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Emerald (The Silvia Saga Book 1)

Page 12

by Jenna Lee

I wouldn’t mind his fingers torturing me in another place. Stay focused, I think as I try to clear my thoughts. After taking several deep breaths, my nerves are back in check.

  I pull back my arm, lining the arrow up with my target. Okay, here goes nothing. This arrow will hit that target right in the centre, I order to the arrow. I release and watch as the arrow flies through the air. It lands with a loud thud. I walk up closer to confirm my hit. And yes, I was correct. Perfect hit, right in the centre.

  “Fuck yes,” I yell out, making sure Oliver hears me loud and clear.

  No tickling torture for me. I continue practicing the bow and arrow for the next few hours. Blair teaches me different tactics.

  Who knew that I would finally find my calling? It just happened to be that I was a killing machine.

  Something tells me that this will come in handy very soon. But it’s a very different story when you’re out in the real world trying to protect yourself.

  Chapter 21


  The next two weeks go on quite the same: I spend my time training with the guys, mastering each one of their specialities. After the arrow hits the target for the fiftieth time that day, I head to the rack and put it away. I was exhausted. No way I could continue any longer.

  “Who said you were done, Princess?” Blair questions me.

  “I did. No way I can continue a minute longer. This bad bitch needs to lay down and regenerate,” I mock, pointing to myself.

  Yes, I was one bad-arse bitch. I most certainly proved that today, with my kick-arse skills. Blair smirks and shakes his head at my antics. Get used to it, my Blair-boy. I hear Harlan approaching. I just want to run straight upstairs and ignore him completely, so of course he steps in my path blocking me.

  “Now where are you off to, Dara?” he asks, with that smug look on his face.

  “Well, I was actually just heading upstairs to grab a bite to eat and head off to bed. That okay with you, boss man?” I can’t help myself. Just who does he think he is? I don’t even know why I am surprised any more by his antics.

  “I suppose you did earn it today. Good job with those targets. They sure did catch a beating. Tomorrow you will be with Jolie, learning magic,” he compliments me, then moves out of my way.

  “Hell yes! Finally!” I smile my thanks and continue walking up the stairs. I couldn’t wait until tomorrow. I was excited about working with Jolie. Learning some kick-arse magic shit. These past two weeks had been hell. Finally, time with my girl learning magic.

  For now though, it was time to feed this crazy-arse ninja. I walk to the kitchen and am startled, as I see Anna in there. “Sorry Dara, darling, I didn’t mean to scare you. Now what’s this I hear about you being hungry?” I nod my head, all too eagerly at her.

  “Very well. I am cooking up my famous brew. It should give you back all the energy you used today, I hear my boys were very impressed with your skills. I have a good feeling about you, Dara. I truly believe you will help us in regaining our precious Silvia and bringing it back to its former glory. Where everyone could walk around as they pleased and worked together to get everything done. Not like it is now, now everyone is stuck inside their houses. They are afraid to go outside for too long; scared the Slayers will hunt them down, catch them, torture them and lock them up. They become slaves within James’s kingdom walls. My dear friend Clary, was taken a few months back. No one has seen her since. I am determined that I will see her face again, someday.”

  I stand there, not moving a muscle, as I listen to Anna. Hearing her talk about Silvia. How it used to be and what James has done. I now have my motivation to bring him down. Make him pay for everything he has done. Silvia is my home now. I may have been gone for years but I am back. I won’t let anyone else suffer at the hands of this monster.

  “I am so sorry, Anna. Mark my words, I will make him pay for what he has done, even if it takes everything in me to do it. I will. I will get Clary back for you.” I walk up to Anna and give her a big hug. She melts into my arms and loses it. Just for a brief minute, she lets it all go.

  Holding onto me for dear life she says, “You my dear, are a blessing. I just wish Sam and Marissa were here to see you. You will make them proud and do whatever it takes to bring James down.” All too soon she pulls back, turning to stir the massive pot on the stove.

  I instantly miss the contact with her, she is like the mother I never had. Something about her makes me comfortable and feel loved. For the first time in my life, I felt home and like I belonged. Silvia was my home and I was going to do whatever it took to save it.

  “Are you sure I can’t help you cook?” I ask, feeling awkward. Having someone else cook for me is not a natural thing for me, I had always cooked my own food.

  “No sweetie, go sit down. I have got this,” she says, waving me off with a sweet smile.

  Blair comes into the kitchen, breaking our little moment. I am grateful for his interruption. I was just about to lose it completely and let out the tears that have been building up. But not now, not in front of him; Blair, my sweet warrior. I look up into his eyes, as something passes between us. An unspoken promise that he will be right by my side throughout this entire journey. I nod in agreement, confirming that I understand his secret message.

  “That smells delish, Mother. Please tell me it’s your famous brew?” he asks sweetly.

  As he walks up to her giving her a hug from behind, I think every second I spend with Blair I fall even more in love with him. There was something about him and Oliver. I just couldn’t stop these feelings that kept coming back up. I had a stupid-arse teenage crush on them all, all my Warriors. I couldn’t stop no matter how hard I tried.

  Wasn’t it every girls fantasy to get it on with a set of identical twins? I sure as hell knew it was my fantasy. Together they made the perfect package. My perfect package. No one better stand in my way.

  I need to have a chat with Jolie, and get advice from her about my feelings. I need to hear how she feels about it and tell me what I am supposed to do about these feelings. I couldn’t have all four of my Warriors. Could I? No, that wouldn’t be fair. I was being selfish.

  I catch Blair staring at me, his face bright pink. Confirming that he just heard my dirty thoughts and confession, yet again. Oh well, at least that’s now out in the open. Someone clears their throat from behind. I spin around to find Oliver standing there, his pupils dilated. Whoops! Looks like he caught me too. Harlan and Declan chose that moment to stomp into the kitchen. Thank god, the tension within the kitchen is at an all-time high and I am grateful for their interruption.

  Declan gives me a questioning look, telling me he also heard my thoughts. I may as well have shouted it out, as everyone heard them anyway. I shake my head at myself. Stop being so careless, think about the guys’ feelings.

  The guys scatter and help set up the family table, trying to find a distraction. Anna dishes up everyone’s portions as Albert walks in, choosing the perfect moment to return home: once dinner is served on the table. I am not sure where he goes during the day, he is usually gone from sunrise to sunset.

  My curiosity gets the best of me, and I surprise myself by asking outright, “Where do you go during the day Albert?” To my surprise he smirks at my curiosity. He motions for me to sit down next to him at the table. I join everyone and wait to hear what Albert has to say.

  He keeps me hanging for a few more moments, “Your curiosity is getting the better of you is it, Dara?” he questions me. I nod in response, motioning him to continue.

  “The reason I am out all day is because I protect the area we live in. Silvia isn’t safe like it used to be. Our safe zone needs to be protected. Everyone within this zone is trusted and rallies against James. To keep this area safe, we have guards stationed at every point. My boys normally help with the guarding, but they have had their hands full with you, as of late. So, I have had to step up,” he explains.

  It hits me how important my mission truly
is, I need to be strong and make sure I don’t let everyone down. It’s a lot of pressure on my shoulders, but I need to step up. The future of Silvia depends on it.

  We continue to eat dinner with the conversations flowing easily as they usually do. For the first time in my life I actually feel at home, with the guys, Jolie, Anna, and Albert. They make me feel loved and welcomed into their home, as if I was one of them: part of the family. After dinner, I help Anna with cleaning up the kitchen. By the time we are finished I am exhausted, saying goodnight to everyone and making my way upstairs.

  Blair follows me quietly up the stairs. “Hey, Dara,” he says softly, “Would you join me up on the balcony? I know you are exhausted, but I just want to spend some time with you there.”

  I stop walking and turn around to look at Blair. How can I possibly say no to him? I can’t. Blair’s heart was made of pure gold and it would crush me to say no to him. Damn you, Blair. I see his lip curve upward, confirming he heard my thoughts. He grabs a hold of my hand and drags me up the stairs.

  He opens the door to the balcony. As I enter the space, I feel all tension leave my body. I sink into a feeling of relaxation. This was my new favourite place, surrounded by the beautiful trees and nature of Silvia. After my hectic week of training, I hadn’t had a chance to come back here. We head over to one of the hammocks and Blair hops on, motioning for me to join him.

  I stand there crossing my arms and giving him a frown. “You want me to join you in the same hammock?” I ask, in mock indignation.

  He smirks, grabs my hand and pulls me down onto the hammock, giving me no choice in the matter. If I was being completely honest, I was going to join him regardless, but he didn’t need to know that. I wiggle around until I am comfortable. These hammocks are quite small, making my body and Blair’s very close together. I’m not complaining.

  I take this opportunity to open up to Blair about my feelings for my Warriors. “Hey, Blair, can I talk with you about something personal?” I ask, confiding in him.

  “Of course, Dara,” he says, encouraging me.

  I rush to get my words out before I lose courage: “So, I am just going to come out and say it. I have feelings for each one of you guys. I feel terrible, and I don’t know what I am supposed to do about it. I know I can’t have you all, that would be so selfish and unfair to you all.”

  There I said it, it’s out in the open now. I cover my face in embarrassment, not wanting to see his reaction.

  He surprises me by letting out a chuckle. I peel open my eyes and am shocked to see all of my Warriors surrounding us. I could die from embarrassment, right here, right now.

  “Oh, my god, you did not just all hear that did you?” I ask, hoping they didn’t, but knowing they did.

  They all nod, confirming my worst nightmare. Oh well, at least it’s all out in the open now. I was just fretting over their reactions and what they thought about my confession.

  Harlan clears his throat, talking for all of my Warriors, “Dara, please don’t feel embarrassed at all or feel like you can’t be honest with us. It’s absolutely normal for you to have these feelings for each one of us. We have been bound to you since a young age. It’s only natural that these feelings are there. They are to be expected,” he explains.

  “But, doesn’t that mean I am selfish? I mean you guys can’t be okay with me having feelings for each of you, can you? Am I the only one with these feelings?” I question, wanting answers now the subject is out in the open.

  “Not at all, Dara,” Declan says, speaking up for the group, “each one of us has feelings beyond friendship. We have had those feelings since we were bound to you, all of those years ago. It’s a part of our connection to you. It’s natural, and we are okay with sharing you. Please don’t feel bad for how you feel. It’s okay, I promise,” he admits, surprising me yet again.

  I look up to the eyes of all my Warriors as they nod their heads in agreement with Declan’s words. I let out a huge breath. I had been fighting these feelings since I first saw my Warriors, not understanding how I could have feelings for each one of them. Now it made sense, why I did, and it made me feel like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I didn’t have to feel guilty and think before I did something. Afraid I would hurt the other’s feelings. I could now just go with the flow.

  “Thank you, it’s good to know where you all stand with this. Can we just see what happens and not push anything? Just go with the flow?” I ask, not wanting anything to be awkward between us, or be forced.

  Blair pulls me in even closer to him. “Of course, Princess. Anything to make you happy,” he confirms.

  I snuggle into him and let my eyes close. I hear everyone else head toward the surrounding hammocks, taking one each. I let a huge smile spread across my face. This was home, here with my Warriors.

  We lay there in silence, just listening to the sounds of nature and enjoying each other’s company in the silence. I must have dozed off, as I wake up to Blair lifting me from the hammock. I try not to stir as I am enjoying his embrace far too much. He takes me down the stairs to my bedroom. Gently he lays me down on my bed and tucks me tightly in. He kisses my forehead and whispers.

  “Sweet dreams, Princess.”

  Being a complete gentlemen, he walks out of the room. That’s my Blair, too sweet to handle. I fall straight back into a dreamless sleep. The first one in several months.

  Chapter 22


  I wake to the sound of someone opening my door and the fresh smell of bacon. I slowly open my eyes to see Jolie walking in.

  “Hey there, sleepy head. I thought I better come and wake you up before Harlan stomps in. We have a big day ahead of us, and I can’t wait to show you some cool shit,” Jolie says, all in a big rush, exiting the room. She is gone quicker than she came. That girl was a fire cracker, I couldn’t wait to spend the day with her. I need a girl’s day.

  I stretch out thinking that I had the best sleep for the first time in a long time. No dreams or tossing and turning. I wonder if it had something to do with Blair putting me to sleep.

  I jump out of bed and head to the bathroom to have a quick shower. If I didn’t get down those stairs in the next five minutes, Harlan would be storming in here and I know all hell will break loose. I did not take orders well. I prefer to do things in my own time and if I want to do something I would do it when I was ready, not when someone else demanded it.

  Take the training for example. At first, I was completely against it, but after it was explained to me and why I needed to participate, well then, I was all in. The future of Silvia depended on it and that was enough motivation for me.

  After my very quick shower I head downstairs. Following the smell of sweet delicious bacon. As I enter the kitchen, I am greeted with Anna singing a melody and smiling brightly. I return her smile, grateful for her beautiful aura. There was something about her that made me instantly feel relaxed and carefree. It was the best feeling. Especially with all those other negative thoughts going through my mind. I sit up on the stool in front of her.

  “How do you like your eggs, Dara?” she asks sweetly.

  “Runny please. Do you want me to help? I have never had anyone cook for me before. I feel useless just sitting here watching,” I confess to her.

  “Oh Dara, no need to help. It’s my pleasure to cook for you. I love cooking. So, you’re really doing me a favour by letting me cook for you,” she admits.

  It calms my nerves a little bit, but it still felt unnatural. Since it sounds like she really loves doing it, I sit there twiddling my thumbs while she cooks my egg.

  As soon as I put the last mouthful of egg into my mouth, Jolie enters the kitchen, motioning for me to hurry up. She is way too keen for our training session, where I am a little nervous. Magic…I mean just a few weeks ago I didn’t even believe it existed. Now I was minutes away from being taught this wonderful subject. I really did have a death wish.

  I make Jolie wai
t while I slowly finish off my coffee. She stands hovering over me, moving from one foot to another. As soon as I finish, she grabs my dishes and practically throws them into the sink. She grabs my arm and pulls me toward the door, down to the torture chamber. I would have to think of another name, as it wasn’t as bad as it sounds. Yes, on that first day, the name suited it to a tee, but now I had actually come to love it.

  “I knew you would warm up to it, Dara. After all, you do love a bit of action, don’t you? You’re not as sweet as you look,” Jolie winks at me.

  “Can you teach me how to block out my thoughts from you guys? That shit is really getting on my nerves,” I admit as we continue down the stairs.

  “Now where is the fun in that, my dear?” she teases back. I shake my head at her, telling her that I am being serious. A girl needs some privacy every now and then.

  “Fine, yes. I will teach you that today. I don’t want to overwhelm you and we have a lot to learn in such a short time. Let’s hope you’re up to it my dear,” she confesses, finally letting go of my hand.

  We enter the dome space and she stops, turning toward me. Okay, here goes, last chance to run toward the exit. She ignores my thoughts and comes over to stand in front of me. She grabs a hold of my hands giving them a tight squeeze in encouragement.

  “Now Dara, I want you to clear your head. Clear out all of those negative thoughts. Think about a happy place. Somewhere that you feel most at home. Somewhere that you can let go and are most comfortable.” I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

  My happy place. I try to think of the one place that I feel most relaxed, where nothing else matters. It came to me in an instant. I am in the forest. Every time I am there everything just goes away. Nothing else matters, it is just me surrounded by nature. The crisp, clear air, the swaying trees and the beautiful plants. Yes, the forest is my home.

  “Good. Now focus all your thoughts on that place. Clear your mind, replacing your thoughts with new ones of being in that place.”


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