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Stinging Proposal (Erotic Romance)

Page 4

by Alana Marlowe

  Her heart jumped as his touch electrified her, making her want to jump him right there by the fire. She smiled and blushed and lowered her eyes feeling the butterflies as Alex began to pull her softly towards him as he leaned his face just inches away from hers, head tilted as if to prepare himself to kiss her.

  He stopped himself short and whispered softly too her, “I am going to kiss you Miss Sara.” He didn’t ask her this time. He just stated his intentions. As he gently ran his fingers through her hair he pulled her into his kiss, pressing gently but firmly his lips against hers. The hair on her body stood at attention as the power of his soft lips made her weak and short of breath. After a few seconds he pulled away and looked at her face. Then returned with a second kiss that sent lightning bolts through Sara’s body.

  As his tongue slowly and softly pushed its way into her mouth, she could feel the emotions welling up inside her as she held her breath. Tasting his mouth on hers, she was transported into space, her eyes closed as she saw the fireworks in her head.

  As he pulled away, he leaned back in his chair and took her hand in his. He leaned back his head and closed his eyes with a satisfied grin on his face, as if he was lucky he didn’t get slapped.

  Sara sat there stunned. She wasn’t prepared for him to kiss her.

  Sara slowly leaned back in her chair and leaned her head back, looking up at the stars through the leaves in the trees. Her body was all tingly and his hand felt warm. She smiled as she kept feeling his lips on hers, and wondered where he had been all her life. There had been so many times in the past where she never really liked the man who kissed her because they didn’t know how she liked to be kissed. For some reason, he knew EXACTLY how to do it, and didn’t have to be taught!

  Satisfied, she knew this was going to be the start of something magical. She was falling for Alex already and this was just their first date.

  Over the next several months, there were many more barbeques and many more dates. Each one of them becoming more and more intense as they fell head over heels for each other.

  In the beginning, Sara made it quite clear that she was not looking for a short term relationship, or a live-in boyfriend. She also made sure he understood that even though they may get frisky while dating, that he could not plan on having intercourse with her. She was saving that for her husband, whoever that may be.

  Alex respected her wishes and never tried to push her into intercourse, although there had been times when Sara herself wanted to throw her own values out the window due to wanting Alex to take her and fuck her brains out. But she knew that if she did that now, she may actually lose him because he wouldn’t respect her anymore.

  She never once mentioned marriage. In her past relationships, she always made sure that the guy knew up front that she wanted to be married. She figured men would appreciate her honesty and respect her for it. That never turned out to be the case. So this time she did it different. She allowed him to take the lead. And did he ever.

  Chapter 4 – Taking Chances

  Sara kept staring at the ring she had placed on her left hand. She knew she loved Alex and now wanted to learn more about what exactly it was that he wanted, and how their life would be together.

  Could she live the rest of her life with a man who liked to spank her? The thought of it made her excited, but the reality of it gave her pause. She spent the next several days doing all the research she could on Domestic Discipline, trying to understand her own feelings about this.

  During the week, they spoke a few times on the phone. He had asked her if she had made her decision yet. She told him that she wouldn’t know for sure until she saw him on Friday. She also didn’t mind making him squirm a little while waiting on her decision.

  Friday finally arrived and she had to make a choice. Could she do it? Could she stay with him for a month to see if they could love each other in this kind of relationship? Only doing it would give her the answer. And she wanted to know. But being that she had never been spanked before, she wasn’t even sure if she could commit to the month. She decided to change the plan a little.

  Sara said that she would meet him up at his cabin at 6 p.m. to give him her decision. Sara sat in her bedroom, looking at herself in the mirror and making sure everything was in place. Her long red hair was in a soft French braid, makeup done just right. She wasn’t dressed fancy, just her perfect butt fitting jeans and a nice top that hide the places that were still lumpy. And of course, her push-up bra. She wasn’t huge breasted like most larger women so she needed as much help as she could get plus being over 40, certain areas started to go south.

  Sara hopped into her truck and looked at the ring on her left hand. This was it. This was a life-changing decision she was about to make. She felt confident in her decision.

  But as she was slowly driving down towards his place, she really didn’t know if she was ready to do a whole thirty day stint. What if she couldn’t handle it? What if it just made her want to run away? What if he wanted to spank her more than she could handle? She didn’t want to commit to a man unless she was sure. She had not ever really been spanked hard before. What if she loved to fantasize about it, but in the real world it was awful?

  As she drove into his cabin driveway he was sitting on the tailgate of his truck. Normally, he would have jumped up and opened the door for her. This time, he stayed put and allowed her to approach him instead. Sara could tell by his face that the poor boy had been in knots since he left her the letter. As confident as he normally was, even she could tell he was antsy.

  She got out of her truck and deliberately held her hands behind her back so he would not be able to see them until she was ready.

  She strolled up to him and leaned into him, wrapping her arms around his neck, she planted a wonderful wet kiss on his lips with lots of tongue, letting it linger as she felt his body responding with a bulge in his jeans. He responded with passion as his tongue explored the depths of her mouth. She loved the way he kissed her. She had been with bad kissers before. He knew exactly how she liked to be kissed and her body reacted accordingly. She could feel the heat between them build as the tension was as thick as mud.

  As she pulled away, she brought her hands down from around his neck and placed them in his hands. He inhaled deeply as he looked first into her eyes. She smiled sweetly as his eyes lowered to her hands.

  “Woohoo!” Alex yelled as he jumped up off the tailgate and grabbed Sara in his strong arms, spinning her around. He was laughing like a school kid on the spinning wheel at the playground. She laughed at his reaction, not expecting him to be so excited.

  As he stopped her spinning, he took both of his hands and brought them around the back o her neck and hair, pulling her lips to his. Passion poured out as his kiss enveloped her soul, his arms wrapping perfectly around her, squeezing her tightly. He pressed his body into hers and she could feel his manhood standing at attention.

  The next couple of minutes was spent standing in the driveway kissing passionately as if they had not seen each other for weeks. Then, Alex allowed his hands to wander, reaching down and grabbing both cheeks of Sara’s bottom.

  Sara loved to have her bottom massaged and Alex was always trying to play with her ass. Now she understood why. He obviously had a butt fetish.

  “Oh baby, I have wanted you for so long now. I know you probably have some questions and I will answer them all. But right now I am so in love with you.” Alex said as he continued to grab and release her butt cheeks.

  He went back to kissing her and rubbing her body, with his hands magnetically drawn to her bottom. Then abruptly, he walked over to the tailgate and sat back down on it, pulling her with him. He spread his knees and pulled her body between them, wrapping his feet and locking them behind her knees while at the same time wrapping his arms back around her and kissing her again so deeply that she could barely keep her balance.

  Her body was alive and every hair was standing on end. She had never felt such passion from a man. If this wa
s what she had to look forward too, she would be horny all the time!

  Sara was in a euphoria from all the heavy breathing and her body was gushing from all the passion he was giving to her. She wanted to melt into his arms and kiss forever.

  Then, almost as if in slow motion, Alex pulled away from her upper body, but kept his legs wrapped around her legs. He then reached his left arm around behind her and forced her body to bend over his one knee.

  Next thing she knows, she is face down over his knee, her legs held tightly by his, and his arm holding her in place over her back.

  “Wait! I…” Sara started to protest. She had not yet actually giving him the ONE stipulation she was making about the proposal.

  “Shhh….it’s ok baby. I just want you to get used to the feel of this position.”

  Sara tried to push herself upward but Alex kept a firm grip, with his forearm holding her in place with ease. He then took his right hand and started stroking her tightly jeaned bottom. Up and down her thighs, grabbing hunks of butt flesh from time to time he stroked her bottom until she eventually stopped resisting.

  It was almost like he knew just what to do to calm her, even though in her position she didn’t feel that she could be calm. She trusted him. She had to, or this wouldn’t work. And it was then that it occurred to her that this whole thing was about trust. Her trusting him to love her, care for her and take her to new heights of both pain and pleasure.

  “Just four. Four swats. Two for each cheek.” Alex said as he patted her bottom. “I have waited so long to feel you this way. I want to feel my hand sting a little.”

  Sara said nothing but held her breath as she felt him raise his hand above his head. He brought his hand down perfectly on her covered bum. She didn’t think it would sting as much as it did with the jeans she was wearing. When his first swat landed, he held his hand there and then rubbed the spot where it landed, feeling the heat build. Sara gasped as the sting went from her bottom to her brain in seconds.

  Before she had the chance to say anything, he was already into the second swing. She let out a little yelp as his firm hand landed squarely on the other cheek. Quickly, he planted the other two swats, one on each cheek then released his grip on her and let her stand. Sara stood there, mouth open as if in mid sentence, not knowing exactly what to say. All she knew was that her panties were wet and her ass was slightly stinging.

  He pulled her into his embrace as his lips found hers and his tongue forced its way into her mouth. She responded with a release of passion that she had never known before. She wrestled with the mix of emotion pulsing through her right now. She was so horny her jeans were wet, but in her mind, this shouldn’t be something that should turn her on. Or should it?

  Sara could feel the wetness in her panties and her nipples were hard, wanting to be kissed and sucked. She was amazed at her own body’s reaction. It was exciting and confusing all at the same time.

  “I love you so much, Sara. I am so happy you decided to take a chance on us. I don’t think you will be disappointed.”

  “I love you too Alex. I want us to be happy. But…”

  Alex interrupted her before she had a chance to explain the change she wanted. “I have reservations up at Cattlemen’s for us for dinner. You hungry? It is in a private spot where we can talk and I can answer questions you may have.”

  Sara nodded as she tried to regain her composure, stepping back and adjusting her jeans and top, her bottom smarting just a bit. She figured that at dinner she would have a chance to explain what she wanted to do.

  They went to dinner and spent a couple of hours just enjoying each other’s company, with Sara inquiring to how they would live, how he felt about her working, would he always want to spank her, among other things. She could still feel the sting of his hand on her warm flesh as she sat in the inside of the booth. She liked what she felt.

  “Sara, if you want to work that is up to you. I would prefer my wife didn’t work outside the home. Taking care of a home and a husband is more than enough work. I don’t feel a woman should have to pull in a paycheck unless she wants too. I make enough for both of us and I can give you anything you desire. I want to take care of you.”

  Sara blushed as he designed their lives together. She longed to hear from a man that she didn’t have to bring home the bacon. She felt as if she were in a dream.

  Alex lowered his voice as he continued, “As far as when I will spank you that will depend on you. If I want to warm you up before I take my cock and spread you open, that is what I will do.” He said quietly as he brought his lips to her ear and then kissed and nibbled her neck, sending shivers down her spine.

  He continued to whisper in her ear, “but if you are being a bad girl, then I will take matters into my own hands and adjust your attitude for you.”

  Sara blushed as she looked around the restaurant, wondering if anyone in town knew who Alex really was and what his fetish was.

  She giggled nervously but knew he was dead serious.

  “Alex, does anyone in town…I mean, any of your past girlfriends that live here…know of your desires?” Sara inquired.

  “No. I have actually dated a few of the women here in town. But none of them have the kind of qualities I would want in a wife. You are the first that I have ever asked to marry me. And you are the first to know of my desires…my REAL desires.”

  Sara paused as she realized what he was saying to her.

  “Thank you for trusting me. I mean, with knowing this about you.”

  “And thank you for trusting me, Sara. I know this is a big step for you as well. Asking this of someone wasn’t easy. I wanted to hear a yes, but I was not sure of how you would react. I am glad you are open to it.”

  Alex beamed as he spoke. She could tell he felt proud. Like he had won the prize. He was happy to have her on his arm and proud to be the one who had won her.

  “Um…I have one request though. A little bit of a change I want to make.” Sara said.

  “Sure baby, anything you want.”

  “Well…I…want to know what it is like before we actually do a whole thirty days. I mean, I have never really been spanked before other than what you did earlier. I am not sure I could actually commit to a whole month unless I know what it is I am agreeing too.”

  Sara could see Alex trying to remain positive but his face showed his angst.

  “So you are saying, you want to ‘try before you buy’ kind of thing?”

  “Yes Alex. I love you and truly want this...I think. But how can I agree to something, even for a month trial unless I know what I am getting into by experiencing it first?”

  “That makes sense.” Alex agreed, although he didn’t quite sound as though he convinced himself. He brought his glass to his lips and took a sip. Then a small grin appeared on his face.

  Alex pulled her close, getting right up to her ear. “Since you decided to change the plans that will cost you some flesh. When we get back to the cabin, I will make sure you understand what it is you are getting into.”

  He leaned back with a sly grin on his face, knowing that he was about to tan the hide of the woman he loved.

  Sara shivered as she closed her eyes, thinking about what lie ahead. Her body was already reacting to the words ringing in her ears. Suddenly she was nervous. Knots were building in her stomach as if she was standing in line for the highest roller coaster on the planet. And she hated roller coasters.

  Alex paid the check and slid out from the booth, reaching his hand out to her. “Shall we head home young lady?” His voice was different. Commanding but sensitive. She had heard this before, but he has never called her “young lady” before. It definitely helped to set the mood for what was about to happen.

  She nodded yes and slipped out of the booth behind him and they headed for his truck.

  Chapter 5 – Sampling The Future

  “Go stand in the middle of the living room.” Alex commanded after he opened the door and turned on the lamp. Sara complied,
laying her purse on the table. She was shaking slightly with both sexual tension and a slight bit of fear of the unknown. She totally trusted Alex and knew he would never harm her. But right now the emotions flooding her brain were intoxicating.

  “Do you need to pee?” Alex asked as he paused on his way to the bathroom.

  “No, I am fine.” Sara replied.

  “Good. Wait for me there.” Alex said as he disappeared into the bathroom for a few minutes, which seemed so much longer to Sara than it actually was. Alex quickly did his business and washed his hands before reappearing.

  “Face the fireplace.” He commanded. His voice was firm but gentle. She almost felt like she was in trouble but didn’t know what for. I guess that was the effect he was going for.

  Alex walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, kissing the back of her neck.

  “Baby…don’t worry.” He said, as if he knew her fear was leveling up. This gave her a sense of calm.

  He hugged her tight and then his hands made their way down her waist until they unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans. He took his thumbs and put one on each side of her waistband and pushed her jeans down to the top of her knees and stopped. Then he reached up and softly caressed her bottom through her black satin panties. He could leave them on, but he wanted her to experience the FULL effect of NO panties.

  Slipping his fingers into each side of her panties, he pulled them down to her jeans. He could see the wetness on her panties as he pulled them down, and knew she was highly turned on. He wrapped his arms around her waist again and pulled her body into his. Her bottom was right at cock level and she felt his erection straining through his snug fitting jeans as he kissed and nibbled her neck.

  He moved around to her left side, and took his right hand and softly grabbed and massaged one butt cheek, then the other before reaching his fingers between her cheeks to find the hot spot that was releasing all that moisture.

  “Oh…goodness! Someone is quite the turned on naughty girl I see.” Alex said with that commanding tone mixed with a bit of laughter in his voice. “Well now, I wonder if that will continue as I set your backside on fire?” He mused.


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