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Page 25

by Kimbra Swain

  “Thank you for seeing us, Alexandra. I know you are angry with me, but we needed to discuss this as a family,” Damien said. “I’ve asked Charity to marry me, and she’s said yes.”

  Alexandra didn’t speak, but the anger seethed out of her pores. Everyone sat in the tense silence waiting for Alexa to speak.

  “She’s pregnant,” Damien added.

  “You idiot,” Alexandra spouted. “Haven’t you heard of contraception? Being safe?”

  “We did. Most of the time,” Damien said. “I won’t abandon my child.”

  “I wouldn’t expect you to abandon him or her. We would raise the child. Charity is a traitor. Do you understand what she tried to do to us?” Alexa asked him.

  “Don’t talk about me like I’m not here,” Charity replied.

  “Oh, excuse me. Please, have your say, too. Then, both of you can get out of my sight,” she snarled. My heart ached to see her so angry and upset.

  “You destroyed my family when you destroyed Pyramid. The men who were on the board lost everything. Their investments, their homes. Some of them even lost their families over it. All for what? Because you and Ryland broke up? Because he made you mad? I know now that he was a terrible person, but what you did to all of us was uncalled for. You have no idea how my family struggled for money with everything that you did!” Charity shouted.

  “Tell her,” I interjected. Alexa shot a look at me. I saw fear in her eyes. I nodded to encourage her.

  “He’s right. Tell her,” Sebastian added.

  A tear rolled down Alexa’s cheek. I couldn’t hold back anymore. Crossing over to her, I leaned down to brush the tear away. “She will never understand until she knows. You can do it,” I encouraged her.

  Alexa stood and walked around her desk to the empty chair in the room. She pointed at it. I shook my head, so she sat down. I perched on the arm of the chair, locking eyes with Charity. She seemed to have backed down realizing there was more to the story than what she knew.

  “Sebastian knows what happened, but has never heard the story. Damien only knows about Ryland, but what I’m about to tell you will never leave this office. Do you understand?” Alexa asked.

  “Whatever,” Charity responded.

  I saw the look in Damien’s eyes. “We promise, Alexa. Say it, Charity.”

  “I promise,” she rolled her eyes.

  Alexa took a deep breath and told them about the night at the party held in her honor. Charity’s haughty face quickly changed to horror as it all came together for her. Sebastian hid his face with his hands. Damien cried openly.

  “I had no other recourse to justice. The law couldn’t do anything for me. Shep tried. He spent too many years of his life trying. Ryland and the board of Pyramid were bad people. Every single man in that room that could keep it stiff raped me. The ones that couldn't watched and remained silent. Including your father. I don’t hate you, Charity. I’ve hated your blindness to the truth. I’ve hated that you would think I’d do such a thing out of pure spite. But I have a question for you,” Alexa said.

  Tears rolled over Charity’s cheeks, “What?”

  “Is your baby my brother’s or Ryland’s? Because I saw the bruises on your wrists. I know what he does to women,” Alexa asked.

  “He did bruise me, but only after I told him that I wasn’t leaving Damien. He never forced me. He was too busy fucking Kelly,” she said candidly. “The baby is Damien’s. I swear.”

  Hearing my cousin’s name made me uncomfortable, but I saw Sebastian shift in his seat, too. He was attracted to her. I don’t think they ever did anything, but he definitely hated himself for liking her. I hadn’t heard from her since Shepherd knocked her senseless in the basement. I slipped my hand into Alexa’s. She squeezed mine.

  “I didn’t know, Alexa. You never told me. Why did Sebastian get to know and not me? Hell, Shepherd knows, and I didn’t,” Damien protested.

  “I’m the one that picked her up from the party. You would have died to have seen her that night, then she begged me never to tell you the whole truth. We only told the part about what Ryland did. It was private. Surely you understand that?” Sebastian said.

  “I do,” Charity replied. “Are you sure my father was involved?”

  “Yes,” I spoke up. The moment Alexa saw pictures of Charity’s father, she knew. She remembered him being there and participating. “She remembers his face.”

  Alexa leaned into me, hiding her face. She’d had enough. I pulled her up out of the chair enough to slip in it, then pulling her down into my lap. She curled up, nuzzling her head into my neck. Charity stared at us. I knew she’d never seen her so vulnerable.

  “I didn’t know. He said that you hated all of us because of Ryland. I came to work here just so I could find a way to get back at you. Then Ryland contacted my dad when he found out I was working here. It all fell into place, but somewhere along the way, I decided that we were friends. I tried to call it all off, but Ryland wouldn’t have it. He planned to do much more, but when I asked him to stop, he just forced our plan forward. He never counted on you and Jamey connecting the way you did. I drugged the guys that day hoping you would run off with him. Not because I wanted Malone to fall, but because I wanted you to get away from what Ryland had planned. That’s when he caught up with me and gave me the bruises. I wanted to run away, but I knew then I was pregnant. I had to tell Damien before I left. It was only right that I did. The police have dropped my charges for cooperation with the Abrego case. I had no idea, Alexa. I swear,” Charity cried. Damien hugged her.

  “I think that’s enough for now,” Sebastian said with bloodshot eyes.

  “I agree,” Damien said. He stood up from the couch, crossing the room to lean over us. He kissed Alexa on the forehead. “I love you, Alexandra.”

  “Love you too,” she whispered.

  Damien turned to Charity, helping her up off the couch. They left quietly.

  “You got this?” Sebastian asked.

  “You know I do,” I replied. Sebastian left the room, shutting the door with a soft click.

  She began to shudder with tears. I pulled her closer to me. “It’s okay. She deserved to know.”

  “Yes,” Alexa whimpered.

  “Let’s go home,” I said.

  I felt her nod. She slid off my lap, and I stood quickly to brace her. However, she straightened with a stiff back. She grabbed her bag, and we waltzed out of the office together. I lifted my phone to my ear. “Hey Hump, something has come up. I’m headed home for the day. We will finish this after Christmas.”

  “Sure thing, man. Tell Miss Malone I said Merry Christmas,” he said.

  “Will do,” I replied, hanging up quickly.

  After we got home, we sat on the big couch in the big house in Lenox Park. The Christmas tree lit up the room with twinkling lights, and the wood in the fireplace crackled. Alexa had changed into a t-shirt and loose cotton pants. It didn’t matter what she wore, she was gorgeous. She was curled up on my chest as we half lay, half sat up on the couch.

  “This is nice,” she said.

  “Yes, it is,” I replied.

  “Thank you for being there for me today. For believing I could do it,” she said.

  “Alexa, you don’t have to thank me for doing my job. You are everything to me,” I said.

  Charity’s visit threw my plans for the evening out the window. I’d made a visit to a custom jeweler in town to make a custom engagement ring for her, but the designer had one of his on display that I immediately knew was the ring I wanted. Despite the huge diamond which was a requirement because I wouldn’t allow her to be shamed by a little diamond which the press would slam, the setting was platinum with rose gold accents. It reminded me of the dress she wore to out to eat on our second date to Bones. I’d intended to give it to her tonight, but it didn’t seem right, now.

  “Are you okay?” she asked. In tune with my moods, she’d picked up on my shift in attention.

  “Yes. Just thinking,”
I said.


  “Christmas. Are you going to be able to tolerate having Damien here?” I asked. She had planned a big family thing with all of us. She’d also invited Shepherd who declined the invitation. I’d seen him at the gym lately, but he kept his distance as he investigated Abrego.

  “Yes, he’s my brother. She can come too. I’ll be fine as long as you are here,” she said.

  “I was thinking I might be here. Sounds like fun,” I teased lightly.

  She poked a bony finger in my ribs. “I’ll get you for that,” she said.

  The doorbell rang. “What the hell? I’ll get it,” I said.

  Opening the door, I realized it was snowing. Sebastian stood there in the snow. “Come in. Alexa, it’s snowing!” I called back to her.

  “Is it really?” I heard her get up and run across the room to the windows overlooking the back lawn. When Sebastian and I entered, she was staring into the night watching the flakes fall.

  “Hope it’s okay that I stay here tonight. I didn’t want to miss Christmas. You know how crazy it gets when the roads ice over,” Sebastian said.

  “Yeah sure,” Alexa said without looking at him.

  “Lex, Damien is in the car. Can he come in?” Sebastian asked.

  “Of course. Charity can too if she is here,” she said still watching outside.

  “Is she here?” I asked.

  Sebastian sighed. “Yes,” he mumbled. He went back to the door and waved to the SUV in the driveway.

  Damien and Charity came into the house.

  “Wow, the place looks great, Lex,” Damien said.

  “Thanks,” she muttered finally turning to look at all of them. “I’ll open some wine. I think we are going to need it. None for you, Momma.”

  “Actually, the doctor says I can have a glass every once in a while,” Charity replied.

  “Really? Well, then by all means. Red or white?” Alexandra asked.

  “Red,” I said. She nodded then stalked off to the kitchen.

  “Come on. I’ll show you my old room,” Damien said grabbing Charity’s hand to lead her upstairs.

  “Sorry. Have you done it yet?” Sebastian whispered. He knew my plans because, like an idiot, I asked permission to marry her. He laughed at me. Gave me hell for it. But eventually said if I hadn’t asked he would have kicked my ass. Brothers.

  “No, after today, I didn’t think it was the right time,” I muttered as I fondled the ring in my pants pocket. I’d taken it out of the ring box in hopes that the right time would present itself.

  “What are you whispering about?” Alexa called from the kitchen.

  Sebastian laughed. “She knows everything. You better ask!”

  I groaned as we walked into the kitchen. She poured wine into each glass, then took a small sip of hers. A light danced in her eyes. She did know. Damn it. I couldn’t hide anything from that woman.

  “What are you grinning about?” I asked.

  “You know what I’m grinning about,” she said.

  “I don’t think so,” I said taking a sip of the wine. Sebastian watched us in amusement.

  “You’ll have to be quiet tonight,” she said. Sebastian spat wine across the counter. “Damn, Bastian. Clean that up.”

  “Yes, ma’am, but those are things I don’t need to know,” he grumbled.

  She giggled, as I kissed her on the cheek. “I think you have me confused with you,” I whispered. Maybe she didn’t know.

  Damien and Charity came back into the living room. Sebastian grabbed glasses for them leaving me alone with Alexa.

  “You sure about this?” I asked.

  “Are you?” she replied.

  “I want whatever you want,” I said.

  “No. I mean if I’m a basket case tonight, can you handle it?” she grinned.

  “You are a basket case every day, and I’m sure I’m doing pretty good,” I said.

  She slapped me on the arm but kissed my cheek. “I’ll get you for that, too,” she said.

  “Promises, promises,” I replied, following her into the living room.

  “So, when do we find out what you are having?” Alexa asked.

  Charity smiled. “I think we are going to let it be a surprise.”

  “The hell you are. You have to plan. You can’t go in this willy-nilly,” Alexa said.

  “I don’t have the need to control everything like you do,” Charity replied. We all tensed.

  Alexa waved her hand in the air to calm us all. “She doesn’t bother me,” she said.

  “I didn’t mean it like that,” Charity mumbled.

  Alexa stared at her over her glass of wine. Then tilted her head to the side like she didn’t care what Charity said. I played with the ring in my pocket. It was searing a hole through my jeans. I closed my eyes to calm myself and wait. The right time would present itself. I wasn’t a planner like Alexa. Hopefully, she would appreciate the spontaneity of it. If I ever got to it.



  My crazy brother and his pregnant girlfriend arriving with Sebastian and Jamey acting strange were enough to kick my anxiety a notch. I sipped my wine listening to them talk. Jamey fidgeted next to me.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” I hissed.

  “Nothing,” he replied. “I’m ready for bed.”

  For a moment, I thought he meant sex, but then I realized he was just ready for bed. He looked tired or worried. I couldn’t quite place the look on his face.

  After the awkward chit-chat, my brothers and Charity dismissed themselves to their rooms, leaving me alone with Jamey.

  “Seriously, what’s wrong?” I asked.

  “Tonight, didn’t go like I planned,” he said.

  “You had plans tonight?” I asked. I’d been laying over on him for a while, but I shifted to turn and face him.

  “Kind of, but it’s okay,” he said refusing to look at me.

  “You better tell me what is going on right this instant,” I scoffed at him.

  He lifted his hand to my cheek. His warm touch sent shivers down my spine. I moved closer to him, and he pulled me on his lap. I expected to find him aroused, but if he was, I couldn’t tell.

  “I love you, Alexa,” he said.

  “I love you, too,” I said as I placed a kiss on his forehead. “Now tell me why you look so sad. I’m fine with all of this if you are worried about me.”

  “I’m not worried about you,” he mumbled.

  “Then what is it?” I pushed.

  He ran his hands through his hair and groaned. “Why do you have to be like this?”

  “Like what?” I asked.

  “Pushy. Bossy. Controlling,” he said.

  “Tell me how you really feel,” I teased, but the look in his eye changed. He gently pushed me off him, pacing across the room to the fireplace. He stuck his hands in his pockets while staring at the fire.

  “I’m not angry with you, Alexa. I know exactly how you are. I love every single thing about you. You have become my world,” he said.

  “That’s all very sweet, but it doesn’t tell me what’s wrong,” I said. I walked across the room, standing at the fireplace with him. His eyes met mine. He seemed disappointed. Touching his cheek, I pleaded with my eyes for him to talk to me.

  Our relationship hadn’t really seen any bumps since removing Ryland LeBlanc from our lives. Everything bumped around us to this point, but we kept everything straight between us. Now, something was up. It scared me. My heart started to pound in my chest.

  “No, Alexandra. Please, don’t be upset,” he said. “I’m sorry.” He noticed my change in demeanor immediately. When he pulled his hands out of his pockets to cup my face, I saw the flash of light around his finger.

  “What the…” I muttered.

  “This isn’t how I wanted to do this, but you are stubborn. Pushy. And the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Even if you aren’t ready, I wanted you to know where I stand. I want to spend the rest of
my life with you, Alexandra Malone,” he said, sinking to a knee.

  “Oh. My. God,” I muttered.

  “Will you be my wife?” he asked as he pulled the ring which only fit halfway down his pinky off offering it to me.

  The anxiety left me in a rush, and all I wanted to do was tackle him with kisses. “You had me so worried,” I said.

  “That’s not an answer, Alexa,” he prodded.

  “Yes,” I said. He slipped the ring on my finger, but before I could look at it, he covered me with kisses. He’d flipped the switch from apprehension and nervousness to heated desire. “Whoa, wait a minute.”

  “What?” he groaned in my ear. He reached out with his tongue licking around the edge. A sigh escaped my lips.

  “Can I look at this thing?” I asked, trying to see the ring.

  “No,” he said as he grabbed my ass with his hand. As if it were instinct, I lifted my legs wrapping them around his waist. He pressed me against the wall leading to the hallway. I laughed as he did everything he could to keep me from looking at the ring weighing my hand down. It was heavy which meant it was big.

  “Please,” I begged. A grin crossed his face. He enjoyed it when we battled for control.

  “No. You’ve tortured me enough tonight. Now I get what I want,” he claimed.

  “You already got me. I said yes!” I teased.

  He groaned, rolling his hips against me. “Not like I want you,” he said.

  “Then let’s make a deal,” I said.

  “Oh no! I know better than to deal with Alexandra Malone! You always win!” he protested.

  “I think we both win in this case,” I said.

  “Alright. What you got, devil woman?” he asked.

  “You let me look at this ring, and when we get upstairs, I’ll get on my knees,” I offered.

  “Deal!” he said immediately dropping my legs to the floor. I stumbled, but he braced me. We were both laughing as I brought my hand to rest on his chest. The ring was stunning. Platinum and rose gold.

  “You really liked that dress,” I said.


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