Book Read Free


Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “We’re in Fort Wills. This is where one of the clubs is that I was offered to join. They’ll be popping by in a second to see what I’m doing.”

  She passed him the helmet, shaking out her hair.

  “Are you cradle robbing?” A man with a lot of tattoos wearing a white tank shirt appeared out of the coffee shop. Sandy admired the strength in the man before her.

  “Butch, what the fuck are you doing here?” Cole asked. She watched the two men greet each other fondly.

  “I’m working.”

  “You’re working at the coffee shop when I know you’re making shitloads for The Skulls.”

  The man known as Butch shook his head. “I got myself a woman and a kid at the church. I’m not going to fuck this up. It has been a week since I dropped out.”

  “You left the club?”

  “Yeah, I left the club, and now I’m a proper legit working guy.” Butch turned to her and smiled. “Who are you? What are you doing settling for this lowlife Nomad?”

  She looked at Cole. “Nomad?”

  “I’m part of a bunch of guys who don’t stay in one place. We’re all called Nomads. I don’t settle down from place to place, and that’s what I’m known as. You say my name to a Skull or Chaos Bleeds member, and they know who you’re talking about. I’m a Nomad called Cole,” Cole said, laughing.

  Minutes later they were sitting in the coffee shop, and all sorts of names were being spoken between the two men. Lash, Nash, Killer, Zero, all of them real people with real names.

  “Shit, Zero, Killer, Lash, and Nash have settled down. I can’t fucking believe it.” Cole slapped his palm on the table. “Everything is going on around me.”

  Butch leaned back, smirking. “That’s the price you pay for moving around. Stay in one place and you’d be surprised about the kind of shit that goes on.”

  The door to the restaurant opened. Six large men with leather jackets entered.

  Each jacket stated they were all members of The Skulls.

  “Well, well, well, I can’t believe you’re back.” One of the men took a seat beside Butch laughing at Cole. “Nomad is back in town. Does Tiny know you’re back yet?”

  “Sandy, this is Zero. Zero, this is Sandy.” She was then introduced to Nash, Murphy, Steven, Killer, and Blaine.

  She shook all of their hands and laughed.

  “Are you staying behind for the party?” Zero asked.

  “Party?” She looked at Cole.

  “When’s the party?” Cole asked.


  “We can’t stay that long. I need to get her back to the city,” Cole said, leaving his arm across her shoulders. They talked and laughed. After some time passed, Sandy found herself relaxing and enjoying their company. When it was over, she watched Cole say goodbye to his friends and then they were back on his bike.

  He stopped out by a reservoir a few miles away from Fort Wills. The view of the water and forests was a dream.

  “Your friends seem nice,” she said, handing him back the helmet.

  “The Skulls are good men. They’re a family, and Tiny doesn’t take any crap from any of his men. They all live a good life.”

  She looked toward him. He sounded envious.

  “Do you want that way of life?” she asked.

  “I had a family of my own, and look where that got me.”

  “You don’t have to make everything about their standards. Go out, live a little, and make your own path without any fears.”

  “No, I can’t do that.” He sat on the grassed area assigned for picnics. Sandy took a seat next to him, curious about the man he actually was. There were parts of him she didn’t understand, and then there were some she did.

  “Why not?”

  Cole took hold of her hand, locking their fingers together. “I can stick around for a few months or even a year, but eventually I start to feel trapped. I’ve got a family I can go home to. The Skulls are a great bunch of men, but not everything they do is legit. They run drugs or even deal with guns. They’ve got blood on their hands, and it will never change. They risk their lives all the time. I don’t want to be on the news or risk spending time in cells. I like my freedom more than I want to be part of a club.”

  “It makes sense in a controlling kind of way.”

  He chuckled, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. “I like my life the way it is without any complications.” Cole kissed her head.

  “There will always be complications in life. We can’t change that no matter how much we want to.” She snuggled in against him staring out over the water. It was calm, unlike watching the ocean when it was rushing all over the place.

  “You’re a complication I didn’t see coming,” he said.

  “What do you mean?” She gazed up at him, waiting for him to respond.

  “You make me want something I haven’t wanted in a long time.”


  “A wife.”


  Cole stared across the bar at Sandy three days later. They spent a great deal of their time together, and he’d earned enough money to put his bike in for the necessary repairs. They were both walking around for the next couple of days, which she didn’t seem to mind. She hadn’t said anything about what he said back at the reservoir outside of Fort Wills. Sandy didn’t treat him differently, and she didn’t give him any indication that she felt the same or similar way.

  “What’s got into you?” Rick asked when he bumped into him for the fourth time that night.

  “Nothing. I’m just working here. Give a guy a break.”

  “If you were working I wouldn’t have a problem. You’re not working. You’re drooling over Sandy. Get your shit together. It’s getting busy. You’ve got to be ready for tomorrow night. Friday is always the worst.” Rick kept on yelling at him.

  Ignoring the man, Cole went back to serving the set of blonde girls who were laughing and giggling. Their speech was slurred, and taking their drink orders was a pain. He got it wrong three times before he finally got everything right. Taking the money for the tip he placed it in the money jar near the till.

  “I take it Cami has got you walking to and fro?” Sandy asked. She was ringing up an order, chuckling.

  “Am I missing something?” he asked, turning to see the women in question chuckling.

  “They’re playing a game with you.”

  He stared at her wondering what kind of game she was playing on him. Sandy rolled her eyes and stepped closer.

  “It’s known that Cami, if she likes the new guy, she’ll pretend to be drunk to see how many times they can get him to walk back and forth to correct the error. I’ve seen four rounds of twenties going on around the table. She’s going to be rich tonight because of you.” Sandy tapped his hand, smiling. “If I was you I’d get some of that money for yourself.”

  Annoyed that he’d fallen for the trick, he glared at the table but decided not to do anything about it. There was nothing for him to do … yet.

  The rest of the night went by uneventfully. Cami tried to get him to change the order, but he found another reason not to help her out. He saw them plotting and scheming. When Cami left the group to head toward the back bathroom, he followed her.

  Cole stayed by the door waiting. The moment she left the room, he griped her hand and pressed her against the wall.

  “Hey, what are you doing?”

  “I want my money,” he said.

  “I’ve not got a clue what you’re talking about.” Cami rolled her eyes. He saw the moment she started to act drunk. “Hey, handsome, do you want to take me outside?”

  “No, I want the money I earned or I can make your night very uncomfortable.”

  She glared at him. “It was a stupid bet.”

  “For stupid kids. I’ve not been a kid for a long time, sweetheart.” He held his hand out for the money.

  Still glaring, she took the money out of her blouse and slapped it into his palm. “I don’t like you.”

nbsp; “Join the club, honey. Not many women do.”

  He went back to the bar and with Trey, Rick, and Sandy looking, he deposited the bills into the tip jar. They all cheered him while Cami and her minions left looking annoyed. He didn’t give a shit about what she did. All of them deserved a tip for Cami’s actions.

  By the end of the night Rick and Trey had warmed up to him. Sandy slid the lock into place as she turned to all of them.

  “Well, I think congratulations are in order for our very own. Well done, Cole.” She walked over to him and placed a kiss on his lips.

  “Hear, hear.” Both brothers cheered him.

  “We can divide the earnings among ourselves. There’s no reason for us to be out of pocket while she was having a shitload of fun.” He watched Trey take the tip money out and divide it among all four of them.

  “We made quite a bit of money tonight, guys. Let’s see if we can do better tomorrow.” Rick looked at each of them. Sandy nodded her head while Cole shook his. He wasn’t going to be around for much longer. In the last few days he’d already gotten too close to Sandy. Cole knew it was only going to be a matter of time before he finally caved and gave in to the need swirling around inside him. “Cole, come to my office.”

  Knowing what was coming he passed Sandy on his way. “What’s going on?” she asked, gripping his shirt.

  “Nothing you need to worry about.” He kissed the top of her head then moved toward the other man’s office. Rick closed the door, taking a seat behind the desk.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Rick asked.

  “I’m not the kind of man to stay around forever. Sandy knows this about me. She’s not going to hold it against me no matter what happens.” A sharp pain ran through his heart at what he was saying. He didn’t believe a word of it, and yet he kept talking.

  “Do you even know what you’re saying? What you’re thinking? You’re talking about leaving Sandy? She’s a wonderful woman, and you’re going to leave her.”

  The pain was sharp, unbearable, and it hurt like hell. He cut it off. Cole didn’t have the time to be thinking about them or wanting anything to do with the feelings. Three days ago he’d admitted the truth to Sandy, and look at what had happened, not a damned thing. She hadn’t acknowledged what he’d said. It was like nothing had happened.

  “I’m not cut out to be the kind of guy who settles down. I know my own mind. Why am I the only one who sees the truth?”

  “And why are you the only guy who doesn’t see the pain you’re going to cause her?” Rick asked.

  Cole paused, staring at Rick.

  “She’s in love with you.”

  “Sandy’s too young to know what love is,” Cole said.

  “How old are you?”

  “I’m thirty. I know what love is.”

  “And yet you’ve never been married or kept a steady girlfriend. Neither has Sandy. Both of you move around sleeping and pretending you don’t want to find love. It’s all about sex for the pair of you, but if it was all about the sex you wouldn’t be as careful about who you sleep with.” Rick’s voice rose. The anger washed off him, filling the small office. “Now, I was wrong. I thought Sandy was perfect for Trey and me, but she’s not.”

  He went to interrupt, but Rick stopped him. “No, you don’t get to talk. You’ve had your chance to talk, and look where it has gotten you. I’ve watched both of you working together, and I have to say the chemistry is fucking phenomenal to witness. You are aware of each other. Not a moment passes when you don’t know what each other is going through. You’re in love with each other, and neither of you see the truth.”

  Cole snorted. “We’re not in love with each other. We fuck, and that’s all there is to it. There’s nothing else between us, and you need to stop looking for shit that isn’t there.” He opened the door to the office ready to storm out.

  “You’re leaving tomorrow, right?” Rick asked.

  “Yes, I’m leaving.” He’d not planned to leave. The decision was a split second one he made out in the main bar. “I’m going to drop her off for work, and I’m not coming back inside.” His bike was fixed, and there was nothing else keeping him here.

  “Then you need your last pay.”

  “I don’t need it. I’ve got enough to get me by on the tips alone. I’m done, and I’m moving on.”

  Don’t go you stupid bastard. This is not what you want to do.

  He didn’t want to stay and watch the world go by. Cole wanted to take Sandy with him, but that too selfish even for him. She had a life here and was attending college. There were ten years between them. Sandy deserved to have a life that she wanted to build with someone else.

  Cole hated the thought of another man knowing what she felt like underneath him. Walking toward the bar he heard her laughing at something Trey had said. How was he ever going to deal with knowing how amazing she was at sucking and taking cock that another man was going to take her from him?

  “You’re ready to leave?” Sandy asked, smiling at him.

  Trey and Sandy were on the dance floor, giggling as they made their way across the dance floor.

  “Yeah, we’re ready to leave.” He fisted his hand at his side to stop himself from hurting Trey. The other man didn’t have a right to touch her, and yet he was doing it.

  She’s not yours to claim.

  His entire body was denying that claim. Cole had more right than anyone else to claim her. She was his woman.

  You’re leaving tomorrow.

  “Are you coming or are you staying behind here with them?”

  She frowned at him, grabbing her bag.

  “I’m coming.”

  He was being an ass, but he couldn’t stop it. Gritting his teeth, he left the bar and cursed at his lack of a bike. Shit, he needed to get his bike out of the shop. It should be finished tomorrow, and he’d be able to leave without looking back.

  No matter how much he tried, Cole couldn’t find any enthusiasm at the prospect of leaving without Sandy.

  Chapter Eight

  Running out of the door she had to keep up with Cole’s long strides. Before he entered the back office with Rick he’d been fine, and now he was being a total bastard, walking off without her. She’d been having some fun with Trey, and then Cole turned up and now she was chasing after him.

  “Cole, wait up.” She shouted his name, but he kept on walking.

  She rushed forward finally catching up with him. Grabbing his arm she spun him around. “Why are you being an ass?”

  “Why are you letting other men have a taste of you?” He growled the words, shocking her.

  “I’m not letting any other man taste me. I’ve not been near another man since I’ve met you and a few months before you.” She was shaking her head. “You’re not making any sense to me.”

  “And you’re wasting my time.”

  He started walking off again.

  “You’re leaving, aren’t you?” she asked, dreading the answer, yet knowing what it was going to be.

  “Did you hear me arguing with Rick?”

  The pain started in her chest making it hard for her to breathe. “No, I didn’t hear anything between the two of you. I was dancing with Trey.” She stopped talking as the lump in her throat started to constrict. She was not going to cry, at least not in front of him. Sandy knew in her heart that she was a lot stronger than this.

  You’ve not known him long enough to care. Stop feeling awful at the thoughts of him leaving.

  “So, you’re leaving tomorrow, and you’re going to start a fight with me to make it easier for you to walk away?” she asked, putting hands on her hips.

  “This is not about you.”

  “It’s not? It certainly feels like it.” He wasn’t even looking at her. Shaking her head, she turned on her heel and started walking toward her apartment. The walk was going to take some time, but she didn’t care. She needed to clear her head.

  “Sandy, don’t just walk off from me.”

bsp; “I’m not walking off from you. I’m going home. It has been a really long night, and I’m not interested in arguing with you over stupid crap.” Sandy threw her hands up in the air, cursing at him. “You know what? You’re a fucking coward and an ass. No wonder you never settle down. Women would be fighting to beat the shit out of you.” She yelled the last part no longer caring who heard her screaming.

  “Do you have any idea what you’re talking about?” he asked, shouting back. It didn’t matter that they were in the middle of the street.

  “Yes, I know what I’m talking about. You’re running scared because you think I want something from you that you’re not willing to give.” She held her hands out in front of her, pointing between them. “I like you, Cole, but I’m not asking for marriage.”

  “What if I am?”

  She stopped. After his outburst the other day she’d tried to keep her responses to a minimum. The last thing she wanted to do was make him aware of how she felt about his statement.

  “Are you asking me to marry you?” she asked. She fisted her hands at her sides, wondering what the hell she was supposed to do.

  “No, I’m not asking you to marry me.”

  Blowing out a breath she glared at him. “Then what is your problem? Why are you running?”

  Cole didn’t say a word, and she was tired.

  Spinning around, she headed toward her apartment. She was tired, and tomorrow she had college along with work. Standing in the middle of the street arguing with a man she was falling for was not her idea of fun. Sandy was tired, and for the first time in her life, she was tired of fighting her feelings. Cole was the first man she actually enjoyed the company of. Three days ago she’d seen a whole new side to him with The Skulls. When he wasn’t around while she’d been at college she’d done some research and found out the truth about the other biker group. No wonder he didn’t want anything to do with them. They were a rough group, but she liked them.

  She was aware of Cole following behind her. Sandy didn’t slow down or stop for him to catch up. At that moment she didn’t want him to be near her while she worked through her own emotions.

  Forty minutes later she was inserting the key into her door. Cole covered her hand with his.


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