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Lemon Meringue Pie Murder (Hannah Swensen Mysteries)

Page 30

by Joanne Fluke

  “This!” Andrea reached for Lisa’s hand and held it aloft. “Lisa and Herb are engaged!”

  Hannah laughed long and hard, even though she felt like total fool for not noticing the ring earlier. The champagne was opened, along with a bottle of sparkling apple juice for Tracey to share with Norman, who said that since he was driving, he’d pass on the champagne.

  Congratulations flowed for several joyful minutes. Then Delores asked the question that was in everyone’s mind. “When is the wedding?”

  “On December thirty-first,” Herb answered her, with a grin. “Lisa wanted to wait until the busy season was over at The Cookie Jar, but she still wanted me to get the tax break.”

  Hannah applauded. “Smart girl.”

  “Can I be in your wedding, Lisa?” Tracey asked. “I always wanted to be a flower girl.”

  Lisa reached over to give her a hug. “I was just going to ask you if you’d be my flower girl. You’re my first choice. I’d like to make this is a real family wedding.”

  “What a wonderful idea!” Delores clapped her hands. “Wouldn’t it be delightful to make it a double wedding and have a real family affair?”

  Hannah fumed as her mother turned to smile first at Norman and then at Mike. Delores was getting positively blatant. Silence fell as both men shifted uncomfortably and Hannah knew she had to do something.

  “A double wedding would be wonderful,” Hannah said, seizing the first idea that popped into her head and running with it, “but I really think that Michelle should finish college before she gets married.”

  Michelle looked startled for a split second, but then she caught on. “You won’t get any argument from me. I want to get my degree before I settle down. That’s all right with you, isn’t it, Mother?”

  “Of course it’s all right! But, I didn’t mean…”

  Delores faltered and Hannah almost felt sorry for her…almost, but not quite. “I’ll come up with a special wedding cookie for you, Lisa. Something spectacular.”

  “And I’ll help you with the wedding,” Andrea offered. “I just cleaned out my closet and I found all the plans I used for my wedding. And that reminds me…I’ve got a package in the car for you, Hannah. Remember those summer slacks we bought last year?”

  “Oh, yes.” Hannah sighed. How could she forget? Those miserable slacks had prompted her diet.

  “Well, we must have mixed them up when we took them out of my car. I don’t know how, but I ended up with yours.”

  Hannah’s mouth dropped open. “You mean the slacks I have belong to you?”

  “That’s right.”

  Hannah’s head was still reeling when the waitress arrived to take their order. She wasn’t overweight. She’d been dieting to try to fit into Andrea’s slacks!

  “Could I take your order?” the waitress asked, pausing by Hannah’s chair.

  “Just one second,” Hannah said, and she turned to Andrea again. “Are you absolutely positive the slacks I have are yours?”

  “Of course I am. The pair I wound up with is much too big for me.”

  Hannah was grinning as she turned back to the waitress. “I’m skipping my salad and entrée tonight. Just bring me the dessert cart and park it right here.”

  Pineapple Right-Side-Up Cookie Bars

  Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.,

  with rack in middle position.

  ( Another recipe with a no-roll crust—don’t you just love it? )

  2 cups flour (no need to sift)

  1 cup softened butter (2 sticks, ½ pound)

  ½ cup white sugar

  4 beaten eggs (just whip them up with a fork)

  ½ cup white sugar

  ½ cup frozen concentrated pineapple juice

  ½ cup drained crushed pineapple (if you have any left over, freeze it)

  ½ teaspoon salt

  1 teaspoon baking powder

  4 tablespoons flour ( that’s ¼ cup—don’t bother to sift )

  FIRST STEP: Dump pineapple in a strainer and let it drain while you do this step. Cream butter with sugar and add flour. Mix well. ( You can also do this in a food processor with hard butter cut into chunks and the steel blade. ) Spread mixture out in a greased 9 x 13 inch pan (that’s a standard sheet cake pan) , and press it down evenly with your hands.

  Bake at 350 degrees F. for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove from oven. (Don’t turn off oven!)

  SECOND STEP: Mix eggs with sugar. Add pineapple concentrate, drained pineapple, and mix. Add salt and baking powder and stir it all up. Then add flour and mix thoroughly. (This will be runny—it’ll set in the oven.)

  Pour this mixture on top of the pan you just baked and stick it back into the oven. Bake at 350 degrees F. for another 45–50 minutes. Then remove from oven.

  Let cool thoroughly, then sprinkle a little powdered sugar on the top and cut into brownie-sized bars.

  (Herb Beeseman loves these—it was the least I could do for him. Mother and Carrie love them too, but they like a double serving with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. Marge Beeseman has refused to taste them, probably because she thinks she makes the best Pineapple Upside-Down Cake in the state of Minnesota and she doesn’t relish any interference.)

  Baking Conversion Chart

  These conversions are approximate, but they’ll work just fine for Hannah Swensen’s recipes.

  Note: Hannah’s rectangular sheet cake pan, 9 inches by 13 inches, is approximately 23 centimeters by 32.5 centimeters.

  Please turn the page for an exciting sneak peek

  of the next mouth-watering Hannah Swensen mystery


  coming in March 2004

  wherever hardcover mysteries are sold!

  H annah had just finished frosting the cupcakes when she heard someone approach in the hallway outside her classroom door. Perhaps it was Mike and he was early.

  “Is my nose wrong, or do I smell chocolate?”

  Hannah sighed as she recognized the voice. Then she put a friendly smile on her face and turned toward the doorway. Sheriff Grant had never been one of her favorite people, but he was a good customer at The Cookie Jar and it was wise to be friendly to the man who was Bill and Mike’s boss. “Your nose is right. I’m trying out a recipe for the Lake Eden cookbook.”

  “It sure smells good.” Sheriff Grant moved closer to the counter and Hannah noticed that he was listing toward the cupcakes at approximately a forty-five degree angle.

  “Would you like to taste one?” Hannah offered. “I think they’re cool enough.”

  “That’d be great! I haven’t had anything to eat since lunch and I need to stick around until Kingston gets here. Got some paperwork for him to pass out.”

  Hannah packaged up four of the cupcakes. She knew Mike was teaching a self-defense class in the room next door. “Do you want to leave the paperwork with me? I can make sure he gets it.”

  “No, that’s okay. I’ll just wait in the parking lot and catch him when he drives in.” Sheriff Grant accepted the package Hannah gave him with a smile. “Thanks, Hannah. This is really nice of you.”

  “Maybe not,” Hannah replied with a grin.

  “What do you mean?”

  “These cupcakes are an experiment and I haven’t even tasted them yet.”

  “Do you want a report on how I like them?”

  “That would be great,” Hannah said with a smile. “You’re a brave man, Sheriff Grant.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “For all you know, they might be poisoned. After all, my brother-in-law is running against you in the election.”

  When Hannah’s students arrived, she divided them into five groups, one group for each workstation in Jordan High’s home economics room. Then she set them to work testing pastry recipes. One group had the cookie recipe she’d developed, another was baking a pie, the third group was in the process of making a cobbler, the fourth group had a tea bread recipe, and group five was baking a coffee cake.

  “What is it, Hannah?”
Beatrice came rushing over when Hannah motioned to her.

  “I baked a batch of cupcakes before class. I need you to taste one and tell me what you think.”

  Beatrice took a cupcake from the plate Hannah offered. She chewed thoughtfully for a moment and then she shook her head. “I’m sorry, Hannah. These aren’t like the ones I remember.”

  “I know. I made them plain, without the secret ingredient. I thought you might be able to tell what’s missing.”

  Beatrice took another bite and chewed slowly. Then she shook her head again. “I just can’t tell. I know it’s something. These are really good, but the ones Mother Koester made had a wonderful aftertaste and they weren’t quite as dry. You got the frosting just right though. It’s exactly the same as she used to make.”

  “Thanks, Beatrice. You’ve been a big help.”

  “I have? All I did was tell you that you don’t have it right.”

  “I know, but you also gave me a clue. If these are drier cupcakes, the secret ingredient must be something that makes them moist. Now all I have to do is figure out what it is.”

  “I’m glad I helped. What makes cupcakes moist besides water, or milk?”

  “Several different things. Pudding in the batter could do it. So could more eggs, more butter, more oil, or adding some kind of moist ingredient. Even baking them in a slower oven or for less time might do it.”

  Beatrice looked amused. “That doesn’t narrow it down much.”

  “No, it doesn’t. But we have more information than we did this afternoon and I’m going to jot down some things to try. If you think of anything else to tell me about the cupcakes, just give me a holler.”

  Hannah’s class crowded seven students at each of the five workstations, in a classroom designed for less than thirty students. The only thing that saved the situation from becoming total chaos was the fact that these were women who were used to cooking together in community or family kitchens. Hannah gave each group seven tasks to be performed during the baking and the tasks were assigned by drawing names. First there was a leader, the person responsible for the group. Then there were two fetchers. They foraged in the pantry to gather the ingredients. One group member was the designated measurer. She measured the various ingredients and assembled them in appropriate bowls and cups. Another group member was in charge of mixing the ingredients, and the last two group members were in charge of preheating the oven and preparing the baking pans. Once the batter or the dough had been mixed, the leader was the one who put it into the baking pans and placed it in the oven.

  “Hannah?” Edna Ferguson, the head cook at Jordan High and leader of one of Hannah’s groups, waved frantically at her across the room.

  “What is it, Edna?”

  “It’s this tea bread dough. It’s not right. Come over here and stir it and you’ll see what I mean.”

  Hannah hurried to the workstation and gave the bowl a stir. The dough was as thin as crepe batter.

  “See what I mean?”

  “I see. Are you sure you followed the recipe exactly?”

  “I’m positive,” Edna said, nodding so vigorously her tight gray curls bounced.

  “I’m positive, too,” Linda Gradin spoke up. “I did the measuring and I watched while Donna mixed it all up.”

  Donna Lempke nodded. “We even talked about the flour. It just didn’t seem like it would be enough and we had Edna double check the recipe. That’s what it says, Hannah. A cup and a half.”

  “Let’s see.” Hannah took the recipe that Edna handed to her and frowned as she read it. There was definitely a discrepancy between the amount of liquid and dry ingredients.

  “Should I add more flour?” Edna asked. “It’ll never turn out right this way. I think another cup’ll be just right.”

  “No, you’d just be guessing at the amount. This is Helen Barthel’s recipe. Let’s call her and check.”

  “I’ll do it,” Charlotte Roscoe volunteered.

  “Thanks, Charlotte,” Hannah said, smiling at the school secretary. “We’ll just wait while you run up to your office.”

  Charlotte drew a cell phone from her pocket. “This is faster. Does anybody know Helen’s number off the top of their head?”

  One student was reciting the number when Hannah heard Gail Hansen call out from the group at the next workstation. “Could you come here for a minute, Hannah? We don’t know if these cookies are big enough.”

  Hannah walked over to look. Gail’s group was testing the Boggles she’d developed. “They look just perfect, Gail.”

  “Good!” Gail slipped the cookies into the oven and motioned for Irma York to start the timer. “I’m a little worried about one thing in the recipe, though.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You say to form the dough into walnut-sized balls. That just won’t fadge in some parts of the state.”

  “Won’t what?”

  “Won’t fadge.” Gail gave an embarrassed laugh. “Sorry, Hannah. I went to a Regency club meeting this afternoon and I’m still talking that way. I just mean it won’t work, that it might confuse a lot of people. I’ll bet there are plenty of folks in the big cities who’ll think you mean a shelled walnut.”

  “Really? I never thought of that, but you could be right. I’d better reword it.”

  “I just talked to Helen,” Charlotte called out. “She checked her recipe book and it’s two and a half cups, not one and a half cups. Edna was right when she wanted to add another cup.”

  Hannah gave Edna a thumbs-up for guessing the amount of flour correctly. Of course that wasn’t all that surprising. Edna had been baking almost every day for the past forty-plus years. Hannah had just turned to group three to see how their pie was coming when she heard a bloodcurdling scream.

  “What was that?” Hannah gasped, her eyes darting around the room to make sure that none of her students was hurt.

  “I don’t know!” Edna sounded thoroughly shocked. “Should we call the police? I’m almost sure it came from the classroom next door.”

  Hannah laughed, her fears put to rest. “If it came from next door, it is the police. Mike Kingston’s in there with his self-defense class. He’s probably teaching his students to scream if someone tries to mug them.”

  The words had just left Hannah’s mouth when more screaming ensued from the classroom next door. This was followed by blasts on whistles and instructions to back off. It was definitely Mike’s class making all that noise. Hannah and her students shared another laugh and then they went back to their baking.

  It wasn’t easy to concentrate on testing recipes when the class next door was so noisy, but Hannah’s students managed to do it. By the time nine o’clock rolled around and the class officially ended, they had divided up the baked goods so that everyone could have some to take home, cleaned the workstations, and decided which recipes they wanted to test in their own kitchens as homework. Five minutes later, Hannah’s classroom was deserted and she was just doing a final check of the pantry when Mike knocked on the open door.

  “Hi, Hannah. Are you ready for that steak?”

  “I’ve been dreaming about it all day.” Hannah turned to look at him and her breath caught in her throat. Steak wasn’t the only thing she’d been dreaming of. Tall, rugged, and handsome, it was no wonder that every single woman in town, and some that weren’t so single, were staying awake nights trying to think of ways to attract Mike’s attention. If the Winnetka County Sheriff’s Department wanted to put out one of the beefcake calendars that so many other groups were doing to raise money, all they’d have to do was put Mike on the cover and they’d have a bestseller. “Did Sheriff Grant catch you on your way in? He stopped by here and he said he had some handouts for you.”

  “He was waiting for me when I pulled into the parking lot. I told him I wouldn’t pass out the flyers.”

  “Why not?”

  “They were Grant for Sheriff flyers.”

  “They were?” Hannah started to chuckle. “No wonder he didn�
�t want to leave them with me! And isn’t there some kind of rule about passing out political flyers in school?”

  “There’s a rule. When I mentioned it to him, he decided he’d just hand them to people when they drove in.”

  “I take it you’re not voting for Sheriff Grant?” Hannah teased.

  “Of course not. I’m voting for Bill. He’s my partner and my best friend. You should know that, Hannah.”

  “I do,” Hannah said with a sigh. There were times when Mike was far too serious to be teased and it seemed that this was one of them. “I wonder if Sheriff Grant’s still around. I gave him some cupcakes to test for me and he promised to let me know how he liked them.”

  “If he’s gone, I’ll ask him for you tomorrow.” Mike picked up Hannah’s jacket and held it for her. “Let’s go. I skipped lunch and I’m hungry.”

  Hannah slipped into her jacket and was about to pick up her shoulder bag purse when she remembered the garbage. “Just let me run out with the trash. I want to make sure that back door’s locked anyway.”

  “Need some help?”

  “I can handle it. There’s just the one bag. You can double check the ovens and stovetops to make sure they’re all turned off.”

  Hannah grabbed the garbage bag and headed out the delivery door, blinking in the light of the high-wattage security light that came on as she passed by the sensor. She headed for the Dumpster, opened the lid, and lifted the bag. But before she dropped it inside, Hannah happened to glance down into the depths of the Dumpster.

  For one shocked moment, Hannah froze, the bag of garbage suspended over the Dumpster and her mouth forming a perfectly round “o” of surprise. Then she pulled the bag back, set it down on the asphalt, and told herself that she must be imagining things, that there really hadn’t been something in the bottom of the Dumpster that had resembled a human arm.


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