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Emerald (The Silvia Saga Book 1)

Page 8

by Jenna Lee

  I try to get my bearings as Blair releases my arm. I take a good look at his face and notice a slight pink tinge. So, he was blushing. Aww can he get any cuter? I give him a little smirk to let him know I noticed his blush. He sees and quickly turns so his back is to me. Usually I find shy guys unattractive as I prefer a guy with confidence. But there is something about Blair that has my belly doing backflips. I mean, he isn’t as shy as Declan is. There is no guy I know who is as shy as he is.

  Get your shit together and focus, I try to tell myself. I can’t afford to be distracted right now. Not when these so-called Slayers are after us. I needed to be on my game.

  After Blair snaps out of his daydream, he turns back around and says, “Okay, by the look of it, the guys are taking care of the Slayers. We will meet them back at the house. You right to head off? It will be a good 10 kilometres to get there.”

  I let out a little chuckle and say, “Easy peasy, I can walk 10 kilometres and not even work up a sweat,” I assure him, giving him my best confident look. He just rolls his eyes and starts walking off. I stand there watching his hot arse walk away and end up having to run to catch up with him.

  I finally catch up and we walk in silence for what seems like hours. I take in the surrounding forest and I feel like I am in my dream home. It is the most beautiful and amazing forest I have ever laid eyes on. And that is saying something as I have seen a lot of forests but this one, it is just something else, my whole body feels the most relaxed it has been for months.

  I actually feel invincible like nothing could hurt me. I know I belong here. There is something about this place that feels like home. That finally I have somewhere to call home and I may never want to leave. The only thing missing is Kayla. She would seriously love it here. Even though she hates going on hikes with me, she would love this place; I mean you would be crazy if you didn’t.

  I look at Blair who has a serious look on his face as he continues to scan the area, on full alert. “Is it really that unsafe here? Is that why you’re constantly scanning the area?” I ask, wanting to learn more about this Silvia place that has me feeling so damn invincible.

  “It never used to be this way, but since your father died, James has gone a little crazy. After he learned of the stones that your father, Sam, hid, he sent his slayers out in full force throughout Silvia, in search for the stones and you of course. James knew you would be coming back to find them. He just doesn’t know when, but I am sure it won’t be long until he finds out. We will have to get you into training as soon as possible and then go in search for the first stone. If he somehow finds one, it will be catastrophic. It will mean the end of Silvia as we know it. It will not be safe to live here anymore, we will have to relocate to another world, and trust me, I will do everything in my power to not let that happen. Silvia is our home and it is rightfully ours,” Blair explains, leaving me feeling a little uneasy.

  I don’t know if I have what it takes to find these stones and defeat my uncle. But I know I must because after all apparently, I am the only saviour.

  “You will find the stones Dara, trust me you are more powerful than you know,” Blair says.

  What the hell? Since he’s in such a revealing mood this is a perfect time to question him about the whole mind-reading thing.

  “Did you just read my mind? Cause I know I didn’t just say that out loud. Please explain. I know you guys can read each other’s minds which is crazy but how can you read mine too? What are you?” I ask, as I step over a tree stump.

  Blair stops walking, making me turn around to see what caused him to stop so suddenly. He looks straight at me while he puts his hand through his hair.

  “Ah, I don’t think I am the one to tell you. At least not without all of the guys. Let me just say that we are not normal humans, just like you’re not. Please don’t ask me to tell you Dara, I can’t lie to you. But I can’t tell you until we are all together, Harlan would kill me,” he pleads and starts walking again, leaving me standing there looking like a complete stunned idiot.

  Not normal humans? Then what the hell are they? I never used to believe in the mystical creatures that I read in fairy tales. However, being here with the guys and what has happened in the past few days, I think I will believe anything.

  I turn around and catch up with Blair and we walk in silence for the rest of the trip. I try to get my head around the whole not human thing, trying to brainstorm what they could be. And of course, what am I? I know I am something and someone special, as per what the guys have said, but am I the same as them? I can’t be, as I can’t read people’s thoughts.

  I must be something completely different. I need to tell the guys what happened when I arrived in Silvia. My body is still feeling ridiculously light. Completely different to what it was before I arrived in Silvia. Maybe that has something to do with what Blair was talking about?

  I know the guys are my Warriors, so they must need special skills to protect me. I was eating myself alive trying to figure out what they were and what I was. I didn’t notice the huge rock in my path until it was too late, and I walk straight into it, causing me to trip and flip over, landing straight on my face.

  Blair is at my side in seconds pulling me up. “Shit Dara, I am so sorry, are you okay?” he asks, as he rubs down my body trying to remove the dirt. His hands run down my inner thigh which cause my legs to wobble and my face goes red from embarrassment. I turn away trying, to hide my face.

  Blair gently puts his hand on the side of my face, bringing it back to face him. He looks me straight in the eye and says, “Don’t you ever hide your embarrassment from me, ever. Do you understand? It is okay to like the way my hand feels on your body. Please don’t hide your feelings from me, ever. ”

  Bless my poor little heart, if that wasn’t the sweetest thing any guy has ever said to me. With Blair’s hand still on mine. I lift my hand and put it on top of his and nod in agreement to his question.

  He leans in toward me. Our lips are so close, when someone clears their throat causing me to spin around to find Harlan and the rest of the guys there. If looks could kill, Blair would be dead. Not everyone enjoyed the show, well everyone except Oliver.

  Oliver has a huge cheeky grin on his face. Of course he does. He loves a little drama, the cheeky bastard. Harlan doesn’t look happy at all, frowning toward Blair and silently asking for an explanation from us.

  Declan is standing there with his arms crossed, looking like he wishes he was somewhere else. So do I, if I must admit. I am a grown woman. I don’t need to explain myself to a group of guys. Besides, I can’t even explain to myself what just happened.

  I clear my throat and say, “Nothing to see here, Blair was just telling me a secret, after he helped me up, from my fall.” I try my best to sound serious, but I can’t help the smirk that forms on my lips.

  I catch Oliver looking at me giving me the thumbs up behind Harlan’s back. That has me covering my mouth, so the guys don’t see me laughing. Bloody Oliver, you will be the death of me, always getting me in trouble.

  “I don’t even want to know what you guys were doing, it’s none of my business. But try to keep it PG rated next time. Or behind closed doors, if that’s where it was heading,” Harlan says, while he shakes his head at us.

  I turn back around to Blair, to see him blushing probably just as hard as I am. He gives me a little wink, reminding me what could have happened if the guys hadn’t have interrupted us. I give him a little smirk and try to mentally tell him that one day we will continue what could have happened just moments ago. He gives me a little smile telling me that he heard my thoughts.

  “I am just disappointed I missed the whole show. Why did you have to interrupt them, Harlan? It was just getting good,” Oliver jokes, as he comes up to Harlan and puts his arm around him, teasing him.

  Harlan pushes Oliver’s arm off and starts walking ahead of us. “Come on, let’s go home. I don’t want us standing out in the open for too long. We f
ought off the Slayers, but more will be back soon, and I don’t want to be around to see them,” he explains, which has us moving to follow his lead.

  I stay back and walk with Oliver as I can’t deal with Harlan’s bossiness right now. I need to clear my head and Oliver is just the person to help with that. With his carefree, funny attitude, he always makes me smile and laugh until it hurts. He is a breath of fresh air, and I think I am falling hard for him. Already. Shit, I was in trouble.

  He puts his arm around me and says, “You pulled a little number on Blair back there, didn’t you? I have never seen him look at anyone like he was looking at you. Now, tell me what was the secret that he was telling you – I mean, telling your lips?” he asks, mocking me.

  I play along with him, “Oh, just something about you, something very personal. That I will be keeping to myself, but rest assured I will be using it to my advantage, when the time is right,” I say giving him a little smirk. He laughs which has me smiling even more.

  He leans down to my ear and whispers, “I’d love to tell you some secrets that would leave you feeling hot and bothered. Can you keep smiling like that from now on? It is doing things to me, things that would make your legs weak.” He quickly pulls away, leaving me with my thoughts, as he starts walking ahead of me.

  I sigh, and continue walking in a state of shock, these guys will just be the death of me, I’m sure of it. How will I be able to concentrate with them saying hot things like that to me?

  What have I gotten myself into? It appears to be something much more than I initially thought.

  Chapter 15


  We walk through the forest for another few minutes. I walk at the back, behind the guys, trying to clear my head after Oliver just went and mushed it all up. Of course, Declan is behind me, taking up the rear. I have found that when we are in a group, I am always in the centre. Must be some protective warrior thing.

  Harlan stops, and the rest follow. This has me looking around. We must be here. Finally, my eyes land on one of the biggest trees I have seen. It’s just like every other tree but this one is twice the size. I also can’t see an entrance door like the other trees have. Maybe this isn’t a home then, maybe it’s just a tree. I am overthinking things.

  I don’t have to think about it for a moment longer, as all of a sudden, the tree opens up like a secret door. One minute it’s a normal tree and the next minute it opens up. Out steps a girl, the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I mean, I thought Kayla was the hottest girl I knew, but this girl is something else. She has curly, natural blonde hair that flows beautifully down her back.

  She runs up to my Warriors, jumping into Harlan’s arms. I utter a low growl, surprised at the possession and jealousy that bubbles up.

  Oliver laughing at me. “Yes, Princess, you did just growl at her. This is Jolie, our sister,” Oliver says, as he walks up to her giving her hug while he messes up her hair. Jolie gives as good as she gets, punching him in the arm.

  Jolie walks up to me, surprising me by hugging me and spinning me around in her arms. “Oh, how I have missed you, Dara! Don’t you ever go away again. We were the best of friends when we were little. We were inseparable just like sisters. You were the sister I never had,” she says, as she lets me back down.

  I smile sweetly at her, already loving her, even though I have known her for all of one minute. There is something about her that has me instantly loving her, her sweetness and the way she exhibits confidence. She is the whole package.

  “Nice to meet you Jolie. I mean meet you, again. Sorry, I wish I could remember my childhood. Sucks not remembering you guys. I am sure we can get to know each other again?” I question, hoping she will be coming along on this journey with us.

  I will be needing a girl buddy among these meatheads. She laughs out loud, like she heard my thoughts. Just like the guys do. I need to get that shit in check quickly.

  “Yep, you will be stuck with me now, missy. I have waited way too long for you to come back. Not letting you out of my sight. I am one of your Warriors, as well. Well, much to Harlan’s disapproval,” she says as she sticks her tongue out to Harlan.

  Oh man, I love her so much already; my type of girl, with a little cheek.

  “Come inside, the rest of the family are dying to see you and we need to get out of sight. We don’t want the Slayers finding our home. Hence the secret door that dad created. Pretty cool huh?” Jolie drags me to the front of the treehouse.

  She puts her palm on the tree and a secret door opens. Wow, that’s cool. I need to get me one of those. How cool would that be to have your own secret door?

  We enter and the door shuts behind us. I take in my surroundings, amazed at how big the place actually is. It appears much smaller from outside. You wouldn’t believe it could be this roomy.

  The ground is the same luscious green grass that is out in the forest. Grass to replace carpet is something I wouldn’t have thought of. It looks to be very comfy as I lean down and touch it. Oh yes, it is the softest carpet I have ever touched. The thick grass feels so soft. Someone clears their throat and Jolie lets out a laugh at my behaviour.

  “Sorry, I just had to do that. It feels like heaven,” I say, as I stand up and look around.

  To my right is a huge kitchen, where a large island bench wraps around in a L shape. The stove, fridge and washing basin line against the wall. The walls are covered in bark, so it looks like the outside of the tree. There is a big family table in front of the kitchen island that sits at least ten people. To the left sits a massive L shaped couch that is made from the most beautiful looking brown leather. It has me walking up to it and running my fingers along the back. What has gotten into me, here I am patting the ground, now I’m feeling a couch. I must look like the biggest loser going around.

  Oliver comes up behind me laughing and wraps his arms around my waist, whispering in my ear, “I have missed you, Dara, you are such a character. You always make me laugh at your antics. You most definitely are one of a kind. Don’t you ever change for anyone.”

  His words have my belly doing backflips. Who knew the jokester could have a sweet side? Blair was the sweetest of my Warriors, but I’m sure they all have a sweet side. I couldn’t wait to get to know them all.

  Oliver lets me go as I hear footsteps coming down the stairs that I finally notice in the corner. They are made from beautiful Tasman Oak in a deep red brown and wind up to another level. An elderly woman and man come into view, and I don’t need to be told that they are the warrior’s parents.

  They look so much like my guys. They have Oliver’s nose, Harlan’s ears, Blair’s soft mouth, Declan’s beautiful chocolate brown eyes and Jolie’s curls. Both have each of the warrior’s features, in different ways. They both walk toward me with huge smiles on their faces.

  “Welcome home sweetie, we sure did miss you,” their mother says, as she pulls me in for a hug.

  I squeeze her back and breathe in. She smells of roses and home, don’t ask me what home smells like I have no idea, but if I had to describe it, this was it. It was the most calming smell I have ever encountered. This is the same smell the Warriors have. It must be why I trust them with everything I have.

  She pulls back and eyes me over, “My, oh my, you look exactly like your mother. Everything except your eyes. Your eyes are from your father. The vibrant blue, I will never forget those. I suppose I better introduce myself, as your memories haven’t come back. This would be the first time you have met me. My name is Anna, and this is Albert,” she says, pointing to the man behind her. “We are your godparents. We were the best of friends with your parents. We miss them every day, and I wish you had the pleasure of remembering them. They were the nicest, sweetest people I knew,” Anna says, as she wipes a tear away from her eye.

  I trust and believe every word she says. My parents sound like they were the best. I wish I could remember them.

  Albert stands there looking out into nowhere, li
ke he is in another world. He finally snaps out of it and says, “It’s a pleasure to see you again, Dara. I hope the guys have been treating you well. It has been hard keeping Jolie here at bay, she has been going mad. Harlan didn’t let her go to get you. Trust me, she has been a nightmare to be around. I am glad you’re finally here, so she settles down,” he chuckles.

  I let out a little giggle. “Sorry you had to deal with that, thanks so much for having me in your home, it sure is beautiful,” I say, gesturing my hand around their home.

  “It’s our pleasure, sweetie. Please make yourself at home. I’m sure my boys have filled your head with a lot of information already. You need to rest up, as you have a big few days ahead of you. If you need anything just ask and help yourself to anything you need. We keep the kitchen fully stocked and the guys will show you to your room which has everything you will need,” Anna says, making me fall more in love with her. She is the sweetest most caring person I have ever met. She is someone I would love to have as a mother. She said she was my godmother, so I guess that means she is the closest thing I have to a mother.

  “Thank you so much. I am so grateful to each one of you for bringing me into your home. I hope I am up to finding these stones and defeating James,” I say truthfully.

  I know everyone here believes in me. They believe that I can do this, but I just don’t know if I can. Let’s pray that I can with the guidance of my Warriors.

  Jolie comes up to me and links our arms. “You will, Dara. I have faith in you. Now let’s go to your new room and have some girl time. I bet you are sick of hanging with these losers,” she says, dragging me up the stairs.

  I spin around to see all the guys shaking their heads at Jolie. I am grateful that Jolie takes me away, it will be good to have some girl time and have a rest. These past 24 hours have been hectic. Life changing, literally.

  We continue to walk up the stairs and step onto a landing. I look around and find six doors. The stairs continue up to a higher level, which I assume houses their parent’s bedroom. Jolie pulls me toward the first door to the right and opens it. We step inside, and I take a moment to appreciate the interior.


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