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All I Want for Christmas: A Contemporary Romance Holiday Collection

Page 12

by S. L. Sterling

  “I hope I didn't wake you,” she simply said.

  I felt like I was thirteen again, I was so hard. I wasn't embarrassed as her eyes flew to my hardened cock, instead I loved her reaction. She bit her lower lip, her cheeks went pink as her eyes trailed back up my body, finally meeting my eyes before she glanced back to her screen.

  “Nope, just needed a drink.” I got some water and took a drink, then I walked up behind her. “What are you working on?” I asked, leaning my hands on the counter, one on each side of her, blocking her in. I didn't want her to run from me this time.

  She immediately went to shut the laptop, but I stopped her, grabbing her hands and holding them down underneath mine.

  “It's nothing, Brody.” She swallowed hard. “Really.”

  “I'm sure it's not nothing, let me read it,” I whispered as I started reading what she had written on the screen. She was in the middle of a sex scene, and damn, I'd be lying if I said her words didn't make me harder than I already was.

  As I read more of her words and saw my name on her screen, I slowly released my grip on her hands. Her hands shook as they went back to the keys on the keyboard.

  “I'm just having a hard time with this scene.” She swallowed hard again, her voice barely audible.

  “Care to talk about it?” I asked, resting my hands on her shoulders and gently massaging them.

  “I don't think you’re going to want to help me write a sex scene, Brody.” Her voice was so restricted, her body stiffening under my touch.

  My hands went from her shoulders down her back, massaging gently. “You seem tense, Cass,” I said as I continued to rub her back.

  “I'm okay.” She jumped off the stool and walked to the other side of the kitchen, grabbing a glass and filling it with cold water.

  I needed to take her, the sexual tension in this room was killing me and her, I know it was. We'd been dancing around one another like a couple of high school kids for the past couple of weeks now. I walked over to where she was and slowly wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her back, so she was resting against my chest.

  “I don't know, it may be fun to try to help you write one. I mean, I've never done it before, but I have some ideas.” I pulled her hair away from her neck and studied her creamy flesh.

  She ran her hand over my forearm and down to my hand, resting hers on mine. I watched as her chest rose and fell in fast, short breaths.

  “Funny, this is exactly the way my characters are standing in the scene I’m writing,” she managed to choke out.

  “I know, remember I just read some of it. Is this where you’re stuck?” I whispered in her ear, my lips brushing against the outer edge of her earlobe.

  “How did you know?” I couldn't miss the tremble in her soft voice.

  “Cause that's where you stopped writing,” I whispered.

  I placed my other hand around her and placing tiny kisses on the side of her neck. I felt her shake as I continued. It was when I hit her ear and took her lobe between my lips, I heard her moan my name.

  “What is it, Cass?”

  “Brody, don't do this.”

  “Why not? It's called research,” I said, my lips grazing her ear again.

  “Because I'm not going to be able to say no to you,” she said breathless, leaning her head back against my shoulder, exposing her neck to me.

  I took my other hand and moved the material of her robe, so I could place it inside her bathrobe, running my hand across the flat of her soft stomach.

  “Then don't say no.” I felt her shudder under my touch. “All you need to do is use your imagination, Cass,” I whispered.

  As I pulled her in closer, I could feel my erection rub against her. Releasing her a bit, she turned in my arms. The soft pink blush on her cheeks had made its way down her chest, and the way her pupils dilated as her eyes locked with mine gave away everything she was feeling. She wanted this just as much as I did, there was no doubt. I didn't give her a moment to protest or tell me to stop, I crashed into her with such force, wrapping her in my arms. I swept my tongue against hers and ran my hands down her body, gripping her ass and pulling her as close to me as possible. I wanted her to feel me, to know how badly I wanted her. I'd had enough of hiding.

  I pulled away from her lips and studied her eyes as I slowly traveled my hands back up and under her robe. At first, she didn't move, but then she wrapped her arms around my neck, her body trembling as her mouth met mine. She let another light moan escape as my fingers danced across her bare skin. When I picked her up, she wrapped her legs around my waist, and I carried her down the hall to her bedroom.

  Dropping her onto the bed, I stopped and stood, looking at her lying before me, her dark hair framing her innocent looking face. I knelt onto the bed and pulled the ties on her bathrobe, letting it fall open. Exposing nothing more than her stomach, I bent down and kissed her bare belly. Her fingers ran through my hair. I stood, letting my sweats slide off my body. I caught her eyes drop from my face to my waist and widen as she saw the tip of my cock peeking out from the waistband of my boxers. Her eyes slowly traveled back up my body, finally meeting mine as I placed one knee between her legs.

  I reached forward and pushed her robe open, both of my hands grazing her hardened nipples. Her back arched at my touch, and I leaned down and took a nipple into my mouth, rolling my tongue around it, sucking it into my mouth while I gently pinched the other one between my fingers. She let out a loud moan as I gently ran my teeth over her.

  Kissing my way up to her neck, finally meeting her mouth, I was getting a little worried because she still hadn't touched me. I looked into her eyes, pleading with her.

  “Put your hands on me.” I could tell she was hesitant maybe even a little afraid, but she finally placed her hands on my shoulders. As I swept my tongue against her, her hands fell away from me again. I pulled my lips away and looked her straight in the eyes, those beautiful blue eyes. “Don't be afraid to touch me, Cass, I want you,” I whispered.

  “I want you, Brody,” she whispered, but her hands didn't move. I moved away from her, kicking off my boxers and watched as she sat up and removed her bathrobe, her eyes meeting my painful erection. With my hands on her hips, I slowly slid her panties down her body, my fingers skimming her legs, causing her skin to pebble.

  I pushed her legs open, taking in her silky bare flesh. Kneeling back on the bed, I met her lips again, this time while I ran my fingers over her pussy. She moaned into my mouth as my fingers started circling her clit. I slid my fingers through her wetness and slid two fingers deep inside her, her moans getting louder as I sucked her bottom lip into my mouth.

  At the sound of her moan, I knew I couldn't take it anymore, I needed her to touch me. I took her hand and placed it on my cock. At first, I thought I had burned her, she moved her hand away so fast. I took her hand again and placed it on me. She didn't move at first, but then I felt her thumb start rubbing the large bead of pre-cum around the head. She ran her hand down my shaft, squeezing before she loosened her grip. I was so worked up, I could feel myself about to lose control. I pulled my fingers from her heat and took hold of both her wrists, pinning them to the mattress above her head while I climbed between her legs, letting her calves rest on either side of my thighs.

  “I hope you're ready for me baby,” I moaned as I lined myself up at her entrance. She bit her lower lip as she watched me. Running the tip of my cock through her wetness, I could barely take the pressure of sliding into her tightness. I went as slow as I could, so she could feel every possible inch of me before I buried myself into her heat as deep as I could possibly go. She let out a cry of pain as I held myself inside of her, not moving.

  “You okay? I didn't hurt you, did I?” I whispered in her ear, sucking her earlobe into my mouth.

  “Go slow, Brody. You're bigger than I remember.” Her voice was thick with emotion.

  I wrapped her in my arms, holding her as I gently but deeply and forcefully pumped into her. It wasn't lon
g before I felt her tightening around me, moaning my name in my ear. A couple deeper thrusts and a thunderous, uncontrollable, wave of pleasure ripped through me as I emptied myself into her.

  As soon as the throbbing calmed, I slid out of her. I pulled back the duvet and sheet and picked her up, laying her down into the warm bed. I headed into the adjoining bathroom and got a wet cloth to clean her. Once that was done I covered her body with the blankets.

  “You stay here. I'll be right back.”

  She let out a beautiful, sleepy little moan as I left the room. I wasn't long, throwing a couple more logs into the fire and shutting the lights off. I walked back down to the bedroom and crawled in beside her, placing one arm under her pillow, the other wrapped around her waist, pulling her tightly against me. I wanted her to know tonight hadn't been a mistake, that it was okay to fall asleep in my arms, comfortable and safe.



  I grabbed two mugs from the cupboard, waiting for the coffee to finish brewing. It was eight, I had already been up for a couple of hours, and Brody was still sleeping. I turned the radio on, soft Christmas music playing the background.

  I hummed to myself as I removed the steaming pot of hot coffee and poured myself a mug. I was just about to take my mug back over to the computer when my phone pinged with a message.

  I grabbed it off the counter, and my stomach flipped when I saw Ray's name flash across my screen. I had felt a wave of relief this morning I didn't need to see him for a couple of weeks, especially after what happened between Brody and me last night. There was no way I would be able to face Ray anytime soon. I didn't read or respond to the message. Instead, I turned my phone off, something that wasn't odd for me on a Sunday.

  I picked my mug up and carried it over to the table where my laptop was and sat down. I opened the program I always use for writing and started to reread what I had written last night. As soon as I got to the part I had been working on, my thoughts went back to us in the kitchen. I squeezed my inner thighs together—I could still feel Brody firmly planted deep inside of me. I could still feel every touch, every kiss, and I still heard every tender whisper he had spoken. He was rough but gentle and tender, all at the same time. He had been perfect, and I had loved the way I felt his muscles tense when he came. The more I thought about it, the more I started to feel that familiar ache of want between my legs.

  I tore my eyes away from the computer and looked to the bare tree standing in my living room. I could feel the tears creeping in. Everything had been so beautiful, and yet something, somewhere deep in my soul, told me I had to be careful, there was a good chance he would be gone before I knew it. The hard part for me was even though I didn't want to admit my feelings even to myself, I knew right where my heart lay. I needed to be careful with this whole situation, or I was going to get really hurt.

  I got up from the table and walked over to the tree. Closing my eyes, I leaned in and took a big deep breath, smelling the fresh evergreen. I used to the love that smell. It had been so long since I had smelled it, I took another deep inhale. I felt like I could breathe that scent in forever.

  I stood there, getting lost in my memories, listening to the soft music playing in the background. I was a million miles away when I felt two large, strong hands wrap around my waist, causing me to jump a little.

  “Good morning,” his deep, sexy, sleep filled voice greeted me as he pulled me back against his warm body and kissed my neck tenderly.

  I let my head fall to the side as he continued placing soft kisses down the side of my neck to my shoulder. I could feel myself starting to get wet as the memory of last night ran through my mind.

  “Brody, are you hungry? Did you want breakfast?”

  A gentle hum came from his lips. “I'll eat you, that’s all the breakfast I need.” He ran his hands up under my shirt, cupping my breasts.

  I turned and met his lips as he pulled me into him. I pulled away from him and went to step toward the kitchen when he grabbed me and picked me up throwing me over his shoulder.

  I let out a loud laugh. “Brody, put me down.”

  “Nope, you're coming with me.” He smacked me on the ass and carried me down the hall toward the bedroom.



  We drove down to town together in Brody's truck. The roads were rather slippery, and he didn't trust my car even though I had driven it a thousand times on roads like this.

  “For dating a mechanic, you would think he would make sure you have good winter tires on your car, Cass. Until I can get snow tires ordered and put on your car, I’ll drive you back and forth to work.” Brody pulled in behind the back of the store and shut his truck off.

  “Thanks, but really the tires are fine on my car, Brody.”

  “Cass, please, they are not fine. I want you to be safe, and these roads are bad.”

  Even though his comments stung, at least he cared which was more than I could say for Ray. I, of course, had Ray put the four almost five-year-old winter tires on my car. He told me they were still fine, I didn't drive far enough for it to matter, but I didn't let Brody know that.

  “So, tell me more about this book drive.”

  “Well, the Coldhaven Fire Department had a really tragic fire last year, and five firefighters died. I know some of those families personally since moving here, and I really wanted to find a way to give back. At first, I was going to give a percentage of my sales over Christmas, but I'm still struggling, so I came up with the book drive idea. What books don't sell, I'll donate to the local library, and the money from the ones that do sell will go to the families.”

  “Wow, I had no idea. Well, I'm not sure if you know or not, but I did sign up to help with the book drive. The coffee shop across the street had a sign-up sheet, and I filled it out before I knew it was you.”

  “I know, Maggie told me,” I smiled.

  “Good, so use me any way you like. I'm all yours,” he said, lifting his eyebrows and smiling.

  As soon as those three little words fell from his lips, I suddenly wished he was really all mine. I met his eyes, a slight blush creeping over me.

  “What is it, Cass?”

  I shook my head. “Let's go before it starts to snow,” I said, jumping from the front seat of the truck out into the cold. There was no way I could answer him, not yet. I didn't want to scare him away again.

  As we approached the back door, I found about twelve boxes of books piled up outside the door. The church had already been there to donate the books they had collected. Brody carried those boxes inside while I cleared a couple more shelves and a table to be able to display more books.

  He dropped a couple of boxes on the table and continued bringing in the others, putting them in the small storage room. I wouldn’t be able to take any more donations until I had gone through some of these boxes. I didn't want to have a ton left over, and I didn't carry a used section in the store.

  “I figure the day of the actual book fair, I can always discount at the end of the day. Like the last hour or something, I can do a bag for five or something.”

  “That sounds good, Cass. Do you have many other volunteers?”


  “That's it?”

  “Yes, Maggie is sending her daughters over to help with collecting money, but you are it, otherwise.”

  “Well, you can count on me, I'll be here.”

  We continued working for a couple of hours before he finally dragged me away.

  “It's your day off Cass. Let’s go grab the things we need for the tree and head home.”

  I took a step back and looked at what I had accomplished. “Does it look okay?”

  “It looks great.” He walked up behind me and took my hands in his. “You can fuss over this tomorrow, it's time to go.” He kissed the back of my neck and pulled me away from the table toward the back door of the shop.



  “I think it's in that one there, Brody.” I pointed to
the blue tote up on the top shelf in the garage.

  Brody grabbed the step ladder and climbed up, pulling the tote down I had pointed at. He sat it down on the floor and tucked the ladder away, and I went to pick up the tote.

  “Leave it, I got it, it's heavy.” He bent down, picking up the tote and brought it inside, dropping it on the floor in front of the tree.

  “Alright, before we get started, let's get in some comfy clothes, you get the wine, and let's decorate this baby,” Brody said, grinning at me.

  He took off to his room, and I headed into the kitchen. Neither of us had spoken a word to one another about last night or this morning, and except that single kiss this afternoon, Brody had basically kept his hands off me. I wasn't sure how I felt about it, and I did my best not to read into it.

  I grabbed a chilled bottle of white from the fridge and two glasses, dropping them off on the table in the living room before heading to my room. Changing quickly into a pair of shorts and a tank top, I made my way back out to the living room to find Brody starting to put the new lights on the tree.

  I stood and watched him from the doorway of the hall, reminded of Jackson—he had always put the lights on the tree. I blinked away the tears that had started to burn my eyes and poured us some wine.

  “Did we get a tree topper?”

  “I think I have one, Brody, hang on.” I searched through the tote from the garage, finally finding the angel Jackson had bought for me the first year we lived in the house buried in the bottom. Handing it to him, he placed it on top of the tree and continued with the lights. I stood staring up at the angel, remembering the night Jackson had surprised me with it. It brought tears to my eyes thinking of the smile on his face when I had seen it. I shook away the memory and started helping Brody with the lights. This was why I avoided Christmas, most of the memories were too painful to keep reliving every year, and if I could just pretend in my personal life it didn't exist, I didn't have to live with the pain.


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