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Zenith's Promise (The Zenith Series Book 7)

Page 14

by Leanne Davis

  “I can’t imagine being a parent.”

  She stirred the pot, her gaze drifting absently. At his words, her eyes landed on his and she engaged him with a shared smile. “Honestly? Neither can I.”

  They shared a lot in that look. It was intense and hot.

  She turned off the pot and walked around the bar. Ross was unclear who decided what to do next or how he knew, or they knew, but he got up as well and rushed around the island before they had to touch each other.

  Their arms enveloped one another. He leaned over and his mouth landed on hers. She strained up on her tiptoes, but he slowed her down. He took her mouth in a long, slow, sensuous kiss. Clasping her lips with his, he slid them together and pressed and turned, then licked her lips until her mouth opened and their tongues met. Softly and tenderly, they caressed and lapped each other as her body shifted closer to his. He held her up. His arms completely surrounded her and his strong muscles supported her. It was the only time Jody allowed herself to be so fragile and delicate. Going all but limp in his arms, she moaned into his mouth and slid her hands through his hair. After folding, tugging, and running her fingers through the strands, she pulled out her fingers.

  They melted together. He had no idea how to describe what happened next.

  They held each other as their clothes were swiftly removed and it didn’t matter whose went where. They were gone. Their two naked bodies began writhing against each other. Jody gasped out under his lips, “Condoms.”

  They seemed to be her obsession. He groaned as he released her and she ran off before rushing back with one in her hand. He was smiling at her naked sprint to get them. He watched her cute, little butt as it twisted and moved. That was too much time apart and their lips found each other quickly before they started all over. Devouring each other while her hands managed to get the condom on, he lifted her up and carried her, glancing around until he found the table. He carefully folded her body over it. Her backside was against him. He ran his fingers down the soft curve of her back and the line between her white, round globes of ass. She was so beautiful. She flipped her hair and the dark strands cascaded over him and her. He loved its extraordinary mass. “Okay?” he grunted as he positioned her gently, placing her stomach on the table and her ass high up beneath him.

  He ran a finger down her center and it was already dripping wet. “Yes. Oh, yes,” she gasped. “Now.”

  He held her hips with his hands and aimed right at her opening to leverage her body before he shoved himself in. He let her take him fully, staring down at their joined bodies, looking so hot and sensual, but new feelings kept popping up inside him whenever he was with her. Tender sensations. There was something soft and sweet about everything this woman did, even if she weren’t really soft and sweet. Her essence drew him to her as easily as a magnet draws an iron nail. He went deeper and she moaned and gripped the edge of the table. “Okay still?”

  “Oh, yes… Yes… maybe a little harder…”

  They were always in sync. He leaned over her, sliding his hands up her back and tossing her hair to one side as she turned her head and met his mouth with hers. He drove himself deeper into her body. She moaned into his mouth before ripping her lips from his and lifting her hips higher to take more of him inside her. He rested his forehead on her neck and shoulder, kissing the soft skin as his hands clasped hers, which were clinging to the table. Moving as one, his body hunched and lumbered on top of hers in unbridled ecstasy. Perfection. As she cried out, he did also.

  They moved together like professionals and all was lost to the moment.

  Screaming, heaving, crazy, clashing orgasms soon followed.

  He blinked and wondered if it were minutes later? Or hours? He had no idea and even wondered if he blacked out. He was still lying over her body. Realizing it, he immediately moved off her. Leaning next to her, he took her shoulders in his hands and turned her to him. “Are you okay?”

  She blinked and looked dazed, but her smile was as big as a Cheshire Cat’s. “Oh, my God, yes.”

  He released her slightly. Oh, thank God. He worried at first.

  “You?” she asked.

  He smiled down at her. “Oh, my God, yes,” he mocked her.

  She took the teasing by rising up and crushing herself against him. He stared down at the naked, little elf-girl in his arms. He held her tightly against his chest. With a sigh, he clasped his hands around her. He felt empowered. Lying like this with her was nothing he ever imagined or wanted from any sexual encounter before.

  They stayed there like that for what seemed like forever. Night had fallen outside, and the bright lights shone inside. She finally sighed and said, “Dinner will be cold.”

  “I love cold pasta.”

  She leaned back, nodding with a sexy smile. “I do too.”

  Then she moved to let him dispose of the condom and clean up. When he returned, she was wearing his shirt and her underwear. His shirt ended mid-thigh. Holy hell. Was she the hottest thing he ever saw in a man’s shirt? “What should I wear?”

  “Anything but this. You should show off your chest. It’s a good one.”

  He tucked himself back into his boxers and pants. He sat back and studied her. That look. Wow. “I’m surprised a feminist like you would care about something so shallow as physical looks.”

  She stopped as he served up the fast-cooling pasta. “I never said I wasn’t shallow.”

  She seemed almost offended. “Oh. Well, okay. I’ll stay naked then for you.”

  She smiled, sliding his plate of cold pasta and salad to him with a glass of water. She sat beside him with her plate of food and wine.

  “So, why are you so shallow?”

  “Aren’t you? It takes a better person than I to resist a body like yours. Proof in point.” She tilted her head toward the table and began blushing. She was adorable when she blushed.

  “I guess. But you seem to be a better person than I.”

  “I’m a more well-rounded person than you, but no less shallow.”

  He laughed. “You could talk circles around anyone. Why didn’t you become a lawyer?”

  “Too much education. My bachelor’s degree was enough for me.”

  “What did you major in?”


  “That sounds totally dry.”

  “No, it’s not. Pretty fascinating actually. Market fluctuations and supply and demand… you know, it affects all aspects of life. In London, I attended a hands-on program…” She got excited and her eyes gleamed as she spoke faster and faster. She wasn’t kidding.

  Sighing, she finally stopped to sip more wine and eat more pasta. “I’m a total nerd.”

  “You are.” But on her, it was adorable. “I should have been more nerdy. I barely got out of high school with a diploma.”

  “Well, look at you now. Ready to play for thousands of roaring, adoring fans.”

  Ross’s stomach nearly regurgitated his freshly eaten meal. She noticed his queasiness and said, “Oh, no. Is this something you’re not ready for?”

  “I doubt I can ever be ready.” He pushed the plate away. She finished hers and sipped her wine, setting a hand on his wrist. Again, he liked the pressure of her fingertips on him. No one else ever did that. Just her.

  “I swear you can and you will do this and be successful. You’re so talented, fantastically so. That’s all you have to remind yourself when you feel nervous.”

  “Nervous? My biggest fear is puking my guts out on stage.”

  “I don’t know that much about stage fright. Or what to advise you to do about it.”

  “How about this: don’t take a job where you are expected to perform in front of large, ridiculous, gigantic crowds. I should just go home.”

  Her head tilted. “That isn’t what you should do at all. Besides, let’s be real, is there any home to go back to? I mean, what with your mom and all…”

  He turned away. “No. There aren’t too many places I call home. But I like small towns. I need
lots of space and air. I could call it a hobby since I like to play the drums by myself. No pressure. Maybe that’s what I should do. You know? Consider it a hobby. A way to relieve stress instead of a passion or whatever. Maybe this is ruining it. I responded to your program as a lark, never expecting I’d be picked. Maybe I should go home and return to my former life since that’s who I really am. I’m not this…” His hands spread out, indicating the condo, the city outside, and the very essence of her entire life.

  “You are this. I mean, your talent should be shared with others. You are exactly where you should be. Don’t give up. Nerves are what make us do our best. Your avoidance of commitment and responsibility and expectations are pretty well nailed down. What you fail to realize is all that you can gain from embracing those things. A famous rock band. You will be playing for thousands of people who never heard of you. Sure, it’s scary. But also exhilarating. You are a great drummer, yet, imagine no one knowing that? Worse still, I fear that you may never fully realize your true talent.”

  “You know I know. My ego was part of what turned you off.”

  “Well, I think we decided that your ego wasn’t the real you. You don’t believe it. It bolsters your insecurities, which are what you’re feeling now. You will do the show and be totally awesome.” She tilted her head, keeping her eyes glued to his. “And I will be right there with you. In the wings. Along with half my fucking family.” She grinned. “My aunt does it, my cousins, and the cousin to her fiancé, and my mom used to do it and now I will too.” She winced. “Oh, gross,” she added.

  “What’s gross?”

  “My mom used to be married to Rob, and for many years, she was his groupie, hanging out backstage at his performances, being his emotional support. Ick. I’m her daughter and now doing the same thing for the very same band she did it with and Rob’s still the same singer too. It’s like we had sex with the same band members.”

  Ross burst out laughing when he saw Jody’s nose scrunch up in disdain. Figuring out his mess was really freaking her out. They moved from his ragged nerves to her virtual disgust.

  “It’s not funny. It’s a weird, kinky thing. I seduced a guy in my mom’s former band.”

  “Never was her band. You wanted all this.” He spread a hand down his front. She scowled.

  “It’s because you’re so pretty. It’s your fault that I have a weird fetish thing now. Ick. They can’t ever know.”

  “Who can’t know?”

  “Anyone.” She shuddered with alarm. “That’s too much for even this family. My mother’s sister-in-law married her ex and now she is in-laws with him. They are aunts and uncles to each other’s kids. That’s weird enough. I can’t add this gross log to the family fire.”

  That was why Ross called her. Something in his chest lightened that was indescribably soothing. He was feeling better finally.

  Only Jody could do that.

  “So, you won’t come?”

  “Oh, no. I have to now. I promised. You can’t go out there alone. Strictly as your liaison. We are not doing it. They can’t know. Got it?”

  Ross’s response shocked even him, far more then folding her over her own kitchen table barely an hour ago, and he stood up and pulled her against his naked chest to hug her. Hard. And long. Jody struggled, seemingly annoyed at first until his laugh started shaking his gut. Indignant, she tried to weasel free from his arms, but he wouldn’t let her.

  And he felt so much better.

  When he released her, he turned his head to avoid her scrutiny as he asked, “Want to watch a movie?”

  “Or we could try out all that kitchen table stuff on my king-size bed.”

  He nodded and replied, “Or we could do that.”

  They disappeared upstairs, where Jody kept plenty of her sacred condoms. Eventually, they were totally exhausted and fell asleep. He accidentally spent the night.

  Knocking awoke him. He tried to hold a pillow over his head, but that didn’t muffle the noise. What time did he fall asleep? It must have been almost morning. Jody was insatiable. As it turned out, he was the same for her.

  But now he felt groggy and grumpy the next morning. She wasn’t beside him. Showering? Yeah, he heard that. The knocking finally stopped, but now he was wide awake, even if he didn’t want to be. Irritably, he released the covers from his legs and groin and stood up. He searched for his clothing and found it where he’d stuffed it all last night. He slipped on his boxers and shuffled downstairs. His eyes were gritty and his mouth tasted bad.

  Stumbling down the hallway, he entered the huge kitchen and stopped dead. A huge guy was standing beside the kitchen counter eating Pop-Tarts.

  Ross stepped back. Oh, shit. Who could this guy be?

  “Why are you in your underwear?”

  “Umm…” Not what he expected to be asked. The guy blinked as he stared right at Ross without moving or talking again. He sincerely was waiting for an answer. “I… I forgot where I put my pants.”

  “Oh.” The big guy munched a mouthful and took another bite. “That’s happened to me before. Do you have another pair?”

  Ross almost choked. “Yes… yeah. I’ll grab them.”

  Ross turned and ran back to Jody’s room, finding his clothes and putting them on. Jody was still showering. He entered the living room and braced himself for the giant again. Who was he? Wasn’t this unusual? Ross wasn’t sure what to say. The guy still ate Pop-Tarts at the sink.

  “Are you looking for Jody?”

  “Yeah. It’s Aquarium day. Are you coming with us?” The giant seemed eager for an answer. Did he just ask Ross to come along? He stepped closer.

  “I’m not sure. What exactly is it?”

  “Jody calls it our monthly date. But it’s not like a date with sex. It’s a date with friends.”

  Umm… What the hell?

  “Guess what?” the giant asked him next.

  Finally realizing that his body size didn’t match his personality, Ross came closer and said, “What?”

  “It was my birthday last week. I turned twenty-two. We had chocolate cake. With frosting. Do you like chocolate cake with frosting?”

  “I sure do. Yeah.”

  “You would have liked this cake then.”

  He smiled. “I bet I would. What did you do for your birthday? I mean, besides eating chocolate cake with frosting?”

  “We went to dinner. I got the new Shield’s Combat video game. That was awesome. But you probably don’t know about that. Most people don’t.”

  Ross smiled as he sat at the island bar. “Oh? I do know about that because I was at the online launch party.”

  “Me too. You do know about it. Who do you play?” In moments, Ross easily fell into a conversation with him. Whoever he was. He appeared guileless, focused, interested and kind. Sweet, most of all.

  Jody suddenly appeared. “JayJay. What are you doing here so early?” Her gaze swept over him as if she were checking for bruises. She briefly glanced at Ross before going back to JayJay. The giant had a name now.

  “Mom and Dad went to brunch to honor somebody or something and I didn’t wanna go. So I came early.”

  “Early?” Her face clouded up and she suddenly smacked herself in the head as she exclaimed, “Oh. It’s Aquarium day. Yes. Of course.”

  Ross’s presence made her temporarily forget about it. Interesting.

  “Why did you take this guy’s pants? Were you guys having sex?”

  Without batting an eye, Jody replied, “No. And don’t ask questions like that of people.”

  “About the pants? Or having sex?”

  Her eyebrows shot up and a small smile touched her lips. “Touché. I didn’t clarify. Having sex. But if someone asks about their missing pants? Most of the time, that would probably be a legitimate question. But this time, it’s just not any of your business.”

  “Okay.” JayJay nodded and shrugged without seeming nonplussed by her reprimand or her tone of voice. She spoke bluntly and evenly.

“JayJay this is my friend, Ross. Ross, meet my brother, JayJay.”

  Duh. He figured that out and deduced her brother was on the spectrum. For Ross, JayJay was one of the most likeable people he met in Seattle. Or maybe anywhere else. “Hey, JayJay.”

  “Hi, Ross.” He turned to Jody and said, “I invited him to the Aquarium and he plays Shield’s Combat too.”

  Her gaze drifted to Ross’s and her eyebrows lifted. “He does?” She spoke to JayJay with an interested tone but her tilted head and inquisitive gaze indicated she wasn’t sure what to make of Ross.

  “I sure do. I kick ass at it too. Spent a lot of my life doing that.”

  “Me too!” JayJay said excitedly. The enthusiasm in his voice was infectious. “What do you do about—”

  Jody put her hand up. “No. I listened to that for two hours last week. Not again. And why are you eating Pop-Tarts? You can have one but only after you’ve had a real breakfast. You know the rule.”

  JayJay smiled and Ross wanted to give him the entire box. “I know. I just had two because no one was here. So…” He shrugged and smiled.

  “Don’t break the rules. Health comes first. Sugar after that. Otherwise you won’t grow up to be healthy. Remember?”

  “I don’t care about being healthy when I just want to eat a Pop-Tart.”

  Jody sighed and Ross felt the big guy’s pain. He got it. “I know. And that’s why we have to follow the rules.”

  Rules seemed to be the key in how they dealt with and cared for JayJay. Jody turned and walked forward, pushing him gently out of her kitchen. “I’ll make you guys some hot oatmeal.”

  “Jodeee. No. Come on.”

  She grinned. “I’m only teasing you so my next suggestion sounds great. Okay, how about eggs, no cheese, with avocado on toast? How about that?”

  “Okay.” JayJay went around the couch and flopped down on it. He tilted his head up to whisper to Ross. “She won’t get a gaming console. That’s why this isn’t my favorite place.”


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