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Dacia Wolf & the Demon Mark

Page 21

by Mandi Oyster

  “Something tells me it will be for you.” I laughed.

  When we got our lanes, Dan said, “So what are teams? I was thinking The Mere Mortals and The Fire Breathers. Dacia can be one of The Fire Breathers.”

  Samantha laughed, and the teams were set. Cody, Dan, and Bryce explained the rules to the dragons while Cassandra, Samantha, and I searched for the perfect ball.

  The first few frames were interesting. My teammates had to check their strength. The bowling balls were being launched about halfway down the lane. After they figured out the subtlety of the release, they did much better. I’d never witnessed so many turkeys in my life.

  We talked and laughed, and I got my mind off everything. After three games, we left to go to The Avalanche. The snow hadn’t let up, and at least eight inches covered the ground.

  “Maybe we should just go back to campus before we end up stranded here.” Cassandra pulled her gloves on.

  Cash threw his arms over Bryce and Cassandra’s shoulders. “You won’t get stranded.” He grinned at them. “We can even get your vehicles back.”

  “Really?” I tilted my head and looked at him.

  Russ put his hand on my back and led me to my truck. “We can teleport them back to campus if we need to, but right now, you should get off the street.”

  “Problem?” I asked.

  Russ shook his head. “No sense in making one.” He melted the snow off my truck while Cash melted the snow off Dan’s. “We’ll follow you.”

  It took a while to get a table for ten ready. We stood in the waiting area and shivered every time the door opened. When we were all seated, Abigail came over and took our drink orders. “You’ve got extras today.” She smiled at the newcomers. “Do you need more time?”

  “Yeah.” I nodded at the dragons. “They’ve never been here before.”

  “Okay. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  When she walked away, I looked at Cash. “I bet you never thought you’d be eating out with six humans. Did you?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “Fifteen hundred years and I’ve never done anything like this before.”

  Bryce set his menu down and stared at Cash. “You’re fifteen hundred years old?”

  “Give or take.” Cash shrugged. “Time is irrelevant, and it’s hard to keep track.”

  “What about the rest of you?” Cassandra asked.

  Val counted on his fingers, then looked at Arianna. She answered for him. “You’re three hundred seventy-six.”

  “Wait.” I looked up in surprise and noticed Abigail bringing our drinks. “In a minute.” I nodded toward our waitress so they’d know not to say anything else.

  She handed us our drinks, then stood across from Dan to take our orders. She nearly melted when he smiled at her, but I couldn’t blame her. It was a great smile.

  When everyone had placed their orders and she walked off, I said, “How long were you under Draconian’s control?”

  “Three hundred seventy-one years.” Arianna picked up her glass and stared at the contents.

  “Oh, wow.” Samantha held her hand up in front of her mouth. “I had no idea it had been so long.”

  I unwrapped my silverware and smoothed out my napkin. “I didn’t either.”

  “I spent nearly half of my life in captivity.” Russ stared at the table. “I’m seven hundred forty-four.”

  Arianna looked around. “Like Cash, I’m not quite sure, but I believe I’m somewhere between fifteen hundred and seventeen hundred. Aurelia and Malcolm are the oldest of us.”

  “That is so cool.” Bryce took a roll out of the basket and buttered it. “We’ve got maybe seventy to a hundred years to make our mark. Wouldn’t it be awesome to have a thousand or more?”

  I tugged my hand through my hair and looked down. This wasn’t something I wanted to start thinking about again. Death said I would meet him again, but Draconian had lived for centuries. I didn’t want to watch my friends and family die. I couldn’t imagine the anguish.

  Cody reached over and squeezed my hand.

  “Dacia may have that chance.” Cash looked directly in my eyes before bowing his head. “I would be honored to serve you for eternity.”

  “Thank you, Cash.” I tried to smile at him, but I wasn’t sure if it worked. “Hopefully, that won’t be the case.”

  Everyone but Samantha, Dan, and Cody looked at me in confusion. “Why?” Val asked.

  “It’s unnatural.” I couldn’t give them more of an answer without breaking down, and I didn’t want to do that in a crowded restaurant.

  “To live forever”—Cassandra flipped her hair over her shoulder—“might be unnatural, but it would be awesome.”

  Cody set his roll on his plate. “Drop it.” His voice was hard. He wiped his hand over his mouth. “Please.”

  They looked at me with pinched eyebrows and tilted heads but said no more.

  By the time we finished eating and went outside, at least another four inches of snow had fallen. The wind picked it up and flung it across the parking lot, spinning it up into snow devils. They whirled into the trees, then dropped to the ground.

  “This isn’t good.” I clasped my hood around my face, trying to keep the snow and wind from pelting it.

  Cash looked out at the road and rubbed his chin. “Drive to the edge of town. We’ll take it from there.”

  “Sure.” Cody unlocked my truck and opened the door for me. He climbed in behind the wheel and waited while Cash evaporated the snow.

  The roads were covered, and few cars had made tracks through it. Cody drove slowly with Dan following behind him. As soon as we reached the edge of town, I felt something land in my truck’s bed. Then we were stretched out and pushed in. When I felt like myself again, the truck was on the road right outside of campus. Cody drove it into the lots between the dorms, and Cash and Val jumped out.

  Cody opened the door. “Thanks. Woulda been a long drive.”

  “That was wicked!” Bryce held his hand out to Cassandra.

  She was grinning like the Cheshire Cat. “Yeah, it was.”

  “Can you do that?” Bryce helped Cassandra across the parking lot.

  “I’ve never tried with a truck”—I yanked my hood up—“but I do it a lot.”

  Cassandra shuffled her feet. “That would be wicked. I’d never walk outside in this.”

  “I have to be careful about using my powers.” It was tempting to teleport to my room right now, but I didn’t know how many people might be looking out their windows. “I can’t let people see me use them.”

  “It’d still be sweet,” Bryce said.

  When we got inside, Cassandra turned to me. “Thanks for letting us hang out with you. Things haven’t been the same with Vanessa and Alvin since everything that happened in our first semester. We’ve just been drifting further apart.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” I’d enjoyed hanging out with them today, but I meant it. I’d lost friends when they decided I was weird.

  Bryce unzipped his coat. “They seemed to enjoy the cruelty. It’s become part of them.”

  “Oh.” Samantha stuffed her gloves into her pockets. “That’s not good.”

  Cassandra stared straight ahead, not looking at anyone. “No, it’s not. Sometimes I wonder why he chose us.”

  “I wonder the same about myself.”

  Chapter 35

  Making Plans

  I flipped the lights on, and my heart jumped like a scared cat. Malcolm sat on the couch. He leaned forward with his elbows on his knees, staring at nothing. Lines etched his forehead.

  “Nothing?” I pulled my gloves off and shoved them in my pockets. My friends followed me into the room.

  He shook his head. “Not even a whiff.”

  I hung up
my coat. With my back turned to Malcolm, I said, “I might as well take you there. That’s what’s going to happen in the end.”

  “I have one more day.” Malcolm’s voice was a low growl. “I won’t put you in danger unless there’s no other choice.”

  I took my boots off and set them on a rug beside the door. “I know you won’t, but it wouldn’t be my life if I wasn’t in danger.”

  “Have a little faith.” Cody hung his coat beside mine and took my hand, leading me to Cookie Monster. He sat down and pulled me onto his lap.

  I snuggled against him. “I actually have a lot of faith, but I also know how this will play out. I’ve done it a few times.”

  “I’m not the only one looking for him,” Malcolm said. “The elders and Aurelia are also searching.”

  Samantha offered the couch to the other dragons. When they all shook their heads, she and Dan sat down. “So how many elder dragons are there?”

  “Thirteen sit on the council.” Arianna sat on the floor and brushed the snow out of her cropped hair. Her eyes were just slightly darker than the carpet. “So, twelve now. They will have to find a replacement for Argentum.” She patted the ground next to her, and Val sat down. He put his head on her shoulder.

  I couldn’t help but wonder what had happened to his mother when he was captured and if Arianna had filled that place for Val even when they were under Draconian’s control.

  Russ leaned against the doorframe, folding his arms over his chest. “It will most likely be Aurelia.”

  “Would they really make her one when I know her true name?” I looked over my shoulder at him.

  He nodded. “I believe they will.”

  “Will we see her again if they do?” Samantha asked.

  Arianna smiled. “They’ll keep her busy, but I’m sure she’ll make time for you.”


  Malcolm watched me stretch. “No nightmares last night?” It was still dark in the room, but his eyes glowed like a cat’s.

  “No.” I rolled my neck. “Without Mavros here, I really haven’t had many.” I pulled my hand through my hair. “Just the one where … you know.”

  He stood up and glowered at me. “I’m not going to die. Not yet. Wish me luck.”

  “Good luck.”

  He disappeared.

  “He’s gonna find him.” Cody rubbed my back.

  I dropped my head into my hands. “I want him to. I really do, but I don’t think he will. My dream—” I looked out the window, not seeing anything “—it felt like a premonition. I know it’s going to happen. I just hope I can keep Malcolm alive when it does.”

  I felt Cody sit up behind me. He wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my shoulder. He was warm and comforting. “Didn’t realize.” He kissed my neck. “Thought you were being pessimistic.”

  “Maybe I am.” I folded my arms over his. “We’ll find out when Malcolm comes back tonight.”

  He kissed just under my ear, and I leaned into it. “What’re we doing today?”

  “Studying.” My voice sounded breathless.

  “You sure?” He kissed me again, and I turned, wrapping my legs around his waist.

  I ran my finger down his nose, then pressed my hands to his bare chest. “What did you have in mind?”

  His hair was tousled, and his eyes looked mischievous. “Could just stay here all day.” He tugged me closer and kissed my chin. “Keep your mind off things.” He trailed his lips down my neck.

  I closed my eyes and clutched his back. A soft moan escaped from me. I bit my lip and pulled away from him. “Dragons are always watching.”

  You could shut us out, Cash said. You shouldn’t, though.

  “I know.”

  Cody tilted his head. “You know what?”

  “I was answering Cash.” I kissed the tip of his nose.

  He leaned back. “So, we’re studying.”

  I lifted one shoulder. “We’ll never be alone. We might feel like we are, but someone will always be watching me.” I scooted onto the couch beside him. “Is this what you want out of life?”

  He slid his hand over mine. “Just want you. I’ll take the rest.”

  “You deserve better.”

  He traced his fingers along my cheek. “You’re the best thing that’s happened to me, Dacia. You’re amazing, and I will take everything else as long as I get you.”

  I squeezed his hand. “Thanks, Cody.”

  He spent the day studying on the couch, and I sat at the desk. By the time Malcolm came back, my eyes were so blurry I could barely read the words in front of me.

  “I’m sorry, Dacia.” Malcolm sat on the couch with his head bowed over his lap. “I can keep looking. We don’t have to give up yet. I’ll search for another week. Then if I don’t find him, you can take us to him.”

  “No.” I got up and sat between him and Cody. “I don’t think we should wait.” I put my hand on Malcolm’s arm. “I know you don’t want to put me in danger. I don’t want you in danger either. I think you should stay behind when I go.”

  His bronze eyes narrowed and became more dragon-like. “I won’t put your life in danger while sparing mine.”

  “I didn’t think you would.” I tugged my hand through my hair and tried to figure out a way everybody could get out of this alive. “I guess we need to get everybody together and come up with a plan.”


  My room was too small for six dragons and six humans, but we all squeezed in anyway. Bryce, Cassandra, Samantha, and Dan crammed together on the couch. Cody stood by the window. Aurelia sat in Cookie Monster, and Malcolm sat at the desk. Val sat next to Arianna on the floor. Russ and Cash each leaned against the door. I paced.

  “Dacia”—Aurelia’s voice was soft—“are you sure this is what you want?” She looked at Bryce and Cassandra.

  I stopped pacing for a minute and looked at everyone gathered in the room. As little as a month ago, I wouldn’t have pictured us as friends, but now, I couldn’t imagine my life without them. “Yes.” I walked three steps to Cody and turned around.

  “We have not been able to locate Argentum.” Aurelia’s gold skin shimmered like it did before she transformed into her dragon form. “The elders pride themselves on keeping secrets. They have been doing it for so long that they know no other way. None of them know where Argentum’s lair is.”

  Malcolm watched me pace. “I’ve been searching for Dacia’s scent, but he’s not within a thousand miles of here.”

  “So, is Dacia going to have to go into hiding again?” Cassandra tugged on her sleeves, pulling them to her wrists. The blue of her sweater made her eyes even more striking than normal.

  “No.” I stopped moving. “I’m going to have to lead them to him.” My voice sounded hollow. Even though I never wanted to see Argentum again, I was more afraid of guiding the other dragons to him.

  Bryce leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. “How?”

  “I’ve been in his lair”—I lifted a shoulder toward my ear—“so I can picture it in my head and teleport back there again.”

  Cassandra tilted her head to the side and asked, “So why haven’t you done that already?”

  Cody’s voice was a low growl. “He wants to eat her.”

  “Oh.” She lifted her hand to her mouth. “Oh.”

  Bryce’s mouth opened, then closed. He stared at me for a minute before he said, “And you’re going back?”

  “I’ve got to.” I slid down the wall and sat on the floor. “I think it needs to be in the next couple of days. I don’t think we should wait any longer than that.”

  “If you’re sure this is what you want—” Malcolm rubbed his hands together “—we’ll surround you when you teleport in. We can each lend you some of our strength.” He looked at ea
ch of the other dragons, and they all nodded. “At the first sign of trouble, you can teleport out of there.”

  “And, what about you?” I stared at him pointedly.

  He gazed back. The expression on his face was indecipherable. “I’m not going to die.”

  “Will you leave?” I stood up. “If things go bad, will you leave with me?”

  His eyes softened. “For you, I can make that promise.”

  Aurelia’s golden gaze flicked between the two of us, and I realized he must not have said anything to her about my dream. Her eyes settled on me. “The council wishes for us to return Argentum to them alive. However, if the choice is between saving somebody in this room or saving him, all of us will put your lives first.”

  Chapter 36

  Another Sleepless Night

  Cody breathed softly. He’d been sleeping for an hour or more, but I couldn’t close my eyes. Every time I did, I pictured Argentum killing Malcolm. He was over two thousand years old, but that didn’t mean he’d live forever.

  “You need to sleep,” Malcolm whispered from his post in the chair.

  Not wanting to wake Cody up, I spoke into Malcolm’s mind. I can’t. I thought about Argentum killing him in my dream and accidentally sent the image to Malcolm.

  He winced like I’d slapped him. Not happening. The words were snarled. He composed himself before saying, “I could help you sleep.”

  “Not yet,” I whispered.

  “You have an hour.”

  An hour came and went, but Malcolm didn’t force me to sleep. He continued watching me. Concern softened his features, making him appear more human than I’d seen him before.

  I don’t know how long it took, but I finally drifted off. Even though I was in Cody’s arms, nightmares haunted me.

  Wednesday morning, I stood in the center of a ring of dragons. I was exhausted but trying not to show it. I’d woken up with sleep-crusted eyes. All I’d wanted to do was roll over and doze off again, but it was time to face Argentum and end this.


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