Alpha Bitch_Romance on the Go

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Alpha Bitch_Romance on the Go Page 2

by Loralynne Summers


  The night before she and Nick were to leave, she went for another run. For the past few days, Cassie had done her best to forget about Kieran, and in an effort to avoid running into him she'd spent a good amount of time in her office in the main part of town—something that never ceased to make her feel claustrophobic. Not to mention the fact that at the Alpha meeting they were forbidden to shift, so she wanted to let her wolf out. Especially since she knew she'd feel bottled up tighter than a champagne cork by the time the meeting was over.

  Cassie loved to run. She loved the pounding of her heart, the wind in her fur, and the feel of the dirt beneath her paws. She could turn her mind off and just be, enjoying the freedom of it all. Because she was zoned out and had let her wolf take over, she really shouldn't have been surprised to find herself prowling around Kieran's cabin. After all, her wolf had become quite vocal whenever she'd caught scent of him since the ravine incident.

  She sighed. We shouldn't be here. We need to go back home now.

  No! We will see our mate.

  He is not our mate.

  But he is! We felt it!

  I know. But it cannot be...

  Why not? We are Alpha. We make the rules. We can change the rules.

  Cassie had no reply to that one.


  Before she could convince her wolf to turn around—because she really didn't want to have to take control and force a shift, leaving her bare-assed while traipsing through the cool woods at night—Kieran came into view. He stopped short at the end of the path.

  Her heart, among other parts of her body, warmed at the sight of him. Water dripped from his long hair and ran down his bare chest to disappear beneath the band of his jeans.

  “Cassie,” he said, surprise evident in his tone.

  Against her better intentions, she walked over to him and rubbed against his leg.

  “You shouldn't be here,” he whispered. Regardless of his words, his hand traveled down her back, stroking her fur as she wound around him. If she were a cat she would have purred, the sensation felt so good. He smelled fresh and clean, as if he'd been bathing in the river. He fell to his knees, and she stood in front of him with her head resting on his shoulder.

  “Do you need something?”

  She whined in response and nuzzled him.

  Kieran's arms came around her neck and he buried his face in her fur.

  “We can't, Cassandra.” He pulled away and held the sides of her head gently, staring into her eyes. His own were nearly completely gold, as close as his wolf could get to the surface. “You have to go. You have to forget about me. Find another.” His voice was hard.

  She whimpered, responding to the authority within him and nearly giving in to the command. The reaction both amazed her and pissed her off at the same time. Cassie's wolf shook her head and stomped a foot.

  “Yes. Go. Now.” Kieran stood and stepped back.

  Cassie shifted, heedless of her naked body, and stepped forward, reaching for him. Kieran's jaw clenched and he swallowed hard before turning his back on her.

  “Go, Cassandra. It's for your own good, and the good of our pack. Go,” he said over his shoulder, entering his cabin without another look at her.

  With an indignant huff, Cassie turned and stalked away, hoping he was taking a good long look at what he was rejecting.

  We are Alpha. Change the rules. He is our mate. No other can command us.

  Yes. It was all Cassie could say in reply. After all, her wolf was right. Clearly, she wanted to submit to him. What good was it for her to be the Alpha if she couldn't change the rules? Kieran had served her family and the pack for nearly twenty years. If that wasn't punishment enough for crimes that he didn't even commit, then what was? When we get back from the meeting, she reassured her other half.


  “Cassandra Dumas, it is the decision of the council that you are to be mated to Aleksandr Miklas of River Run and merge your two packs.”

  Cassie blinked several times, sure she was hallucinating. Or dreaming. Or something. Because surely the council couldn't possibly be trying to force her to mate, especially with that vile, loathsome creature named Aleksandr Miklas.

  “Did you hear me, Cassandra?”

  “I will not!”

  “Are you refusing to follow the directives of your governing body?” Anton Merieux, this year’s head of the council, raised an eyebrow at her as he spoke.

  “Absolutely! This is complete bullshit! If I was male you would never force me to mate. But because I’m a woman with a small pack, you are going to make me to mate?”

  Anton cleared his throat and glanced to the seats occupied by the River Run delegates, who outnumbered Cassie and Nick three to one.

  Looking down, Anton read from the paper in front of him instead of meeting Cassie’s heated glare.

  “You have twenty-four hours to give us your decision. Be aware that should you refuse to comply with the council’s decision, you will no longer be considered a member of the council. As such, you will lose any rights and protections you currently enjoy.”

  Alexsandr leered at her from his spot across the semi-circle of tables. Revulsion turned Cassie’s stomach.

  “So you’re blackmailing me then?”

  “You have twenty-four hours. This session is adjourned until two o’clock tomorrow.”

  Cassie stormed from the building, not waiting for Nick. Her wolf was clawing at her skin, trying to get free. Cassie fought back, reminding her of the ban on shifting when the packs were gathered for meetings.

  We will not submit to him!

  I know. I’ll fix it. Somehow. I’ll find a way to get us out of this. I promise.

  “Cassie!” Nick came running up behind her.

  “How can they do this?”

  “I don’t know. We’ll figure this out.”

  “Those filthy, scheming fucks across the river have been after our land for too long. I’m sick of everyone letting them get away with their bullying. And now they’ve weaseled their way into pressuring Anton somehow, and probably have done the same to half the council. I won’t stand for this. No way. My father and grandfather didn’t raise a weak heir. They’ll see.” Her hands shook with rage.

  Nick wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight.

  “I won’t. I won’t. He’s so slimy.” Cassie pushed back from her uncle and took a deep breath, fighting back tears. Hell would freeze over before she'd ever consent to this mating. “We need a plan. Fast. And it needs to be a good one. I won’t hand our people over to those horrible Miklas men.” Across the square, William Allaire caught her eye and an idea began to form in her brain. “Nick, I need you to arrange a meeting. Somewhere there aren’t any extra ears.”

  “I know that look. What do you have in mind?”

  She looked up at him, a devilish grin on her face.

  “Something crazy.”


  The following afternoon, Cassie strode back into the meeting room to face the assembled council. Standing confidently in the middle of the tables with her arms crossed, she addressed Anton Merieux.

  “I have conditions.”

  “This isn’t open to negotiations.”

  “On the contrary, I say it is. This edict was handed down without first consulting me.” Pausing, she met the eyes of every other Alpha seated before her. “And since you all have agreed to what amounts to my rape, I have a few provisions I’d like to add.”

  Some of the men shifted uncomfortably and dropped their gazes. From the corner of her eye, she saw Alexsandr wave his arm.

  “Indulge her, Anton.” Leaning back in his chair, he lounged with a leg over one arm and his chin resting in his hand on the other. Cassie couldn’t wait to knock the smug look off his face.

  “First: when I wed, I will retain final say over any matters involving my pack and my lands.”

  “Of course,” Alexsandr said condescendingly. Cassie wanted to roll her eyes.

p; “Second: I’m not leaving my land.”

  “Once we merge, it will all be your land, so that’s hardly an issue.” The peanut gallery behind Alexsandr snickered. “Really, Cassie, it sounds like your concerns are for naught.”

  Her skin crawled at his overly placating tone. The way he said her name … it wasn’t with the respect and reverence that Kieran had.

  “I just have one more request. It’s a little matter, but it’s important to me.”

  “Anything for my bride-to-be.”

  Cassie grinned from ear to ear.

  “I’m so glad to hear you say that…”


  Late that night, before returning home, Cassie drove an extra hour south into the city. Entering the twenty-four-hour coffee shop, she got herself a latte and then joined the two men sitting in the corner booth after satisfying herself that there were no other wolves in the shop. The council meetings were held on neutral territory, but she didn’t trust that they wouldn’t be overheard there. If this meeting went the way she wanted it to, it was more than worth the drive.

  “I have to say, I thought Nick was pulling a fast one on us. I didn’t expect you to actually show up.” William smiled as he rose and shook her hand. “But after that beautiful smackdown you put on Alexsandr this afternoon, I understood why you asked to meet.”

  She smiled warmly. “Thank you both for coming. I hope you’ll still be smiling when we leave.”

  “What’s this about, Cassie?”

  “We need to talk about River Run. Let’s be honest here. You’re about to be tossed aside like last week’s garbage. They’re using me to get to your lands.”

  “I had the same thought. Unfortunately, they won’t even have to try hard. We may be bigger than you, but we’re not fighters. Most of our pack is simply too old. Or too young with too much to lose if we go to war with the Miklas'.” William sighed and ran a hand over his wrinkled face.

  “That’s where I come in.” She looked over to Erik. “Another truth among friends … Erik is no Alpha. When you pass control over, your pack is going to implode. Yet there is nobody to challenge Erik and run your pack. Everyone knows this. Especially Alexsandr. That’s why he’s making these moves. He undoubtedly sees you as an easy target.”

  Erik looked hopeful.

  “That’s why I’ve been after you for so long. I know I don’t stand a chance on my own against the rest of the council.”

  Cassie reached across the table covered his hand with hers.

  “Erik, you're a sweetheart. But I couldn't do that to you or your wolf. You know I'd never be able to submit to you.”

  His face dropped. “I know. You can't blame a guy for trying, though.”

  “I have a better plan. How good are you two at poker?” she asked.


  Cassie finally made it back onto Stone Point land. She was mentally exhausted from the past few days. Though there were only a few more miles to go reach her cabin, she pulled off the side of the road and curled up to nap in the back seat of her little Volkswagen Bug. Her parents had died in a car accident, and since then she’d been overly cautious.

  Tapping on the window woke her several hours later.

  Nick peered through the glass. “I brought you coffee.”

  She climbed from the car and stretched before accepting the cup in his hands.

  “Is it safe to assume from your late return that everything went well?”

  “Yes. William and Erik agreed to everything.” Taking a long swallow, she stared into the distance. The next step would be the hardest for her.

  “Any chance you want to let me in on said plan?”

  “Nope. The less people who know the better. I’m sorry. It’s not that I don’t trust you. I just can’t take any chances. There’s too much at stake. What I need from you is to back me unquestioningly in the next few days. No matter what I do or say, no matter how unexpected.”

  “Okay...” The way he drew out the word made it more of a question than an affirmation.

  Cassie sighed and met Nick’s eyes. “The ends justify the means, right? It will be for the good of the pack. That’s all that matters.”

  “Then why do you look miserable?”

  “Because this is the last chance I’ll have to do so for weeks. And this part of my plan sucks ass.”

  Chapter Three

  Kieran followed Nick into Cassandra’s office, unsure why he’d been summoned. He'd managed to mostly avoid her—or she'd been avoiding him, whatever the case may be—for nearly two weeks since their encounter outside his cabin the night before the meeting.

  His apprehension grew.

  Nick sat behind him, near the door. Cassandra shuffled some papers on her desk before finally looking up. He dropped his eyes in deference.

  “Kieran, I have a problem,” she said brusquely.

  “Me,” he guessed, his voice rough.

  “Yes.” She sighed. “I can’t—would you look at me please? I hate talking to the top of your head.”

  He swallowed and lifted his face, meeting her gaze. She looked angry. It killed him to see her so upset.

  “I can’t have you here.”

  He fought to control his breathing as his heart shattered. It was what he'd feared the most from the moment Nick had found him that morning.

  “As I'm sure you've heard, I’ve been ordered—” she spat the word out “—to mate Alexsandr Miklas. You know how the Miklas’ feel about you. Because you’re well past the age of eighteen, I expect Alexsandr will simply kick you off these lands. I refuse to let that happen to you. At the same time, I cannot allow you to stay, knowing what will happen.”

  His chest tightened.

  This couldn’t be happening. What was he supposed to do? Where would he go? Swallowing past the lump in his throat, he said, “I understand. I’ll start packing my things.”

  “I’m not finished.”

  Her curt tone caught him off guard and he dropped his gaze to his lap.

  “I apologize for interrupting,” he mumbled.

  Cassandra paused a moment before continuing. A cautious glance up showed her eyes closed and jaw clenched. She took a deep breath.

  “Kieran Kimball, for nearly twenty years you have served my family and this pack honorably. It is high time you were rewarded. I see no reason why you must endure any further punishment for acts that were not your own, when you have proven yourself to be a better man than your sire. My father was the one who sentenced you. As his successor, it is up to me to decide if that decision is to remain unchanged.”

  Hope, something he’d thought long since lost to him, began to bloom.

  “I have spoken at length with William Allaire over the last two weeks. You will be returning to Sandy Hollow as a full member of the pack, with all the rights and privileges thereof. They are preparing a cabin for you. It will be ready in a few days.”

  “I—I don’t know what to say…” He stared at her, dumbfounded.

  “You deserve this second chance, Kieran. I wish you much happiness in your new life.” Her tone remained cool and professional, but he caught the undercurrent of sadness. “I am lifting your shifting ban, and you are relieved of all duties until you leave our pack. You'll need the time to get reacquainted with your wolf and with shifting.”

  Kieran was torn. Full status in a pack … his wolf was giddy. Finally, after all these years, they were free. But that freedom came at the loss of Cassandra. No other woman could ever replace her in his heart. Yet he knew she was doing the right thing, the only thing she could for him. Once she’d mated Alexsandr, he’d be sent packing with no notice, no plans, no future.

  “When your new home is ready, you will be notified. Enjoy the remainder of your time here. You will be a great loss to our community.”

  Just like that, she dismissed him. Kieran couldn't give a damn about the community right now. All he cared about was what this was doing to her. Behind him, Nick stood when Kieran didn't move. Cassandra continued to read the
papers before her. She fought for control well, but he could see the slight shake in her hands.

  “Thank you,” he said finally.

  “You’re welcome.” Her head never moved.

  Pained and infuriated, he rose and left the room, leaving behind his sole reason for living for the last five years.


  Cassie sat behind her desk long after the men left. Head in her hands, she took several deep breaths, trying to calm herself. Sending Kieran away was the hardest thing she’d ever done. He hadn’t even left their land yet, but already she felt empty and alone.

  She’d wrapped herself in her anger at the situation. An alpha was strong, and didn’t show any weakness. She could not let Kieran—or his wolf—know just how much it hurt her to do this. If things had gone differently at the council meeting, upon returning Cassie would have granted Kieran full status in Stone Point. Then they would have been free to mate.

  Fucking River Run.

  Being forced to mate someone so vile as Alexsandr made knowing Kieran to be her true mate all the more painful.

  Fucking men.

  She’d show them all why she was Alpha.

  “Cassie?” Nick called to her tentatively from the doorway.

  “What?” she snapped.

  “You okay?”

  Looking up, she realized that the metal pen she held was bent beyond use from the strength of her grip. Ink was slowly running down the side of her hand. If it was possible for her six-foot-two Beta to look scared, he’d be cowering. As it was, his head was tucked pretty far between his shoulders, something unusual for him. She blew out an angry breath.

  “Yes, because that went the way it needed to. And no, for the exact same reason.”

  “Anything I can do?”

  “Just keep an eye on him for me? Help him with whatever he needs. I have a feeling he won’t come to me for anything before he leaves.”

  “Of course.”

  “Oh, and one more thing … keep this as quiet as possible. I don't want the whole pack to know everything. Not yet.”


  It had been almost three years since Cassie last had sex.

  Since becoming Alpha, she couldn’t just go out and have a random hook-up with one of the guys she used to mess around with before.


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