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Rory, the Sleeper

Page 4

by A. W. Exley

  He pulled me closer, every inch of me pressed against him and the thin robe no barrier to what was most definitely a large response.



  A new woman

  * * *

  Seth kissed me again, and that time I let the fire free. Desire consumed me as it flowed through my limbs. He was wearing entirely too much and my mind screamed for more. My fingers worked at his layers of clothing. First his jacket, then his waistcoat and shirt were all discarded on the floor. Finally I could lay my hands on his bare chest, where his heart beat under my touch. He was so warm, how could anyone think him cold?

  Seth undid the tie at my waist and his hand crept inside the robe and along my naked flesh. A small gasp left my throat as his fingers splayed over my back and he caressed my spine. There was almost nothing between us now.

  Yes, my mind whispered. I want all of him, against all of me.

  Holding me to him, he tugged the silk from my shoulders and it dropped from my body to pool on the floor. I was naked before him.

  "Why Miss Jeffrey, do you always sleep naked?" he murmured, as his hands stroked my heated skin.

  "Only when I have company." A moment of embarrassment flared in my mind. What would he think of me and how did I compare to the far more experienced women he had taken as lovers?

  "I love you, Ella. Only you," he whispered as though he read my mind. Then his heated kisses drove all concerns from my mind.

  Seth swung me into his arms and carried me to the bed, where he laid me on the sheet as though I were a treasure he had stolen. I snuggled down and peeked from under my lashes as he removed his shoes and then his trousers. My first sight of a naked man did not disappoint, until the question of logistics made me bite my lip. How exactly did that fit?

  Seth slipped into bed beside me and with a hand on my hip, dragged me closer until we were chest to chest. "There's no rush. We have all night and if you want to stop, just tell me."

  He took his time as he explored my body. With one last sigh, I let go and surrendered to his control. I was his eager student as he kissed, stroked, and licked me to a state beyond bliss. When he slid between my legs I no longer worried how he would fit, I simply wanted the ache deep inside me to be sated. And I had my long-anticipated explosive evening.

  Night still lay heavy over the land when Seth kissed my cheek and roused me.

  "I have to go before it gets light," he whispered.

  I rolled onto my back and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling his head closer. I didn't want him to go, but neither was I ready for him to walk out the front door and let everyone know I had given myself to him. "Just one more kiss."

  He obliged, rolling me under him as he kissed my bruised lips. Then he slipped from the bed and found his discarded clothes. My eyelids were half closed as his form disappeared out my window. I rolled over to where he had lain and nestled into the pillow as sleep reclaimed me.

  I woke with the dawn chorus of birds as they rose from the trees and set off in search of breakfast. The window was still open, and a gentle breeze moved the curtains apart, allowing a shaft of sunlight to creep into the room.

  I should have been tired, but instead I was invigorated. A delicious ache ran over my limbs, and I stretched my arms over my head and wiggled my fingers. Seth had made love to me twice and certainly left me speechless. In a most delicious way, not in a horrible, oh dear Lord what have I done way.

  I had nothing to compare his performance to, but his care and attention to ensure I reached dizzying heights of pleasure stole both my breath and my words. No wonder married women didn't want to talk about the physical act of love; if other women knew how incredible sex was, they'd all want to be doing it.

  I moved about my room in a dream-like state as events of the previous night replayed in mind. Every brush of clothing against my skin provoked a memory and made me ache to be with Seth again. At least I assumed we would do it again. I thought being with Seth would douse the fire within me, but instead it burned brighter and I couldn't wait to see him.

  I peered in the mirror as I tried to tame my hair with the brush. Did our act show on my face? Would others know I was no longer a maiden by looking at me? I scrutinised my reflection. My eyes seemed brighter and my lips swollen from a night of passionate kisses, but they were things I could explain away if asked.

  Out in the hallway I passed Henry, carrying a tray up to Father's room.

  "Good morning Henry, and thanks so much for taking breakfast to Father, I must have overslept." I tucked hair behind my ears. The strands seemed extra unruly this morning and refused to lay flat against my head.

  He smiled and shrugged, the movement his equivalent of dismissing my thanks as unnecessary. Father's recovery progressed, but he was still confined to his wheelchair. I didn't care if he could walk or not, having his mind returned was the biggest gift. I had missed our long conversations about everything, and I longed to be able to hear his wisdom about the new battle we fought.

  "Don't overtax Father by making him try his hand at ploughing again." I waggled a finger at Henry, but he chortled and knocked on Father's door before disappearing within.

  "Men." The previous week Father had insisted he be allowed to drive the team, despite the fact he was still very weak. Henry and Stewart had lifted him onto the seat behind the plough and secured him with ropes so he didn't fall. The resulting plough lines were more artistic than straight, but it lightened my heart to see Henry and Father laughing over the results.

  Nothing could dampen my good mood this morning. I kissed Magda's cheek and stole a piece of toast from Stewart's hand before biting down on the corner.

  Alice took one look at me and her amber eyes widened. She nearly choked on her mouthful of tea as she coughed and swallowed simultaneously. The mug rattled the cutlery as she slammed it to the table.

  "You. Outside. Now." She jumped to her feet, grabbed the collar of my shirt and shoved me toward the door as though I had an enormous spider crawling over my shoulder.

  "Whatever is going on, love?" Magda called, a frown on her face as my friend hustled me outside.

  "Oh, girl things," I called out as I was pulled into the yard.

  As soon as the door slammed shut Alice rounded on me, hands on her hips. "Well? What happened last night, and don't say nothing. I can tell by the silly look on your face that he must have been here. Obviously the headache you had at dinner time improved."

  I shrugged and stared at the toes of my boots. "He climbed up to my window, stayed until early in the morning and then he left." At that point I raised my gaze to hers. A tremor ran through my body as I remembered every delicious moment spent in Seth's arms. By exercising monumental self-control, I managed to shrug as though I wasn't really fussed about events that had transpired. "I'm not sure what there is to tell about it."

  "Don't you dare!" Alice punched my shoulder. "I want every fabulous detail and you're not to leave a second out."

  We sat on the old wooden bench and in hushed whispers, lest someone over hear us in the kitchen, I told Alice as much as I dared. Some moments were too intimate to share, even with my best friend.

  "So romantic," Alice said once I had finished my tale. "And that's one in the eye for Louise. She got exactly what she wanted—the duke in her bed."

  We both burst into laughter. The dark days were made lighter by our constant friendship. Which reminded me of another conversation I needed to have with Alice. "By the way, I'm terminating your employment. As of today."

  "What?" Her eyes widened and her bottom lip trembled. "You can't sack me. Where would I go? This is the only home I know."

  "Oh, cut it out." I swiped at her and the act dropped in an instant. "You have a new job at Serenity House in our war office. It will give you a chance to learn some new skills. Seth is going to keep his ears open to find you a position with a member of Parliament, where you can study how government runs"

  She squealed and threw her arms around my neck. "Tha
nk you."

  "Now go take off your maid's dress and put on an ordinary outfit. We'll take the cart over to the big house today." I followed her back inside, where she dashed through the kitchen and up the back stairs to change.

  Magda waved a wooden spoon at me. "Whatever is going on with you two? I know something is up."

  At least I could tell Magda half of what was discussed outside. "I have fired Alice, so we'll be needing a new house maid. Do you know of anyone needing a position?"

  Magda's mouth opened and closed and Stewart raised an enquiring eyebrow at me. I swear that man talked about as much as Henry.

  I held up my hands to stall any arguments. "Alice is going to work at Serenity House and learn clerical skills. Our little bird is going to test her wings and fly the nest. I just hope the world is ready for her." I believed once Alice set her mind to a new path, she would soar.

  Magda's wooden spoon dropped and I swear her eyes misted up. "You're a good friend to that one. Always thought she had too much tongue in her head for work below stairs." Magda pulled me into a motherly hug and patted my back. "There's a couple of young girls in the village who need work. We'll find a replacement easily."

  By the time I finished breakfast and Henry and I harnessed placid Cossimo to the cart, Alice was finally ready for the first day of her new career.

  She wore a mid-calf pinstriped skirt and a long jacket in the same fabric. A white blouse with a lace collar peeked out from under the jacket. Her hand ran over the jacket and for the first time, I saw nervousness in her gaze. "Will this be all right?"

  "Perfect. Tonight we can go through Louise's things and find you a few more practical outfits for now. Once we both get a breather we can shop for some new clothes." I climbed into the cart and took up the reins.

  Shopping was a magic word and Alice's usual wide smile returned to her face as she took a seat next to me. "Onward to a new adventure," she said and pointed down the road.

  I tapped the reins against Cossimo's rump and he obligingly trotted off down the road. I drove the cart around back to the hub of activity, vehicles, and horses. One of the soldiers rushed forward and took the reins from my hands. "We'll let him go in the pasture, Miss Jeffrey, until you're ready for him this afternoon."

  "Thank you," I said, then laced my arm through Alice's and steered her toward the house. We had to walk past a motorcar with a familiar shape bent over the front and peering under its hood.

  As though he had a second sense he straightened and almost hit his head on the underside of the bonnet. "Alice, what are you doing here?"

  Frank's gaze drank in his former girlfriend, a haunted longing on his face.

  "Ella sacked me but found me a new job here." Alice's fingers tightened on my arm, which I took as a signal not to leave her alone with Frank.

  He wiped his hands on the ever-present cloth, his gaze serious. "Then I will be seeing you every day. I shall look forward to it."

  The hand on my arm quivered a tiny bit. Frank could still affect Alice with just a few words and a gaze. A trait with women he shared with his brother. "Yes. Now Ella and I must go. I don't want to be late on my first day."

  She half-pulled, half-dragged me toward the side entrance. Only when we stepped into the cool, dim hallway did her death grip on my arm relent.

  "That went rather well, I thought," Alice said, letting me go to shake her hand, as though flicking Frank off the tips of her fingers.

  "What are you going to do about him?" I asked. I couldn't figure out if she would move on or give the man a second chance.

  "I'm going to make him suffer for ripping my heart out." The words were cold, but edged with the residue of her pain.

  I didn't have to say anything in response. There was a time when I confronted him with my sword and fully intended to carve his heart out myself. If that was what Alice needed to do to heal her pain, then she would have my full support.

  Alice gave me a sideways glance. "Then I am going to extract certain promises before I ever trust him again, because God help me, I still love him so much it hurts."

  I almost felt sorry for Seth's half brother. I suspected Alice would indeed make him suffer for his heinous crime of laughing at her declaration of love. Or perhaps it was his disdain for her dreams that hurt most. Either way, the next few weeks promised moments of light relief as I watched those two battle. Taking advantage of the dark corridor, I pulled Alice to me for a quick hug.

  "Whatever you need, I will help you," I said.

  She hugged me back. "Now, put me to work, boss."

  I walked Alice to the secretarial room and introduced her to the other clerks. They promised to look after her and find a range of jobs for her to cut her teeth on. Then bracing myself, I stepped into Seth's large study.

  He looked up from his desk, a dispatch in his hand and a wide smile on his face. "Good morning, Ella."

  "Good morning, your grace," I murmured. There he was, fully dressed right down to an immaculately sharp knot in his tie, but all I saw in my mind was the image of the duke standing naked in my room. Heat threatened to creep from under my collar and I had to stare at my hands.

  "I hope you slept well?" he asked.

  My gaze darted to his face, where the corners of his mouth twitched. The question lingered in his eyes, along with a large dollop of humour.

  My tongue licked my dry lips. "I was somewhat disturbed. Nothing too bothersome though."

  He chuckled and I bit back my retort lest I say too much. Wouldn't do for everyone to hear me complain about his snoring. Then I took up my position with the mountain of papers that needed reading and analysing. We searched constantly for one lead that would advance our cause. I didn't even realise how much time had slipped by until Warrens tapped on the door.

  "Luncheon is served in the conservatory, your grace." With a slight bow he retreated again.

  "I'll fetch Alice." I set down my notebook and popped next door to find my friend.

  Alice appeared to be arguing with a typewriter. She glared at the metal contraption before thrusting a finger to a key, and a loud clack sounded as the arm struck the paper. Her brow screwed up in a frown as she glared at the cream sheet of paper in the carriage.

  I perched my hip on the corner of her desk. "Could I whisk you away for a spot of lunch?"

  Her head shot up and relief washed over her features. "Yes, you most certainly could. And do tell me, how is the duke this morning? He looked a little tired when he came in earlier."

  A blush heated my skin and I stuck my tongue out at her.

  "Toad," I whispered under my breath as we walked to the conservatory.



  Training assault chickens

  * * *

  In my previous life I had never paid chickens much attention. Or even thought about them at all. I knew they were birds and the source of eggs. My knowledge stopped there. Now I found myself caretaker to a small flock of six hens and one puffed up rooster. There was a certain comfort in watching their busy scratching, chatting to each other like a group of older women. I learned to delight in the way they tilted their heads when you spoke to them. They became my friends, running when they heard me call here chicken, chicken, eager to peck the scraps of bread scattered at my feet.

  Bird brains sticking together, I heard Louise say.

  To further my education, I learned that a broody hen could deliver quite a sharp peck if you tried to slide a hand under to see what she was keeping warm. Today one hen hogged the end nesting box. The perverse little creatures had access to a multitude of spots to lay, but if one went broody the others all decided only that particular box would do. The trait reminded me of Louise. I could pick up something long abandoned by her, but as soon as I showed interest she would demand the object back.

  I clasped the hen firmly between my hands and picked her up. There was a quiet spot in the corner of the orchard where she could brood and leave the others to carry on their business. I tucked the chicken u
nder my arm and another hen clambered into the warm nest as I dropped the lid.

  I walked through the overgrown garden, past rampant shrubs spilling over the paths and roses desperate for a prune. In one corner, encircled by an old stone wall, were several fruit trees. The trees prepared for winter, leaves turned orange and red and then dropped to the ground. A few late apples and peaches still clung to a couple of the older trees, but the rest shut down for the cold period ahead. In the far corner of the orchard was an old dog house. I had cleaned it out and lined it with straw to make a cosy home for the chicken to sulk.

  I wondered why the Turned never bothered animals. Sheep, cattle, and horses carried on with their lives, unconcerned by the undead that roamed the countryside and attacked the unwary. Not that I wanted to contemplate an undead broody chicken—the regular kind was fierce enough.

  A cough from behind made me spin around. Perhaps Reverend Mason had ventured out at last and I could ask his advice about the leggy roses. My heart sank. It wasn't Lieutenant Bain either. A gentleman I didn't recognise stood by the apple tree.

  "Can I help you? Reverend Mason is indisposed, I'm afraid." I had none of Louise's ease around men and often struggled with what to say. Despite my nervousness, I found myself craving the quiet moments with the lieutenant when he helped me wash up.

  The man raised an arm, gestured at the house and said something indistinct.

  I ducked under the cherry tree and approached. This person might be a wounded returned soldier. That might account for his slurred speech. Like Henry who came back a mute. A useless mutt, mother had called him, but I saw Henry labour all day long in the fields and never complain. Louise once nearly passed out from the exertion of picking up a dropped magazine.

  "Do you have an appointment?" I asked as I neared. Then my feet stopped of their own accord.

  The man regarded me with milky white eyes. Or did he see me at all? His form was not as decayed as some of the other unfortunates that roamed the countryside. His clothes were dirty as though he had travelled some distance by foot, but didn't look like he had ever been interred beneath the ground. This one was recent, Turned by a bite or scratch from another of the infected. Did his family know what had befallen him? Perhaps he went to work one day and never returned.


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