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An Acute Attraction

Page 9

by A. J. Walters

  Even though I don’t understand all of the medical jargon, I do get the gist of what he is saying, and it’s not good.

  “As soon as I realised what was going on I approached Emelie initially. I confronted her and said I knew what was going on and I wanted to give her an opportunity to cease with the research straight away, but she was in too deep by the time I found out; she said there was no way they could turn back from what they had discovered and were going to put out the medicine to pharmaceutical companies in Italy and the US.”

  There must be so many feelings going through Marc’s body right now; frustration, anger and upset at being betrayal, to name but a few. He obviously thought they were close enough friends and that he could trust them.

  “I had no choice Isabel; I told them both that I was going to put my findings into a report to pass onto the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) and the Italian counterpart at the Ministry of Health. I suspect that they have either funded the research themselves or have been using money paid to them from a Pharmaceutical company that has bought the patent on the molecule; I was unable to get any proof of that myself. Before I could finish the report I had the first of many threatening emails through and once they saw I wasn’t going to stop my campaign, the blackmail started.”

  It’s only now I see how much this has got to Marc, physically. He looks tired as though he is in a losing battle. I don’t know what I can do to help, but if just listening to him and allowing him to unburden some of this offers some relief, well then I’m glad I could do that. Surely though, there must be something more we can do. Yes I mean ‘We’. I cannot let him go through this alone.

  “Have you told your father about this? He must be able to help surely.”

  “Yes I have now. I didn’t want to; I was hoping I could deal with it somehow, but now that Emelie has involved you I can’t take anymore risks. I don’t want to see you come to any harm and I have to put a stop to them. Their blackmail requests are getting more and more frequent, as well as them wanting more and more money.”

  I suddenly realise something, “Is that what was behind your behaviour at the dinner the other evening and your nightmare this morning?”

  Marc acknowledges me. “She and Stefano have told me to get two million dollars together by Saturday and drop it off at the hotel they are staying in, before they leave for Italy. If they don’t get it, by midday they’re going to the press; in Washington, London, Paris and anywhere else that will take an interest in the story.”

  Chapter 11

  Two million dollars! Where on earth is he going to find that sort of money? If I am brutally honest, I don’t see why the hell he should have to pay the ‘ransom’ even if he does have it! To think that Marc has been handling all of this on his own for the sake of his father, his step-brother and well his entire family…It is no wonder he has been having nightmares. As if reading my mind again, Marc continues.

  “Getting the money is no problem, but I cannot see them stopping when the information I hold is priceless! What I have is enough to not only to strike them off any medical registers for life, but also to put them away for a very long time. So as soon as Emelie told me that she had met with you this afternoon, I knew there was nothing more I could do and they will stop at no lengths to get this put out there. You mean too much to me Isabel for me to take the risk of carrying on the way I was and despite the fact I have never met your sons, I feel that I know them through you and therefore care for them just as much.”

  I need a moment to take in all of what Marc has told me, so I am grateful when our meal arrives. I am not quite sure if my stomach will be able cope and therefore doubt I will be able to eat what is in front of me, as I digest the information I have just been given, but seeing how much this meal has cost Marc I feel I need to try. I find it very hard to think of what to say in between bites, but I really need to know what is going to happen from here.

  “Now that you have told your father, what is going to happen? Where do you go from here? What has he advised you to do?” Once I start with the questions, they just keep going, rolling off my tongue.

  “He hasn’t passed all of the details on to me, as he says the less I know the better and I can totally understand that. I have just got to carry on with their demands and take the money over to the hotel on Saturday. So I am going to email Emelie in a bit to confirm the drop. In the meantime the both of us will have to try our best to carry on as normal. I know it is easier said than done, especially after what I have just told you, but I don’t want her getting any inkling that you know about this, well not about the blackmail anyway. I don’t think she would be too surprised if she knew that I had told you about my family, she’s not daft and can see how much I care for you.”

  Marc takes my hand and the energy that transfers over is overwhelming, as with it is that word again from him, “Care”. From what I know of Marc Sanders though, he is an incredibly caring person, just look at what he has gone through for the sake of others.

  “I do regret not telling you about my dysfunctional family before hand Isabel; however I was not expecting any of this to happen. I do hope, yet again you can forgive me.”

  “Marc there is nothing for me to forgive you for and I am sure not all of your family is dysfunctional. Yes your step-brother just took the decision to do the wrong thing at the wrong time and now he is paying the consequences. Look at the bigger picture; how many men, women and perhaps even children are being tested on for this drug? You don’t know how many, if any have lost their lives already through the negligence and gluttony of others. You are probably saving many more by you doing this and your step-brother well, he only has himself to blame and should be thanking you and your father.” I let out a long breath. If Marc can tell me what he has, then surely I must find the courage to talk about my past and just hope he doesn’t judge me, like I have judged myself. I look straight into his now faded green eyes that are just a shadow of what they were yesterday and attempt to pass enough faith on to him, to help ease the pain he is feeling right now..

  “If you are worried about your families past and how you felt you dealt with it Marc, don’t be. You don’t know everything about my past as yet, and if we went by your reckoning, we would all, not just you and me, but all of us would be damned. Not one person that has ever lived has been perfect and we can’t be held accountable for other people’s actions. I can see that you are an incredibly caring man, but think about yourself for a change please!”

  A slight smile appears on his tired, but still handsome face.

  “You are one incredible woman Isabel Chambers. You are selfless and strong, always wanting to see the best in people and even if it is just the tiniest bit, you will point it out. I am sure you would help anyone seek redemption.”

  I look down at our hands, “I do believe anyone and everyone is entitled to seek redemption, however it is not up to me to say whether they deserve it or not. Those that I think maybe don’t, I will leave to their own devises, as it is a higher being that will judge them. It wasn’t that long ago that I sought redemption, but it was from me and not from others.”

  All of a sudden looking concerned, Marc shifts closer towards me in his seat, the lines upon his brow are apparent.

  “Isabel, please do not think you have got to share anything of your past with me that you are not comfortable talking about. I will listen when you are ready, but I see you for the person you are now, not for the person you were then.”

  Smiling up at him I reply, “You have to think the same of yourself as well then. We have a saying here and I am not sure if you use it, but sometimes ‘you have to take your own medicine’. Listen how about from this moment on, we do exactly what your father has suggested, which is to carry on as normal as possible. Let us see each other for who we are now and not what has happened in the past?”

  Marc softly kisses the back of my hand, “Your boys are going to grow up to be complete gentlemen with you as their mother. The morals, manners and
outlook on life you have are such a great foundation for them. With all of those qualities shining through, you don’t need to worry so much about what you like on the outside. I think you can tell Miss Chambers that I don’t worry about any part of you. Ok, maybe I worry if I will ever get enough of you. (Hey, he stole my words!) Come on, let’s enjoy this and then we’ll go back to the hotel, I would like to spend some quality alone time with you.”

  Marc gives me a cheeky wink and releases my hand so that we can continue with our meal. For the next hour we do precisely what Marc said; we carry on as we have been doing. What more can we do, especially myself, apart from being there to support each other? He obviously has complete confidence in his father and for whatever is being planned to put a stop to this, for him not to insist on knowing any more. I hope that at least with Marc off loading what he has about his families past, he can rest a bit easier now. He does seem a little more relaxed. The conversation changes dramatically as we chat more about James and I brag about how proud I am of him, of both of the boys in fact. They have their heads well and truly screwed on, they know exactly what they want to do in life and I will do my upmost to make sure they get there. I do avoid bringing up the fact that James wants to work over in the US, so would like for Joseph and me to follow him out there; it might come across a bit ‘stalker-ish’ at this early stage of the friendship.

  As we finish our meal Marc emails both Emelie and his colleagues at the College; as he took the decision to take the rest of the day off and for us spend it together. Sending on any relevant information the University needs for today and requesting that they carry on without him, I then call Joseph to see how he is going on,

  “Mum you saw me two hours ago. Grandma has baked some cup cakes and so I’m all good.” Silly me, of course he is. He only went and fell causing a head injury earlier today! I know, I know. The ‘over protective mum’ alert buzzer is blaring!

  “Ok, ok, I get it. Well you know where I am should you need me, yes?”

  Joseph lets out an almighty ‘Oh for Gods sake mum’ kind of huff, “Yeees!”

  I don’t hold back on the grin, as he can’t see what I am doing anyway. In front of me Marc is rolling his eyes and shaking his head, probably sympathising with Joseph. Is this how it is going to be, the males ganging up on poor, lowly me? I grin even more because if it is, I cannot think of three better men in my life to do that right now. So bring it on!

  On the way back, Marc and I stop off at the supermarket to pick up some wine and nibbles. As much as I appreciate him buying the expensive bottles of Pinot from the hotel bar, I am just as happy and content with a cheaper bottle. It did take some persuading by me for us to go in there, but I think the promise of Belgium chocolates helped seal the deal. He really does make me giggle. I glance up at him as we are walking along the aisles; as here is this tall, model of a man and he looks like a fish out of water.

  Once we’re back at the hotel I cannot wait to get changed into something more comfortable. Just as I am about to unlock my door Marc calls down the corridor to me from his room,

  “This is just an idea Isabel, but while you are getting changed why don’t you get some of your clothes together for the morning, because I doubt very much you will be sleeping in your own room again tonight.”

  Without giving me any time to reply he disappears and so I shut my gaping mouth. My poor room, it will start to have a complex at this rate with how it has been neglected. Hmmm!! Do you think it would be cheeky of me to ask if I could move in to his? It would certainly make things a lot easier and more accessible. I instantly wipe the thought from my mind. Even if it wasn’t cheeky, I wouldn’t have the courage to ask him and plus he needs his space to work.

  Oh well, come on Chambers quit with the daydreaming and sort yourself out, there’s a hot bloke waiting for you.

  Not an hour later I am sitting next to Marc on the couch looking through Net Flix to see what movie we can watch this evening; we can’t decide on Bridget Jones’s Diary, Star Wars IV or I Am Legend. In the end after several flips of a coin Bridget Jones wins it, but we have said that we will watch the others at some point during the week. I think it was a good choice actually; I could do with a bit of a giggle, even if I have watched it like “fifty hundred times” like Joseph and James say I have.

  Now that we have finally come to a decision Marc gets to his feet,

  “I don’t know about you Miss Chambers, but I think we need to wash off what has been a pretty crappy day for the both of us, so I would like to make yet another suggestion. How about we take a shower together?”

  I slyly smile at him as my stomach clenches at the idea. “I do think that this has to be one of your better suggestions Mr Sanders.”

  Taking me by the hand, Marc helps me to stand and leads me into his luxurious bathroom suite. Turning on the shower he then starts to seductively remove my clothing; my skin tingles each time he makes contact with me. However when it comes to removing my bra, Marc changes tactics by clasping his fingers around one of my wrists and guides my hand up to the strap on my shoulder.

  “Isabel you need to feel how sensational your skin feels to the touch, as I don’t think you truly see how beautiful you are.”

  Opening my hand, Marc controls the pace as the pads of my fingers trace the line from the swell of my breast to up to the top of my shoulder. My skin is not perfect by any means, but as I travel upwards the thrill I get from the contact, is stimulating every nerve within my body. I feel the weight of Marc’s eyes upon me as we move, and I get the impression that what I am experiencing is being conducted straight through to him. Together we push the thin material down my arm and the area where the strap was on my shoulder is replaced by the tender touch of Marc’s lips. I instinctively close my eyes as I am aware of my nipples protruding in response.

  Marc lets go of my wrist, takes a step back and I am positive he can see the distending buds as he sharply inhales. Our eyes lock onto one another.

  “The saying goes that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I can honestly say right now, that you are finally starting to believe that yourself Isabel. Your skin is glowing, your eyes are wide and you are feeling what I do every time I lay a finger up on you.”

  Yup! The words “Fuck me!” are there on the edge of my tongue! I still cannot comprehend how a man like Marc Sanders can be attracted to the likes of me. This is a learning curve in life, but I am getting there. I do now see that it doesn’t matter what others see, say or think; my exterior is every bit a part of me, Isabel Chambers, as the interior. Anyone that takes the time, like Marc has without judgement, will also discover this. Shit! Life can be rubbish sometimes, but at this exact point in time, it is pretty awesome!

  I have absolutely no idea how long what I consider to be foreplay, has been going on for, as I have totally lost the whole concept of time, but I am grateful for the fact that the water bill will be on the hotel. Hey! Now that is a brilliant business idea. “A Showering Experience!” And what a fabulous tag line! I am sure Groupon would snap it up. I apologise, if you hadn’t grasped by now, my thoughts just wonder. They go off on a totally different tangent to everything else and I do often wonder if they will drop off the ends of the earth at some point. If there were ends of course, considering the earth is round; for goodness sake stop it Chambers, concentrate!

  After disposing what remains of my clothing, Marc proceeds to remove his own. He won’t allow me to do it, so my instincts are telling me that he wants this to be for me, about me. Although tasting him right now would be a treat.

  Stepping into the shower we wash each other in turn, with Marc insisting on shampooing my hair and I don’t put up a fight; it is as sensual as I imagined it to be. Pouring the vanilla essence shampoo into his palm, he then begins to massage the liquid in to my scalp. I have my back to him, so tilt my head backwards and I am almost purring with the wonderful, relaxing sensation that runs through my veins. He doesn’t leave a strand untouched by his magical hands, as he then com
bs through the conditioner. When it comes to my turn, I take my time rubbing in the spicy aromatic gel into his taut chest, arms and impressive abdomen. My hands roam over the six very obvious muscles and down the V of his stomach. Marc’s reaction to what I have been doing is apparent as his penis stands firmly erect ready for me to take into my hands. Moaning as I gently move my hands around the firm flesh and cup the heavy sacs below, I reciprocate the amorous massage that Marc has just given me. Bending down I take him into my mouth where I can taste the bitter fluid seeping from him and am turned on by knowing the satisfaction I am giving to Marc is because of me.


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