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Dacia Wolf & the Demon Mark

Page 18

by Mandi Oyster

  Mavros dropped to his knees in front of me. “What do you command of me?”

  “I need to know what to do.” For the first time in a long time, I felt like a little kid asking their parents for help. “If I leave you on this plane, will Argentum be able to regain control of you? Would I be better off sending you to the Abyss so I know whose control you’re under?”

  He slowly stood. “Send me back. You won’t know if he regains control of me if you leave me here. He will use it against you, make you think you are my master, and then make me kill you.”

  “But—” I pulled my bottom lip into my mouth “—how can I do that to you? You’ve helped me. You’ve protected me. How can I send you back to that Hell?”

  He stepped forward and took my hands in his. “I won’t stay there long before I wind up on another plane. I was actually sunning myself on a beautiful beach when Argentum called me here.”

  “Really?’ I wiped my eyes on my sleeve, my fingers still held in his.

  “Send me back.”

  “Can you heal me first?” Knowing I was about to return him to the Abyss, I hated to ask him for anything, but I needed to be healthy to stand a chance against Argentum.

  He pressed his hand to my wound and drew the venom out. I felt like I could breathe for the first time in days. “Thank you.”

  He took a step away and dropped his hands. “It has been a pleasure knowing you, Dacia Wolf.” He smiled a real smile that lit up his perfect face.

  “Chaódis Skotádi, I command you to return to the Abyss.” I watched as he turned into a mist and disappeared. Then I fell to my knees, held my head in my hands, and cried.

  Chapter 30


  Aurelia and Arion left as soon as we returned to Malcolm’s cave. She was supposed to meet with the Nephilim council when they decided my fate.

  I pulled the bandages from my wound and burned them. My shirt was blood-stained from when Cash had knocked me down to protect me, but I didn’t have anything else to change into. We’d left everything in the other cave when the Nephilim had shown up.

  “So, what happens if they decide to take away my freedom anyway?” I sat on the treasure and pulled my knees to my chest. There was enough wealth in this room to feed a small country for decades. Torchlight reflected off the gems and coins. Priceless works of art lined the cave walls.

  Cash rummaged through a sack, pulled out a package of mixed nuts, and threw them to me. “We won’t give you up.”

  “We’re here for you,” Malcolm said.

  I dumped a handful of the nuts out. “I can’t run forever. I can’t do that to you guys or to Cody.” I stared at the cashews, feeling like I’d throw up if I put them in my mouth. If I went with the Nephilim, I’d never be able to live life my own way, but Cody had brothers and a sister who cared about him. He had parents who would never understand why he’d disappeared. I’d live in a cage if it meant he could be with those he loved.

  Cody sat next to me. “I’m with you.”

  “I know—” I smiled a sad smile at him “—but I still can’t do that to you and your family.”

  “Hopefully, they won’t debate for too long.” Malcolm cooled a bottle of water and handed it to me. The beads in his cornrows clanked together as he sat beside me. “This”—he waved his arm, encompassing the entire cave—“isn’t very comfortable. I’m sorry about that, but it was the only place that I knew for sure would be safe. I’ve never let another being into my lair before.”

  Cash nodded at him. “I will take you to mine when this is done, but for now, I need them to believe I am hunting Dacia, not helping her.”

  “Since Mavros is gone—” Malcolm squeezed my shoulder when I winced “—you can go back to sleeping at night. Then, when you go back to school, you will be accustomed to it.”

  I plucked one cashew out of my hand and held it in front of my mouth. “Do you really think I’ll be going back?”

  “I can’t see how they can deny you and remain honorable.” Cash strode across the treasure, admiring certain pieces. Malcolm watched him like a starved hawk eying a mouse. “I’ll see if I can get something to make Dacia and Cody more comfortable. If nothing else, I’ll bring them more food.” He disappeared.

  “I haven’t done anything for a few days.” I stood up. “I should exercise my powers and my body.”

  Malcolm assessed me. “You only just healed. Are you sure you don’t need to rest more?”

  “And lose all the stamina you’ve been helping me build?” I folded my arms over my chest and tapped my foot. Coins toppled over each other, clinging as they fell.

  “Fine.” He stood. “Make a fireball. We’ll run that way.” He pointed at a narrow opening on the other side of the chamber.

  “Coming?” I asked Cody.

  He stood beside me. “Where you go, I go.”

  Malcolm led the way. His pace was slower than it had been for the days leading up to Mavros’ attack on me. Cody stayed right beside me, watching me from the corner of his eye, making sure I was doing okay. I ran faster, passing Malcolm. The passage we ran through looked like it had been carved, not formed by nature. It was wide enough for Malcolm to fly through in his dragon form. There were no flowstone formations, and I couldn’t hear the constant sound of water dripping.

  The passage turned, and a pungent aroma filled the cavern. I looked up to see hundreds of bats hanging from the ceiling. I dimmed my fire, keeping it closer to me. Some of the bats flapped their wings and some crawled along the ceiling, but none of them took to flight.

  I was relieved when we left that chamber and the smell behind. We ran for a while longer. My legs shook, but I didn’t want Malcolm or Cody to know. I didn’t want them to think I was weak.

  “We should turn back.” Malcolm’s voice startled me, and the flames flickered. “I don’t want you to overdo it.”

  I turned around, hoping they didn’t see me wobble as I did. “Okay.” I ran past them, setting the pace for the way back. Once again, I lowered the flames when we ran through the chamber with bats in it, hoping not to startle them.

  As we left that cavern behind, my leg buckled under me, and I fell forward. Malcolm wrapped his arm around my waist, righting me. “Let’s walk.” He lit the chamber around us, and I closed my hand, suffocating my flames.

  Cody walked on my other side. “Shouldn’t push so hard.”

  “I know.” I pulled my hand through my hair. “But I never know when something’s going to happen. I’ve got to stay strong.”

  “You need to rest, too.” Malcolm let go of me. “Get it while you can.”

  By the time we returned to Malcolm’s treasure horde, Cash was back. Cushions were piled on the coins, and it looked like I might get a comfortable night’s sleep. I started walking toward the purple and black cushions, but Cody grabbed my arm. I looked at him in question, and he nodded his head toward the dragons.

  Malcolm’s pupils were slitted. A low rumble filled the cavern, rattling the coins. Cash lowered his eyes and lifted his neck while making himself seem smaller.

  Malcolm strode toward him. He pressed his fangs to Cash’s neck. Cash stood absolutely still. After several tension-filled moments, Malcolm stepped away.

  Cash kept his eyes lowered to the floor. “I touched nothing. I didn’t know you’d be gone.”

  “Dacia wanted exercise.” Malcolm’s voice was like the deep rumbling of thunder.

  Since they’d both pledged their loyalty to me, I hoped I’d be able to diffuse the situation. “And now I need food and a bath, so quit trying to assert your dominance.”

  Cash shot an uneasy grin at Malcolm. “I kind of miss the days when she was terrified of us. Don’t you?”

  “Every day.” Malcolm reached his hand toward Cash. “Thank you for restocking their supplies.”

  Cody let out a deep breath. “That was tense.”

  “Sorry.” Malcolm’s pupils and voice had returned to normal. “Two thousand years of instincts are hard to overcome.”

  “It doesn’t help that dragons are greedy bastards.” Cash shrugged, then dug to go boxes out of several sacks. “I wasn’t sure what you’d want, so I grabbed a few things.” He handed two containers to Malcolm. “Rare steaks.”

  I chose chicken Alfredo, and Cody took a steak and baked potato. We all sat down and ate in silence. After we finished, Malcolm walked over and took our containers from us. “This cave system is dry. The baths will have to wait.”

  Unintentionally, my chin dropped to my chest. I was sweaty and gross, and I didn’t even have any other clothes to change into.

  “If it was warmer outside, I’d take you to a waterfall to wash off, but you’d freeze.” He pointed at the cushions. “Get some rest. Maybe tomorrow will bring good news.”

  Cody looked at Cash. “Sticking around?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “I’m supposed to be hunting Dacia.” He tossed a bag at us. “Might be better than nothing.”

  Two T-shirts and two pairs of sweatpants were in the bag. I took the smaller ones and handed the others to Cody. “Thanks,” I said. “Be safe.”

  Chapter 31


  I woke up to hushed voices. Aurelia, Cash, and Malcolm stood together across the vast cavern from me. I sat up, and Cody put his hand on my arm. “Leave ‘em.”

  “But you know it’s about me.” My voice was loud enough that they all looked at me.

  Aurelia strode toward me. Her gray slacks were tailored to fit her. Her blue silk shirt was perfectly pressed. Compared to her, I looked like a hoodlum in my baggie sweatpants. “We wanted you to rest.”

  “That’s pretty much all I do these days.” I stood up, striding across the cavern toward them. Treasure jingled under my feet. “So, am I to be caged?”

  “No.” She shook her head, and a smile spread across her face. “They have decided you are not the threat they feared.”

  The wave of relief that washed over me nearly knocked me down. I held one hand out to catch my balance, lifted the other to my chest, and held back a sob. “I really thought they’d come up with a reason to take me.”

  Her smile faded, and she looked at me like I might not like what she had to say next. “They plan to keep some representatives on campus to make sure Argentum does not abduct you.”

  “What about Malcolm?” I didn’t want to dwell on the Nephilim right now. I didn’t want to worry about whether or not they’d change their minds. I wanted to smell fresh air and see the mountains and sky and trees and my friends.

  He grinned at me from behind her. “They don’t know for sure that I was helping you, so no repercussions.”

  I smiled at him. “Thank God.” Nobody should have to suffer for helping me.

  “When do we go back?” Cody had walked up beside me without me noticing.

  Cash shrugged. “As soon as you want.”

  Aurelia held her hand up. “You will be under our surveillance still. Until Argentum is found and we determine if anybody else was helping him, we will escort you to classes and watch over your rooms.”

  “Okay.” Cody looked down at me. “Let’s go.”

  Malcolm’s expression darkened. “My lair’s not good enough for you?”

  “I’d like a shower and clothes that fit.” Cody visibly swallowed and backed up a step.

  “And a comfortable bed.” Malcolm grinned. “I couldn’t resist. I love the smell of fear.”

  “Funny, real funny.” I walked over and slugged his arm. “I’m taking Cody.” I grabbed his hand and teleported us to my dorm room. It was empty, and it was early enough that the hallway was still quiet.

  Within seconds, all three dragons appeared. “Will one of you take Cody to his room so he can shower and change?”

  Cash stepped forward and put his hand on Cody’s shoulder. “Ready?”

  “Be careful, Dacia.” He nodded at Cash, and they disappeared.

  I gathered up clothes and stuffed them into my bag. “Thanks for everything you guys have done for me. I really thought I’d have to spend the rest of my life in one of their sanctuaries. I didn’t think they’d give up.”

  “Keep following the light, and we should be able to keep them from threatening you again.” Aurelia gave me a quick hug that took me by surprise.

  I squeezed her back, then asked, “What day is it? What’s the weather like?”

  “It is Tuesday.” She stepped away. “It is cold and snowy. I talked to Sarah when you left. She told your teachers that you had a family emergency and had to leave in the middle of the night. They will give you a copy of the notes you missed and let you make up your assignments and tests.”

  I hadn’t been too worried about college for myself, but it was a relief to know Cody would be able to catch up. “I’ll go see her after classes and thank her.”

  “I will not be here when you return.” Sadness filled her voice. “The elders are sending me to hunt Argentum.”

  “Be careful.”

  “You, too.”

  Malcolm and I stepped out into the hall. He didn’t bother turning invisible this morning. I hoped Marcy wouldn’t come out of her room and find him here. I didn’t feel like dealing with it today. Diana and Olivia stood with their backs against the wall, watching me. I waved at them as I walked past. Diana lifted her lips in an attempt at a smile, but Olivia just glared at me. We’re back, I thought to Samantha, hoping she was awake already. The Nephilim are supposed to leave me alone.

  I took a longer shower than I normally would, savoring the feel of the water pulsing against my skin, letting it work out some of my stress. When I stepped into my room, Samantha threw her arms around me. “I was so worried about you. Arianna said Mavros attacked you and one of the dragons betrayed you and the Nephilim and dragons were hunting you and you sent him to the Abyss again.”

  The last statement was like a punch in the gut. It must’ve shown on my face because Samantha took my hands in hers. “I’m sorry you had to do that. I thought he was playing you, but then that day, he came in here and warned you, and I thought maybe, just maybe he’d actually changed. You changed a demon. How many people can say that?” Excitement rushed her words.

  I tried to smile at her, but I still felt like there should’ve been another way. He deserved my gratitude, not punishment.

  Before I could sink too deeply into those thoughts, Cash and Malcolm knocked on the door. “Hello, Samantha.” Malcolm nodded at her. “Ready for class?”

  Hoping Professor Fisher would be there, we got to my creative writing class early. Professor Fisher looked up from his desk and smiled at me when I entered. “Hello. I hope everything is okay.”

  I nodded. “Yes, things turned out all right. Thank you for asking. I’m sorry I had to leave without saying anything.”

  “These things happen.” He rummaged around in his briefcase. “This is everything we covered. I’ll give you a week to get the assignments turned into me. If you need more time, let me know. We’ll see if we can work something out.”

  As I sat down with my bodyguards, I wondered what the teachers thought had happened to drag me away, which rumor they believed was true.

  After class, I met my friends at Sedum Hall for lunch. Cash and Malcolm sat at the table next to us, and my heart dropped a little. I’d gotten so used to being with them. It felt weird for them to sit away from me, but there wasn’t enough room at one table for all the humans and dragons to sit together.

  Russ nodded at me as he joined the other dragons. “Glad you’re back.”

  Val gave me a hug and sniffed my hair. Arianna waved, and Tye shot me with his finger gun. “Good to see y
ou back.”

  I was just taking a bite of my burger when Cassandra and Bryce set their trays down. “Where have you been?” Cassandra’s voice was accusing. She waved her arm at Dan and Samantha. “They wouldn’t tell me.”

  “They didn’t know.” I set my food down. “I had to leave quickly, and only Cody knew where I was because he was with me.” I didn’t want anybody to know Malcolm and Cash had helped me. There was always the chance the wrong people would overhear, and they would have to face the consequences of their actions. I’d protect them as long as I could.

  Bryce pulled out a chair for Cassandra, then sat next to her.

  “Why’d you have to leave?” She pointed at the Nephilim. “Them?”

  “Yeah. They decided it was time for me to go with them, but we got it worked out.”

  She lifted one narrow eyebrow at me. “If it’s worked out”—she did air quotes around the last two words—“why are they still here?”

  “They’re just keeping an eye on me to make sure I stay safe.”

  “Or so they say.” Cody shoveled food into his mouth like he’d been starved since we’d been gone. “Don’t trust them.”

  “Me either.” I looked at them and wondered if, like the dragons, they could hear what we were saying.

  “Where did you go?” Dan asked.

  I pressed my lips together, debating what to say.

  “Can’t say.” Cody saved me from making the decision. “Might have to disappear again.”

  “I can tell you that I’d’ve rather been here.” I took a drink of my water. “I felt just as trapped as I would’ve been in their sanctuary. I had to stay hidden at all times, so they couldn’t track me. It wasn’t a vacation.”

  “And now you’ve got so much homework to catch up on.” Samantha fiddled with her bracelet. “That’s not going to be easy.”


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