang protector symbol and make a small incision on one of the lion’s chests.

  Placing the knife on the table, I take in the awed look on Serena’s face. My thumb runs over her pursing lips.

  “Eyes up here, raindrop,” I demand.

  She gives me a fierce look, which makes me smile because I know she understands what I’m doing and approves. Holding her gaze, I take her hand, now dripping with her blood, place it over my tattoo, and press it down.

  Her eyes fall to our hands, as she watches our mixed blood run through the intricate design. The crimson liquid turns it from black to red as our link reconnects.

  I ignore the rush of energy as our protector tendrils tether themselves to each other again. My face tightens when Serena’s emotions slam into me. Suddenly, she’s everywhere in me once more. In every dark corner and crevice, her presence weaves itself around me. Invading.

  We are both breathing hard and both flushed. Her eyes turn a deep sapphire, but flecks of cognac dust the interior. When the tattoo returns to its normal black color, our link is complete, finally allowing us both to breathe easier.

  Serena releases a little gasp of surprise when the dark gray tendrils we share wrap around us, healing both her wound and mine. A gargoyle gift—once bonded, protectors can heal one another. Normally, you can’t see the tendrils, but now, we can, which triggers this fierce desire to protect and claim her. To make her mine and only mine.

  I lift my hands and cup her cheeks, running my thumbs over the healthy pink hue dusting them, as I watch the dark circles that haunted her eyes fade away.

  “Better?” I rasp out.

  She searches my eyes and simply nods.

  Things deep inside of me roar and awaken from where they slumbered as I stare at her lips, wanting to devour her.

  All I want to do is stay in this moment—where all I feel, see, and taste is her. Her heartbeat. And her breath.

  I lean in to take her lips. My pulse is thundering in my ears so loudly I almost miss what she says. Almost.

  “What is that?” she asks, gripping my right arm, pulling me closer and twisting it to inspect my newest tattoo.

  A slim, pretty woman adorns my upper arm. She’s outlined in black and shaded in grays. Her face is beautiful and her petite body is seated, framed by two large gargoyle wings behind her, lifting to the sky. A flowing dress covers her, but shows her bare legs and arms.

  The girl is holding a raindrop in her palms.

  I got it when I returned to the realm. It was supposed to be a reminder of Serena, because even though I couldn’t have her, I wanted her with me. Always. Now she knows.

  I fall silent, letting her inspect the design. The bite of her fingernails presses into the skin and then disappears.

  “Is that me?” she asks softly.

  Her eyes bore into mine when our gazes lock.

  I lift my shoulder and let it fall. Suddenly uncomfortable and nervous. Does she like it, or is she pissed? The damn gargoyle is infuriatingly hard to figure out.

  As if hearing my thoughts, she takes my hand and places the palm at the base of her neck, allowing me to read her.

  I step closer. Her hips arch to meet mine as she wraps her legs around me. When the fullness between my legs lines up perfectly with the softness between hers, I’m gone.

  “It’s you, raindrop,” I reply hoarsely.

  Her eyes drift back to the tattoo of her before sliding over to the protector one, and then rise to meet mine.

  One heartbeat. That’s all that it takes before my lips touch hers. And before I even consider what I’m doing, I’m kissing her. My hands glide up and tangle into her hair.

  The way her mouth moves across mine makes the world falling apart around me disappear. There is no unwanted betrothal. No realms on the brink of war. No dark army hunting. There’s just this fucking amazing woman whimpering as I stroke her tongue with my own.

  Serena meets each stroke of my lips. She takes everything I push at her, allowing me to ravish her. Take from her. My hands roughly jerk her hair back, and she gasps, her head falling back farther as I dive deeper into her mouth.

  When her hands reach for the button on my jeans, it’s like someone doused me with cold water, and I slowly come back to reality. I grab them to stop her, as she sits up.

  I stumble back away from her like she’s on fire. Both of us are breathing hard as her questioning gaze meets mine.

  Catching my breath, I step back between her legs. Cupping one side of her head with one hand, I cradle the top of her head with the other as I plant a gentle kiss on her forehead.

  “I’m not rejecting you.”


  “No,” I confirm.

  Her hands wrap around my waist, guiding me closer.

  “Why did you stop? I want you. This. Us,” she pants.

  I swallow and gather my thoughts. “We just reopened a shared link and our emotions are all over the place. This isn’t how I want this to happen this time. Not again.”

  She looks around, confused. “I don’t want to wait.”

  My heart is racing and I need to calm it down. I take her face between my hands and tilt her head so she’s looking at me directly in the eyes. “When we do this again, it should be without worrying about our bonds, our oaths, or our uncertain futures. I don’t want anything hanging over our heads.” I lean toward her neck and brush my nose over it, inhaling deeply. “I just want it to be about me and you.”

  With a sigh, she slides her eyes closed and unwraps her legs from around me. �
�I really hate it when you adult.”

  A dark chuckle escapes me. “Adult?”

  “Yes. Make grown-up decisions and leave me hanging.”

  Not liking her tone, I bend at the knees so I am at eye level with her. “I will never leave you hanging. On my honor.”

  “Me neither, champ,” my brother’s voice cuts into our moment. “I leave for a few hours and when I return you’re half naked, with my girl sprawled out on the pool table.”

  “I’m not sprawled out,” Serena counters, handing me my shirt. I put it back on, watching as he approaches us.

  Zander picks up the blade, waving it between us.


  I snatch it away from him with an annoyed, angry glare.

  “You’re back early,” Serena states.

  “Aw, did you miss me?” he coos.

  “Back off,” I warn, pivoting on my heels to take the knife into the kitchen, and slamming it harshly into the sink.

  “You might want to wash that off before Maria gets here tomorrow,” Zander suggests.

  A frustrated noise gurgles from my mouth.

  Zander laughs. “What did you do to him?”

  Serena frowns. “Nothing.”

  “Exactly!” he replies. “This kind of nothing leads to alone, naughty shower time. Remember, I’m the brother who actually will take you on that pool table. You picked the dark and broody one. Care to change your mind now?”

  She hops off the pool table and straightens her shirt. With a pretty smile, she lifts her hand and flips Zander off.

  “For the record, Magali is teaching me sign language. That—that is not nice,” he pouts.

  “Speaking of Magali, did you find anything out?” I ask.

  Zander shrugs, sulking. “I learned she loves french fries and mayo. Isn’t that gross? I mean, who the hell dips fries in mayonnaise?” he replies. “This might end us.”

  I don’t react, only stare back at him like he’s crazy, because he is. He’s also pushing on the last of my nerves.

  “He meant about Oren and Ophelia,” Serena steps in.

  “Laven’s informant wasn’t able to tell us much. Laven suggested we speak to Aoife,” he replies, catching my eye.

  “Who is Effay?” Serena asks.


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