Hold On To Me (Hawkeye Book 4)

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Hold On To Me (Hawkeye Book 4) Page 4

by Sierra Cartwright

For a moment she stared at him. “You’re joking, right?”

  He held his neutral expression for a moment before his lips twitched.

  “Was that an attempt at humor?” When he stole her away from her life, she’d seen him as a rigid, one-dimensional secret agent man. And then he’d revealed a glimpse of his childhood. The confounded cat liked him, and now this.

  “Did it work?”

  Elissa gave herself a mental shake. He might be more complex and vulnerable than she expected, but she was still here against her will. No way should she let her guard down.

  “Help yourself to whatever you want. The housekeeper keeps the kitchen stocked with food and plenty to drink.”

  Something to help take off the edge so she could fall asleep would be welcome. “Dare I hope you have wine?”

  “Lady’s choice. Red or white?”

  “Something crisp, a little sweet. Maybe a chardonnay?”

  He pulled out a bottle from a small refrigerator tucked beneath the island. “Will this work?”

  Elissa recognized the label and grinned with satisfaction. As far as being kidnapped was concerned, maybe this wasn’t so awful. “Do I thank you or Eric?”

  “My experience with wine is limited. I’ve been told reds go with beef, while whites go with seafood or chicken. I have no idea about pink.”

  “I think you mean rosé.”

  “See what I mean? And then someone else told me to forget the rules and that you should drink whatever the hell you want.” He extracted the cork. “I know slightly more about whiskey, and I definitely have preferences when it comes to beer.” He offered her the drink.

  “Thank you.” She took a long, leisurely sip. Now if she had a bathtub to soak in, life would be complete.

  “I’ll show you to your room.”

  She followed him up the stairs into a large bedroom dominated by an oversize bed. The comforter was thick and fluffy, and at least ten pillows encouraged her to bury in and create a nest.

  “The closet is this way.”

  On a shelf were two large boxes.

  “As Hawkeye promised.” Jacob opened one and pulled out a cell phone and offered it to her. “It’s secure, and you can contact your parents at any time.”

  Elissa put down her wineglass to accept the device. It was fully charged, and there was already a text from her dad, letting her know they’d been updated on the situation, had things under control, and were anxious to talk to her as soon as she was able to call.

  The message reassured her.

  She typed a quick response, informing them she’d arrived safely and would be in touch soon.

  “Obviously we’d prefer you not tell anyone else your whereabouts.” Without waiting for a response, he continued the tour. “Your bathroom is over here.”

  Her mouth fell open. It was massive, luxurious, spa-like with a sophisticated-looking steam shower, and her greatest wish had been answered—a soaker tub. A long white robe hung from a hook on the back of the door. This was as classy as the best hotels she’d stayed at. “Are you kidding me?”

  A sudden grin transformed his features, making him seem younger, somewhat less formidable. Standing this close, in intimate quarters, arousal galloped through her. “I take it you’re not unhappy?”

  This time, she was sure it wasn’t just the lack of sleep that was affecting her hormones. It was also a result of the alcohol’s slow burn.

  Turning away from him, she cleared her throat. Unfortunately it didn’t help to tame her heart’s frantic response to his overwhelming masculinity.

  She struggled to pretend this was a normal situation. “This is about the size of my entire apartment.” And she wasn’t sure she’d be able to return home after being cocooned in this kind of luxury. “Are you sure you haven’t given me the master suite?”

  “I’m downstairs. In another wing. I’ll include it in tomorrow’s tour of the grounds.”

  That sounded as dangerous as it was tempting.

  “I’m sure you’ll be safe here, but that button next to the light switch”—he pointed—“is for emergency situations. There’s another on the nightstand. You’ll find them in every room of the house. I’ll be alerted twenty-four seven, no matter where I am. Don’t hesitate to use it. I’d rather it be a false alarm than take a risk with your safety.”

  Hating the reminder of why she was here, she nodded.

  “Sleep as late as you want. We’re not on a time schedule.”

  “At this point, I might not see you until this evening.”

  “In that case we’ll have dinner instead of breakfast. Good night.”

  He left, closing the door behind him.

  She remained where she was, listening for his receding footsteps. They never came.

  A full minute later, she toed off her shoes. She contemplated falling face-first onto the bed. But there was no way she could sleep in the clothes she’d worked in, traveled in.

  A yawn overtook her, and she decided to take a shower rather than a bath since it would be faster.

  Thoughtfully, a dispenser had been filled with shampoo, conditioner, and even lavender-scented soap.

  After turning off the water, she wrapped her hair in a towel, then dried herself. Then, unable to resist, she snuggled into the warm, thick robe before crossing to the closet to see what Hawkeye had sent.

  One box was filled with electronics, and the other contained her personal items. Cosmetics, hairbrushes, shoes, socks, jeans, shorts, tops for every possible temperature, jackets, sports bras, panties…

  Dear God. Let it have been Kayla who’d gone through her dresser drawers.

  Elissa dug to the bottom and found no pajamas.

  No doubt it had been Hawkeye who selected everything. Damn it.

  From somewhere close, the unmistakable rumble of Jacob’s voice reached her. Curious, and hoping she could borrow a T-shirt, she left the room.

  Down the hallway, a light blazed, and she walked toward it. Like a moth to a flame?

  When she found Jacob, she froze.

  He was seated behind a console, and in front of him were numerous large screens split into sections that contained a video feed. Most of the images were of the outdoors—the gate, dirt road, driveway, front door, sides of the house, and the patio. Others showed pictures of the home’s interior, including the kitchen, living room, entryway, and a bedroom with a king-size bed with navy blue comforter. His?

  “Elissa.” He spoke without looking toward her.

  How did he know she was there?

  He tapped an icon and removed his headset. “Is there something you need?”

  “Have you been spying on me?” She dragged the robe’s lapels close together, as if that would protect her. “Are you some sort of sick pervert who gets his jollies out of something like that?”

  “No.” He spun in his chair, but he didn’t get up. “To both of your questions.”

  “Oh.” She exhaled her flare of indignation.

  “Come here.”

  She didn’t want to. Shouldn’t. “I—”

  “Come here.”

  Because of that tone, uncompromising in the same way as it had been when he’d tossed her over his shoulder and kidnapped her, she moved toward him, stopping when she was in front of him.

  Even though he was seated, he radiated an aura of command, and goose bumps chilled her arms.

  “Your opinion of me is clear. And somewhat unfair. You have a certain degree of privacy while you’re my guest.”

  At that, she scoffed. “Guest?”

  “Use whatever term you prefer, Elissa. But I guarantee you this—if you were my prisoner, things would be different.”

  She took a step back, but he prevented another by snagging one of her wrists with his massive hand.

  “There’s a room near mine. A whole lot less pleasant than the one I gave you. I spend a lot of time on the range, and I know a thing or two about ropes. It’d only take a few seconds to tie you up, maybe secure you to a bed.”

/>   Jesus. She shivered. What the hell was happening here? His words sparked fantasies, turning her insides molten.

  “Or maybe you’d like that?”

  Desperately she snatched her wrist away from him.

  “This”—he turned toward his command post and pointed to a blank section on one of the screens—“is the feed from your room.”

  “Oh.” What else did she say to that and her wild accusation?

  “I don’t spy on women, Elissa.” He cocked his head to the side to look up at her.

  He was close enough for her to be frighteningly fascinated by the pulse ticking at his temple. She’d either pissed him off or insulted him. Perhaps both. Maybe she should apologize, but in these extraordinary circumstances, she couldn’t find the words.

  “Believe it or not, I only associate with women who are willing.”

  And no doubt there were plenty of them. Not only was the man an alpha—he was gorgeous, protective, and apparently rich. “I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions.”

  “Thank you for that.” The furrow between his eyebrows eased. “Apology accepted.”

  That was it? For two years, she’d been involved in a relationship with a man who was quick to anger, for the smallest of reasons. She’d had to earn his forgiveness. One time, he’d given her the silent treatment for days before ungenerously doling out his attention again.

  Her parents and friends encouraged her to leave him. Once she did, it had taken her a long time to realize he’d used his temper to control her.

  That Jacob offered forgiveness quickly and unconditionally left her reeling.

  “You sought me out for a reason, presumably?”

  “I…” She exhaled. The reason no longer seemed important. Needing space, she took a step away from him. “Hawkeye forgot to pack my pajamas.”

  “Hawkeye had nothing to do with it. The oversight was mine.”

  “Yours?” He’d gone through her lingerie drawer? The realization left her breathless. Had his selection been random? Or had he deliberately chosen things that appealed to him?

  “Sleepwear never occurred to me.”

  Of course it hadn’t. “Why? I mean…”

  “Hawkeye sent a small team to your apartment. I gathered belongings. A technician backed up your computer after verifying there were no viruses on it.”

  “I guess I don’t need to mention that it was password protected.”

  “A combination of your birthday and initials. Took about ten seconds to get in.”

  She sighed.

  Jacob swiveled to switch to another set of videos. “This is your front door.” He pointed to another screen. “And your street.”

  It was strangely fascinating to see a neighbor walking toward his car carrying a coffee mug.

  “There’s an app on your phone so that you can look anytime you want.”

  “Are there any cameras inside my place?”

  He shook his head.

  Thank God for that. “Do you or Hawkeye have any other nasty surprises in store for me?”

  Once again, he turned toward her. “All of these precautions are because you matter to Hawkeye. Other clients pay premium prices for this kind of service.”

  “I’m supposed to be grateful?” Her life had become a surreal nightmare.

  Rather than answer, he changed the subject. “Is there a reason you came looking for me? Did you need something? Companionship, perhaps?”

  “Absolutely not.” Never from him. “I was wondering if you, maybe, you know… The sleepwear you forgot to pack. Do you have a T-shirt I can borrow?”

  “Yeah. Of course. In my room.” He rolled his chair to the side, then turned and stood. “I’ll get you one. Or you can help yourself.”

  Go in his room? She shook her head.

  “I was heading downstairs anyway. Come with me.”

  It made sense. The suggestion was innocent enough. But every instinct screamed against that. He might actually have strong morals, but she’d glimpsed the wolf beneath that polished exterior.

  “You’re safe.” He strode past her.

  Her senses ignited, and in that instant she recognized the truth. She wasn’t scared of him. She hungered for him. The power of her need terrified her.

  When he started down the stairs, she followed, rationalizing that she was an adult. If he could behave, she could put a cage around her own attraction.

  “This way.”

  His private wing of the house had a different aura. The woods were darker, and so were the colors. There were no pictures on the walls, and that was when she realized the ones in the entryway and living room were of landscapes, revealing nothing personal.

  They passed a couple of closed doors. Was one of them protecting the room he’d threatened her with? The one she wouldn’t want to stay in? “Were you kidding earlier? About ropes and such?”

  “As you’ve noticed, I don’t joke often.”

  She shivered.

  Without hesitating, he continued through the open door of the master bedroom. After a misstep, she went in after him.

  A gigantic four-poster bed barely took up any space. French doors opened to the patio, now bathed in soft morning light. Again, there were no pictures or clutter. It was stark. Sterile. As if he had no past, no present, and wanted to leave no mark on the world.

  Or maybe she was being fanciful.

  “All of my clothes are in the closet.” He tossed his keys on top of a nightstand. “Help yourself.”

  That seemed really personal, but so was wearing his clothes. “You don’t mind?”

  “Not in the least.”

  Because he organized with military precision, it took no time to find exactly what she was looking for on a shelf.

  Clutching a black T-shirt in front of her, she rejoined him.

  He was pulling off his belt, and he stopped when he saw her.

  “I, uhm… This will work.” Heaven help her. Standing this close to Jacob in his room made arousal ripple through her, freezing her in place. Coming in here with him had been a horrible mistake. To save herself, she had to escape from his room. Now.

  “You’re welcome.”

  The sensual, intimate rumble in his voice short-circuited her brain cells, leaving her rooted to the spot.

  As if compelled by the same madness that gripped her, he took a step toward her. “Elissa.” He cupped her shoulders, his touch as gentle as it was reassuring.

  She leaned into him, anticipating, hoping…

  “Jesus.” He took a breath and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, their gazes collided. She saw hunger in the dark green depths, combined with hesitancy and remnants of the pain she’d glimpsed earlier.

  “We shouldn’t.”

  He was right, but she thirsted too much to refuse him.

  “You’re my client.” Possessively rather than painfully, he dug his fingers into her skin. “Mine to protect.”

  His words fanned a feminine response she’d never before experienced. Her heart raced, and the floor seemed to sway beneath her. Jacob Walker was as dangerous as he was irresistible. And she had to know what he tasted like. “Kiss me?” It was an invitation as much as a plea.

  “Elissa…” But even as he shook his head, he continued to hold her as if he’d never let go. “These are unusual circumstances, and your emotions are likely heightened.”

  If the darkness of his eyes was any indication, he was not immune to her either.

  “You might regret this.”

  “I know what I’m doing.” The only thing she would regret was passing up this moment. “Kiss me.”

  Fire flared in his eyes. Then, with a groan, he brushed his lips across hers.

  The fleeting touch wasn’t enough. “Jacob…”

  He drew her up onto her tiptoes and captured her mouth, seeking entrance.

  This time there was nothing gentle about him. His tongue sought and found hers. Tasting of temptation, he staked a claim, feeding one hand into the strands of her hair to
ease back her head.

  In response to his silent demand, she opened wider, granting him the access he demanded.

  As their tongues danced, her knees weakened. Desperate for the support, she reached up to entwine her hands behind his neck.

  His arousal pressed against her soft belly. She was open, exposed, vulnerable in a way she never had been before, and for that moment, she was his for the taking.

  The kiss went on forever yet ended too soon.

  Before releasing her, he gently bit her lower lip, leaving behind a tiny sting that would remind her of this moment.

  “You’re beautiful, Elissa. Everything I imagined.” He touched her swollen lips. “And now I need you to go to your room and lock the door. Or else I will tie you to my bed for the rest of the night.”

  She gasped.

  “Jesus. You have to leave.” He walked to the door and stood beside it purposefully.

  For a shocking, horrifying moment, she considered disobeying him.

  “Please.” His hoarse plea sounded as if it had been dragged through gravel, promising her he’d follow through with his threat if she didn’t leave.

  Sleeping with her kidnapper would be insanity. She told herself it was the situation, or maybe the wine, maybe the lateness of the hour, but she’d momentarily lost her head.

  Still, on her way past him, she paused.

  “No matter what, don’t unlock your door for me.”

  She shivered, as much from the threat as from the power of her own sexual response to him.

  Chapter Three

  Elissa needed tea. Or really, anything infused with caffeine, hot or cold, was fine.

  She dropped her forearm over her eyes.

  Even though the bed was comfortable, she hadn’t managed to sleep for more than a few hours. The bright Colorado sun blasted the room, despite the fact that the blinds were closed. And the deadline to get designs over to her client was only a couple of days away, creating anxiety. Not that she needed more of that.

  In flashes, memories of the previous night rushed through her mind, from the strange attraction at the pub, to the hardness of his body as he’d swept her from the ground and tossed her over his shoulder. Then…the kiss. Her lower lip still tingled from Jacob’s passion.


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