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Getting Dirty: A Second Chance Menage Romance (Hard n' Dirty Book 1)

Page 19

by Aubrey Cara

  “There is something I want to tell you two.” Her tone is rather serious. “I guess it falls under the category of emotional messy shit. And it’s something I haven’t ever told anyone.”

  If she hadn’t gotten our attention before, she has it now. “Shoot.”

  She hesitates.

  “Babe, I was meant what I said. We’re your guys. You share it all with us. And we’ll do the same. That’s how this works. No secrets, no keeping each other at arm’s length. You don’t have to protect yourself from us.”

  “I know, this is just difficult.” She sighs and fixes her gaze on the ceiling, like it has an answer to some silent question. “You know that night I stood Jace up? Back in high school?”

  Jace groans.

  “The infamous night,” I say. “Hard to forget.”

  “That was the night Edward Fitzpatrick told me he wasn’t my father. I mean, he was, legally. His name is on my birth certificate, and he was married to my mother, but he wasn’t my biological father. I was nothing to him, outside of being an obligation. I—I wanted you to know the truth. About me. About my family.”


  “What?” I don’t just sit up. I stand, zipping my pants, pace a few steps away, and come back. “Why didn’t you tell me this?”

  She sits up and pulls a blanket over her. “When we were kids or now?”

  I rake a hand through my hair. “I don’t know.” I guess it doesn’t matter. “Why did you let me think you were…”

  “Awful? Pretentious? An entitled snobby bitch?” she supplies.

  “Yeah, all that.”

  She lifts a shoulder and lets it fall. “I was all of that, and at the time I wanted to prove Edward wrong. I was a constant disappointment to him, and I was afraid he was right. That I wasn’t good enough to be a Fitzpatrick.”

  “You know that’s shit, right?” If I could bring her father back from the grave and kill him again, I would.

  “Yes. I know that now. He was a washed-up drunk, but I didn’t fully understand that. I thought he was drunk because he was grieving. Meanwhile, I spent my life trying to be perfect. Trying to be better than him. I just went about it the wrong way.”

  “Princess.” I kneel in front of her, taking her face in my hands. The vulnerability swimming in her eyes is like a knife to the chest. “You’re so much better than he could ever be.”

  “I know.”

  “Babe, you can at least waffle. I’m trying to make you feel better here.”

  Her laugh is light. She grabs my wrists and tilts her face to kiss my palm before pulling away. “I didn’t tell you to make you feel sorry for me. And you do make me feel better than better. You make me feel safe, and cared for, and like for the first time I don’t have to be on all the time, or perfect. Since I was seventeen, I’ve been scared—terrified of saying it out loud. To admit I’m not Edward Fitzpatrick’s daughter. I’m just me.” She lets out a shaky laugh. “That feels really good to say.”

  “Just you is pretty spectacular,” Jess says, kissing her shoulder and wrapping his arms around her.

  I toy with a strand of her hair, teasing over her collarbone. “So, is your real dad still around?”

  “No, he was a local-circuit IndyCar driver. He died before my mom was through her first trimester. I don’t know much about him. My father—Edward wasn’t very forthcoming. And I haven’t felt pulled to explore more than what Edward told me and what I later found about him in my mother’s journals. Maybe, someday, I’ll be ready to seek out long-lost family members, but I’m really not there yet. For better or worse, Edward was my father, and for reasons I don’t quite understand, my mother really did love him.”

  All these years, I was so angry. I hated her so much. “I wish you’d told me what was going on. Back then when I confronted you. I was worried. And then I hated you.”

  “I’m so sorry, Jace.” She leans forward and kisses me lightly. “I knew you cared, and I couldn’t let you. You weren’t part of my plan, and quite honestly, I wasn’t ready for you.”

  “I, for one, am thankful things worked out the way they did,” Jess says. “I would have been miserable had you two started dated back in the day.”

  “What?” This is news to me. “You never said anything—”

  “I know. I was jealous but kind of hoping you’d start dating her and eventually share.”

  Mads gasps in mock outrage, and Jess grins unrepentantly.

  “That’s bullshit,” I say. “When you started seeing her, you weren’t going to share at all.”

  The asshole smirks. “Yeah. Basically.”

  Mads snorts. Then she laughs, falling back in our little love nest, her tantalizing breasts on full display, her gorgeous hair a halo glowing in all this fucking candlelight.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “You two are lucky I couldn’t keep my hands off either of you.”

  Jess and I share a look. “Yeah. We know.”

  “I’m pretty lucky, too.” Her voice has gone all husky, and I toe off my boots.

  “Yeah, why’s that?” I take off my pants, and Mads’ eyes greedily watch me shuck my briefs.

  “You two love me as much as I love you.”

  Her words kick me in the chest. “You would say that while I’m holding my dick, thinking you’re about to wax poetic about my virility.”

  “I also love your cock and virility.”

  “You wanna know all the things I love about you?”

  Mads kicks off the blanket and spreads her legs wantonly. “Why don’t you show me?”

  We really are the luckiest assholes to ever walk this Earth.


  Imperfection is perfection. ~Flume

  M adeline

  Light filters through my closed eyelids. For a moment, I bask in the glory of waking up pressed between the two men I love and who love me. It’s the kind of heartwarming that’s nauseating, but I’m sore in places that prove our love is anything but wholesome. I feel down the body next to me and get a handful of morning wood.

  Jess moans low, rotating his hard body toward mine.

  A throat clears.

  It’s not Jace’s throat. He still snoring behind me.

  “What the fuck?” Jess yells, throwing a blanket over us.

  “Had I known I’d be getting a show, I’d have charged you less,” Tony says from where he stands by the foot of our makeshift bed. Behind him stand the ice cream brothers, Benny and Jerry.

  “So, boss, you guys what’s considered a throuple?” Benny asks.

  “I think they all have to fuck to be a throuple,” Jerry answers.

  “So how does fucking the same broad work?” Tony asks. “You ever accidentally cross swords?”

  “Out!” Jess barks.

  “I haven’t clocked in yet,” Jerry says. “Would it be cool if—”

  “Anyone not out in the next ten seconds is fired!”

  There’s a round of right, sure thing boss, we’re leaving as they shuffle out the back door. I hear, “Hey, cool, outdoor movie!” Before the metal door slams, Jace snuffles and shifts at my side but shows no indication he’s aware it’s morning and he quite literally just got caught with his dick out.

  I peek out from the soft quilt. “Coast clear?”

  Jess pulls the blanket the rest of the way down. “Yeah. They’re gone.”

  “ love nest plan may have one small glitch.” I hold up my finger and thumb less than an inch apart.

  He shakes his head, but he’s smiling the warm Jess smile that makes me want to bask in its glow.

  “Have I told you how much I love you?” I ask.

  “Not today. But my schedule is pretty clear, so go ahead. Details and physical expression are welcome.”

  “Aren’t customers going to start showing up soon?

  “I guess we should have this discussion in my office, then.”

  I walk my fingers up his chest. “Your office, huh? You going to bend me over your desk for filing your papers w
rong, Mr. Wallace?”

  His eyes flash. He pulls me down before I can crawl off the nest. “Maddie?”


  “I’m adding this moment to all the reasons I love you. Now, get your ass in my office. I think it’s time for your quarterly review.”

  “Hmm. So it’s like that, is it?”

  One of the large doors at the front of the garage rattles then start sliding up.


  Jess curses. “Fucking Chow.”

  “Boss? You know people are out here waiting?” His voice comes closer then his eyes go wide behind his swath of thick black hair. “Holy shit.”

  A retired-aged man comes up behind Chow. “Hey, Jess, I gotta drop my truck off earl—whoa my God.” He covers his eyes as an elderly woman follows him in.

  Her eyes go straight to Jace’s junk, which is going hard. I slide the blanket up over his lap. Then her rheumy gaze lands on me, and...she smiles.

  “Hey Ed,” Jess drawls. “You can leave your keys with Chow. We’re just changing out the oil and rotating the tires, right?”

  “Uh, yeah.” Ed still has his eyes covered, but now his ruddy cheeks are flushed. “And if you could check my heater? It’s not blowing air.”

  “Sure thing. We’ll give you a call when it’s finished.”

  Ed knocks into a rolling cart then uncovers his eyes and sees the old lady. “Mom! What are you doing?”

  “I wanted to say hello.” She toddles after Ed. “You know, I was once with two men at the same time.”

  “Mom. No. Shut it down, or I’ll talk to your doctor again about taking your license.”

  “Don’t you threaten me, young man. I was a vivacious woman in my prime.”

  They go out the door, but Chow is still staring at us, wide eyed.

  Jess clears his throat. “Chow, can you go close the garage door and stand out there and make sure no one else comes in until after we’ve left?”

  “Uhh, yeah.” Chow gives a slow nod then chuckles like a kid who caught his two bosses shlupping the same woman. “Sure thing, boss.”

  The motor on the door hums as it slides down. Jace slings an arm around my middle and pulls me back against him, humming into my neck. “Good morning, baby.”

  I laugh. So does Jess.

  Jace sits up on an elbow and scowls at both of us. “What the hell is so funny?”

  Jess rubs his face. “Fuck, everybody including Ed Mitchem’s mother got an eyeful of your junk.”

  “Huh?” Jace looks around.

  “Maybe we should relocate to my lake house?” I say. “Bret’s crew finished up a few days ago...the office has a nice sturdy desk in it. And it doesn’t smell like a garage.”

  Jess drops a kiss on my lips before rolling out of our love nest and grabbing his pants and underwear off the floor. I crawl off the mattress with a blanket around me, realizing my coat is outside.

  “What’s the matter with the garage smell?” Jace says.

  “Nothing. It’s just...garage-y.” And stinks like motor oil and exhaust fumes. Kind of gross. “Can one of you grab my coat?”

  Jace whips his legs off the side of the mattress, steps into his boots, and stalks to the back door buck-ass naked. “I’ll get Ms. Priss-who-doesn’t-like-garage-y-smells’ coat.”

  “Should we tell him?” I murmur to Jess.


  Jace steps out back and is gone for nearly a full minute before he saunters back in and tosses me the coat, which I immediately shrug on. He’s holding a bag of popcorn in his other hand. “Did you know Tony and the ice cream twins are out there watching a movie?”

  He kicks off his boots and hands me the popcorn.

  “You’re shameless, you know that right?”

  “That’s part of my charm.” He grabs me by the waist and pulls me back down on the mats, spreads the lapels of my coat. “You’ve got too many clothes on, babe.”

  “It’s business hours. We’ve got to go,” I tell him.

  “I’m not paying those clowns out there to watch a movie,” Jess says, tossing Jace’s pants and boxers on his brother. “Come on. We’re going to go christen the lake house and scandalize the neighborhood by chasing Maddie around the backyard naked.”

  “Hey! That was never part of the plan.”

  “Not yours.” The guys fist bump.

  I roll my eyes and step into my heels. “Is this how it’s going to be? You two always ganging up on me?”

  Jace snaps the waistband of his boxers on and give me a lewd wiggle of his eyebrows. “Oh, I think you like it when we gang up on you, princess.”

  “I think you want us to gang up on you, right now.” Jess steps in behind me, pressing the hard length of his body against mine.

  Hell yes, I do.

  “Does the door to your office have a lock?”

  “My garage-y smelling office?”

  “Yes, that’s the one.”

  “It does.”

  I squeeze out from between them and saunter toward the hallway, heels clicking on the cement with every step. I pivot to find they’re still standing at the foot of our love nest, eyeing me with interest. I open my coat and slide it off my shoulders to pool at my feet. “What are you two waiting for?”

  I hit the switch on the wall, opening the big garage door, while the men stalk toward me. I run squealing down the hall and into the office, the guys hot on my trail, and my heart does a somersault.

  A few months ago I would have never believed this person laughing and loving these two men was me. That this was my life. And that I was capable of being happy and free.

  The stress ball lodged in my chest for well over a year is gone. I have nothing to prove and everything to gain.

  My life is perfect. Not according to Edward Fitzpatrick, or high society. It’s perfect according to me, and according to these two men who are about to make dirty, filthy love to me on this desk.

  They’re rough. They’re dirty. And yeah, there are grease stains on their rumpled clothes. And they are perfect.



  Thank you for reading Getting Dirty, part of the Hard n’ Dirty Collection. I hope you enjoyed, and please consider leaving a review. A big thank you to Allyson Young, Renee Rose, Lee Savino and sister; you all rock! And thank you to all the amazing women in the Hard n’ Dirty Collection, Jane Henry, Tara Crescent, Alta Hensley, Renee Rose, Alexis Alvarez, Ava Sinclair, and Lee Savino. You ladies inspire me every single day.

  Want more Hard n’ Dirty? Look for the next book in the collection, Filthy Fight by Alta Hensley.

  Hard n’ Dirty Series

  Getting Dirty by Aubrey Cara

  Filthy Fight by Alta Hensley

  Hard Wood by Tara Crescent

  Blaze by Renee Rose

  Hammered by Alexis Alvarez

  Drilled by Ava Sinclair

  Jacked Up by Jane Henry

  Beauty & the Lumberjacks by Lee Savino

  More by Aubrey Cara

  Come discover the kinky side of romance

  Kinky Contemporary

  Chasing Delia

  Untaming of Kat

  Mimi Mine

  In Debt To Daddy

  The Novice

  Monrok Warriors

  Taking Their Human

  Keeping Their Human

  Monrok Masters

  Their Human Pets

  Their Reluctant Pets (short story)

  Night of the Monrok

  Guide to Surviving an Alien Abduction

  Bambi’s Alien Abduction

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  Filthy Fight


  Alta Hensley

  I know better than to fall for the bad boy, a disgraced boxer, a man with demons.

  I never mix business with pleasure.

  My mind screams no, but my body demands.




  I’m no match for him when he fights dirty.

  His dark past comes back to haunt us, but the secrets and hidden intentions only pull me closer.

  I should keep it clean, but I can’t resist the

  Filthy Fight.

  Chapter 1 – Julep

  “To be a champ you have to believe in yourself when no one else will.”

  – Sugar Ray Robinson

  I loved the way sweat looked on a body. The way it glistened on lean flesh and toned muscles. Sweat represented hard work, dedication, drive, and power. Sweat on an athlete’s body accentuated every inner quality the person possessed—the very best qualities.

  I grew up around sweat. I saw what it took to earn every drop. I spent all my time as a child in my father’s gym—Shamrocks. I watched boxers train, fight, struggle, and claw their way to the top all while my father pushed them harder. Shamrocks was the best gym around, and my father was the most highly coveted trainer. He was the famous Sham Foley. Oftentimes, his name was more respected than the boxer he was training.

  But with my father’s passing, the gym was now in the hands of my brother and me to run. It was now Danny’s and my job to make the bodies sweat. It was our job to maintain the legacy that once was. My father had given his life to the sport of boxing, and now it was our turn to do the same. Shamrocks, boxing, and the fighters working for a shot at someday becoming a champion had become my everything. My father had trained my brother and me for this since birth.


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