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The Iliad and the Odyssey (Classics of World Literature)

Page 46

by Homer

  T’ assist the Greeks, and to his court retire from war in peace.

  Let Phoebus (on the Trojan part) inspire with wonted pow’r

  Great Hector’s spirits: make his thoughts forget the late stern hour,

  And all his anguish, setting on his whole recover’d man

  To make good his late grace in fight, and hold in constant wane

  The Grecian glories, till they fall in flight before the fleet

  Of vex’d Achilles; which extreme will prove the mean to greet

  Thee with thy wish, for then the eyes of great Aeacides

  (Made witness of the general ill, that doth so near him prease)

  Will make his own particular look out, and by degrees

  Abate his wrath, that through himself for no extremities

  Will seem reflected; yet his friend may get of him the grace

  To help his country in his arms; and he shall make fit place

  For his full presence with his death, which shall be well fore-run:

  For I will first renown his life with slaughter of my son

  (Divine Sarpedon), and his death great Hector’s pow’r shall wreak,

  Ending his ends. Then at once, out shall the fury break

  Of fierce Achilles: and with that, the flight now felt shall turn,

  And then last, till in wrathful flames the long-sieg’d Ilion burn.

  Minerva’s counsel shall become grave mean to this my will,

  Which no god shall neglect, before Achilles take his fill

  Of slaughter for his slaughter’d friend: even Hector’s slaughter, thrown

  Under his anger; that these facts may then make fully known

  My vow’s performance, made of late, and with my bowed head

  Confirm’d to Thetis, when her arms embrac’d my knees, and pray’d

  That to her city-razing son I would all honour show.’

  This heard, his charge she seem’d t’ intend, and to Olympus flew.

  But, as the mind of such a man that hath a great way gone,

  And either knowing not his way, or then would let alone

  His purpos’d journey, is distract, and in his vexed mind

  Resolves now not to go, now goes, still many ways inclin’d:

  So reverend Juno headlong flew, and ’gainst her stomach striv’d.

  For (being amongst th’ immortal gods, in high heav’n, soon arriv’d,

  All rising, welcoming with cups her little absence thence)

  She all their courtships overpast with solemn negligence,

  Save that which fair-cheek’d Themis show’d, and her kind cup she took:

  For first she ran and met with her, and ask’d what troubled look

  She brought to heav’n. She thought (for truth) that Jove had terrified

  Her spirits strangely, since she went. The fair-arm’d queen replied:

  ‘That truth may easily be suppos’d; you (goddess Themis) know

  His old severity and pride; but you bear’t out with show,

  And like the banquet’s arbiter amongst th’ immortals fare,

  Though well you hear amongst them all how bad his actions are,

  Nor are all here, nor anywhere, mortals nor gods (I fear),

  Entirely pleas’d with what he does, though thus ye banquet here.’

  Thus took she place, displeasedly, the feast in general

  Bewraying privy spleens at Jove; and then (to colour all)

  She laugh’d, but merely from her lips: for over her black brows

  Her still-bent forehead was not clear’d; yet this her passion’s throes

  Brought forth in spite, being lately school’d: ‘Alas, what fools are we

  That envy Jove, or that by act, word, thought, can fantasy

  Any resistance to his will! He sits far off, nor cares,

  Nor moves, but says he knows his strength, to all degrees compares

  His greatness, past all other gods, and that in fortitude,

  And every other godlike pow’r, he reigns past all indu’d.

  For which great eminence all you gods whatever ill he does

  Sustain with patience: here is Mars, I think, not free from woes,

  And yet he bears them like himself. The great god had a son,

  Whom he himself yet justifies, one that from all men won

  Just surname of their best belov’d, Ascalaphus; yet he

  (By Jove’s high grace to Troy) is slain.’ Mars started horribly

  (As Juno knew he would) at this, beat, with his hurl’d out hands,

  His brawny thighs, cried out, and said: ‘O you that have commands

  In these high temples, bear with me, if I revenge the death

  Of such a son: I’ll to the fleet, and though I sink beneath

  The fate of being shot to hell by Jove’s fell thunder-stone,

  And lie all grim’d amongst the dead with dust and blood, my son

  Revenge shall honour.’ Then he charg’d Fear and Dismay to join

  His horse and chariot; he got arms, that over heav’n did shine:

  And then a wrath more great and grave in Jove had been prepar’d

  Against the gods, than Juno caus’d, if Pallas had not car’d

  More for the peace of heaven than Mars; who leap’d out of her throne,

  Rapt up her helmet, lance and shield, and made her fane’s porch groan

  With her egression to his stay, and thus his rage defers:

  ‘Furious and foolish, th’ art undone; hast thou for nought thine ears?

  Heard’st thou not Juno, being arriv’d from heaven’s great king but now?

  Or wouldst thou he himself should rise (forc’d with thy rage) to show

  The dreadful pow’r she urg’d in him, so justly being stirr’d?

  Know (thou most impudent and mad) thy wrath had not inferr’d

  Mischief to thee, but to us all? His spirit had instantly

  Left both the hosts, and turn’d his hands to uproars in the sky.

  Guilty and guiltless both to wrack in his high rage had gone:

  And therefore (as thou lov’st thyself) cease fury for thy son.

  Another, far exceeding him in heart and strength of hand,

  Or is, or will be shortly slain. It were a work would stand

  Jove in much trouble, to free all from death that would not die.’

  This threat ev’n nail’d him to his throne, when heav’n’s chief majesty

  Call’d bright Apollo from his fane, and Iris that had place

  Of internunciess from the gods, to whom she did the grace

  Of Jupiter, to this effect: ‘It is Saturnius’ will

  That both, with utmost speed, should stoop to the Idalian hill,

  To know his further pleasure there. And this let me advise,

  When you arrive, and are in reach of his refulgent eyes,

  His pleasure heard, perform it all, of whatsoever kind.’

  Thus mov’d she back, and us’d her throne. Those two outstripp’d the wind,

  And Ida (all enchas’d with springs) they soon attain’d, and found

  Where far-discerning Jupiter, in his repose, had crown’d

  The brows of Gargarus, and wrapt an odoriferous cloud

  About his bosom. Coming near, they stood; nor now he show’d

  His angry countenance, since so soon he saw they made th’ access

  That his lov’d wife enjoin’d. But first the fair ambassadress

  He thus commanded: ‘Iris, go to Neptune, and relate

  Our pleasure truly, and at large; command him from the fate

  Of human war, and either
greet the gods’ society,

  Or the divine sea make his seat. If proudly he deny,

  Let better counsels be his guides than such as bid me war

  And tempt my charge, though he be strong; for I am stronger far,

  And elder born: nor let him dare to boast ev’n state with me,

  Whom all gods else prefer in fear.’ This said, down hasted she

  From Ida’s top to Ilion; and like a mighty snow,

  Or gelid hail, that from the clouds the northern spirit doth blow:

  So fell the windy-footed dame; and found with quick repair

  The wat’ry god, to whom she said: ‘God with the sable hair,

  I come from aegis-bearing Jove, to bid thee cease from fight,

  And visit heav’n or th’ ample seas: which if, in his despite

  Or disobedience, thou deniest, he threatens thee to come

  (In opposite fight) to field himself, and therefore warns thee home,

  His hands eschewing, since his pow’r is far superior,

  His birth before thee, and affirms thy lov’d heart should abhor

  To vaunt equality with him, whom every deity fears.’

  He answer’d: ‘O unworthy thing! Though he be great, he bears

  His tongue too proudly, that ourself, born to an equal share

  Of state and freedom, he would force. Three brothers born we are

  To Saturn; Rhea brought us forth: this Jupiter and I,

  And Pluto, god of under-grounds. The world indifferently

  Dispos’d betwixt us, every one his kingdom – I, the seas,

  Pluto the black lot, Jupiter the principalities

  Of broad heav’n, all the sky and clouds – was sorted out: the earth

  And high Olympus common are, and due to either’s birth.

  Why then should I be aw’d by him? Content he his great heart

  With his third portion, and not think to amplify his part

  With terrors of his stronger hands on me, as if I were

  The most ignoble of us all: let him contain in fear

  His daughters and his sons, begot by his own person: this

  Holds more convenience; they must hear these violent threats of his.’

  ‘Shall I,’ said Iris, ‘bear from thee an answer so austere?

  Or wilt thou change it? Changing minds all noble natures bear:

  And well thou know’st, these greatest born the Furies follow still.’

  He answer’d: ‘Iris, thy reply keeps time, and shows thy skill:

  O ’tis a most praiseworthy thing, when messengers can tell

  (Besides their messages) such things as fit th’ occasion well.

  But this much grieves my heart and soul, that being in pow’r and state

  All ways his equal, and so fix’d by one decree in fate,

  He should to me, as under him, ill language give, and chide;

  Yet now (though still incens’d) I yield, affirming this beside

  (And I enforce it with a threat), that if without consent

  Of me, Minerva, Mercury, the queen of regiment,

  And Vulcan, he will either spare high Ilion, or not race

  Her turrets to the lowest stone, and (with both these) not grace

  The Greeks as victors absolute, inform him this from me:

  His pride and my contempt shall live at endless enmity.’

  This said, he left the Greeks, and rush’d into his wat’ry throne,

  Much miss’d of all th’ heroic host. When Jove discern’d him gone,

  Apollo’s service he employ’d, and said: ‘Lov’d Phoebus, go

  To Hector: now th’ earth-shaking god hath taken sea, and so

  Shrunk from the horrors I denounc’d, which standing, he and all

  The under-seated deities, that circle Saturn’s fall,

  Had heard of me in such a fight as had gone hard for them.

  But both for them and me ’tis best that thus they fly th’ extreme,

  That had not pass’d us without sweat. Now then, in thy hands take

  My adder-fring’d affrighting shield, which with such terror shake,

  That fear may shake the Greeks to flight: besides this, add thy care

  (O Phoebus, far-off-shooting god!) that this so sickly fare

  Of famous Hector be recur’d; and quickly so excite

  His amplest pow’rs, that all the Greeks may grace him with their flight,

  Even to their ships, and Hellespont; and then will I devise

  All words and facts again for Greece, that largely may suffice

  To breath them from their instant toils.’ Thus from th’ Idean height

  (Like air’s swift-pigeon-killer) stoop’d the far-shot god of light,

  And found great Hector sitting up, not stretch’d upon his bed,

  Nor wheasing with a stopp’d up spirit, not in cold sweats, but fed

  With fresh and comfortable veins, but his mind all his own,

  But round about him all his friends, as well as ever known.

  And this was with the mind of Jove, that flew to him before

  Apollo came; who (as he saw no sign of any sore)

  Ask’d (like a cheerful visitant): ‘Why in this sickly kind,

  Great Hector, sitt’st thou so apart? Can any grief of mind

  Invade thy fortitude?’ He spake, but with a feeble voice:

  ‘O thou, the best of deities, why (since I thus rejoice

  By thy so serious benefit) demand’st thou (as in mirth,

  And to my face) if I were ill? For (more than what thy worth

  Must needs take note of) doth not Fame from all mouths fill thine ears,

  That (as my hand at th’ Achive fleet was making massacres

  Of men, whom valiant Ajax led) his strength struck with a stone

  All pow’r of more hurt from my breast? My very soul was gone,

  And once to-day I thought to see the house of Dis and Death.’

  ‘Be strong,’ said he, ‘for such a spirit now sends the god of breath,

  From airy Ida, as shall run through all Greek spirits in thee;

  Apollo with the golden sword, the clear far-seer, see –

  Him who betwixt death and thy life, ’twixt ruin and those tow’rs,

  Ere this day oft hath held his shield. Come then, be all thy pow’rs

  In wonted vigour: let thy knights with all their horse assay

  The Grecian fleet, myself will lead, and scour so clear the way,

  That flight shall leave no Greek a rub.’ Thus instantly inspir’d

  Were all his nerves with matchless strength; and then his friends he fir’d

  Against their foes, when (to his eyes) his ears confirm’d the god.

  Then, as a goodly headed hart, or goat, bred in the wood,

  A rout of country huntsmen chase, with all their hounds in cry,

  The beast yet, or the shady woods or rocks excessive high,

  Keep safe, or our unwieldy fates (that even in hunters sway)

  Bar them the poor beast’s pulling down, when straight the clamorous fray

  Calls out a lion, hugely man’d, and his abhorred view

  Turns headlong in unturning flight (though vent’rous) all the crew:

  So hitherto the chasing Greeks their slaughter dealt by troops,

  But after Hector was beheld range here and there, then stoops

  The boldest courage; then their heels took in their dropping hearts,

  And then spake Andremonides, a man of far best parts

  Of all th’ Aetolians, skill’d in darts, strenuous in fights of stand,

  And one of
whom few of the Greeks could get the better hand

  (For rhetoric) when they fought with words, with all which, being wise,

  Thus spake he to his Grecian friends: ‘O mischief! Now mine eyes

  Discern no little miracle: Hector escap’d from death,

  And all recover’d, when all thought his soul had sunk beneath

  The hands of Ajax; but some god hath sav’d and freed again

  Him that but now dissolv’d the knees of many a Grecian,

  And now I fear will weaken more, for not without the hand

  Of him that thunders can his pow’rs thus still the forefight’s stand,

  Thus still triumphant: hear me then, our troops in quick retreat

  Let’s draw up to our fleet, and we, that boast ourselves the great,

  Stand firm and try, if these that raise so high their charging darts

  May be resisted: I believe, ev’n this great heart of hearts

  Will fear himself to be too bold in charging thorow us.’

  They easily heard him, and obey’d, when all the generous

  They call’d t’ encounter Hector’s charge, and turn’d the common men

  Back to the fleet: and these were they that bravely furnish’d then

  The fierce forefight: the Ajaces both, the worthy Cretan king,

  The Mars-like Meges, Merion, and Teucer. Up then bring

  The Trojan chiefs their men in heaps; before whom (amply pac’d)

  March’d Hector; and in front of him, Apollo, who had cast

  About his bright aspect a cloud, and did before him bear

  Jove’s huge and each-where-shaggy shield, which (to contain in fear

  Offending men) the god-smith gave to Jove; with this he led

  The Trojan forces. The Greeks stood, a fervent clamour spread

  The air on both sides as they join’d; out flew the shafts and darts,

  Some falling short, but other some found butts in breasts and hearts.

  As long as Phoebus held but out his horrid shield, so long

  The darts flew raging either way, and death grew both ways strong.

  But when the Greeks had seen his face, and who it was that shook

  The bristled targe, knew by his voice, then all their strengths forsook

  Their nerves and minds; and then look how a goodly herd of neat,

  Or wealthy flock of sheep, being close, and dreadless at their meat,

  In some black midnight, suddenly (and not a keeper near)


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