Book Read Free

Glass Ceilings

Page 22

by Alicia Hope

  Claire put down her glass and wiped her hands before opening the box. She gave a long whistle. ‘Oh, wow, this is gorgeous!’

  ‘Yes, I have to give the man that, he has good taste.’ Verity smiled sombrely.

  ‘But ... marriage? Colour me gob-smacked!’

  ‘That makes two of us.’

  ‘He proposed ... at your meeting, yesterday?’

  Verity nodded, and it occurred to Claire that Royce’s choice of venue, though a tad unromantic for a marriage proposal, was a clever one. Verity would have felt more vulnerable, and may have been less receptive, if he’d tried a lovey-dovey approach away from the office.

  ‘So,’ she said, sounding awe-struck, ‘he doesn’t just have feelings for you ... he’s in love with you!’

  ‘So he says.’

  ‘Way to go to hit you with the big M right out of the blue!’

  ‘Well, he said he wanted to make his intentions clear from the start.’ Verity reached out a tentative fingertip to touch the ring, which glittered lovingly under the down lights. ‘He told me to think it over, and said we could have as long an engagement as I want.’

  ‘Wow!’ Claire breathed again. ‘That sounds like a good option to me, and very fair-minded, if not overly romantic. But then, you’re not the flowers-n-chocolates type, and I don’t think he is either.’ She handed the box back to Verity, who looked at it and chuckled.

  ‘Yes, well this proposal is actually more my style, and in stark contrast to David’s go-the-whole-hog approach, remember that? He dropped to his knees in the street in front of the whole neighbourhood, while a sky-writer wrote “Marry Me” above us. I was embarrassed by all the fuss, and felt pressured to give him my answer. And what was I going to say, standing there surrounded by his family, friends and neighbours, “Thanks, but no thanks”? How small would that have made him feel?’

  Verity still held the open box in her hand. She watched the stones in the ring glistening with every movement.

  ‘So, what are you going to do this time?’

  Verity ran a hand over her eyes and said fretfully, ‘I have no idea. But at least there’s not the public pressure with this one.’

  ‘Yeah, that does make it easier. But it still comes down to this, do you know how you feel about Royce?’

  ‘Well ... I ... sort of. But you’re right, Claire, this proposal was unexpected, to say the least, and I’m totally out of my depth.’

  Claire could see her friend needed help. ‘OK, well, let’s pretend this is a business deal.’

  Verity raised her head. ‘A business deal?’

  ‘Yeah, you’re great with them, and the principles are the same.’

  Verity frowned uncertainly, ‘But—’

  ‘But nothing. You’re more comfortable talking business than personal, right?’


  ‘OK, then, here’s the scenario. Let’s say another company has submitted a merger proposal.’

  ‘Um ... alright.’ Verity was still cautious, but could feel herself calming down as the conversation settled into familiar territory.

  ‘And let’s say under the terms of the merger you can take it or leave it, there’s no pressure brought to bear either way, and that even when you agree to it verbally, you can withdraw your agreement at any time prior to the merger coming into effect.’

  ‘OK, you’re making it sound good, but how do I know this merger will benefit my company?’

  ‘It’s like any business proposal. You have some time to envisage its long term advantages, and to decide how to proceed, but you won’t truly realise its benefits until it’s a done deal.’

  ‘Well then, without any guarantees, I probably wouldn’t go for it.’

  ‘So explain to me why you backed Royce’s expansion proposal?’

  Verity sighed. ‘I had a gut feeling it’d be a good move for RCL, so I did some research and analyses, and they indicated the advantages would ultimately outweigh the disadvantages. But that’s just part of the feasibility study for any new project. What does it have to do with this merger scenario of yours?’

  ‘I guess in this instance there’s only limited research you can do, so there’s a leap of faith element ... but you have to admit the long term benefits could easily make the risk worthwhile?’ When Verity didn’t say anything, Claire delivered her trump card. ‘And although analyses may not work in this situation with Royce, your gut feeling—or your heart—certainly will. It has probably the most important part to play in this decision.’

  She eyed Verity intently. ‘So what is it telling you? Is it saying “yes”, or “no” to his “merger” proposal?’

  Verity’s brow creased, but she finally gave a hesitant nod of her head.

  Claire swallowed an astonished gasp. That response was a bit unexpected. She’d assumed Verity would continue refusing to acknowledge her feelings.

  Royce must have really gotten to her.

  She hastily went on, ‘Then why not give it a shot? Have a long engagement. Get to know him properly. Take your time deciding if you want to give marriage another try.’ She took the velvet box from Verity again. ‘But please, Verity, do yourself a favour. Stop looking for excuses and just put this on,’ and she took the ring out and slipped it onto Verity’s ring finger.

  It fit perfectly.

  Verity stared at the diamonds dancing in the light as she moved her fingers. She felt trance-like and couldn’t speak for a while. When she finally forced herself to look up, she said defiantly, ‘Well, that’s all very well, Claire, but what’s the point in becoming engaged to Royce when he’s going to head overseas soon, to take up the chairman’s position?’

  ‘Does he have to go over there to do the job?’

  ‘I believe so, it’s an international posting. Certainly all the other chairmen have been based there.’

  ‘Did you ask him about that?’

  ‘Yes, and he said he had it all worked out.’

  ‘There, you see.’

  ‘But I don’t think you see, Claire.’ Verity gave an impatient shake of her head. ‘He won’t risk such a prestigious appointment, he’ll expect me to give up my job so I can go over there with him.’ Her lips drew together into a mutinous line. ‘And that’s not gonna happen. I’m not sacrificing my hard-won career again, not for anyone.’

  Claire could see from the stubborn set of Verity’s face that further argument would be pointless. She’d done all she could to help, it was up to Royce now. She finished her wine and reached over to give her friend a hug.

  ‘Well, whatever you decide, I’ll always be here, no matter what. And probably on my own, the way my love life’s going! Although I do have a date tonight. Well, not really a date. I’ve convinced Jim Stowe to come to the movies with me. He’s been moping around the office lately, so I thought a dose of “Toy Story” might cheer him up. It’s getting rave reviews, and is meant to be really funny. It’s either that, or “Dead Man Walking”, which might not be such a great choice.’

  At Verity’s raised brows, Claire giggled and said, ‘Now I’d better head off so you’ve got time to get ready before Royce arrives.’

  After Claire left, the villa was quiet, as though it too was brooding. But brooding was getting her nowhere, Verity decided.

  He’ll be here any minute and I’m not ready. Not dressed, not composed, and no closer to knowing what my answer will be.

  She jumped to her feet and rocked her chair back from the table, coming close to knocking over a vase of flowers on the dresser behind. When she hastily grabbed the vase and settled it again, the combination of rose and jasmine blooms wafted their perfume at her, transporting her to Loquacious Island. Memories flooded her mind, of her encounter with Royce on their last night there.

  He’d been trying to tell her something, but she hadn’t let him, so he’d kissed her, and unleashed the turmoil that had been her constant companion ever since. And she’d run away, fearful of what was happening between them. With a sigh, she realised she couldn’
t escape him this time, he was a determined man with a mission.

  But did she really want to escape him?

  It was time she faced it. She had feelings for Royce. He was never far from her thoughts any more.

  But does that mean I’m letting emotions rule my life again? Look where that got me last time. I sacrificed everything in an attempt to save a union that was doomed from the beginning. And it ended with me having to rebuild my life, and myself.

  She looked at her watch and exhaled sharply, before racing up to her bedroom to get ready. She was about to jump in the shower when she noticed she was still wearing Royce’s ring. As she went to slip it off, it occurred to her that having it encircling her wedding finger, like the bright embodiment of a promise, felt comfortable, and right. But her mind reeled.

  Why would I risk taking that path again, despite what my heart’s telling me? It gave me bad advice last time, so why fall for that old chestnut again?

  But she didn’t remove the ring. She told herself she didn’t want to risk dropping it down the drain hole, and being unable to return it to Royce.

  When she’d finished showering she wrapped herself in a fluffy towel, and padded over to the wardrobe. She opened the door and gave a frustrated sigh.

  What does a girl wear to a ‘date’ like this?

  Her eyes fell on the body dress in midnight blue she’d bought recently. She took it out and ran her eyes over it assessingly. It had a wide boat neck and long, fitted sleeves loosely gathered at the wrists with delicate ribbons. Made from figure-hugging jersey, with a wide satin frill running from each side of the waist to an open V at the knee-length hem, it was very stylish and feminine. She recalled the boutique’s assistant enthusing that ‘... this dress is spot-on for vampy corporate events or cocktail parties’, but Verity had bought it simply because she liked it.

  Her ears picked up the sounds of footsteps along the path, and her pulse quickened. The steps kept going past her gate, thankfully, but she knew the next ones would be Royce’s. She hurriedly pulled on a pair of lacy boy-leg panties, matching bra, and silken almost-black stockings. When she slipped the new dress over her head, it slid onto her body as though she was the designer’s mannequin.

  Giving her hair a quick brush, she piled it on top of her head, leaving a few tendrils to dance around her face and neck. She put some diamond studs in her ears, gave herself a spray of her favourite scent, and hurriedly made up her face. With her clear complexion, she needed only to apply a sweep of mascara to her long lashes, a dash of bronze to her cheeks, and some peach gloss to her full lips. Finally, she slipped her feet into a pair of high-heeled sling-backs, and checked the mirror. She was surprised to see, despite all the haste, an elegant, well-dressed woman looking back at her.

  And right on cue, she heard a purposeful tread on the pathway outside, and the squeak of her courtyard gate. She gasped and quickly slipped the ring off her finger and put it back into its box.

  Royce had arrived.

  ‘Madame, this comes to you with the compliments of your dinner companion.’ The Maitre d’ bowed and handed her a single, long-stemmed rose. Verity smiled graciously at Royce and accepted the gift. She raised the bloom to her nose and breathed in its sweet perfume.

  ‘And may I add that it is good to see you both at my little establishment again.’ The Maitre d’ bowed once more and tactfully left.

  He had personally greeted Royce and Verity on their arrival, and showed them to their table. They were once again on their own in the private Watermark room, only this time there had been particular care taken to create a special atmosphere. With the down lights dimmed, the candlelight from the central sliver candelabra cast a flickering golden glow over the table and its occupants. Soft jazz played soothingly in the background, and strategically placed fan palms in decorative pots screened their table from anyone looking through the windows.

  Verity felt lulled by the delightful atmosphere, and Royce appeared reluctant to break the spell he’d concocted so carefully. But break it he did, with his next words.

  ‘I see you’re not wearing the ring.’

  Verity regarded him levelly. ‘You said you wouldn’t pressure me.’

  ‘I’m not, I’m just ...,’ and he laughed at himself, ‘an impatient buggar, I suppose.’

  Verity couldn’t help smiling at the Royce sitting opposite her, who was so different from the Royce she’d thought she knew. She stiffened though, when he reached across the table to take her left hand. He studied her ring finger intently, stroking it with his thumb. She felt sparks shooting up her arm and into her core, and carefully withdrew her hand. This was not the time to lose control.

  He sat back and studied her silently.

  ‘Royce, I ... think we should talk ... about what happened today.’


  ‘While I’m flattered by your offer—’

  ‘Verity, before you say anything more, I want to clarify a point I made earlier.’

  She shut her mouth with a snap. She’d been this close to getting those words out....

  ‘You asked how this could work—how we could work—with me in the States and you over here.’

  She nodded cautiously.

  ‘And I told you I had it sorted, but you didn’t seem convinced.’

  ‘That’s right, I wasn’t and I’m still not. Relationships are hard enough without the additional strain of distance, so—’

  ‘Yes, but ours wouldn’t be a distance relationship.’

  ‘Oh, right, here it comes,’ she drawled sourly, nodding with conviction. ‘It wouldn’t be a distance relationship because you want me to give up my job, and follow you—’

  ‘Hang on, what gave you that idea? Why would I want that? I know how important your career is to you.’


  ‘I’d never ask that of you.’ Royce took her hand again, and this time she didn’t pull away.

  His words, and his expression, were filling her head, her chest, and her whole body with warmth.

  ‘No, what I’ve done is make my acceptance of the chairman position conditional upon my being able to remain based at RCL, and undertaking the duties from there.’

  Verity gasped and her free hand flew to her mouth. Royce grinned at her shocked reaction.

  ‘But Royce, this is your career you’re playing fast-n-loose with! And such a prestigious posting! I can’t believe you’d risk that for, f-for—’

  ‘Verity, I’d risk everything for you, and for the future I hope we’ll have together.’

  Verity’s flushed face crumpled and she looked about to cry, so Royce brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. When he raised his eyes again, he saw a fat tear rolling slowly down her smooth cheek. He reached over to cup the side of her face in his palm, caressing the tear away with his thumb.

  ‘But what if,’ she croaked, ‘the board doesn’t agree to your terms?’

  ‘Then I stay here. I’ll still have a job, and also, hopefully, what matters most to me. You.’

  Verity stared at him, mouth agape.

  He’s risking a once-in-a-lifetime job offer just to be with me, and I haven’t even given him my answer yet.

  Then the realisation hit. He was making a stronger statement than was possible with words, about his respect not only for her, but also for what was important to her. He didn’t expect her to give up anything to be with him. In fact, he was the one prepared to make the sacrifices. And for someone as ambitious as Royce, forfeiting an opportunity like the one he’d been offered would be a sacrifice indeed.

  Images flashed into her mind. She saw a tall man going down on his knees to proudly hug an old dog, and then surreptitiously treating a neighbour’s cat to freshly caught fish, and coming to the aid of the boss he had good cause to resent. The inner conflict between her head and her heart raged into all-out war, until she felt a strange sensation, like glass cracking, splintering, and then shattering. And in that instant, she knew exactly what her next move should be. />
  She blinked away the tears still lurking around her eyes, and was about to speak when the Maitre d’ arrived bearing their first course.

  They hardly looked at the dishes before them, having eyes only for each other, until the hovering Maitre d’ cleared his throat nervously and whispered, ‘Is there something wrong with the food?’ They both hurriedly picked up their cutlery, vigorously assuring him all was fine, and casting amused glances at each other.

  The meal over, Royce called for the bill. The Maitre d’ himself delivered the receipt to their table. They beamed their thanks at him as they rose to leave, and he patted Royce on the back, whispering, ‘I hope all was to your liking, my friend.’

  Royce gave him a conspiratorial grin and took Verity’s hand. They made their way into the cool night air, and hardly spoke on the journey home, sitting close beside each other in the car. Somehow, words weren’t necessary.

  Once at Ocean Mews, he walked Verity to her gate. When they got there, she turned to look up at him with shining eyes and said warmly, ‘Thank you, Royce, for a wonderful evening.’

  ‘It was my pleasure.’

  When she opened the gate and went into her courtyard, he remained standing on the pathway. She took a few steps before pausing to rummage around in her handbag. Then she turned to look at him with a mischievous smile.

  ‘Well, aren’t you coming in for a coffee?’

  He gave a swift bark of laughter and strode to join her on the landing.

  When Verity unlocked the door to her villa, Jack was waiting inside to welcome her. He sauntered over just as Royce stepped into the room. To Verity’s surprise, man-hating Jack walked up and wound himself around Royce’s legs, purring loudly.

  Royce looked over at Verity with a comical expression, and she laughed, covering her mouth with her hand. To his immense delight, Royce’s eyes caught the glint of diamonds on her ring finger—diamonds in the shape of a jasmine flower. His mouth split into a wide grin, and he almost tripped over Jack in his rush to take Verity in his arms.


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