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Nomad Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  Opening the fridge, she took out two beers out of the fridge. Uncapping the tops, she handed him one.

  “Whatever, the whole of that statement. Money and sex is the oldest profession in the book as they say.” She still smiled as he glared at her.

  “You’re not listening to me.”

  “And you’re not listening to yourself. You were a strict whore.”

  He looked past her shoulder then started to laugh. “I guess to a point I was. I got money for sex even though I was fucking for free.”

  “I’m just teasing you.”

  “I’ve got no problem with you teasing me, baby.”

  She clinked her bottle to his, staring down the length of his body.

  “Do you have any family?” she asked.

  Stop being curious about him. Nothing is ever going to come of it.

  “I’ve got family, but I don’t see them.”


  She didn’t imagine him having much of a life to always be on the road. Knowing he actually had family intrigued her more.

  “It’s nothing important.”

  “Then tell me. I can tell you about mine if you want.”

  He stared at her for several minutes.

  “I’ve got a brother. He’s five years older than I am. I was dating this girl in school, but she wanted the guy who’d inherit the home and the business. To cut a long story short, my dad is a rich, wealthy businessman, but he can’t have a dyslexic running a business. The girl or woman thought the same and became my brother’s wife. No, I’m not harsh and bitter about it, but I decided I’d rather live life the way I want than the way my family wanted me to. I will not be held down by anyone, not even my family.”

  Cole stopped, staring at her. He took a long swallow of his beer bottle. His neck muscles stood out.

  “What?” he asked. His voice was harsh.

  “Nothing. I fucked two men in my parents’ house in the hope of being kicked out. I’ve never felt like I’ve belonged anywhere. Everyone is always intent on settling down, having a family or some other crap. I’m not like that. I like time to myself.” She shrugged. “I’ve not seen my folks since they kicked me out.”

  “I’ve not seen my family in over ten years. I guess we’re both in the same boat.”

  “Do you love her?” she asked.

  “No, I don’t. I thought I did. If anything, I’m more pissed off with myself. I didn’t want to become a businessman or confine myself to a strict daily routine. My brother does that, I don’t.” He shrugged. “I could have become a member of two MC groups, but I didn’t want to do that either. I like only relying on myself.”

  She stared at him wondering if he believed a word of what he just said.

  “If you say so.”

  Sipping at her beer she thought about the past with her parents. Never once had she regretted what she did.

  Cole stepped in front of her. “Now, it’s time for us to get better acquainted.” He took her hand, leading her toward the bedroom. He stopped to grab some condoms and lube. They entered the bedroom, and his lips were on hers. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she moaned as he pinched at her nipples.

  He pulled away first. “Get on the bed on your knees. I want to see that ass.”

  Going to her knees, she pushed the hair off her face. She couldn’t see him, and not knowing what was going to happen built the suspense between them.

  “Now that’s a sight I could get used to. Given half the chance, Sandy, I believe you could tame me.” He touched her ass, running his fingers along the seam. “But you don’t want me to be tamed, do you?”

  “No. I don’t.” She liked him dangerous and dirty. That’s what she was going to think of him as, her dangerous, dirty, biker.

  “Good. I’m not going to be tamed.”

  The plug in her ass was pulled out. She missed the feel of the plug inside her. Whimpering, she glanced over her shoulder to see him staring down at her.

  “Please,” she said, begging for the first time.


  Cole stared down at her ass. The plug had done its job and stretched her anus nicely. She would feel so good wrapped around his cock, nice and tight. Tearing into the first foil packet he could get his hands on, he rolled the latex over his length. Next, he used the tube of lube to lather up his cock. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her.

  Smearing the gel over his cock, he growled at the pleasure from his hand alone. He’d come in her mouth, and now he was ready to be inside her when he did come.

  Climbing on the bed, she looked behind her and smiled. “Are you going to fuck me now?”

  Her pussy was dripping with her own cream. He loved licking at her pussy and would be doing it again soon. Aligning his cock up to her anus, he fed his cock into that tight channel.

  She cried out, tensing up as he thrust inch by inch inside her. Sandy didn’t fight him. While he pushed his cock inside her, she remained still. He caressed the length of her back reaching around to finger her nipples. Her moans were beautiful sounds.

  “You’re nice and tight. You’re going to get tighter still, baby.” He slammed the last inch, and they both moaned.

  The sounds echoed off the wall.

  Closing his eyes, he relished the feel of her wrapped around his shaft. Pinching her nipples, he released her and returned to gripping her hips.

  “You feel so amazing. Are you full, Sandy? Can you take more?”

  “No, I don’t want anymore.”

  “Don’t you want a cock in that slick little pussy.”

  She shook her head, but Cole knew he’d have her pussy filled another time. He wasn’t into sharing, but he was into pleasure.

  Pulling out of her ass, he stared at where she opened up underneath him. Her ass took his cock, tightening around his length.

  “Now, that’s a sight I want to keep with me always.”

  Sandy looked at him. “You’re a dirty talker.”

  “You better believe it. There’s no room for anything else. The only thing I’m interested in is a good fuck.” He also loved hearing Sandy talk. Any other woman asking questions like Sandy did would have seen them alone for the night. With Sandy, he told her the truth. There were not going to be any lies between them. Opening the cheeks of her ass, he stared down at his cock. Sliding out, he watched his latex covered length appear, and her ass gripped him tightly. He was desperate to feel her come around his cock. “Play with your clit, baby. Let me feel you come all over my dick.”

  He pressed inside her, taking the first few thrusts slowly. She took him in, moaning as he plunged inside her. Running his hands up and down her back, he felt when she started to play with her clit. Her ass tightened around his cock as she drew closer to orgasm.

  “You’ve already come all over my cock, and now you’re going to come again. I’m going to feel how tight you get with my dick in your hot little ass.” He spanked the side of her ass cheek seeing his handprint appear on her pale flesh. She turned him on by simply breathing.

  Cupping her breasts, he pinched her nipples feeling each pulse as she came apart in his arms. Her ass tightened, squeezing him harder than ever before.

  Cursing, he pulled out of her ass and started to slam deep inside her, over and over again. Cole couldn’t stop as he fucked her ass. Since he’d come earlier in her mouth he could last a hell of a lot longer. His stamina was clear in the way he fucked her.

  Sandy moaned underneath him, screaming, crying out and begging him for more. He gave her everything without holding back. She took his length crying out as he fucked her harder and harder.

  The heat of the night was getting to him. He gripped her hips tighter as he rammed to the hilt inside her.

  “So fucking tight and hot. You better be playing with that pretty pussy of mine. I want to feel you come all over my fucking cock. Your ass is mine. I’m never going to stop taking this pretty ass.” He slapped her ass taking turns on each cheek until they were a nice vibrant red.

; “Yes, fuck me, Cole, make it hurt.”

  “Love fucking you.” He was so close to tell her that he loved her. Cole held the words back, not wanting to say anything to ruin their moment. Gritting his teeth, he watched his cock disappear and reappear inside the heat of her ass.

  Their moans were the only sounds in the bedroom.

  The pleasure built inside him until he couldn’t think past what was happening. Closing his eyes, he slammed inside her one last time feeling the orgasm take over. The hold he had on her hips was almost bruising, but still, he held on throughout his release.

  Sandy collapsed to the bed before him, and he followed her down, shaking from the mind-blowing orgasm. He kept his eyes squeezed tightly shut as he wrapped his arms around her.

  Cole didn’t want to think about the feelings coursing around his body. They were too new, too scary and something he didn’t wish to think about. Loving Sandy was not an option. Being with her was out of the question.


  “Sh, let me hold you.”

  He couldn’t hear her voice at that moment. It was too hard and too painful to think of letting her go.

  Get over yourself.

  There was no way of getting over what was happening to him.

  Get out and ride.

  He pulled out of her ass and disappeared into the bathroom without giving her a glance. She called out to him, but he ignored her. The less he thought about her, the better.


  “Not now.”

  He walked into the sitting room aware of her following him.

  “What the hell is going on?” she asked.

  Turning around, he saw her standing in the entrance to the sitting room. He quickly pulled up his jeans and grabbed a shirt. “Nothing is going on. I’m going to clear my head. Don’t wait up.”

  “You’re acting like I’ve told you I love you or some shit. What’s going on, Cole?” She stood in front of the door looking so fucking perfect. Her tits were flushed from their hard fucking. Bruises already stood out on her hips from his possession.

  “I’ve got to go out for a ride. You want to play the girlfriend and stop me, go ahead. I’m not in the mood. In fact, I’m tired of this shit, and I want out.” He glared at her, needing to clear his head on the open road. She kept staring at him.

  Finally, she shook her head and opened the door. “Go on, leave.”

  He didn’t stand around to wait for a fight. Cole left, running down the stairs of the building. Once outside, he went for his bike, climbed on and turned over the ignition. He didn’t bother with the helmet. Gunning out onto the street, Cole didn’t have a destination in mind. The only thing he was looking for was peace away from Sandy and away from what she was making him think about.

  For the next hour the only worry he had on his mind was turning corners without coming off his bike. The freedom to move helped him to think clearer than he had since meeting Sandy.

  Out in the sticks he stopped by a bar with a stripper sign on the top. The place looked abandoned and like a dive. He turned the engine off and walked inside.

  Considering there were no vehicles outside the place was full. Naked tits and ass met his gaze the moment he entered the club. He walked straight to the bar and ordered a double whiskey. Downing the dark liquid in one gulp, he spun around to face the action that was going on. Some men were getting their cocks sucked while others were getting fucked.

  “If you want to report us go ahead,” the barman said. “Half the cops are here after their shift getting some, and most of them are married.”

  The man talking was called Mike. Cole saw the tag on the front of his shirt.

  “Hey, Mike. I’m not here to cause trouble. I’m here to clear my head about my own pussy problem.”

  Mike poured him another shot. “The biggest problem we all have is when we let pussy get in the way of our thinking. This is why I have a bunch of girls, and I fuck all of them.”

  “What?” Cole asked.

  “All of these girls are tried and tested by me. I don’t allow any bitch to play unless I know they know what to do with a cock.” Mike slung back his own drink, gasping at the strength. “I make sure I’ve got good shit, too.”

  Nodding, Cole waited for him to pour out some more. The second glass he sipped at. There was no way he was going to run the risk of being frisked and his organs being sold on the black market.

  “Are you looking for some action?” Mike asked.

  “No thanks. The woman gives me all the action I need.”

  “I doubt that. You’ve not known good pussy until you know one of mine.” Mike nodded at the room.

  Cole thought about his own woman. Sandy was not like most women, and yet she was better than all of them. She loved sex, and there was no crying or sobbing for him to leave. When he thought about her standing in front of the door, she’d looked more pissed than upset.

  Running a hand down his face, Cole finally felt like a pussy. He wasn’t going to get what he wanted in the bottom of a liquor bottle.

  Finishing off his drink, he gave Mike a nod then left the bar. Some of the women tried to stop him, but he brushed them off. The last thing he wanted to do was fuck a woman while he still had Sandy.

  He didn’t go back to her apartment and spent the rest of the night driving around on his bike.

  Chapter Seven

  Sandy finished off her notes for the English class. All of the other students were filing out of the room. She wasn’t interested in being caught in the fight to get to the lunch room. Eating at the cafeteria wasn’t an option. The food was crap, and she’d rather eat sandwiches she made back at her apartment than risk food poisoning.

  Her professor nodded at her. She gave him a wave as she left the room. Outside across the campus field she saw Cole leaning against the bike. Some of the younger blondes were already trying to get his attention. They showed off way more flesh than she liked. He wasn’t looking at any of them. His sunglasses came off, and she felt his stare through to her soul. Cole had come back to her.

  Hiking her back up to her shoulder, she crossed the freshly cut lawns.

  “So, how about you take me for a ride on your bike?”

  Sandy rolled her eyes at the obvious come on.

  “Hey,” she said, moving in front of the other girl.

  “Hey, I was talking here.”

  Turning back to the girl she flicked her wrist. “And I’m here now. Go away.”

  “Babe, you never had a chance.” Cole wrapped his arms around her waist, tugging her against him. “But you, Sandy, have all the chance in the world.”

  Before she could speak, his lips were on hers, and she didn’t have a choice but to give him what he wanted.

  Opening her lips, she let the rest of the world fall away as his kiss took over everything else. One of his hands moved to her cheek, and then his other hand did the same. She felt the length of his cock pressed to her stomach.

  After minutes passed, which felt like a lifetime, she finally pulled away.

  “You came back.”

  “I came back.”

  “You acted like an ass.”

  “That I did.”

  “I don’t know if I want an ass in my life even if for a moment. They take up too much time and annoy me.” She looked up at him. “Why should I take you back?”

  They’d known each other a weekend, and yet she felt like she’d known him her entire life. The feelings he inspired made absolutely no sense to her at all.

  “I can give you more orgasms than any other man in your life.”

  “There is no one else. I’m sure there are more talented men than you.” She liked the feel of his arms wrapped around her body holding her close. Sandy liked it a lot more than she thought she ever would.

  “You want me to prove to you why you should take me on?”

  “You’re the one running away like a coward. I’ve been here all night.”

  Last night she’d been so pissed at him storming
out. Not once did he consider her thoughts and feelings, and yet it was her ass he fucked. She gave him a damn good blow job, and she got pushed away. It was not happening. Yes, she was adventurous and she didn’t like being in a relationship with a man, but there had to be compensations like having the guy care for her when they fucked. Cole didn’t care for her last night.

  She wasn’t expecting words of love and poetry, but she did expect consideration.

  “You’re right.” He stepped back, running a finger across his lip. “Come on. We can go out somewhere, and I’ll make it worth your while.”

  Sandy wanted to refuse to tell him to go to hell. The sparkle in his eye lured her back. She relished the edge of danger he could give her.

  “I’ve got classes this afternoon.”

  “Cancel them unless you really don’t want to know what it’s like to be with me?” He offered her the challenge. Glancing back at the college, she knew it wasn’t going to happen.

  “Let’s go.”

  He passed her the helmet, which she put on reluctantly. She hated wearing the thing on her head. Putting the bag on both shoulders, she straddled the bike, wrapping her arms around his waist.

  “Where are we going?” she asked, whispering the words against his ear.

  “That would be telling. I’m not in a telling mood.”

  She squealed as he pulled out of the campus grounds. On the way out she noticed the security heading toward them. They were going to see what Cole wanted. No one liked a rebel, and that was exactly what Cole was, a rebel. She loved the way he made her feel.

  Sandy knew she was falling for him, but she wasn’t going to let her feelings come in the way. Cole was running scared last night because of what happened between them. She felt the change inside him as he fucked her ass. It was no longer two strangers coming together in the night but something deeper. The feelings were never going to disappear overnight. They were scary feelings, and yet she wanted them.

  Her emotions were all over the place. Resting her head against his back, she closed her eyes content to feel what he was doing to her. They traveled for a couple of hours, and Cole suddenly pulled up outside of a small coffee shop.

  “Where are we?” she asked, climbing off the back.


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