Wrangling the Cowboy: An Older Man & A Virgin Romance
Page 16
“I’m sorry, I thought you heard me come in,” he said and tossed me a dish rag, “So did you have fun shopping?”
“It was pleasant, how was Braden,” I asked quickly changing the subject.
“He was fine.”
There was clearly something on Caleb’s mind, he didn’t quite sound like himself, and I felt an uncomfortable shiver run down my spine.
“I’m glad you spent some alone time with him,” I said and turned my back on him to escape his scolding gaze.
“Why did you come here exactly?”
Well that was a little out of the blue, I’m sure I told him why I was here, “I told you why I am here, and the psychologist suggested it.”
“Yeah I know what the psychologist suggested, but I want to know what you are doing here.”
He took a step closer and I retreated, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, the only thing that is of any significance is getting Braden better.”
“There’s nothing wrong with him, he has a great imagination, and he’s just misunderstood.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” I blurted out, how did he dare suggest that I misunderstood my own son.
“What I meant to say is, you need to embrace all of him, that includes his other family too,” he said calmly.
“Did you speak to the psychologist?” I asked fumingly.
“No, I did not, but I wasn’t that much different from him, so I know exactly what he’s going through. When I was a toddler I always thought I was adopted, it was like that until I was about seven years old.”
That bowled me over. Caleb also had an imaginary family. Suddenly the whole concept of Lamarckism made perfect sense. I had no idea what to say to that, I simply stared at him.
“Braden needs both of us to help him through and get him to realize that we are just as important as his other family. The reason he pushes you away is because he is scared of losing his mother again,” Caleb said and walked to the fridge to take out a bottle of water.
I never thought of it that way and the realization of what my little boy must be going through swept over me like a flood. He looked at me for a moment and then turned to leave, “Don’t ever walk away from him again,” and then he headed for the living room.
“I learned from the best,” Rae said with such loathing, the devil himself would cringe. Instead of defending herself, she was quick to hand out punches and this game was starting to get really old.
I stopped in my tracks, turned and looked pointedly at her, “I left because it was my duty to go and defend my country, I didn’t just leave because I wanted to.”
I knew that was a blatant lie, I left because of my own selfish reasons, and as much as I tried to convince myself otherwise, I knew the truth.
“And I left because it was my duty to go do my hair,” she bit out sarcastically.
God but she was beautiful when she was angry. Her green eyes grew a shade darker as if a storm cloud had descended overhead, and that expression alone should be terrifying, but to me it was a challenge. If I could break through that storm and survive to tell the tale I can challenge any storm that ever crossed my path.
With determination, I crossed the distance between us and cupped her face, green lightning bolts cascaded in her eyes like a thunderstorm on Jupiter. I slid one hand around the back of her neck and crushed my lips against hers. Half expecting her to shove me away, I was relieved to feel her fingers dig into my biceps as she clung to me; she wasn’t fighting me this time. Her lips parted and I delved into the confines of her mouth, and her tongue met mine like a perfect dance partner. I dragged her body flush against mine and I felt her soft breasts press against my chest. My body was on fire and rigid in every sense of the word. The pent-up desire I have tried to ignore since she waltzed into my life again was reaching breaking point. I tilted her back and slid my one hand up to cup her left breast as I trailed my lips down the side of her neck to her shoulder.
“Caleb,” I heard her whisper my name.
“Rae,” I countered.
“Caleb,” damn I loved the sound of her hushed voice and the way my name rolled off her lips.
“Caleb,” she said a little louder this time and shoved lightly against me, but before I could lose all hope, she pointed at Braden.
“Damn, it’s taking some time getting used to a little person in the house,” I said and then grabbed her hand and led her to the nearest isolated spot in the house – the pantry.
By the time I had her cornered between the canned food and condiments she was already fumbling clumsily with the drawstring of my sweats, and I was not far behind. The simple cotton dress she wore was no deterrent for me and I quickly shoved her panties down her long legs and I lifted her up against one of the shelves.
“You know this is never going to work,” she said as she wrapped her legs around my waist.
“You’re right, this damn pantry is too small, but right now it will have to do,” I said huskily.
I knew she wasn’t referring to the confined space of the pantry, but I chose to ignore the obvious. I spun around and knocked the potatoes off the crate that stood in the corner of the pantry and sat down with her straddling my lap and she slowly lowered herself unto my rock-hard length. And as I buried myself deep into her I felt her body tighten around me. With one hand splayed across her back, I dipped my head down and tugged on her hardened nipple through her dress.
“You feel so good,” I whispered as I dragged my lips up to hers.
“Shh,” she said as she held unto my shoulders and slowly started to rock her hips back and forth. Her eyes fell closed and her lips parted while the rapid bursts of her breath fanned my face. She put a spell on me, of that much I was certain, but it was one I would welcome any day. With each deliberate stroke, she bit her lip in an attempt to stifle a moan. I tried my utmost not to vocalize just how I felt this very moment, which was near impossible.
Each time her hips rose I gasped for a breath and each time they fell taking my length deep into her velvet centre I groaned. She too started panting breathlessly and the erratic movements of her hips were bringing me closer and closer to my own release. I could hardly stand it anymore, I bucked my hips upwards, rougher and harder and she met me each time. And when she bent forward and buried her face in my neck she cried out and clung to me as her body shook in my embrace. That was all I needed, every muscle in my body drew taught and with one last thrust I buried myself deep inside her, filling her with my own essence, and in the confines of the pantry it was only the two of us, and nothing else mattered.
As our frantic heart beats slowed down I held her close against me, burying my face in the crook of her neck inhaling her scent.
“This is never going to work Caleb,” she said as she stood up to fix her dress.
A few days ago, that was exactly what I thought – this would never work – but now I wasn’t so sure if it was just stupidity talking. I stood and pulled her into my arms and cradled her neck pressing my lips against her hair. I couldn’t agree or disagree, this was already far more complex than I anticipated.
I stood in the kitchen looking out the window and watched Caleb and Braden flying a kite and my heart skipped a beat, what if this was exactly what Braden needed? He’s been so caught up in this past life of his that he had missed out on being a real kid. Even though Damien tried to fill a dad’s shoes in most parts of Braden’s life, it was nothing like this. Braden was practically beside himself every time he got to spend time with Caleb.
Just as I turned to get back to making lunch, I spotted a suspicious character at the front gate pointing a camera at Caleb and Braden.
“Samson!” I called before storming out of the kitchen armed with a spatula.
If those reporters were back at it, I was going to give them a piece of my mind. They had no right to spy on us or take photos without our consent and I didn’t give a hoot as to whether or not it was part and parcel of
Caleb’s claim to celebrity status. That was my son out there and I was not going to allow them to hurt him in any way.
“Samson!” I called again as I marched down the driveway towards the gate. Samson quickly fell into step beside me trying to keep up at his old age, but he too must have seen the person at the gate.
“Those vultures have no common decency; they always hover around here trying to find the next best gossip scoop for the tabloids,” he said as we hurried to the gate.
The stranger saw us approaching and he hurried to take a few more shots before he scurried away. By the time we reached the gate, all we saw was a car speeding off.
“What’s going on?” Caleb asked as he came to stand beside us, with Braden sitting on his hip.
“I saw a man taking photos of you,” I said through gritted teeth, I knew better not to start throwing accusations around in front of Braden, “I wanted to find out what he wanted.”
“I’ll handle it, they come around every now and again before a big game to get an inside scoop, so I’m sure it was harmless.”
“Harmless. Right,” I said and stalked off towards the house.
How could he be so indifferent about this? Just the other day a reporter came asking about his son, and now this? I simply refused to expose Braden to these vultures, and if Caleb could not consider our privacy then I would have no option but to take Braden back home.
“Rae, wait!” Caleb called after me but I refused to stop.
“Rae! Hold up, can we just talk?” he said again and this time I spun around.
“Talking is just not good enough Caleb, I can’t have these journalists poking around in my life, much less Braden’s. Things are complicated as it is,” I said folding my arms.
“I know, but unfortunately it comes with the territory, and it’s not something that will just go away. They have a scoop and they will do what they can to find out what’s going on, I can’t change what or who I am,” he said and leaned against the pillar on the wrap around veranda.
He was right, as much as I hated it; I was the one that walked into his life, not the other way around. Just because he was Braden’s father didn’t give me the right to make any demands. The fact remained, he was a sports star, and I was the unpopular nobody who had his child, his child. Talk about being the insignificant other, it was nothing short of pathetic, not to mention disastrous.
“I know, I just don’t like it, and if it wasn’t for that Joanne woman, they wouldn’t have had a story in the first place. She feels jilted that you stood her. You should have just gone out with her. I really don’t know why you bothered with me in the first place”
Caleb pushed away from the pillar and stood with his hands on his hips, “There’s no proof that it was Joanne who told them anything.”
“See? You even try to defend her, when the truth is staring you right in the face, unbelievable!” I spat out and then spun around and stormed into the house.
Before I knew it, Caleb had me by the arm, “I merely meant that we can’t go around accusing people by mere assumption, I’ll have a talk to her and find out what’s going on okay?”
I tugged my arm free, “Well I’m telling you she is behind all of this, and if you think for one moment I’m going to be target practice for a scorned ex, you’re wrong. Braden and I will be leaving first thing in the morning.”
“No you won’t,” he said blankly, “Our son needs a father, and if you’re too blind to see that, then you’re pretty selfish. You’ve spent every moment of that child’s life cooping him up and protecting him in this bubble of imperfection that he never had a chance to experience what it is to be a four-year-old boy!”
Blinded by rage I slapped him so hard my hand stung right into my wrist. How dare he blame me for Braden’s lack of childhood experiences?
“You’re a real jackass,” I said furiously before I hurried up the stairs to my room. I couldn’t allow him to see my tears.
I had more than enough time to think things over after our little fallout the night before, and instead of running after a raging female who could do some serious damage with that left-hand swing of hers, I left her to calm down.
In my defence I wasn’t trying to protect Joanne. In fact, she was the last thing on my mind, I was just trying to contain a bad situation by playing this whole journalist thing down to me being a sports star. But if I had to be honest with myself, it was more than likely Joanne’s doing and whatever her angle was for pulling such a stunt, I was not planning on letting it slide, but that was the least of my problems. I needed to reassure Rae that she belonged here and that Braden needed me.
“Has the baby sitter arrived yet?” I asked Samson as I entered the kitchen just after dawn.
“She’s on her way sir,” he said with a smile on his face.
“Good, when she gets here, just show her where everything is.”
“Of course.”
Although Samson was my butler, he was more like a father to me than my own dad had ever been and I knew that he had always liked Rae, he never made it a secret. I remember how he went out of his way to make sure he always offered Rae a ride when he picked me up from college just so that he could push us towards each other. The day I decided to leave, he was the one who told me I was making a mistake. My dad was caught up with his new girlfriend, while my mom spent days drinking herself into a stupor over his betrayal. Thinking back now, I should have listened to Samson when he told me ‘she’s the kind of girl who deserves more than one second chance’. I never quite understood what he meant by that at the time, but now it was slowly starting to make sense.
Fine, so she never tried to reach me when she found out she was pregnant, but that’s no reason to keep the noose around her neck. She was scared and alone, I was gone and she deserved a second chance as much as I did.
“Shall I take Miss Rae’s tea up to her room?” Samson asked, drawing me out of my train of thought.
“No, I’ll take it up; you tend to Maria when she arrives.”
On my way to Rae’s room I stopped at Braden’s room, he was talking to himself again and I couldn’t help but smile. He reminded me so much of myself; I had no doubt that he was going to grow up to be just fine. I could only hope that I would get to be part of it all. My heart ached just thinking of losing him.
I continued to Rae’s room and knocked lightly on the door and waited, when there was no answer I entered expecting to find her sleeping, but instead I heard her in the bathroom. Should I leave the tea and come back later or wait for her to come out of the bathroom? I wondered. The latter option was more than just tempting and images of her wrapped only in a towel flooded my mind. I was about to leave when the door opened and as if I had telepathic powers, she exited with nothing but a towel around her.
“Oh! I-I, what are you doing here?” she asked and hugged her arms around her.
I was rendered speechless for a moment as she stood before me. Her skin was flushed and her wet hair clung to her cheeks and shoulders. As much as I wanted to take her there and then I had to control myself.
“Peace offering,” I said clearing my throat. “I’ve brought you some tea.”
“Thank you,” she said and shifted her weight awkwardly; “You can just leave it on the dresser.”
Pull yourself together man, I reprimanded myself and walked to the door, “Dress comfortably and meet me downstairs,” I said and without waiting for her answer I left the room.
A short while later Rae came down the stairs dressed in skin tight jeans and knee high boots with a black vest that accentuated her curves. Naturally all my blood ran south and I had no choice but to force thoughts of pink bunnies and fluffy coyotes to ease the tension that rose up inside of me. If she had the slightest idea how she tempted me, she would have run away when she had the chance.
A pale young girl accompanied by Samson stepped out of the kitchen and shifted her glasses up her nose.
“Rae, this is Maria, she’s going to be ba
bysitting Braden today,” I said and stepped aside.
“Hello Miss Callaway, I’m so pleased to meet you and I can assure you that Braden is in great hands,” Maria said reassuringly.
Rae’s jaw dropped as she looked at Maria, then at me, and back at Maria, “I’m sorry Maria, I think there was a slight misunderstanding, we won’t need your services.”
“Of course we do.” I placed my hand on Rae’s shoulder and forced a smile.
“No we don’t,” she bit out and shrugged away from me.
“Just work with me here, okay?” I turned and looked at Maria, “Can you give us a moment?
“Of course, I’ll go tend to Braden.”
“Why the hell would you make these decisions without consulting me?” Rae said the moment Maria was out of sight.
“I’ve arranged a baby sitter so that I can take you out for a bit, you need it,” I took her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes.
“She’s a complete stranger and I don’t need to go out, I just need to be with Braden.”
“She has good references, the agency reassured me she can be trusted and Samson is also here to keep an eye on everything.”
Rae turned out of my grasp and walked to the doorway then spun around and whispered under her breath, “How do you know she’s not an undercover journalist?”
I threw my head back and laughed shaking my head, “You watch far too many CSI episodes, she’s not a journalist, she is only sixteen and trying to save for college. I promise you she will not jeopardize her income. My managers’ wife runs an Au Pair company and she owed me a favour, Maria is one of the best on her payroll and she can be trusted.”
She scrunched her nose up and then bit her thumb, “I just don’t think it’s wise to leave him with a complete stranger, you know how he gets.”
I looked over her shoulder at Maria sitting with Braden on the floor. Braden was a little tentative and had distanced himself from Maria, but he was also not shying away from her completely. In fact, he had shoved some of his Legos over to her.