by Amy Brent
Roger had been as excited about the other two, and they had pulled me into their clutches as well. Roger was gone a lot, but he had a system of family members to handle anything while we were gone. He was a devoted family man when we were home, and I spent countless hours there enjoying dinners and lazy afternoons by the pool.
I watched the speech I made at their wedding, so full of love and laughter that my heart cracked open. It was a beautiful day even though I felt like I was losing my buddy to another life.
The fourth baby had been when he seemed to be moody and somber, particularly while on our mission. Why hadn’t I seen the signs of his breakdown? Why hadn’t I done more?
The videos kept playing as the memories flooded my mind and I felt reduced to tears.
I walked into the kitchen for the fresh bottle of bourbon and took a long sip. I needed this night before I faced tomorrow. I needed to be numb for another few hours.
It was time to grow up and face the music.
I had not heard from Blake in weeks. My heart still ached even as I continued to see other patients and try to fix their lives and their issues. I called Barry to check a few times and was saddened to hear that he’d heard nothing as well. My messages sounded pathetic at times, and I knew this, but I missed him desperately. I worried about him.
I was shocked when one day Lauren called into my office. “Dr. Thomas? Blake Landon is in the waiting room and was hoping to see you today. He says that it is urgent. Can you spare the time?”
“I had a cancellation…so, yes. Send him in. Thank you.” I told her after a moment of silence. I ran a hand through my hair that was down and messy and looked at the blue dress that I wore that day.
It matched the color of his eyes.
There was a tap on the door to which I responded to come in. The knob turned, and he stepped into my office, dark and sloppy. He still looked gorgeous to me but with more of an edge, though I pushed those thoughts away.
Blake hadn’t shaved in a while, and his hair was long and tousled on his head. “Mr. Landon,” I murmured as I stared at him. “It’s been quite some time.”
“It has.” He responded as he stumbled forward and dropped into the chair in front of me. “I…I have been doing a lot of thinking. I have been drinking myself to sleep every fucking night going over everything, and I need you. I need you to help me.”
“That’s my job,” I assured him as he lifted his gaze to my face. He had circles under his eyes, and he was looking a little out of shape. Blake seemed like a man that was suffering badly inside. I still loved him somewhere inside, but I pushed that aside to be his therapist. I could put everything else behind me.
We made regular appointments again. Barry was thrilled and warned be that he would be checking in with me on a regular basis for updates.
I held steady to my promise of not telling anybody the truth. It was better, in this case, to leave it be and spare the feelings of so many people.
We started slow, but he wanted to release the demons. We began with the core loss of his friend and worked through that. There was so much pain that he felt that was taken over by the guilt that he felt. Blake rocked back and forth during some sessions and seemed like he wanted to run screaming out of my office, but I credit him for staying.
We then covered his feelings about the killing. There was so much there and with a few meetings, we started to get somewhere, and he seemed like a weight was off if his shoulders. Blake had gotten his hair cut short again and shaved, and he was looking more and more like the handsome man that I had met at the bar that night.
I knew that he would never be that man again in some way, but I liked the idea. I liked this version of Blake, and I think that he did as well.
I even threw my two cents into the conversation a time or two. I told Blake about my father and brother and the terrible loss that their deaths had been to myself and my family. I held out a picture to show him that I kept on the corner of my desk, and he stared at it as his mouth dropped open. “He was your father?”
“Excuse me?” I asked as I leaned forward and stared at him.
“Mike was my mentor. I met him when I first signed up and made the Seals, and he taught me everything that I know. I loved him as a father and…he created you.” Blake stared at me as I felt a tear slide down my cheek. “I see so much of him in you.”
“He was my hero,” I tearfully confessed as I reached for the box of Kleenex on my desk.
“Mine too. I was devastated when I found out he died. I was on a mission and couldn’t be at the service, and that killed me inside. I think I still talk to him sometimes and remember his advice that he gave to me. He essentially told me that it was okay to do what I did in the interest of my brothers, even if I didn’t save all of them.” Blake said, and I nodded. That sounded just like my dad. “I might have met you if I had been there.”
“I think we were meant to meet later,” I responded as he lifted a dark eyebrow. “I was a mess, Blake.” I watched as he stood and walked around my desk to stand before me.
“I was, too.”
“I missed you so much,” I confessed as I pushed myself out of my chair and met his eyes. He cupped my face gently as he soothed my tears with his thumbs for a moment. “I barely slept worrying about you.”
“I missed you badly.” He looked at me with watery eyes as I started to cry a little harder. “I can’t stay away from you, baby.” He kissed me with a firm press of his lips, and I threw my arms around his neck to kiss him back with a small moan. There was nothing but our connection in this room that we should not be doing this in but I didn’t care. I pressed my body against the warmth and the muscles that I had watched from under his clothes over the weeks. We made up for lost time with every deep kiss, and I pulled away to stare into his eyes as I smiled slowly. “I need you, Blake.”
“I need you too, Aspen.” He drew his lip between his teeth. “Can you help me with something this coming weekend? I need your strength.”
“Yes. I will always be here for you.” I promised him as I kissed him again and cried out all of the pain that I had Felt missing him for the last few months. It had ripped a hole inside of my heart that reminded me of losing my father, and I laughed against his lips. “I was never supposed to fall for a military man. Ever. Not after what my family went through…but I love you, Blake.”
“I love you,” Blake told me before he kissed me again to try and take my pain away from me. He tried to fix what broke inside of me, and I wanted to let him.
We both cried as we kissed until the session was over, feeling something new between us. Something better than before.
I released Blake from my care shortly after that but by that time we were already secretly together. It went against every grain of my fiber, but I was crazy about him. I couldn’t be without him in my life ever again.
That weekend we went to an ice cream parlor over in the next town with Emma and all of the kids. It was so bittersweet to see how they crawled all over me and how much they loved me so deeply. I knew they would always miss their dad just like I could see that Emma was, but even she was smiling and tearing up over the sight as I was. We ate huge sundaes and talked about Roger as we settled into the afternoon.
There were so many good memories to share, and I could feel Aspen’s support pouring from her eyes as she watched me focus on that instead of the horrible decision that I had been forced to make. I didn’t have a choice on that day, but I could make it up in ways like this, by honoring my promise to both Roger and Emma.
We shared a lot of long looks, and Aspen giggled when we saw the kids pointing and whispering. I had touched her or held her hand every chance that I got and loved it. “Uncle Blake, is Pen your girlfriend?” Brent asked me in his adorable four-year-old voice as she beautifully blushed. I knew that Aspen was watching me, and it made me laugh as Emma smiled at the sight of the two of us.r />
“She is my everything right along with all of you,” I promised all of them with a long look at each of them.
Barry knew that Aspen and I were involved now, and he was all right with it since she was no longer my therapist. I had another one that I was going to see as needed but for now, I was cleared to work again. I was surprised to hear how well he knew her, and I saw the support in his eyes when I confessed my love for her. There was no reason to hide it anymore, and she beamed as I slipped my arm around her and kissed her hair.
I watched as Emma and Aspen got to know each other over the chatter of the kids, and I knew that they would be firm friends. The kids adored her as much as I did and I realized that there was another person to help them through the rest of their days as they healed. We were all healing, and Aspen looked at me with a sweet smile.
The girls made plans for a movie night the following weekend as they hugged each other tightly before we walked to our individual cars to leave. Everybody was feeling a lot better, and the kids hugged both of us for several minutes as they forced us into pinkie promises for the following weekend.
I led Aspen to my bike and kissed her long and hard as she leaned into me. The world disappeared around us, and I only tasted the fudge of the sundae that she consumed as our tongues met slowly. I murmured against her lips how much I loved her, and she responded by pulling my mouth over hers with her hands as she moaned into my lips.
We hurried to her place much like any night, and I followed her to her room as she stripped off the black cashmere sweater that she was wearing. It was not going to me riding season soon, and I stared at the pale skin as she reached back to unhook her red lace bra. I knew what was waiting for me, and I hurried forward to pull her into my arms and memorize the way she said my name. She pulled me into the door and slid her hands down to shimmy the fitted jeans down her thighs as I greedily took in the body that was all mine.
Aspen dropped to her knees as she unbuckled my jeans and drew my hard cock into her mouth. It was a sin the way she worked my body so well, and I stared down as she met my gaze. My hands went into her hair and pulled the ponytail out as Aspen moaned and took me even deeper into her throat. I came with a deep thrust that she welcomed into her mouth and throat, coming hard with a guttural cry of her name.
After I had recovered, it was her turn, and I feasted on her pussy as Aspen tried to jerk against the hard hold I had on her thighs. Aspen was a sensitive girl this way, but I loved torturing her large clit and made me tremble in my grasp as she let herself go completely. It was a beautiful sight, and I was always hard and ready after to bury myself inside of her.
Tonight I raised back and looked down at her. “You’re mine. I want you bare, Aspen.”
She was on birth control and she nodded as she reached out for me. We were both clean, and we had no intentions of ever sleeping around again. I drove myself into her as I lifted her legs to my shoulders and held them there. She rocked against me thrust for thrust, and I knew that I was going to come soon as I looked into her eyes. She was panting and moaning as her eyes rolled back into her head and she shook as she let out a keening sound and I felt myself let go inside of her.
Someday, though not soon, she would be carrying my baby. I knew that she was my forever, and Aspen opened her eyes and looked at me with love in her eyes as I let go of her feet slowly. We moved to face each other quickly, and she kissed my lips as I watched her with warm eyes. “I love you, baby,” I whispered as she smiled and kissed me again.
“I love you. I love you forever.” Emotion rose in her voice, and I pulled her close. “I am so proud of you, Blake.”
“I am who I am because of yuo Aspen. I owe you everything.” I told her as she hugged me tightly and closed her eyes.
This place was where I wanted to be when I wasn’t off defending my country, something we were both dealing with. I would spend every moment here proving how much I loved her and would take care of her, but when I couldn’t help I knew that Aspen could handle things.
I knew that were going to make it through anything.
Spencer is a filthy liar!
He was my first love, my first crush, the only man I loved!
He was my everything….He was the one who took my virginity
And then…..he just vanished
He is back in town after four years and wants a second chance. (Yes, he has changed – he is rich, arrogant and c*cky and walks as if he owns the planet!)
And although I have thought about him every moment of each day in the past four years, I don’t think I am ready for a second chance.
No, not with him!
What if he betrays me again…
Forget forgiveness, I cannot trust him at all… Because I know he is a filthy liar.
Chapter one
“You can finally admit that there’s something between us, Megan. You’ve been watching me and imagining what it would be like to be with me. This is our only opportunity and our parents were stupid enough to leave us here alone together in this big house. We should stop kidding ourselves and finally do something about what has obviously caused this animosity between us. There has always been a fine line between love and hate. I didn’t like you from the moment that you came into my father’s life, but I can’t say that I didn’t fantasize about you.” Spencer had this white man’s charm and also a way to get underneath my skin. I thought I hated him, but it was just a mask for something of a deep affection.
“Does any of these lame come ones actually work on white women that are not three sheets to the wind? I can see how your attempts to seduce me would work if I was drunk off my ass and stumbling over my own sizable 2 feet. I have more respect for myself than to give you the courtesy of some kind of response. You obviously think that you have this hold on me, but I’ve never even thought of you in that way.” I not only thought of him in that way, but I couldn’t get him out of my mind.
“I think the girl does protest too much.” He pulled out a sheet of paper and unfolded it.
“Spencer, I wish that I could touch you and to have your hand pressed up against my breasts. I want to feel your fingers grazing my nipples and then pinching them to make me come alive for the first time. Take me right here down and dirty and have your way with me. Rip off my clothes and don’t take no for an answer. I need you and it hurts me to think that you are only a few steps away and there’s nothing that I can do about it. Do you sit in your room stroking yourself and wondering about me? I know that my fingers have gotten a lot of mileage. I have fueled my fantasies with you in different scenarios.”
I gasped in shock at hearing the very words I had typed in my private journal. My computer was password protected and for him to have knowledge of my secret thoughts made me believe that he was smarter than I gave him credit for. I wasn’t tall and I certainly was carrying more than the average. I did my race proud by being able to be seen coming and going. “You’re taking that out of context, I said. He grabbed me and pulled me towards him with his hands inching up my skirt and touching the tops of my nude stockings. He kissed me with his hot tongue scorching along the surface of my own. I stood there and felt the pressure of his loins. His cock was enormous and feeling it at full strength was better than anything that I could imagine.
“I’m not a fool, but you must’ve been in a rush to leave your computer open like that. I apologize for invading your personal space, but you have to admit that you have been after me like a salivating dog. I thought that I could use something against you to get you out of the house and away from me, but instead I found more than enough reason to want to take things to the next level.” He grabbed the collar of my white blouse and he tore it down the middle with the buttons flying in all directions. “I’m through walking around on eggshells. We are going to do this and you’re going to willingly give me your sweet ebony body.” Any other man that tried this kind of nonsense would’v
e got a punch in the face, but for him, I became almost powerless to resist.
He was the bad boy with girls coming over at all hours of the day and night to be with him in the Biblical sense. I’d heard my fair share of orgasmic cries and I secretly felt this jealousy that could only be satisfied with getting my hands on him. His fingers had found their way underneath the crotch of my panties. The dark green material was sticking to my lips. He had to pull it away to gain access.
“Um…I wanted you to see those words. I knew that you would sneak a peek and now I have proof that you were in my room without my permission.” I was trying to backpedal, but he wasn’t buying it for a second. He grabbed my long brown hair into a fist and made me look at him with his eyes burning a hole into my very soul.
“That’s a good try, but we both know that you’re lying through your teeth. Let’s see what we can’t do about changing your tune. You obviously want me and this is your time to finally reach out and take what you want. I’m not going to fight you, but I can’t say the same for you.” Being exposed with my breasts overflowing the cups of my bra was not something that I was expecting. I’d never been attracted to a white man and being of ebony color, I was more inclined to be with those of my own race.
“I don’t even know why you are even interested. You seem to go for more of the Barbie doll type. I am a bit more to offer than those stick thin white bitches.” I didn’t mean to go on the defensive, but he certainly was pressing my buttons. His finger had traced the line of my wetness and now he was offering it to me like some sort of olive branch of peace. I sucked his finger into my mouth and I rolled my tongue around it to give him a good idea of what he was missing.