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Wolf's Soul

Page 17

by J. L. Madore

  I touch the gemstone nestled in his hand. It doesn’t have the feel or look of swirling water in it like Jaxx’s does. Kotah’s is spirit. I don’t know how I know it, but I do. It responds to my touch and the power of my phoenix beats strong in my racing pulse. “It came from under the water.”

  “I saw that, but… how?”

  “We don’t know,” I say, not sure of much in this new world of magic, monsters, and mates. I bite down on my lip. If not for my connection with Kotah and the peaceful ambiance of the falls, I would be completely tripping out.


  When Kotah and Calli climb over the rock wall of the grotto pool, I take her hand and help her. I’m still a little raw from our shower session this morning and panicking the past ten minutes thinking she was in danger. My visceral need to find her and ensure her safety closes the door to life outside this mating quint. I am fully mated. And as a male of planning and strategic visualization… I hadn’t planned on any of this.

  My attention snaps back to her when I realize she’s staring at me. “Are you all right, Spitfire?” She glances to where I’m still holding her hand and then back. Right. I never released her. The stupid thing is… I don’t want to let her go. The concern in her gaze softens and I swear she sees past all my bullshit, right into the dysfunctional heart of me. “Big day, yeah?”


  Still holding my hand, she pulls me to the side and points at her dress. “Can you help me get covered up?”

  I don’t believe that she wants me to help her pull a tunic dress over her head, but yeah, it gives me a chance to turn my back to the others and focus on her.

  It’s the weirdest thing… just touching her soothes me.

  I gather the hem of the dress and angle the neck hole to help her into it. “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever put clothes on a female before. My expertise is in taking them off.” The words are still falling off my tongue when I flinch. “Fuck. Sorry. That was thoughtless.”

  Calli pulls her hair free from the dress. When she drops her hands, it falls in a golden fan down her back. “I’ll take all the firsts I can with you, Barron. It’s nice to know there are still a few things I can claim as ours.”

  It shocks me how stunning she is… no makeup, no airs, no fancy wardrobe. She’s nothing like any of the females that came before her. She’s sexy, sass, and smartass all rolled up.

  I pinch the front of her dress and pull her closer. Leaning forward, I brush my cheek with hers and kiss the shell of her ear. “The most important thing is that you’re the first female I ever wanted as my own and the first and last mate I’ll ever claim. The rest is a work in progress.”

  “Good answer,” she whispers. “If I didn’t know better, I’d even say romantic.”

  I nip her neck hard enough to make her yelp. “Nice try.”


  When the five of us return from the waterfall grotto, Laney, Mama, and Keyla rush out with Doc and Daddy to ask about what sent us bolting into the woods. We fill them in on the magical pull on our mating bonds and when Kotah holds up the second mating crystal, Laney’s turquoise gaze pops wide.

  Blonde and athletic, my older sister fits the mold of our family to perfection. There’s no looking at her or me and not realizing we are the sum of our two parents. “And it just rose out of the water and floated over to you?” she asks.

  “How did it get there?” Keyla asks.

  “Magic, I expect.” Kotah holds the crystal between his thumb and forefinger and raises it to catch the light of the sun. “Jaxx’s crystal seems to represent water.”

  “Yours is spirit,” Calli says. “I knew it the second I touched it. You are the spirit and the soul of this quint.”

  “How does a crystal get a power of nature?” Laney asks.

  Kotah adjusts his glasses and extends his reach so Mama can get a closer look. “There are three races of pixie that harness the power to enchant crystals with elemental strengths. When I first saw Jaxx’s, I thought each crystal chose the guardian with the strongest elemental traits toward its specific characteristic.”

  “I bet Calli’s will be fire,” Keyla says.

  Kotah chuckles. “That was too easy. But yes, I’m anticipating that Brant will get an earth crystal and Hawk’s will represent air. What I’m left wondering, is whether or not the crystals coming to us is the way it’s supposed to happen?”

  I’m wondering the same thing. “The Fae Council made it sound like we’re supposed to venture out on a grand quest to find the scattered pieces of the crystal. If they are enchanted to come to us, that’s one less thing to worry about.”

  Calli laughs. “After the past week of Texas to California to Kansas to North Dakota, it would be nice to let destiny come find us for once.”

  Brant shakes his head. “Sorry, beautiful. After what we learned this morning, I see a trip to the west coast in the extremely near future. Sadly, our destiny doesn’t protect the rest of the world from Darkside agents or the manipulations of the Black Knight.”

  I cast a glance to Daddy and another wave of guilt hits.

  He waves away the concern. “Don’t get worked up on my account, son. I know full well that you’d charge into hell with a bucket if you thought it would keep someone you love from burnin’. All’s well that ends well.”

  “Still, now your lives are disrupted and on hold until we get things sorted.”

  Mama clucks her tongue. “Everythin’ happens as it’s meant, baby. Until the storm clears, we have the privilege of spendin’ time in this paradise with you and your mates. Let us lend a hand here or there if we can.”

  Laney smiles and moves to take a closer look at my crystal where it hangs against my chest. “All y’all are history in the makin’. If us taking a vacay in an enchanted wilderness helps in the grand scheme, we’ll suffer and do our part.”

  I laugh, pull her close, and muss her hair. “Thank you for your sacrifice, Lane. I love all y’all and am glad you’re here.”


  Dinner is a joyous pack affair with a succulent pit roast and a celebration that makes me proud. The entire courtyard is lined with torches, lit, and dancing against the night sky, while the village musicians entertain us with a lively playlist that keeps everyone moving to the music and laughing. My favorite part, by far, is that the person leading the charge for the community gathering is my little sister.

  “This is the Keyla I love,” I say, to Calli and Hawk as we sit on a picnic table and watch the festivities.

  Brant and Doc are dancing like fools with anyone who cares to take a spin on the dance floor. Jaxx is dancing with his sister, Laney. And Mama and John are lying all cozy in a blanket atop the rise in front of the guest cabins. They’re watching from a distance, understandably shaken from John’s abduction.

  Calli leans close and bumps my shoulder. “This Keyla is certainly more appealing than the selfish brat you introduced me to at the palace.”

  “She’s got management potential,” Hawk says, looking up from the computer he’s tapping at. “She organized the pack and had them all smiling as she worked side-by-side to get things accomplished today. She broke down tasks and ran a tight ship. For a girl not yet nineteen, that’s impressive.”

  I nod. “Keyla cares about people. She’s much more than the female Mother and the palace make her seem.”

  The song ends and Jaxx and Brant rush to our table. “Come on, kitten,” Jaxx says, taking Calli’s hand and tugging her to stand. “Your mates want to see you shake your thang.”

  Calli giggles all the way to the dance floor.

  I catch Hawk watching and decide to continue with my mission to understand him. “May I ask you something?”

  The tap-tap-tap beside me stops. “All right.”

  “When Brant first talked about the five of us mating, you made it clear you wanted nothing to do with mating Brant, Jaxx, and me. Is that still the case or have things changed now that you mated Calli? Would you ever consider mating me?

  He scoffs and shakes his head. “You’ve never heard of leading with a lob, have you? Straight to hardball.”

  I shrug. “I wonder how you see this mating playing out. Brant was right when he said there are five of us in this relationship. Even if you stand by your comment to take sex out of the equation, I still want a relationship with you.”

  Hawk licks his lips as if considering. “I don’t know how to answer that, Kotah. I hadn’t intended to commit to the quint this morning—” he holds up a finger—“I don’t regret it. Don’t take that the wrong way. It’s just, with Calli, things seem to happen of their own accord. I’ll need time to process.”

  I hop off the picnic table and straddle the seat beside him. His tension rachets but I take no offense. Getting through his emotional barriers will take time and patience. “You’re more than the mate of my mate, Hawk. I respect you and what you bring to this relationship. We don’t have to be lovers to be true mates, but if you choose to explore that kind of relationship, I will welcome you and look forward to our time together.”

  Before he answers, I squeeze his arm, send him a rush of loving support, and stand.

  He glares. “No more of your seducing touch, kid.”

  I chuckle and leave to join the others on the dance floor. Avians might be the wildlings known for cunning strategy, but canines are known for stalking and wearing down their prey.

  Hawk didn’t say no to mating me, so, unless he does, I’m taking that as a yes.


  An hour after Jaxx and I pull Calli onto the dance floor, the music slows, and the celebration starts to dissolve. Kotah’s pack knows how to put on a good time and I’m glad his entire life hasn’t been the uptight judgment we witnessed at the palace. It’ll suck for all of us when he’s forced to assume his position as Fae Prime—but it will suck for him most. Sadly, no one has given up, but it looks like that’s how things will end.

  To give him one night of celebration, we opted not to tell him until tomorrow. There are no loopholes that Hawk or I or Maggie or anyone found to excuse him from serving the remainder of the Northwood term.

  “Hey.” Calli presses a hand against my cheek and brings my focus back to the two of us swaying under the torchlight. “Why the long face, Bear?”

  “Just thinking about Kotah’s situation and how ill-suited he is to sustain a life of pomp and politics in that palace.”

  Calli’s smile falls and she turns in my arms to face Kotah. He’s chatting with Logan Silver Fox and Keyla by the dessert table. The three of them are smiling and Kotah is more relaxed than I’ve ever seen him. “Hey, have you noticed the kid hasn’t spouted off a run of regurgitated facts once since we got here.”

  Calli nods. “This community and these lands bring out a beautiful side in him. A spark of something special.”

  “It’s a shame we have to watch that spark extinguish.”

  She blinks up at me and I hate the worry I see brewing in her eyes. “There’s still a chance, isn’t there? Maggie’s looking through historic references for a way to have the guardianship overrule the prime position. And Hawk’s got lawyers on it too.”

  I sigh. “They’re in needle in the haystack territory now. I don’t think there’s much of a chance.”

  Calli lays her head against my chest. “Maybe his father will hang on and it’ll be moot.”

  I rest my chin on the top of her head and look out on the dwindling crowd. “Twenty-nine years is a long time to hang on. Keyla says the royal physicians give him days maybe a week. The transfer of power must be done before he dies so the fae realm isn’t left without a ruler.”

  “So, it’s happening?”

  “Seems so. Silver Fox wants him prepped and ready for tomorrow at sunset.”

  “It just sucks,” she says, dropping her arms from my neck to wrap around me for a hug. “He was happy today at the waterfall… at peace, you know? And then the crystal came to him and it seems like the universe is saying his place as a guardian is his true path.”

  “I agree, but that doesn’t change fae laws. Our system isn’t the same as human monarchies. There is no abdication. Like it or not, by this time tomorrow, Kotah will officially be the next Fae Prime.”



  Despite our best efforts, in the end, there’s nothing to be done. Nakotah Northwood, heir to the royal throne of the Fae Prime is out of time and we’re out of options. I vote to cut and run. Kotah shakes that off. As much as he doesn’t want to rule, he won’t entertain any idea that casts a negative light on his pack or the canines as a whole.

  I suggest that his mother or his sister become Fae Prime, but that’s a no too. He’s the male heir and was named at birth as his father’s successor. I ask about moving to the next race in line to rule. That’s a no too. The elves are next up, and they are in a race civil war over whether the mountain elves or forest elves will rule.

  Mama figures that will take a decade or two to settle.

  So, it all comes back to Kotah.

  Keyla volunteers to help Logan Silver Fox prepare for her brother’s transfer of power ceremony and the canines start arriving by the carloads shortly after breakfast. They come to stand witness, saddened by the immanent passing of Kotah’s father and politely reserved about Kotah stepping up.

  In my mind, they’ve got it backward.

  Kotah is ten times the man his father is. Although, I may be biased because I’m sleeping with one and have never actually met the other.

  Regardless, while the others work on an eleventh-hour, last-ditch, Hail Mary, long shot, sliver of a chance possibilities to get him out of this, we switch roles and I stay glued to his side as his moral support.

  The novelty of me being the phoenix helps to take the spotlight off him. Which isn’t much but it’s all I’ve got.

  “Has he moved at all?” Laney asks, when Jaxx’s family arrives, dressed for the main event.

  I look to where my prince sits in an oversized leather club chair staring out at the forest. “Not in the last three hours.”

  Mama goes over and says something privately to him and kisses his cheek. He nods and stands to hug her.

  “Okay, maybe he’s coming out of it,” I say.

  “Well, we’ll head over and see y’all in a bit.”

  The door snicks shut after the Stanton’s depart and Kotah stands before me and gives himself a shake. “The pity-party is officially over. Come. You can help me get dressed.”

  I take his extended hand and follow. “But first I’ll help you get undressed.”

  That earns me a chuckle. “I’m afraid that must wait. I won’t be late. That would give my father a very sharp parting knife to stab me with.”


  I descend the open, wooden staircase into the great room. Brant and Jaxx are dressed and waiting, each of them nursing a drink and standing at the bar. Considering Jaxx has his hand wrapped around the neck of the decanter, I figure we’re taking the liquid sedation route. I approve. “Is Calli still in with him?”

  Jaxx nods and lifts his tumbler. “Care to join the party?”

  “Looking forward to it.”

  Ice rattles against the cut crystal as splashes of amber push the cubes around in the glass. When he hands it over, I tip it back fast and let the burn take hold while he tops me up.

  “It’s going to be that kind of night, is it?” Jaxx asks.

  “If the clusterfuck fits…”

  “It’s not right,” Brant growls. “It’s some kind of antiquated royal slavery. It’s fucked up.”

  I take my time this round and let the body of the Scotch sit on my tongue. “That it does, Bear. That it does.”


  I’m numb for the entire event. As I repeat the words Silver Fox speaks, and hold my palm out to be sliced, and swear my oath on the graves of my ancestors, I think only of the wisdom Mama imparted to me earlier. In times of doubt, believe in your mates because they believe in you.

nbsp; I do. If Calli hadn’t resurrected two weeks ago, I would be standing here alone. Instead, standing at my side, I have four strong-willed and passionate mates, my sister, and my new extended family. I’m stronger than my parents think. With my mates beside me, I can do this.

  As the ceremony nears its end, the sun sinks behind the pines, symbolically signifying my father’s descent from power.

  Blossom Silver Fox, Logan’s mate, steps before me and I drop to my knees and tilt my face up to her. “With the strength and wisdom of our people,” she says.

  The assembly repeats her words.

  I swallow and find my voice. “With the honor and fight of a canine.”

  The assembly repeats my words.

  Blossom nods and raises the branding gun to my cheekbone just below my right eye. The mark of the Fae Prime is a Celtic knot and because I’m a canine wildling, and specifically a Northwood, a howling wolf silhouette is added in the center.

  My skin burns under the scorching iron but other than the stench of singed flesh, I take no notice. I was prepared to bear the pain in silent strength. No need. Being mated to a phoenix has tempered my body’s response to extreme heat.

  It works in my favor. I don’t feel the pain and the gathered wildlings now think I’m incredibly tough because I don’t bat an eye. I’ll take the win.

  Blossom covers the wound with a healing ointment that will seal the ink, and then she steps back. I rise and stand before her mate. Logan offers me a proud smile and turns to our audience. “May I present to you, His Majesty Nakotah Northwood, Fae Prime in Waiting.”

  Cue the howls and applause.

  “Let the celebrations begin.”


  “Royalty, bitches!” Kotah empties his tumbler and cants to the side into Brant’s broad chest. The bear steadies him and tries to angle him toward the sofa to take a load off, but our wolf is wound tightly and in rare form. He sidesteps the chance to sit and raises his glass in a toast. “Here’s to Naquilla, the boy who should’ve been prime.”


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