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Rock On: A Heavy Metal Romance (Slava Pasha Series Book 1)

Page 4

by A. D. Herrick

  “I just don’t want you to feel like I’ve taken advantage of you. That’s not what this is.” Shep started to explain fear and panic thick in his voice. I held out my hand to stop him. “Shepard, just stop... This was a good fuck. A consensual one at that… We are all good. NSA, No Strings Attached. I don’t expect any more than that. You did nothing wrong. I wanted this too.” I said exasperated. Shep let out a breath of relief. “You mean that? Like you’re cool with what just went down? Like we can be friends still and this won’t come between us?” he asked doubtfully.

  “Shepard, I don’t do relationships. I’m not girlfriend material and I don’t pretend to be. I like to fuck. Yeah, I won’t lie. But I don’t do relationships and I don’t do commitment.” I explained. Shep looked relieved and finally smiled. “So, what…? Do we pretend this didn’t happen and just be ourselves?” He asked hopefully. I laughed. “Yes, we just be ourselves and be cool. You men are so weird. Plus, I’m sure you don’t want my brother finding out. I know I sure don’t.” I said teasingly and laughed. Shep looked shocked. “I think you are the coolest chick I have ever met. And I’m not telling your brother a damn thing” He said in earnest. “No shit, that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you, ass.” I said, laughing I gave his shoulder a teasing shove.

  We gave each other the once over and declared one another fit for public. Shep looked at his watch. “Shit, dude, we have to run. We have been gone for four hours.” Shep said eyes wide in disbelief. “Oh Fuck! I’m so dead!” I agreed in horror. We took off running to the Jeep. The drive back to the convention center with filled with us bitching, moaning and whining about how dead we were both going to be. When we reached the Convention center Shep threw the Jeep in park, we jumped out and ran down the halls to the lounge like our ass was on fire.

  When we entered the lounge Shep came to a screeching halt. I was behind him and smashed right into his back. Pissed at the sudden stop I shoved him hard. “Asshole, warn a girl first.” I bitched and then looked around Shep to see what caused his sudden stop. Nine angry sets of eyes glared at us. FUCK!

  Chapter Five

  I pushed Shep aside roughly and stepped in front of him. “Where the fuck were you?” Nik roared his face red with anger, his hand were balled up in fist at his side, he was wound tight and I was afraid he might burst. He was definitely livid. Shep’s hand reached and grabbed my shoulder as he attempted to pull me behind him in a protective manor. Bless the guy. I shrugged him off as gently as I could without looking like a bitch. Standing up to my full height of 5’2 I squared my shoulders and mentally prepared myself to go toe to toe with my brother and anyone else that dare interfere. “Nikolia, I am a grown woman. I will do as I please. I am not a child. So you sit your fucking ass down and shut the fuck up. If you or anyone else has an issue with this you can speak now but I can’t promise you that you will be happy with the results.” I deadpanned.

  Nik glared at me. He was seething. Serves him right for ditching me. “Tink, we were just worried about you.” Tosha said gently fearful of my wrath. “The fuck you were, Tosh. “ I glared at him. “You left me for fucking hours while you did what you wanted and expected me to sit in my room like a child in punishment. You must all be ate up with stupid on a whole new level.” I spit out at him. My brothers looked down with shame his anger quickly forgotten. “Shep took me out to get a bite to eat and drinks; we had a good time, that’s more than I can say for any of you.” I looked each of my brothers over.

  All nine guys looked sheepish. Though I didn’t blame the four others guys, Kevin being one of them. I didn’t know them and they had zero responsibility to me. I guess they felt guilty because they were with my brothers. I also tend to have that effect on people. “And have the fucking decency to wipe the fucking lipstick off your faces and necks. You guys look like a group of teen boys who took turns with the neighborhood’s whore.” I said with disgust. “Tink, It’s not what you think.” Ivan said trying to explain. I pointed a finger at him “Ivan, shut your dick trap. I don’t give a fuck who or what any of you screw. But I will not have you hide me away while you get your jollies off. What if I wanted to get some dick? What? Do I have to be deprived this whole tour because you don’t want me to know you have a room full of floozies spreading their legs while you run a train on them? I’m not a child. Don’t get me twisted.” I said with a sneer.

  My brothers looked shocked and then pissed at the idea of me getting laid, but they didn’t comment on my remark. They would just have to get over it. I am a grown woman. I can get dick just as much as they get pussy. “Myshka, we will do better.” Kiev said looking slightly embarrassed. “I don’t want you to change who you are or what you do. I want you to accept who I am and let me do what I do. I’m not a child Zvezda moya my gold.” I said tenderly. My brothers all conceded thankfully. Shep stepped up beside me and have me a sideways half hug. “Okay, so now that the excitement has died down, anyone up for a beer?” he said with false bravado trying to break the tension. A chuckle came from someone in the group and all of the guys began to nod their head in agreement.

  I rode in the van with my brothers following a convoy of cars to some club one of the other guys suggested. Our van was pretty quiet for the ride. It seemed like the tension had mostly left and the guys were coming to grasps with the fact that I was grown and not going to let them boss me around and hide me from everything. I mean honestly, I support them in anything but drugs and I don’t think any of them have done more than the occasional dabble. Now that the thought has crossed my mind I make a mental note to keep an eye out.

  The club we came to was hopping. There was a good techno beat and the dance floor was packed. The guys found us a table and a handful of them go to get our drinks. Nik pulled me aside and gave me a full hug, squeezing me tight against him. I return the hug with as much enthusiasm before we broke apart. “I’m sorry, I was just so worried when I couldn’t find you and I couldn’t reach you on your phone.” He explained a pained look on his face. I know it hurts him as much as it does me when we fight. “I’m sorry for worrying you. I just couldn’t stay locked up in that tiny room, Zvyozdochka little star.” Squeeze him in an embrace. “I think you terrified the other guys.” He chuckles in mirth, the tension and worry that etched his face leaving. “Hey, they are heavy metal rockers; surely they can handle a scolding from a tiny lil ol’ thing like me.” I tease giving him a wink. This made him laugh harder. “You may be tiny, Tink, but you’re also scary as hell.” Nik said between his laughter. I smirk up at him. “It’s part of my charm.’ I sass. He grabbed my hand and led me back to the table.

  We took a few shots; I could definitely feel the warm buzz the alcohol sent through my body. With the boys engrossed in conversation, I slunk off to the dance floor. I threw my hands in the air, tilted my head back and close my eyes. I let the music take over. I can dance to any type of music. My parents forced dance classes down my throat my whole life. They prayed my brothers rough and tumble ways would not rub off on me. While they did not disapprove of Nik in any way, they wanted me to be a dainty lady; unfortunately for them, I was as much like my brother as I was a lady.

  I sway my hips and relax into the beat. I felt someone come up from behind; he put his hands on my hips and danced along with me. I could tell it was not one of the guys. This guy was not tall enough and I could feel his robust stomach against my back. Momentarily stunned and repulsed, my steps falter slightly. I hate when guys just grab onto you and start dancing with you, especially if they are not my type. What can I say; I’m just as shallow as the next woman. The only difference is I have no problem admitting it.

  The man became more brazen and tried to pull me in closer. I snapped my head straight and opened my eyes. Ugh, time to work on my exit. I tried to dance out of his hands but his grip tightened as he pulled me in tighter. Before I could react I heard Kevin’s voice above the music. “Hey Baby, there you are. I have the drink you wanted.” He placed his hand on my shoulder and guided me out of E
l Creepos grip. El Creepo didn’t try to hold on to me any longer. I’m quite sure he was intimidated by Kevin’s heights and size, not to mention the glower on Kevin’s face as he stared daggers into the guy. Relieved, I sunk into Kevin and wrap my arm around his waist; Kevin’s arm went around my shoulder protectively as he guided me back to our table. “Thank you.” I told him humbly as we walked to the table. “No worries.” He said shrugging, brushing it off.

  Thankfully no one else had noticed the predicament I was in, at least no one mentioned it, so I don’t think anyone but Kevin noticed. I saddle up on the seat and take a sip of the drink Kevin set down for me. We all drank and chatted like old friends. I learned that Shep, Kevin and the rest of their band mates Derick, Evan, and Gerome aka G, are all in the band Dark Tide and will be at most of the same venues with us. We will be co headlining which is a big deal.

  I’m excited to be doing shows with these guys because these guys are pretty awesome and honestly I would love to know what Kevin is working with. Yeah, I did just fuck Shep tonight, but I am not tied to him so his buddy is fair game. I just hope Shep doesn’t get pissy. There is nothing more annoying than a man upset because someone else got to sample the goods. I’m all about free love. We all exchanged numbers before the night was out, since we will be playing at the next venue together, in Kansas City, Kansas. God I hope we get to fly out. I don’t think I could stand that long of a trip in the van.

  Chapter Six

  When we got to the hotel I trudge my way to my room, waving good night to the guys before stumbling into my room. Dark Tide is staying at the same hotel and on the same floor as us. I guess they like to keep all their special guest grouped together. Considering the reputation for rockers it was also probably a measure they take to ensure other guest won’t be bothered and that if any of the rooms were destroyed they could block off the area for repairs without being too obvious. Thankfully my brothers weren’t those kinds of rockers. I got the feeling that the guys of Dark Tide weren’t either.

  Exhausted from the day’s events, I stripped off my clothes and made my way into the bathroom for a much needed shower. I took my time soaking in the hot water and scrub off the evidence of mine and Shep’s fun. I even took the time to shave before stepping out. I dried off my body and slather myself in lotion. Nothing is sexier than smooth skin. I brushed my teeth and head out of the bathroom, shutting off the light behind me.

  I heard a faint knock at my door. I quickly grabbed an oversized t-shirt from my bag and yanked it on as I make my way to the door. Opening the door a crack I saw Kevin’s frame leaning against the door jam. He looked side to side nervously. “Everything okay…?” I whispered out to him. Kevin looked down at me and gave me a sexy smile. I swear, if I were wearing panties, they would have fallen right off. “Care for some company?” Kevin whispered back and wagged his eyebrows at me suggestively.

  I opened the door wider and reached out to him with my free hand; grabbing him by his shirt I yanked him in the room. Kevin kicked the door shut and descended upon me. His lips pressed against mine in a hungry kiss. He pulled away and his hands went to my shoulders. He caressed down my arms as he looked deeply into my eyes, I stared back into his, willing him to continue. His hands reached the hem of my shirt, in a swift practiced motion he pulls it off, leaving me bare to him. My breath caught in my throat, arousal coursed through me.

  I reached out grasping the hem of his shirt and pull it up over his head. His hands came around me as he picks me up in his arms, carrying me to the bed. He dropped me on the bed gently; I immediately got to my knees. My arms reach out and around his neck as I dragged his lips back to mine. I ran my tongue along his lower lip begging them to part. Kevin complied and I slipped my tongue into his mouth and caressed his tongue with mine. As our tongues dance Kevin swiftly removed his pants and gripped me around the waist pulling me farther up on the bed as he climbed in with me.

  He laid me back, his body covering mine. His hands explored the curves of my body as he hungrily ate at my mouth. A groan escaped his lips which heightened my arousal. My hips jerked up to meet his as I rolled my body in waves beneath him. I could feel the slickness of my arousal between my legs, his hard cock pressed against my leg. He is HUGE. Kevin kneaded and caressed my breast with one hand as his other hand made its way down to my wet pussy. I moaned against him and he deepened the kiss.

  Kevin pulled himself up on his knees breaking the kiss. He began to trail kisses down my body, nipping my sensitive skin between wet kisses. Each kiss brings goose bumps up along my wanton skin, each nip sending a zing excitement through my core, I writhed beneath him.

  His hot breath across my nipple caused it to perk up into a hard bud. He rolled it round on his tongue while pinching the other one between his fingers mimicking the motion of his mouth, rolling it between his fingers. “…Please…” I begged gasping for breath. His skilled fingers lightly stroked up and down my wet folds with his other hand, spreading my juices. I arched up, urging him to enter me. “Please what?” He asked in his deep gravelly voice laden with lust and desire.

  His lips daftly make their way farther south, across my flat toned stomach, to the top of my mound. Teasingly he laid butterfly kisses along my mound making me squirm. “Please fuck me.” I begged just above a whisper. “Not yet.” He replied, his voice deep and husky with want, into my mound. The hot air from his words sent a shiver through me; I moaned and pitched forward, my hands digging into his hair, urging his mouth where I want it.

  Kevin’s hands grip my hips; he spread my legs wide open, baring my pussy to him, his tongue flicked across my wet pussy and teased my bean. I moaned out his name, he sucked my bean between his lips and rolled it around on his tongue, his hand firmly holding my hips down as I writhed beneath him, my wet pussy craved more of him. He released one of my hips, trailing his fingers across the milky white skin of my thigh, His fingers made their way slowly toward my eager wet pussy. I feel his finger at my entrance as he teases my folds while he rolls my bean around on his tongue. It drove me crazy with need. My lips parted as he slid his finger in my entrance, slowly fucking me at first. The tempo increased, I moaned his name louder, thrusting up to meet him. He inserted a second finger fucking me harder, he flicked his tongue back and forth across my bean he has sucked it in his mouth and I shattered around his fingers. My slick wet channel clinching his fingers tightly.

  Kevin moaned his delight into my pussy, he withdrew his fingers, reaching them up to my lips, and I took them in my mouth and sucked my juices off. Kevin’s eyes cloud over with desire as he watched me.

  As if a switch has been flipped he pulled my body down roughly to him and buried his cock in me in one smooth thrust, he is buried deep and a scream escaped my lips at the fullness. His lips clamped down on mine to silence me as he fucked me deep and hard, his weight balanced on his forearms that rested at either side of my head. I wrapped my hands around his back, my nails digging into his tender skin. I held on to him as I thrust my hips up to meet his every stroke. I could feel him hitting my cervix and it turned me on even more. I had never felt to full before. My juices leaked out between us coating our thighs, helping him to slide deeper and deeper with ease.

  My pussy clinched around his hard cock as he pounded into me. He let out an animalistic growl which spurred me on more. My hips bucked up wildly. His hands wrapped around the top of my shoulder, holding me in place, he picked up speed pounding into me harder and deeper. Unable to hold back any longer I turned my head and bit into Kevin’s arm to avoid screaming as my orgasm hit like an explosion. My pussy pulsed and clinched around Kevin’s cock and I could feel him swell inside of me, I couldn’t believe it got even larger. Kevin let out a loud roar as he exploded inside of me. His seed sprayed across my insides, another orgasm is ripped from me, causing me to bite down on his flesh again. He either didn’t notice or didn’t care. Kevin’s thrust slowed as my pussy continued to milk him. He rested his forehead against mine. We stayed like that until we could both
get our breathing under control. I kissed the marks I left on his arm. Kevin wrapped his arms around me as he rolled us to our sides. I fit perfectly cradled against his massive chest. His flaccid cock slipped from my pussy. I closed my eyes and rested my head against his chest. Exhausted from the long day I had and the amazing sex, I drifted off to sleep.

  The next morning I wake up alone, the blankets pulled up over me. I roll onto my back and stretch out smiling to myself. This is a life I could easily get used to. My phone buzzes on the night stand, my prayers are answered, no traveling squished up in a van today for this girl. Nik text me and informs me that not only will we be flying out, but that Dark Tide will be flying with us. I am beyond excited. We will have three days and two nights in Kansas before we head out again. Damon text me to tell me that this is a lax schedule and that once things start heating up we will be doing shows back to back most nights. Apparently we will be doing not only a US tour but also some international shows. I am actually excited. I thought that two months was going to be pure drudgery but so far I think it’s going to be a cake walk.

  I roll out of bed and head to the bathroom. I am in need of a long hot shower. When I get out of the shower I hear a knock at the door. Still in my towel I trudge to the door and answer it. Shep is standing there his forearm braced against the head of the door. I swear he is sex on a stick. And even though I’ve had him already once last night and Kevin Early this morning, I want him again. He gives me a dopey lopsided smile. I can’t help but to smile back. “You alone…?” He asks. “Yeah...” I reply confused as my brows furrow together.

  Shep rushes in and grabs me around the waist, hoisting me up. He kicks the door shut with his foot and tosses me on the bed. Before I can protest he is on me. His lips lock with mine and I don’t fight him. He rips the towel off of me and begins to kiss down my body. My hips arch up to meet him. He makes his way down between my thighs, teasing me with kisses and nipping at my goods. I release a moan and that’s all it takes for him to bury his face between my legs, eating me like I was a feast before him. My hips buck up and I dig my fist in his hair urging him on. His tongue circles my bean, flicking and sucking. I come apart in his mouth. Shep uses his tongue to clean my pussy while he makes short work of his pants. Before I know it, his lips are on mine and I can taste myself on him. The taste of his mouth combined with my juices has me even more aroused. I pull him into me and kiss him harder our tongues and teeth clashing. Shep spears me with his thick juicy cock and I moan in response. I’m still sore from the rough sex I had with Kevin just hours before but Shep has me so worked up, I push the pain aside.


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