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Broken Promise (Between Worlds #2)

Page 20

by Julia Crane

  “It’s not that, but we need to talk. Alone.”

  I walked over towards Kallan. I pulled him over to the side and whispered, “I need you to leave. This is between me and Adam. Please just go.”

  “Do you want me to tell him to forget what he saw here? He won’t remember what happened. You could go back to normal.” His whole body tensed. I knew it was hard for him to say.

  A selfless act.

  “You’d do that for me?”

  “I’d do anything for you.”

  A small smile crept upon my face. “No. Adam and I need to have this talk. It’s been coming for a while now.”

  “Okay.” He turned and walked away towards the street so Adam didn’t see him disappear into the woods. I took a deep breath and hoped I had the strength to do what was right.

  “Let’s go inside.” I brushed past Adam and crossed the lawn, making my way into the house. He followed close behind, but didn’t say a word. I sat at the table and clasped my hands in my lap to try and stop the shaking. I looked into Adam’s beautiful green eyes and opened my mouth, but the words wouldn’t come.

  When I didn’t start talking, he did. “Something has been going on the last few months, Rylie. I don’t know what it is. I feel like we’ve lost our connection. You didn’t tell me what you were going through for a long time. We used to tell each other everything.”

  “I know. I’m so sorry, Adam. I never meant for any of this to happen.”

  “Are you and that guy together?” he asked. I could hear the disdain in his voice.

  “No.” It wasn’t a lie; technically we weren’t together. “I guess I’ve changed. Things in my life have changed. I never meant to hurt you.” I wiped away the tears that were falling down my cheeks.

  “So are we breaking up? Is that what you’re trying to tell me?”

  His question was a simple one and yet it was one I didn’t want to answer. I knew this was coming, but I still felt crushed. The air left me and I started shaking. Sobs soon took over my body. I had been with Adam for as long as I could remember. I felt mad that we were calling it quits after a rocky few months, but somewhere deep down inside me, I knew it was right.

  “Yes. I’m sorry.”

  His eyes were wet and he looked out the window to avoid looking at me. “I never imagined you and I would break up.”

  “Me either.”

  I reached out for his hand, but he yanked it away. “I’m gonna go.”

  “I’m so sorry, Adam. I...”

  “Don’t.” He stood up and slipped out the door.

  My heart broke as his truck pulled away. I watched until it was gone out of sight, and then I ran up to my room, passing my mom on the way. I threw myself on my bed and cried, my heart open and exposed.

  Rain began to fall against the window, mimicking my tears.

  There were so many things left unspoken, but I knew then I was holding on to a dream that wasn’t going to come true. A future that I couldn’t have. It was time to let it all go. Even though I knew I made the right choice it didn’t make it any easier.

  After a while, there was a knock on my door. When I didn’t answer, the door swung open and Sierra walked in. She gave me a sympathetic look and sat down next to me on the bed.

  “Why are you here?” I asked.

  “Your mom called. She said she thought I should come.” She opened her arms and I leaned into them. “What happened?”

  As I filled her in on the break-up, I started sobbing again.

  She rubbed my back and murmured, “It’s going to be okay.”

  I played with my bracelet and wondered aloud, “What’s going to happen now?”

  “I don’t know, but for what it’s worth, I think breaking up with Adam was the right thing. I love Adam, you know that, but when I see the way you look at Kallan…it’s different. I don’t know if that’s what you want to hear right now, but that’s what I see.” She stroked my hair and tucked it behind my ear.

  “I broke Adam’s heart,” I told her.

  “I know,” she said with a sigh.

  I felt numb as we sat in silence for a while longer. “I don’t know what to do now. Every dream I ever had is gone.”

  “Maybe it’s time to dream of a new future,” Sierra suggested. “Dig deep into your heart.”

  I closed my eyes. Maybe Kallan and Sierra were right. Maybe it was a sign. Maybe my life was coming together instead of falling apart. Fate. I needed to take a chance. I always chose the comfortable route. My heart knew what it wanted—something different and exciting. Kallan?

  The door opened and Mom walked in with two bowls of ice cream. “Thought you girls could use some.”

  I sat up straight and took one of the bowls. “Thanks, Mom. You’re the best.”

  She grinned and kissed my forehead, and said, “I love you,” before slipping out of the room.

  Wanting to change the subject, I asked Sierra about her life. “Seen Drake recently?”

  “We were together earlier.” Her eyes turned all dreamy. “He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  “Gee, thanks,” I joked.

  She rolled her eyes. “Guy-wise, Rylie. You’ll always be my best friend.”

  “Even if I’m not always here.”

  “Yes. No matter where you are.” She shoved a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth. “Do you think I’ll be able to be with Drake?”

  “I said we’d find a way. I keep my promises.” I finished my ice cream. “Let’s go to the faery realm.”

  “Really?” Sierra’s face lit up.

  “Yeah…I want to talk to my aunt.” I had an idea—one that meant I’d have to go into the faery realm sooner than I had wanted.

  Sierra spent the night at my house. In the morning, after eating one of the special foods I asked Nessa to drop off, we headed for the trees. The sky was dark and overcast. It was definitely springtime with all the rain we were getting. I found Azura’s with ease. Every time I came it got easier. But I wasn’t bound for my faery mother’s tree house. After leaving Sierra with Drake and promising to meet up with her later, I made a hard right and mounted the gnarled wooden steps at Lorella’s.

  She swung it open. “Oleander. I was expecting you.”

  Not surprising. “I need a favor.”

  “Please, come in.” She stepped aside and held the door open.

  I passed by her into her living room. “I was hoping you could take a peek at my future again.”

  “I can if you’d like, but I’m not sure I’ll have answers for you.”

  I nodded. “It would really help me if I knew a little more about what’s in store for me.”

  “Let’s sit.” She sat in one of two armchairs that faced each other, so I sat in the other.

  Taking my hands in hers, Lorella closed her eyes and took deep breaths. “The darkness is gone. Your future is bright. It will be filled with adventure. You have come to a crossroads…you were forced to make a decision.” She opened her eyes.

  “Did I decide right?” I wasn’t positive I really wanted to know the answer.

  “Shhh.” Her lips curled up and she opened her eyes. “Do you remember when I told you sometimes we don’t need to know and we should just let things unfold?”


  “This is one of those times. You will find love and happiness. You will have a life some only dream of. But you do not need to know everything your life has in store for you.”

  “So you can’t or won’t tell me what to do from here?”

  “No. I know you want me to, but I think it’s more important for you to find your way.”

  A thought flew across my mind. I still had her hands. I wondered if I could see my own future. “What about my parents?” I asked, trying to distract her. “Will they be okay?”

  She closed her eyes again, and I did the same. I concentrated on my breathing and tried to imagine the future. I tried to picture my wedding day. And suddenly images came to my mind...but they weren’t o
f me. Lorella was at a wedding; not mine, but Violet’s. What was going on?

  Lorella yanked her hands from mine, and I snapped my eyes open. “You’re sneaky,” she said wryly. “Using your power to get to mine.”

  I looked down, ashamed. “I’m sorry. I’m just at a loss. Everything has fallen apart.”

  “Rest assured, Oleander, you will be fine. Your parents, too.”

  “Why didn’t I see my future?”

  “I can’t see my own, only others’. What did you see?”

  I smiled. “Yours. You were at Violet’s wedding.”

  Her eyes widened. “Really? Who does she marry?”

  I laughed. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” Truth was, I didn’t know myself. I only saw the back of the midnight-blue-winged faery and didn’t know who he was. “Sometimes we don’t need to know.”

  She looked shocked at first, but then she smiled. “You’re learning.”

  I nodded and stood up. “I should be going.”

  Lorella walked me to the door and opened it. “It was nice to see you. You should visit more often.”

  “I’ll try.” I didn’t want to promise, but I had a feeling that despite my earlier decision to stay away, I’d be visiting the faery realm more often.

  It was getting closer to the end of the school year. We were studying for our end-of-course exams. I hated every minute of it, but I studied hard, hoping that I’d get good grades.

  Kallan never showed his face in school again. He kept his promise—no surprise there. He gave me plenty of time and space. My eyes constantly searched the tree line for a glimpse of him. Each day my heart fell when he wasn’t there, but I didn’t let it keep me down.

  One afternoon in late May, Drake was waiting for us to get home from school so he could hang out with Sierra. This was becoming an everyday thing for them. I got out of the car, intent on getting a snack before studying for my last exam, when Drake approached me. “I’ve got some interesting news.”

  “Oh?” My eyebrows rose.

  “Kallan moved out of the castle and into some little cottage…”

  My mind wandered back to the cottage he showed me, the one where he painted. It would make a much better home for him than that cold castle would.

  “…apparently he’s been painting a lot too. Oh, and he let all the servants go. Told them to go back to their families. Paid them very well. Not only that, but he’s invited any of us to go into the dark realm and use any resources we want,” Drake rambled.

  “Wow. Have you seen him?”

  “No.” He studied me. “Maybe you should talk to him?”

  I nodded and muttered a “thank you” before going inside and eating a snack. Focusing on schoolwork was too hard now that my mind was thinking about Kallan. Would Kallan really try to make a difference in the faery realms even if I wasn’t there? Would he be successful?

  I couldn’t believe he had moved out of the castle. I had never liked that place. I knew it would never feel like home. I was glad that Kallan was out of there and somewhere cozier.

  I lay in my bed thinking until my eyes closed…

  I was standing in a field in the faery realm wearing a long pink dress. I could hear piskies playing in the woods nearby. It was a beautiful day, warm and sunny. Kallan stood at my side and pulled me close to him. He held my face in his hands. My wings were fluttering like crazy as he leaned in and kissed me.

  “Look around,” he said, stretching out his arm to show me miles and miles of beautiful faery land. Rolling hills, fields of flowers, magnificent creatures. “This can all be ours.”

  “How?” I whispered.

  “You just have to choose it. Come and do what you were born to do.”

  A loud clap of thunder startled me awake. I must have fallen asleep. What a crazy dream! I ran my hand through my hair. I needed some air. I walked downstairs and onto the back porch, watching as the lighting from the thunderstorm lit up the night sky. Call me crazy, but I enjoyed a good storm.

  A flash of lightning in the distance revealed Kallan standing in the yard. My heart skipped a beat and my wings fluttered behind me. Fate. Suddenly I knew. I couldn’t explain it. I just knew. I belonged with him.

  I hurried down the porch steps and ran to him. We stood toe-to-toe with the rain splashing at our feet. My hair was pasted against my face.

  Standing there face-to-face with Kallan, I couldn’t deny my feelings anymore. I grabbed Kallan, pulled him close to me, and touched my wet lips to his. The slow kiss was soon replaced with a more passionate one and my body exploded into fireworks. I pulled away to catch my breath, but kept our foreheads touching. I looked into Kallan’s eyes, our hands entwining between us. He smiled, and my heart soared.

  This was me. All me.

  No promises.


  A special thanks to our readers. Thank you for all your support!

  To our familes for putting up with us while we write.

  And for the internet for making it possible to co-write half way around the world from each other.

  Also by the Authors


  WARNING: This is a mature YA. Due to sexual content and some language it is not recommended for younger teens.

  Seventeen-year-old succubus Lily Anderson can’t have a normal life: She isn’t allowed a boyfriend, she has no friends, and school is just one mess-up after another.

  Lily’s parents send her away to the prestigious Emerson Academy. It doesn’t appear to be any different from the others. That is, until she meets her roommate, Hannah, and a blue-eyed boy named Jake.

  Lily makes an almost deadly mistake, and Jake has a mysterious past that has come back to haunt him. Together, they must go on the run from things neither of them understand in order to save the people they love—and each other. But, Jake’s foe is more dangerous than they realized, and it will take the help of friends and family to save the man Lily loves.

  She must learn to use her powers for good before it’s too late.


  About the Authors

  Talia Jager

  When Talia isn’t hiding in the bathroom from her six children, munching on a chocolate bar, she enjoys hiking the red rocks in Utah or sitting on the beach with a Kindle in her hands and her toes in the ocean.

  Talia has written a number of books for young adults, including Damaged: Natalie’s Story, Teagan’s Story: Her Battle With Epilepsy, If I Die Young, Secret Bloodline, Lost and Found, and The Gifted Teens Series. Connect with Talia online at or by email at


  Julia Crane

  Julia Crane is the author of the YA paranormal fiction novels: Keegan's Chronicles, Freak of Nature, Mesmerized and Eternal Youth. Julia has believed in magical creatures since the day her grandmother first told her an Irish tale. She has traveled far and wide to all the places her grandmother told her about, gaining inspiration from her journeys to places like Nepal, Cyprus, Sri Lanka, Italy, France and many more. And who knows? Maybe the magical creatures she writes about are people she met along the way.

  Julia Crane has a bachelor's degree in criminal justice. Although she's spent most of her life on the US east coast, she currently lives in Dubai with her husband and three children.


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