Alpha Bitch_Romance on the Go

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Alpha Bitch_Romance on the Go Page 3

by Loralynne Summers

  That meant the almost empty fifth of whiskey on her counter was probably a bad idea.

  Not that she was drunk by any stretch of the imagination. Her increased metabolism made getting truly drunk an extremely difficult task to complete. But she’d needed a bit of liquid courage. Striding through the dark woods, her feet led her straight and sure to Kieran’s cabin way off at the edge of her property.

  From the day he’d carried her out of the ravine last month, his proximity was all she could think of. He’d done his best to flat-out avoid her. She only knew he’d been around by the evidence of him doing his “job”. Where before he’d been a shadow, now he’d become a ghost.

  He heard her coming. After all, she wasn't trying to sneak up on him. By the time she crossed the wide porch, lights flared on inside and he yanked the door open as she lifted her arm to knock.

  Tomorrow, Kieran left for Sandy Hollow.

  Next week she left for the farce of a mating ceremony she was being forced into.

  His nostrils flared, scenting her. Her desire for him was no secret. The fact that he’d answered the door clad only in a pair of boxers didn’t help her already raging body.

  Cassie waited. Everything she’d planned and plotted in the last few weeks pivoted on this moment. She watched his chest heave as he breathed heavily.

  Thankfully, Kieran didn't speak. If he said something and forced her hand, things might not go how she wanted them to. For a moment they simply stood staring at each other. She could almost see the wheels in his brain turning as he fought with himself and his wolf. Then he did exactly what she’d gambled on.

  Hand tangled in the hair at the back of her head, he crushed his mouth to hers and pulled her roughly into the cabin. Pinned against the closed door, he grabbed her ass and lifted her up. She locked her legs together behind his back. The kiss was fierce, almost angry, as if he was mad at himself for giving in. Cassie caught his bottom lip in her teeth and Kieran growled low.

  Stepping away from the wall, he quickly moved them to the bed. She stripped her tank off on the way, suddenly thankful that she was small enough to not need a bra all the time. He trailed kisses down her abdomen and pulled her shorts and panties off in one quick tug.

  Kieran cleared his throat. “Did you bring—”

  “No. I am yours. Take me as such.”

  His eyes flared, turning almost completely gold with only the faintest ring of green remaining around his pupils. The declaration seemed innocent enough, but she knew how his wolf would have taken it. Positioning himself between her legs, Kieran lifted her hips and thrust into her.

  Cassie gasped as her body adjusted to accommodate his girth. There was nothing soft and gentle about their rhythm. It was hard and fast, a fierce joining, a release of all the tension that had grown to a living thing between them in such a short time.

  Falling forward, Kieran covered her body with his, the rough stubble on his cheek rasping against hers. She lifted her chin, baring her neck to him. A deep growl reverberated through his chest.

  “Yes,” she said. “Claim me. Take what is yours.”

  She cried out, eyes going wide at the sting of canine teeth breaking skin as his mouth engulfed her neck. She dug her nails into his shoulders, clinging to him as her orgasm hit at the same time. Cassie felt disconnected from herself, floating, part of her body and his at the same time.

  She grabbed a fistful of his hair, jerking his head to the side. Opening her mouth wide, she let her wolf come forward. Jaws stretched and teeth elongated, and then Kieran’s blood was in her mouth as she claimed him. As had happened to her, Cassie’s bite drew his climax and he shuddered in her grasp.

  That disconnected feeling disappeared as everything snapped into ultra-sharp focus. She could feel Kieran in every part of her, and yet felt herself in every part of him. She felt his surprise when their thoughts joined and he suddenly grasped the full extent of her plans.

  “Shhh. Not a word.”

  “Cassandra, I…”

  “Hush. Trust me.”

  Chapter Four

  Two days later, Cassie arrived in Sandy Hollow, accompanied by Nick and Jordan.

  “Cass, I still don't understand what we're doing here. You haven't told us anything.” Jordan looked around, confused, as they climbed from the car. “And I'm still wondering why we borrowed my girlfriend's father's car instead of taking one of ours.”

  “There are reasons for all of that. Remember when you promised to follow me unquestioningly? Now is one of those times to not ask questions.”

  Jordan narrowed his eyes at her.

  Cassie sighed. “I'm worried that the council is watching me. Or at least trying to. So when we needed to leave our lands for this meeting, I didn't want to be followed by traveling in my very recognizable Bug or Nick's truck. Okay?”

  “But then why am I here?”

  “To act as a witness for our pack.”

  “Witness for what?”

  She smiled wide as William came over to greet them.

  “My wedding,” Cassie answered once everyone finished shaking hands.

  “What?” Nick and Jordan said together.

  “Is everything ready?” she asked William, ignoring the two slack-jawed men behind her.

  “Yes. We're all set when you are.”

  An hour later, Cassie stood in front of a mirror in William's house, fighting tears. Nick waited downstairs for her, to give her away in place of her father. She just needed to make her feet actually walk down the stairs so they could get started.

  “Do you need any help—oh, sweetie, come here.” Elena, William's wife, pulled Cassie into a tight embrace upon entering the room. “There, there, honey. Don't cry. I know, it's probably not the wedding you dreamed of. But Kieran is a good man, and you're doing a very brave thing today. William is extremely grateful to you for fighting for our pack this way.”

  “Someone has to stand up to the Miklas's eventually. But it's not that,” Cassie said with a sob. “And I know Kieran to be my true mate, I've felt the connection spark in every molecule of my body and soul, just like the old stories say. I couldn't be happier about mating with him. It's just—my parents.” Elena stroked Cassie's hair, making soothing sounds as she broke down. “I mean, I knew that someday I'd be getting married—mated, whatever you want to call it—and I knew, somewhere inside, after the accident that they wouldn't be here for it. But now that it's here, it's so much harder than I thought it would be.”

  “Is he now? Kieran never mentioned that little bit. Interesting. That is a rare occurrence these days. No matter. Listen to me. I knew your parents well. Our two packs have always been friends and allies, and inter-married often. They would be very pleased by this development. Your father often looked to Kieran as the son he never had. I do believe he would have even proposed the possibility of this mating to you himself, that is how highly he thought of the man Kieran had become.”

  Cassie sniffed. “Do you really think so?”

  Elena fussed over Cassie's hair, fixing the flowers pinned into a white crown. “I do. I also think that they're watching you from wherever they are, amazed by the woman you've become and proud of their daughter. So. Let's put a smile on that beautiful face of yours and go meet your mate and make this official, since you already have his mark on your neck. Don't look so surprised. You're hiding it well with makeup and your hair, but I know it's there.” Elena winked.

  Despite the sadness still weighing on her heart, Cassie smiled. “Yes. Let's go.”


  Kieran waited in the meeting hall with other members of Sandy Hollow—his pack—for Cassandra’s arrival.

  “Stop fidgeting. She'll be here.”

  He looked over at Erik. “I'm not fidgeting.”

  “Yes you are. You keep checking your cuffs, or your hands, or clearing your throat, or—”

  “Okay, I get it. Sorry.”

  “I know you have a ton to learn in a very short time, but I imagine that living with Caleb
all those years must have made an impression on you. He was an excellent leader. And leaders must remain calm, always project confidence even if they're not feeling it.”

  “Actually, Caleb was quite open with his emotions. On the contrary, I am quite used to bottling mine. Have you ever felt that you were put on this planet for one purpose, for one person, but circumstances made it so that you could never do anything about it? And then the Universe hands you everything you ever wanted on a golden-haired platter? I'm so scared of not living up to her expectations it's not even funny. And I'm so scared for her. She's got this master plan, and there are so many chances for it to blow up in our faces. I can't get her now just to lose her in a week. I have the Alpha pull for Sandy Hollow. I know that I would do everything I could to protect our pack. But I would die for her. I'd forsake all of you for her if things go wrong next week at the council meeting. What does that say about me as a leader?”

  “It says that you are the right man to take over for me.” William clasped a firm hand on Kieran's shoulder as Erik watched on.

  “I love Sandy Hollow with all my heart,” Erik said. “But I will never be strong enough to lead. Sure, I could do it. But I would suck horribly at it. And we have no other Alphas here. Only my father. In my own way, I too love Cassandra. Yet I'm a wuss. I'm one hundred percent submissive. I'd never be able to stand by her side as an equal. If she had ever agreed to be my mate, it would have been purely out of pity. I know that.” He sighed. “I want to hate you. I really do. You've got the girl I want, and you've got my pack. But I can feel the honor in you. I know that you and Cassie will do right by us.”

  Kieran wanted to believe Erik. A rustling in the crowd behind him caught his attention and prevented him from furthering the conversation though. Without turning, he knew. Cassandra’s scent drifted to him. His pulse raced. It was time.

  William cleared his throat and the crowd hushed. Erik led Kieran over to the freshly constructed arbor at the front of the room. Once they were positioned, the doors opened.

  There stood his beloved Cassandra, with Nick at her side. She was radiant. He had no idea where everything had come from on such short notice, but Cassandra held a beautiful bouquet of goldenrod, asters, and other small fall foliage. Her head was crowned with a ring of delicate white flowers, and her hair fell in gorgeous soft curls over her bare arms and down her back.

  Her dress was what really got to him. He hadn't expected a dress, given that he'd never seen her in one since she'd been a little girl. It was soft and feminine, a pale pink that stopped just above her knees, yet did nothing to diminish the woman she'd become. If anything, it made her look more powerful. The gauzy material came down in a deep vee from her shoulders that ended just below her breasts, where a crisscross cinched and accentuated her tiny waist. Kieran watched as his miniature Grecian Goddess approached.

  The look in her eyes when she smiled at him released the tension that had gripped him so tightly. They hadn't seen each other or spoken since the night before he'd left Stone Point. He'd woken in the morning to an empty bed, with only the disheveled state of his cabin and the mark on his neck to reassure him it hadn't all been a dream. Even though they were bonded mates, what if she regretted her actions or decisions?

  “Members of Stone Point and Sandy Hollow, we welcome you to this joining. Today we join not just two people, but the future of our two packs.” William looked to Nick. “Who gives this woman from Stone Point?”

  It was Cassandra who spoke.

  “As Alpha of Stone Point, I give myself freely to your pack.”

  Kieran suppressed his grin as Nick kissed Cassandra’s cheek and took his seat, a smile on his face. Cassandra passed her flowers to Elena before taking her place next to Kieran. William spoke.

  “As the grass of the fields and the trees of the woods bend together under the pressures of the storm, so too must you both bend when the wind blows strong. Yet will you both stand strong in each other’s strength. As you give love, so you will receive it. As you give strength, so will you receive it. Together you are one, apart you are as nothing.” He motioned for them to face each other. “Cassandra,” William said.

  Cassandra took Kieran's hands.

  “I, Cassandra Dumas, do come here of my own free will, to seek the partnership of Kieran Kimball. I come with all love, honor, and sincerity. Always will I strive for his happiness and welfare. I come to seek kinship with Sandy Hollow. As I care for Stone Point, so will I always keep the members of Sandy Hollow in my heart as my own, and will strive for their happiness and welfare.”

  William wrapped a sand-colored ribbon around Cassandra’s right wrist and Kieran's left.

  “Kieran,” William said.

  “I, Kieran Kimball, do come here of my own free will, to seek the partnership of Cassandra Dumas. I come with all love, honor, and sincerity. Always will I strive for her happiness and welfare. I come to seek kinship with Stone Point. As I care for Sandy Hollow, so will I always keep the members of Stone Point in my heart as my own, and will strive for their happiness and welfare. As Alpha Heir of Sandy Hollow, I give myself freely to your pack.” Cassandra smirked at Kieran's use of her own words.

  William wrapped a stone-colored ribbon around Kieran's right wrist and Cassandra’s left.

  “As are your words, so will be your hearts. Let these bonds be a visual representation of the vows you have made to each other and to your packs. As you love and care for each other, so will you love and care for your new pack. The vows you have made here today and for the future will not be easily broken.”

  William tied one end of the ribbons together.

  “Upon either my death or my retirement, our packs shall be forever joined and known as Stone Hollow. Members of Stone Point and Sandy Hollow, may I present to you your Alpha and Alpha Heir, Cassandra and Kieran Kimball.”

  Cassandra gasped, eyes widening in surprise. Kieran knew what she was feeling, as he felt it too. It was the sudden pull for every member of the pack. He'd been through it just days before when taking his place in Sandy Hollow. He now felt the pull to protect every member of Stone Point as well. Yet Stone Point was smaller than Sandy Hollow, and what he felt was nothing in comparison to the sensation rocking Cassandra. He squeezed her hands in sympathy and encouragement. Their eyes met, and he saw the gold flaring in them, her wolf answering the Alpha call.

  “The bond between you and our packs is now complete,” William said as he unwound the free ends of the ribbons. When their arms were free, William presented them with the ribbons. “Forever love, help, and respect each other,” he said as he tied the other end. “The constant circle of love you share is symbolized in these ribbons. Let them be a token of your friendship and the partnership you have come to celebrate on this day.”


  Cassie hated to leave the warm circle of Kieran’s arms, but she crept out of the bedroom and dressed quietly before she slipped out into the crisp morning. If she wasn’t waiting and ready to leave when the escort from the council came for her, there’d be problems. They had been suspicious of her final condition, but as the date of the “wedding” drew closer and she’d failed to fulfill her request, they’d relaxed a bit. So there was no need to make waves now.

  She felt Kieran’s disappointment when he woke alone, even though he wasn’t entirely surprised by it. But knowing they wouldn’t see each other for a few days, he wanted nothing more than to wake with Cassandra in his arms so he could make love to her again. She couldn’t help but laugh.

  Three times wasn’t enough for you last night?

  I will never have enough of you.

  Soon enough, mate. She loved the swell of pride that came from him at the word mate.

  I wish you’d have let me come with you.

  You did. Twice.

  She felt Kieran's smirk. You know what I mean.

  I know. But for this to work, we must continue as before.

  I really hate this part of your plan. Did I mention that?

p; You know that it is necessary.

  He sighed. Alexsandr is not a peaceful man. Please be careful.

  For the last week, late at night they’d met at Kieran’s cabin. Neither had been able to stay away, and Sandy Hollow was close enough that if he shifted, it wasn’t that long of a run. Their bond had grown strong, and Cassie hated to close him out. Yet she couldn’t afford distraction now. Everything needed to be flawless, and to do that, she couldn’t be hearing or feeling him in her head. Reluctantly, she said goodbye to him.

  I will see you tomorrow. You know what you need to do. If I feel as though there is a problem, I’ll contact you immediately.

  Chapter Five

  The morning of the ceremony dawned cold and clear. Cassie prepared herself as any dutiful bride-to-be would. At noon, representatives from all the packs gathered in the square outside the grand council meeting hall.

  Once again led by Nick, Cassie began to make her way toward the archway made of fresh pine boughs. A light dusting of snow covered everything. Any other time, this would be beautiful, she thought to herself.

  “I’m pleased to see you’ve embraced your position and taken a respectful approach to this,” Alexsandr said to her under his breath, indicating her white hooded cloak, once common in arranged matings as a way of indicating the purity of the female offered.

  “Just doing my part to please the masses,” she quipped back.

  Anton cleared his throat.

  “Honored guests, we thank you for coming to bear witness to the joining of Cassandra Dumas and Alexsandr Miklas, and the subsequent merging of River Run and Stone Point. Who gives this woman to be mated?”

  “As her Uncle, and Beta of the pack, I do,” Nick said. He kissed both of Cassie's cheeks and winked at her as she opened the clasp at her neck.

  Cassie turned to face Alex while Nick pulled the cloak from her shoulders. As he did so, she opened the connection to Kieran, letting him in fully. Instinct told her to do so, and she always trusted her gut.


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