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Becoming His

Page 11

by Albany Walker

  When we stop a few feet away, Masen steps behind me, holding my hip with one hand and pulling my body tight to his body. He gestures to the man standing closest to us. “This is Gavin. He and his friends come to us looking to join our pack. He also has information on a group of rogues I’ve been keeping tabs on.”

  I nod my head and say, “hello,” looking at each of them.

  When the man he introduced as Gavin lifts his hand, Masen snarls, “DON’T.” My body is pulled even tighter while his body seems to curve over mine. Gavin drops his hand slowly, taking a step back. “Introduce yourselves, but do not touch her.” Masen grates.

  “I’m Scott, and this is my sister, Renee. Mase stayed with us a few times when he visited our pack.” So that’s why the skanky redhead has a knowing smirk.

  “My name’s David,” the last man says quietly.

  “Why are y’all looking to stay here?” I ask curiously.

  Gavin, who must be considered their leader, answers, “I’ve known Mase for years. We always talked about me finding my way here. It just didn’t happen until now. I have to say though he’s usually a little more welcoming.” He tries to joke. I laugh a little lightening the tension.

  “You don’t say. You mean he’s not always so growly.” This time I really laugh. Michael joins me.

  I turn to face Masen. He places his palm on my cheek, stroking my bottom lip. Instinctively, I lick my lips, catching the pad of his thumb. He stills. His eyes dilate; he sucks in a deeply. “Sorry,” I whisper. Louder, I say, “Unless you need me here, I’m gonna head back.”

  His voice is low when he promises, “I’ll be there soon, Little One. Michael will see you home.” Then kisses my temple. “Michael, take my Luna home.” Masen orders.

  I’m just about to open my mouth to tell him to be nice when Michael acknowledges him with a simple, “Alpha,” effectively reminding me not to be sassy.

  Rolling my eyes so only he can see, I walk over to Michael, “Thank you, Michael. Will you tell Nicole what a wonderful time I had today. I can’t wait to visit her again.”

  As we leave, he says, “I know she had a good time too, Luna.”

  Before the door closes, I hear, “Luna? You got married? What about...” The voice cuts off as the door closes.

  “The big guy is kinda grumpy today, huh?” I ask.

  “He told me he had a ruff morning. He was just mad at himself and jealous. Never thought I’d see the day that cocky bastard would be jealous. It’s pretty funny.” He chuckles. We walk in comfortable silence for a little while, but right before we reach Masen’s house, he says “Luna?” His voice is serious. “I know he messed up today, but don’t let him off the hook too easy. He needs to learn he can’t treat you like that.” Hearing Michael say that makes my heart hurt; shouldn’t that be natural.

  “Michael, should it be this hard? Did you experience anything like this with Nicole?”

  He doesn’t answer right away, seeming to think about his answer. “No.”

  I surprised by his short response. “No to what Michael?”

  “I’m sorry Luna but no to both. No, it shouldn’t be hard, and no, Nicole and I didn’t have any similar issues. Honestly, I’ve never seen anyone struggle the way Mase is. I don’t know if it’s because you guys haven’t marked each other yet or if maybe the years you’ve spent apart are causing a problem.”

  That’s not what I wanted to hear. “Yeah, I kinda suspected that. The only Mates I’ve known were my parents, and that’s not the way they acted. Thank you for your honesty, Michael. I’ll see you later,” I say before walking into the house.

  My brain is on overload so I decide to make lunch. I need something to keep me busy. I make a veggie cheese soup. It’s an hour and a half before it’s ready. Masen comes in just as I’m about to eat. I give him my bowl and make another. “You didn’t need to do that. I can get my own, but thank you,” he says. Masen waits for me to return to the table before eating. “This is really good. Everything you make is delicious. When did you start cooking?”

  I wipe my lips with a napkin.”My mom loved to cook, and my dad loved to eat,” I laugh, “I was always in the kitchen with her. She let me help even if I was just making a mess. As soon as I got my own place, I started cooking again. It reminds me of my parents. My dad was smitten with my mom. If he wasn’t at work, he’d follow her around the house just to be close to her. So, he was in the kitchen with us a lot,” I say a little sadly. I miss them. “I also love to eat.” I tease to lighten the mood.

  “What are your parents like?” I haven’t heard him or Sniffer mention them.

  “My dad’s the Alpha of a smaller pack in the Upper Peninsula. He’s a hard man but fair. My mother,” his smiles lights up his eyes, “is the sweetest women you’ll ever meet. She rounds out all my dad’s edges. I had a great childhood. Where we lived is still really isolated, not a lot of people, or things to do way up there. So, we made our own fun. I left home a little after I turned eighteen. I’ve only gone back to visit a few times. Cass tries to go home for a weekend every couple months.” He looks thoughtful. “I guess you’ll meet them at our ceremony. We can always go visit them to. I know my dad is gonna love you for your cookies alone.” He chuckles.

  Hearing him talk about a ceremony makes butterfly’s in my belly, but I’m a little nervous to. “Masen,” I say seriously. “I think we have a few things to talk about.” I’m embarrassed. I’d rather not have a repeat of this morning.

  He looks at me a traces of humor gone. “You’re right. We do.” He pushes his empty bowl away and grabs my hand. “Will you sit with me, please?,” he asks quietly. I think he wants me close which makes me kinda nervous is he going to tell me something bad? I nod my head. He stands and leads me through the kitchen. “I built this house about a year after we meet. I knew we’d need a bigger place, so I started planning right away. I didn’t want to start building too soon because I didn’t want people to question why I was in a hurry to move. When I did start to build, I just said I needed a little space.”

  My hand is tucked in to his bent elbow. I look up at him as we walk, and he talks. “To tell you the truth, I planned everything around us. It took almost a year to finish, but when it was done, I had the hardest time moving in.” We are standing in front of the door to the atrium. “I build almost every room with you in mind. Some rooms, I made entirely for you.” He points to the door.

  My heart is pounding. “Wait, you made this room for me? this specific room, for me?”

  His head tilts, and his brow wrinkles in curiosity. “Yes, this is one of the rooms. You’ve been in here?”

  I hold up my hand to stall his question. “Did you take anyone else in this room?” My voice is eager.

  Now, he’s really confused. “No.” He shakes head in denial. “I’ve barely been in this room.”

  “Oh my God, oh my God, really?” In my excitement, I jump up onto him, wrapping my legs around his waist kissing all over his gorgeous face. “Yes, yes, I’ve been in this room. When I was trying to leave. I was hoping it led outside. This is the most beautiful room I’ve ever seen. I love the swing. Did you make it? Or have it made? Where’d you get the idea? Ooh I love it; I love it.” When he doesn’t answer, I look at and see a small kinda sad smile on his face. “Ah sorry,” I say while unwrapping my legs not sure how to take his quiet.

  “No, you don’t,” he says while squeezing my butt. “I like you mounting me.” He winks as he opens the door and walks in. The bright afternoon sunlight filters through the light blue glass giving the room a sunny glow. The white washed wooden floors add an invoice airy feel of the room. I unlock my arms from around his neck to turn and take in the rest of the room.

  “I love this room,” I whisper. “I was so jealous when I saw this space. So jealous, I couldn’t see straight. I thought you made it for her, or she made it for the both of you. I got sick thinking about her being here,” I admit.

  He shakes his head. “Is that why you threw up in my bath
room?” He asks concern in his voice. “I didn’t know you were sick until I put you to bed.”

  Embarrassment coloring my cheeks, I answer, “yeah, it was all a little much. I’m sorry. I thought I cleaned up my mess.”

  He gives my butt a spank. “You did, but I still smelled it. I’m the one that’s sorry. I’ve handled this all wrong. Let’s go sit, and I’ll try and fix things properly and not mess them up again.” He sits me down on the open end. “Crawl up. I’m right behind you.” I kick off my shoes and go all the way to the headboard area. Fluffing the pillows, I sit back. I don’t think the grin on my face could get any bigger. He sits and unites his boots, then climbs up to me. His whole face lights up when he sees me grinning from ear to ear. “You really like it?” He asks almost shyly.

  “No, I don’t like it,” his face falls, “I LOVE IT!” I shout, laughing.

  “You,” he says and snags me by the waist and pulls me to his chest.

  We’re both quiet for a few minutes. He breaks the silence, saying, “this morning, I was an asshole. I suspected you were inexperienced, but you told me you were a virgin, that I was your first kiss. I felt horrible for not knowing, but more for the way, I’ve behaved the past five years. I’m mad at myself for being weak, for not valuing what we would have more. When I saw you upset at my response, I just kept making it worse. Then, I ran. I was so caught up in my shit I didn’t even realize you had left the house.”

  My head is lying on his chest, and he’s rubbing my back and neck. I can tell he’s being honest. I sigh. “I can’t tell you any of it’s okay, because honestly, it’s not. I don’t know how you could be with anyone else. I was a child, and I knew you were it for me. You understood even more than I did what we would have, and you gave it to someone else. That’s hard to deal with,” I blow out a big breath, “and this morning, this morning was humiliating.” He squeezes me, and I can feel his head nod. “I was so nervous I wouldn’t be good enough,” I pull away and look straight ahead out the windows, feeling the same disappointment and humiliation from earlier, “and then the way you acted...well, it made me feel bad. That’s all you need to know.”

  Masen grabs my hand and rubs the inside of my wrist with his thumb. “I know I was an idiot, a selfish idiot. I have no excuses. I’m sorry I made you feel like shit, especially for something that makes me so happy, I’m honored that I’m the only one that will touch you. I’m sorry I didn’t apologize sooner. I shouldn’t have ever let you go in the bathroom,” he says sincerely.

  It’s still not okay, but at least he admits he was wrong. “Alright. Thanks for talking to me about it.” Slowly, he reaches for me and pulls me back to his chest. Feeling a little better about this morning, I close my eyes and relax.

  Masen’s hands running through my hair wakes me. “Are you going to sleep all day baby?”

  I’m curled around him warm and comfy. “I’m so sleepy,” comes out just above a whisper.

  He chuckles. “I have a few things to do in the office. Then, I thought we could go for a swim. My wolf is getting restless; the exercise will do us good. Did you want to come with me or stay here and snooze sleepy head?” He asks playfully.

  “I don’t know about a swim. It’s only in the seventies, seems kinda cold, but my wolf would like to run,” I say liking the idea.

  He hesitates. “I can’t run with you, Little One,” he states ruefully, “not until I Mark you. It’s just too dangerous. Okay, Baby?”

  Confused, I ask, “why’s it dangerous?”

  He runs his hands through his hair, grabbing and pulling. “He would Mark you, not wait until you’re ready.”

  Sometimes, I’m so clueless. “Yeah, okay, I wasn’t thinking sorry,” I say sheepishly.

  Masen works for a few hours while I explore the house a little more. Knowing he built this house for us makes me look at every detail differently. I haven’t even made it up stairs yet by the time he comes looking for me, wearing long, board shorts and the same black tee shirt he had on earlier. He’s carrying a couple towels. “You ready to swim?”

  I can’t help but smile at his hopeful tone. “We’ll see,” is all I say. It’s still warm when we make it outside. The sun blankets the pond; the water is a clear, dark blue with a sandy bottom and beach area. “I thought I had it good living across from torch lake, but this is like your own mini lake without all the tourists. It’s beautiful, Masen.” I smile up to him.

  “I’m glad you like it”

  My stomach drops, when looking right at me, he reaches behind his back and pulls his shirt over his head then off his arms revealing his bare chest. My throat goes dry. The sun highlights his wide chest and every ripple on his abdomen. His shorts hang low enough I can just see where his pubic hair starts. Who knew that would be so sexy? The deep vee inside his hips bunches as he turns to drop his shirt. I look up to see his blue eyes watching me. Biting the corner of my lip, I watch as his big hand runs down his chiseled chest bumps along his abdominal muscles stopping right before he reaches his shorts. Holy hell, that was hot. I don’t know what I want more him to take the shorts off or for his hand to continue under them. When one finger glides under the tie, my eyes jerk up to meet his. The left side of his mouth is lifted; he’s playing with me. The bastard.

  We’ll see how he likes to be toyed with. I don’t have a suit, but I do happen to have on one of my favorite bras. It’s deep purple satin with an ivory lace overlay. Just like he did, I maintain eye contact as I reach for the bottom hem with both of my arms crossed. Slowly, I lift my arms revealing my tummy then my bra. When the material covers my face, I tug it off quickly dropping it as I watch his reaction.

  He doesn’t disappoint when he reaches down over his shorts to grab himself; it’s from need, not to tease me. His eyes watch every move. I run my fingers over the swell of my breast then down between, traveling to the top of my shorts. His head drops slightly; he’s looking at me from under his brow. A low growl comes from his chest. Encouraging me to unbutton my shorts, I just pull down one side exposing my hip when I hear a man’s voice say, “hey Mase, wher...oh shit!”

  I launch myself behind Masen clawing at his big body trying to hide. The front of my body slams to his back. I pull my arms up to cover as much of my sides as I can. Rocking my forehead back and forth, I utter, “ahh no, no, no, please tell me he didn’t see what we were doing?”

  He hasn’t moved, but an angry growl comes from him before he snaps, “what the fuck are you doing here?” His torso leans forward. I know me being behind him is the only thing stopping him from pummeling whoever he’s speaking to.

  “I’m sorry, Alpha. I thought you asked to see me.” His voice is apologetic.

  “Who told you I wanted to see you?” Masen snarls.

  “Roxanne, Alpha. She said you wanted to discuss unMated marriage.” My heart gives a deep throb when I hear her name. Will she ever give up? “She lied! Now, fuck off before I lose what little control I have left,” He grates.

  Moments pass before he turns so we’re facing each other. He wraps his big arms around me pulling me as close as possible. “You alright, Little One?” He asks kindly.

  “Ugh, that was so embarrassing.” I laugh a little.

  “I wasn’t embarrassed, Baby. I was very mad though. He’s lucky I let him leave. I don’t know what’s wrong with her. She’s acting crazy. She knew right after I met you our romantic relationship was over; that there would never be a future for us.”

  Our playful moment lost. I tell him, “I think I’ll just sit out here this time. You go ahead and swim.” What I really want to say is you should have broken it off completely not kept sleeping with her. I hold my tongue, kiss his chest right over his heart, then move out of his arms. I find my shirt on the ground trampled by my own feet. I pick it up to shake it out, but Masen leans down picking up his shirt from the towels.

  “Here, Little One, mine’s not covered in sand. Arms up.” He drops the fabric over me and kisses my lips softly. The small gesture gives me
butterflies. When he turns and walks into the water, I bring the collar up to my nose inhaling, loving that it carries his scent. Looking up, I find him watching me. His expression satisfied.

  He swims back and forth, effectively doing laps. I enjoy watching his large shoulders crest the water and the brief views of his stunning face. None of it compares to watching Masen step from the water’s edge, still breathing hard from the exertion while dripping with water. He shoves his wet, black hair back with one hand then wipes his face down with his other. When his eyes open and he sees me staring, probably with my mouth hanging open, he stops.

  His hard muscles seem to grow under my eyes as he pulls a deep breath into his lungs. His bright eyes darken. “Up” is all he says, and I know he means for me to stand. I do quickly. “IN,” is growled. I jump at the command but don’t move to listen. “Now,” comes out just above a whisper, but the threat isn’t lost in the volume.

  I stand my ground. “Only if you ask nicely,” I answer while looking to his almost black eyes. I’m playing a dangerous game, but I can’t seem to stop myself.

  His wet body collides with mine, arms sliding under mine and lifting me. My mouth opens on a gasp, and he’s there. Nothing is testing or gentle about this kiss; it’s a brand. His hand holds the back of my head to control my movements. He pulls back, and his filthy mouth starts working in a different manner.

  “I can smell you, Baby,” his lips travel my neck, “know you need me. I gotta make it better.” His warm soft tongue slides over where he’ll Mark me, I groan. “Then, you don’t listen,” he rasps and shakes his head then lightly bites. “You want me to make you scream out here? I’ll make sure everyone can hear you come for me.”


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