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My Kind of Dirty (Dirty Fuckers MC #2)

Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  “Fine, we’ll get married in the church.” He sank his fingers into her hair, slamming his lips down on hers.

  Grace chuckled, kissing him back.


  Drake rode into the city. His wedding was taking place in just over a week, and Grace was happier with the idea of a church wedding. None of his brothers were with him, and this was more out of curiosity than anything else.

  He’d gotten the directions on the internet, and he parked up outside of the apartment building.

  Parking his bike, he made his way inside the apartment, and saw the name he was looking for. Going upstairs, he knocked on the door, and waited. Tapping his keys against his thigh, he glanced up and down the clean corridor with three other apartments. There were two behind him, and one beside Grace’s old apartment.

  The door opened just slightly, and a woman’s gaze stared back at him. She was already sporting a black eye, and Drake was happy that he’d come.

  “Can I come in?”

  “Er, no, I don’t understand. I don’t know you, and I’ve never seen you with Dwayne.”

  Drake smiled. “Dwayne and I go way back. We’ve got a friend in common.”

  “He’ll get angry with me.”

  “He hits you and beats you. Look at you, you’re terrified.”

  “It’s all my fault,” the woman said.

  “No, it’s not your fault.” Drake reached into his jacket, pulling out the number of a local officer who dealt with domestic cases. He’d done his research before coming here.

  Drake handed the card over, and she took it.

  She opened the door, staring at the number. “He was so nice. When I first saw him, he was so sweet and loving. He always said it was my fault, and nothing I ever did was right.”

  “It’s not your fault. This has been going on for what, a month, two months?” he asked.

  “We’ve been together three months.”

  “Do you want to stay?” Drake asked.

  “No, I want to get out.”

  “Pack your shit up, go to the cops, and press charges against him.” Drake took a seat. “I’ll be here to make sure he stays away. You can pack up, and be gone. I’ll deal with Dwayne.”

  He watched the young woman rush around trying to pack everything she owned into one bag. There wasn’t a lot, and before long she left the house.

  “You’re not coming as well?” she asked.

  “Nope. I’ve got a bone to pick with him, and I’m going to sit right here until I speak with him.” Drake lowered himself onto the sofa.

  “He’ll hurt you.”

  Drake laughed. “Don’t worry, honey, I’m more than happy to get my ass kicked.” He watched her leave, and then he waited. Grace didn’t have a clue where he was, and he was going to keep it that way.

  Two hours passed before the elusive Dwayne entered the apartment.

  “Rosie, baby, I want you,” Dwayne said, closing the door.

  “Sorry, baby, no Rosie here,” Drake said.

  He watched as Dwayne spun around, glaring at him.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Dwayne asked.

  “Hello, Dwayne. I hear you have quite a bit of a temper on you.”

  “Has that bitch been talking? She’s fucking lying. Rosie!”

  “Rosie is gone, and I’m not talking about her, even though I bet that black eye speaks for itself.”

  “She walked into a door.”

  “A fist shaped door?”

  “Can’t prove nothing,” Dwayne said. “Who’ll believe her?”

  Drake smiled. “Anyway, I’m not here about Rosie. I’m here about Grace.”

  He saw recognition in Drake’s eyes, along with the shot of fear. “What about that whore?”

  “That whore is going to be my wife, and I wanted to see what fucker thought he could put his hands on her in anger. Imagine my surprise I see you,” Drake said, sneering at him.

  Stepping forward, he wrapped his fingers around Dwayne’s neck and slammed him up against the wall.

  “Grace doesn’t give a fuck about you, but I wanted to look the man who hurt her, in the eyes. I’m going to warn you, you come near Grace, you make any sign of trying to get back into her life, and I will fucking end you.”

  “I’ve not been near Grace.”

  “Let me get one thing straight. If I hear you’ve hurt any other woman, I’ll come and find you, Dwayne. I don’t like scum like you, men who beat women. You’re not tough. You’re a fucking wimp, a wuss, and men who raise a hand to a woman is not the kind of man I want breathing the same air as me.” He squeezed the bastard’s neck, wanting to end his life, but Drake had taken a vow. He’d vowed never to harm another living person unless he had to.

  With Dwayne, he’d keep an eye on the fucker, and make sure he didn’t harm another person ever again.

  Slamming his fist into Dwayne’s stomach, Drake stepped over him and left the apartment. On the way down to his bike, he put a call through to the officer whose number he’d given Rosie. He let the cop know that he’d given Dwayne a warning, and Drake was reassured that an eye would be kept on Dwayne.

  Once that was done, he ended the call only to have his cell phone go off again. Seeing it was Grace, he answered with a smile.

  “Hey, baby, what’s up?”

  “Are you going to be having a stripper?”

  “A stripper? What the fuck for?”

  “Your bachelor party.”

  “I don’t know. James is in charge of all parties. Why?”

  “Erm, well, Chloe’s in charge of my bachelorette party.”

  “No. Not fucking happening. You’re not having a fucking stripper male or female.”

  “It’s not something I’ve organized. This is down to Chloe. You’ll have to talk to her.”

  Before he could argue, Grace hung up, and he cursed.

  He dialed Chloe’s number, and waited.

  “Hello,” Chloe said.

  “No stripper, nothing.”

  Chloe giggled. “I know you’re going to be having a stripper, so I’m going to make sure that Grace gets something. This relationship will be equal.”

  Again, he was hung up on, and it pissed him off. Pocketing his cell phone, Drake didn’t have a clue what he was going to do to stop a guy taking his clothes off in front of his woman, but he’d sure figure something out.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Grace took a sip of her soda as the women started drinking. She didn’t mind not having to drink as she couldn’t wait to tell Drake the news. Glancing at her watch, she had to wonder if there was a stripper right now rubbing her body against Drake. She trusted Drake, and knew he wouldn’t step out on her, but she couldn’t help but feel jealous of it. Drake was hers. He belonged to her, and she didn’t like the thought of sharing him, not one bit.

  “I want to propose a toast,” Chloe said, raising her glass. “To one of the nicest, sweetest, and craziest women I’ve ever known.”

  “I’ll second that,” Teri said. “Not many women would have taken Drake without some issues. You know, the herpes kind, or he calls it the gonorrhea kind.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh. Drake had told her all about his gonorrhea problem, and what it had done to him, and how humiliated he was. Grace hadn’t held it against him, although she’d found it particularly funny when his brothers teased him.

  “What can I say? I love that man, and nothing is ever going to change that.” She held onto her stomach, feeling protective of what she was growing. The start of their family, and she really wished she’d been able to tell him before the bachelor party, but there hadn’t been any time.

  The lights went down, and women screamed as suddenly the stage lit up, and Grace turned to see what it was. The moment she caught sight, she covered her mouth in shock and in laughter.

  “They’re completely crazy,” she said.

  “My man doesn’t like the thought of me finding anyone else,” Cora said, whistling up at the stage. Five men stood on the stage,
and Grace glanced around the room to see the rest of the Dirty Fuckers were also in a similar state of undress.

  Their backs were to them, and she saw their leather pants.

  Suddenly, the center male spun around, and she saw Drake with a microphone.

  “Hey, baby,” he said, pointing at her. “So, I didn’t want you to have a stripper, and there’s only one woman I want to see naked, and that’s you, honey. This is for you.”

  Music started up, and Grace didn’t care about the other men. She only had eyes for her man, and she chuckled as all the men started to remove their clothes, swinging their hips, and teasing the crowd.

  Cora rushed up to the stage, whistling at her man.

  Grace stayed seated as she watched Drake move toward her but dance, removing clothes as he did.

  “I wouldn’t budge on the dancer,” Chloe said, leaning in close. “This was the only thing I’d settle for.”

  “Where’s Richard?” Grace asked.

  “He’s working tonight. Don’t worry, this is your night, and I can see him at any time.” Chloe patted her shoulder. “This is fun, right?”


  She turned her attention back to Drake only to find him a few feet away. Kissing Chloe’s cheek, she made her way toward her man, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “Hey, baby,” he said.

  “Hey, Drake.”

  He started to dance with her, and she loved it.

  “Are you having cold feet?”

  “Not a chance. What about you? You’re more likely to have cold feet than me?”

  “I’d have been married to you already if you weren’t so desperate to have a church wedding.” He placed his hand on her butt, pulling her against him. She felt the hard length of his cock pressing against her stomach.

  “There’s something I want to talk to you about,” she said. There was no point hiding what they had created together.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “It’s not something that you have to worry about. Well, it might be something you have to worry about, but I think that’s expected with what we’ve done.”

  He cupped her face, forcing her to look at him. “I can’t fix whatever problem you are having until you tell me what the problem is.”

  “I’m pregnant.”


  “I’m pregnant.” She looked down at her stomach. “We’re going to have a baby.”

  Drake stared into her eyes then down at her stomach. “You’re pregnant?”

  “I’m pregnant.”

  “We’re going to have a baby?” he asked.

  She chuckled. “We’re pregnant, and we’re going to have a baby.”

  He screamed out, shouting from the top of his lungs the news.

  Whistles, congrats rushed toward them, and she accepted them, loving Drake even more.


  Grace didn’t make him wear a tuxedo, and he married her within the church. Drake had to wonder if she was going to change her mind at the last minute, and he’d find a tux waiting. She stood beside him at the church, and they spoke their vows, promising to love each other. Drake would die for her, and he knew that his brothers would put their lives on the line to protect her. He’d do the same for his brothers and their women.

  “You’re fucking married. How did that fucking happen?” Caleb asked.

  “I don’t fucking know, man. I’m also going to be a father. I keep thinking I’m going to wake up.” He sipped on a bottle of water. They were not staying at the clubhouse tonight. He was taking them to a hotel, and from there, they were going to the Caribbean for a couple of weeks.

  Grace was only going to get bigger, and he wanted her to have a honeymoon to remember and to enjoy.

  “What are you going to do about that one over there?” he said, pointing at Kitty Cat. Caleb’s woman was standing with Cora, Stacey, Grace, Suzy, Lucy, Chloe, and Teri. Stacey had been allowed to come as she’d given an apology to Leo and Paul. It helped that Leo and Paul had gotten over Stacey, and were no longer giving her their attention. There were times he caught sight of Stacey staring at them, but again, she’d lost them both.

  “There’s nothing to do but wait. I start pushing, and she’s going to run in the opposite direction. I’ve got to play it cool.”

  “Play it cool?”

  “It’s what I keep telling myself all the time. Play it cool, and Kitty will see I love her when she’s damn good and ready.”

  Drake saw that Caleb was hurting.

  “It will get easier.”

  “I’ve got no plans to leave her. I just wanted to wish you congratulations.”

  He shook Caleb’s hands, and then moved toward his wife. Grace was his wife. It seemed too crazy to even contemplate, but that was exactly what she was.

  My wife.

  Wrapping his arms around her waist, he tugged her against him, and they started dancing.

  “Hello, husband.”

  “Hello, wife.” He touched her back, moving around to stroke her stomach. “How’s our kid?”

  “Resting. It was kicking like crazy in the church.”

  Drake didn’t care if it was a boy or girl. He only hoped that it was a healthy baby.

  “This has been one of the best days of my life,” Grace said. “I could never have imagined that day when I first saw you, us being here now.”

  “It has been quite a ride, don’t you think? It’s been hot, and dirty, and the stuff of dreams.”

  She giggled. “It really has, hasn’t it? Wow, I still can’t believe that we were friends, and then lovers.”

  “Nah, we fucked a hell of a lot. We just fucked each other with words, and our company.”

  Grace snorted. “I love you, Drake.”

  Kissing the top of her head, he held her close, refusing to let go.

  “I love you, Grace. I will ‘til the day I die, and then, if I can, I’ll keep on loving you beyond that.”

  They danced for the rest of the night until it was time to go to the hotel. James shook his hand, giving him an envelope full of money, or at least, he thought it was money.

  “What’s this?”

  “It’s deeds to a house. I got Richard to start purchasing that one near the town. It has a little garden, and it’s not far from Lucy and the kids. It’s only little, but it’s a start.”

  Drake was touched. “Grace will love it.”

  “When you get home, it will be fully furnished. Congratulations on the kid, and on your wife.”

  He hugged James, and then climbed into the back of the car. Drake handed the envelope to Grace.

  “A house? He’s got us a house?”

  “It’s what the club life means, baby.”

  “Oh my God, this is amazing.”

  Grace threw her arms around her, and Drake had to admit, he was just as touched.


  Nine months later

  Grace sang to her son, putting little Joseph down for the night. Her son was such an angel to look after. He rarely cried unless he was hungry, and he slept through the night now. “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” she said, stroking his cheek. “Tomorrow we’re going to the clubhouse. Yeah, Aunty Cora is going to tell the whole club that she’s pregnant. I don’t know if Uncle James knows the news yet, but we’re not going to miss it for the world.”

  “I bet he already knows,” Drake said. She turned to find her husband leaning against the doorframe with his arms folded. “How is our little guy?”

  “He’s perfect, aren’t you, baby?” she asked.

  Drake gripped her neck as he stood beside her.

  Joseph let out a baby squeal, lifting his arms up as if to be picked up.

  “We shouldn’t pick him up, should we?” Drake asked.

  “I don’t know. I mean, look at him, he’s so sweet. What would it hurt?”

  “Don’t the books say that we have to be strong, and stick to a reasonable bedtime?” Drake asked.

y should probably leave him, but he was their son.

  “One night won’t be a problem,” Grace said. “When have you ever followed the rules?”

  Drake leaned down and picked him up. Together they moved toward the sofa, and Grace curled up on the arm of the chair with Drake between her thighs. He rested Joseph on his chest, and she leaned around and stroked her son’s head. “He’s so beautiful. Can you believe we made something that beautiful?”

  “I can believe you made something this beautiful, Grace. Me, I don’t.” He took hold of her hand, locking their fingers together. “I love you, baby. Thank you for giving me a chance.”

  “We’ve been married a year, Drake, thank you.”

  It had been an amazing, wild, dirty, crazy year. Grace had no idea marriage could be so wonderful, and the more time she spent with Drake, the more she fell in love with him.

  “Grace?” Drake said, whispering her name.

  Joseph had settled into a spot and was slowly going to sleep. His eyes stayed closed for several seconds, and then grew heavy before going wide once again. She loved him so much.


  “I want to make another one.”

  “A baby?” she asked.

  “Yes. He needs a brother or a sister.”

  “Well, when he’s down for the night, we can get started on making another one.” Grace climbed out from behind him, and when she was sure Joseph couldn’t see her, she started to remove her clothes. “Come on, baby, we don’t have all night.”

  She ran to their bedroom, collapsing to the bed, and opening her thighs.

  Minutes passed, and she thought about climbing into bed, and getting some sleep.

  Drake rounded the corner, his cock long, thick, and hard. He was completely naked.

  “That, Grace, is a challenge I’m more than happy to accept.”

  He climbed on the bed, and proceeded to show her all night long exactly how many times he could fuck her.

  Grace loved every second of it. When they collapsed at the end of the night, Drake held her tightly against him, and she fell asleep, surrounded by his warmth, and his love.

  The End


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