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Exposed Negative: A Small Town Cozy Mystery (Shot & Framed Book 2)

Page 13

by Nancy McGovern

  Dante hesitated for the first time, his cocky grin becoming momre malicious. “You have no proof,” he said.

  “Don’t I?” Dani smiled. “My brother-in-law works at the hospital, Dante. They have video cameras there, you know. Like the ones that showed you slipping and bumping into a door to get that nasty bruise on your cheek.”

  She raised up a CD and waved it at him. “Nice touch staying with your father the night Micheal broke in, by the way. You knew about that, too, and planned a nice airtight alibi for yourself. Threw us off course.”

  “You’re bluffing,” Dante said. “That CD is a bluff.”

  “Maybe it is,” Dani said. “Or maybe I’m blackmailing you because I want money. Maybe if you gave me some, I wouldn’t go to the police.”

  Dante was getting desperate, desperate enough to believe her. He lunged at her, trying to grab the CD from her hands and pushing her to the floor.

  “You’re an idiot,” he said, hovering over her. “If you really think I’d pay you money! I’d rather just kill you, too!”

  “And that’s just what I wanted to hear,” Dani said with a grin. “Thanks, Dante.”

  Darwin entered, gun drawn, “Hands in the air, buddy.”

  Dante looked at the CD in his hand and then at Dani, who was still grinning. With a screamed curse, he lunged at her again, wrapping his hands around her throat, the full extent of his madness revealed.

  “I loved her!” he screamed. “I loved her and she used me. She leaned on me and then said we were ‘just friends’. I needed to teach her a lesson! I needed to!”

  Darwin pulled him off Dani and with one straight punch to the jaw, had him flat on the floor. Seconds later, he was handcuffed and sobbing.

  “You ok?” Darwin kneeled down and helped Dani sit up.

  Dani grimaced and massaged her ankle. “I’ve been better,” she said. “But catching him was worth it!”


  Chapter 23


  “This last week, my life has been like a DVR stuck on 8x fast-forward,” Allie said. She had her neon skull-covered shoes up on the coffee table and was leaning back on Dani’s faux-leather sofa.

  “So it’s all been cleared up now?” Dani smiled.

  Allie nodded. “Thanks to you. I owe you big time for agreeing to drop charges on me and Michael for… you know… stealing stuff.”

  “Dad wasn’t ok with it initially, not until Michael agreed to landscape our garden all summer for free.” Dani shrugged and laughed. “Honestly, he apologized to me a thousand times. He said he just got so scared that he reacted out of instinct and ran away.”

  “Yeah,” Allie sighed. “I feel responsible. I’m the one who persuaded him to go steal it, after all.”

  “You did,” Dani agreed. She watched guilt wash over Allie’s face and reassured her, “I’m sure you can make it up to him.”

  “Anyway… I came over to say goodbye,” Allie said.

  “Goodbye?” Dani sat up a little straighter. “What’s all this?”

  “The play’s off now so I’m heading back to Connecticut. I’m going to live with my grandparents for a bit. Ever since people found out I’m Radiance’s daughter I’ve had offers from a lot of studios, inviting me to intern with them,” Allie sighed.

  “Are you going to take any of them up on the offer?” Dani asked.

  “That’s not me,” Allie shook her head. “I was never about fame. I just wanted a quiet town and good friends.”

  “Innocence can be that place for you,” Dani said. “You’re always welcome here.”

  “Thanks,” Allie said. “But for now, I’m just going to take some time to figure out what I want. My grandparents are terribly anxious about me so I might as well spend some time with them.”

  “It must have been quite an ordeal for them,” Dani said. “It can’t have been easy seeing you in jail.”

  Allie nodded. “I’m lucky, you know. I may not have had my mother’s love but my grandparents are twice as good as any parents could have been.”

  Dani put a hand over hers and nodded in sympathy. They sat in comfortable silence, until the door burst open and Caroline came rocketing in. She plopped onto the sofa next to Dani and gave her a smacking kiss on the cheek.

  “I hate you, you know that, right?” Caroline asked with a teasing grin. “How’s your foot, kiddo?”

  “Another thing I wanted to thank you for,” Allie said. “If you hadn’t been brave enough to confront Dante-”

  “And bluff him,” Caroline added. “Total and complete bluff. Dani is the grand master of poker-faces.”

  Dani blushed. “It was nothing, honestly. Forget it.”

  “It added about a month more to your ankle’s recovery,” Caroline said. “I won’t enjoy having to hear you stumble about some more.”

  Allie’s lip quivered and a tear suddenly dropped down on her cheek.

  “Oh, hey, no…” Caroline looked horrified. “I didn’t mean to-”

  “It’s ok, Allie. It really is,” Dani said.

  “I just… I’m really sorry about all of this,” Allie said.

  “It’s Dante’s fault, not yours,” Dani replied. “Don’t go forgetting that. He’s the one who saw fit to take a life just because he’d been denied something he wanted.”

  Allie sniffed and nodded. “I can’t believe I ever thought we were friends. I can’t believe he hated me enough to do everything that he did.”

  “He said it himself,” Dani replied. “He had a crack deep inside him, evil that he let take control. Forget him, Allie. Your life is your own now and you must live it as well as you can.”

  Allie smiled and nodded. “I promise you, I will. I’m just.. I’m a little heartbroken. Poor Linda, I was so fond of her and I haven’t even been able to go see her after what happened.”

  “One of us visits her every day,” Dani said. “What Dante did isn’t her fault and we’re trying to remind her that she still has friends here in Innocence.”

  “She’s going to move soon, though,” Caroline said.

  Dani stared at her. This was news.

  “It’s true,” Caroline nodded. “She told me that she’d always dreamed of traveling the world and now that she can’t bear to stay here anymore, that’s what she’s going to do. Once Dante is sentenced, she’s going to leave for a cruise around the world and try to mend herself a little.”

  “Poor Linda,” Dani said. “I can’t believe this happened to her.”

  “She asked me if I’d be willing to adopt her cats,” Caroline said. “I said I would, but I don’t think I can handle two. Do you want one, Dani?”

  Dani was nodding along even before Caroline had finished speaking. “Basil!” she exclaimed. “I want Basil!”

  “What happens to the theater now that you’re leaving us?” Caroline asked, turning back to Allie. “Will it be abandoned?”

  Allie shook her head. “Well, we cancelled Othello, for obvious reasons,” she said. “But a new person is taking over now that both Dante and I are gone.”

  “Who’s that?”

  “Coco Aguillard,” Allie smiled.


  Chapter 24

  Coco’s New Beginning

  Coco Aguillard looked as stunning as ever when Dani met her again. Yet there were dark circles under her eyes and her face grew tight whenever she tried to smile. Stunning she might be, happy she was not.

  “How are you doing?” Dani asked, slipping into the seat in front of her. The diner was almost empty at this hour.

  “Dani!” Coco smiled at her. “I should be asking you that question.” She raised an eyebrow at the crutch.

  “Oh, it’s just a nice accessory. Matches my purse,” Dani said with a grin. “Could have gotten a hat, but I decided to go with this instead.”

  Coco laughed. “You should be a comedian, you know.”

  “I told my dad that once, but he just laughed,” Dani said.

  Coco laughed again. “You’re killing m
e. Word got around town about what you did for Allie. That was really brave of you, Dani.”

  “It was Darwin who got him, really,” Dani said. “I just hung around as bait.”

  “I think you’re wonderful,” Coco said. “Both of you. Poor Allie. I don’t know how I could ever have suspected her!”

  “It’s easy to suspect someone,” Dani said. “I know I suspected you, for the longest time.”

  Coco closed her eyes. “So you believed Maisie, too?”

  “At first,” Dani said. “But then I thought about it. Really thought about it. She said Arthur was saying, ‘It’s both, hate and love, don’t you see that? I feel both hate and love for you!’” Dani closed her eyes, trying to recall the exact words Maisie had used. “Is that right?”

  Coco nodded. “Yes.”

  “And you replied, ‘It’s not right.’” Dani said. “That’s a funny way to reply, unless you have context. The context being that you were talking about Arthur’s role as Othello. The ‘you’ he claimed to love was Desdemona.”

  “Exactly!” Coco exclaimed. “I tried to explain that but…” her voice trailed away, a bitter note developing in it. “Nobody believed me.”

  “I’m sorry about that,” Dani said. “Circumstances being what they were, I didn’t know who to believe. Paul did a good job convincing me that you were… an actress.”

  “He told you I was only with Brad because of his money, didn’t he?” Coco laughed. Her eyes sparked with anger. “Paul is only capable of loving himself. The idea that I could love Brad never entered his thick skull.”

  “I think it did,” Dani said, a little sadly. “I think he realizes now that you were the only person who has ever loved him and that, simply by being himself, he chased you away. That’s why he only began attacking you when you got together with Brad. His ego couldn’t bear the thought that you no longer cared for him.”

  “Good name in man and woman, is the immediate jewel of their souls. Who steals my purse steals trash; 'tis something, nothing; 'Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands: But he that filches from me my good name Robs me of that which not enriches him And makes me poor indeed,” Coco quoted. “My favorite quote from Othello, you know. Paul stole my reputation. He won.”

  “Paul isn’t the one we should be talking about, anyway,” Dani said. “How are things with Brad?”

  Coco shook her head and sighed. “He broke my heart,” she said, her voice heavy. “I loved him so much, but he believed Paul’s lies over my truth. I’ve started talking to lawyers about how to proceed.”

  “Are you sure about this?” Dani asked.

  “I’m sure,” Coco said. “I can’t be with a man who values public opinion more than he values me. I wish it didn’t have to be this way, Dani, but I can’t be with him.”

  “So a new beginning, then?” Dani asked.

  Coco nodded. “I’m going to devote my life to that theater. For too long, my ambitions were Brad’s ambitions. I wanted to be the perfect politician’s wife. I spent so much time mingling with people I didn’t like and stifling my smiles when I wanted to laugh.” Coco took a breath. “No more. No more of any of that. I’m going to focus on my own career now. It’s a good thing, really. A new beginning.”

  “Take me to the theater, would you?” Dani asked. “Allie told me you had plans to renovate it.”

  “Yes,” Coco nodded. “The insides are getting old. I’m also planning to start teaching dance to the local kids. A lot of girls are really interested and the school doesn’t have a dance club. It should be a lot of fun. I was a trained ballet dancer once, you know.”

  “I didn’t know that,” Dani said.

  Coco spoke more about her plans as they drove to the theater, discussing all the ways she thought it would improve the community. Yet her eyes remained sad, even when she smiled. It broke Dani’s heart a little.

  As they approached the theater, Coco frowned. “That’s funny,” she said. “The lights are on.”

  “Are they?” Dani shrugged. “I wouldn’t know.”

  “I wonder what’s going on,” Coco said, as they walked up the stairs leading to the main doors. As Coco fumbled with the keys, the door suddenly opened and she gasped.

  Michael, dressed in a three piece suit, bowed and extended a gloved hand to her. “Madam, your tickets.”

  “Tickets? I…what? Michael, I don’t have any…”

  “I have them right here,” Dani said, taking out two tickets from her purse. Coco looked down at them. They looked real and were titled, “Green Eyed Monster: One Act Play”

  “What play is this?” Coco looked bewildered as Michael ushered them inside. She gasped as she entered the theater. Red carpet had been laid out and even the popcorn stall was functioning. The walls had been freshly painted and although photos of Dante had been stripped off, a fresh photo of Arthur Chamberlain sat on the wall, next to a photo of Allie herself.

  Allie appeared next, her hair tied up in a pony tail. Entwining her arm through Coco’s, she led her forward.

  “What is happening?” Coco asked.

  “You’re here to see a play,” Allie said. “My last production in this theater and, hopefully, a play with a better ending than Othello.”

  “That’s really sweet Allie but…” Coco gasped. The auditorium was full. She recognized every face. Her family, her friends, her theater mates, and…she squinted…even the sheriff himself. The curtains were down, obscuring the stage.

  They were steered to the front row and forced down upon the center seats. Allie nodded and then said, “Raise the curtains.”

  Coco’s eyes welled with tears. A nervous looking Brad stood on stage, dressed in a suit, with a bouquet of flowers in his hand.


  “Just… please just listen.” His voice was hoarse and he cleared his throat. “Coco. I’ve been an idiot. You know that and I know it.”

  Tears were streaming down her cheeks now and Coco was shaking her head.

  “I was infected by the green eyed monster,” Brad said. “Paul’s rumors struck me to my very core. It was a growing sickness. I should have trusted in your love for me but, instead, I gave in to my own insecurities. I told myself that you couldn’t possibly really love me. I told myself that you and I were growing distant, not because I was spending all my time at work, but because you had stopped loving me. The truth is, I was the one who was ignoring you. I was the one who should have put more effort into saving us. Most of all, I should have listened and I should have believed you.”

  He took a deep breath, his eyes watering. “I’m sorry, Coco. Please come back to me. I’ll quit being mayor if that’s what you want.”

  “Don’t be stupid…” Coco burst out.

  “I’ll never again let my fear block me from my love. Just please…” His voice broke a little. “Don’t leave me. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Stay.”

  Coco jumped up on stage, her eyes watering. “You total madman,” she said. “You absolute… fool.” She was hugging him, tighter than she’d ever done before. “You did all this?”

  “I had to. You wouldn’t return my calls or give me a chance to explain.” He kissed her. “So, am I forgiven?” There was nervousness in his voice.

  Coco nodded hesitantly and, behind her, the entire auditorium burst into applause.

  Dani, who’d been handed some popcorn on her way in, munched on it as the curtains came down.

  “Well, this is going to replace Dante as gossip of the week,” Darwin said, from beside her.

  Dani was grinning ear to ear. “Your uncle really pulled it off, Darwin. She looks as smitten as a teenage girl meeting Tom Cruise.”

  Darwin shook his head. “As daughter to an incredible almost-teenage-girl, I can inform you that teenage girls nowadays would more likely be smitten on meeting Justin Bieber.”

  “I thought Ellie was into death metal,” Dani said.

  “She is. She likes a broad range of music.” Darwin gr
inned. “Listen, I know you helped Brad organize all this.”

  “I didn’t do anything,” Dani said.

  “I wanted to thank you,” Darwin said. “I owed you one anyway, for helping us catch Dante. So…” he hesitated. “So, um, could I buy you dinner?”

  “Oh.” Dani felt a sudden flutter as butterflies exploded into flight in her stomach. “Buy me dinner?”

  “Cook you dinner, if that’s what you prefer,” Darwin said. “I’m a pretty good cook.”

  “I…sure…yes,” Dani said. “I’d love that.”

  “Good. Does Saturday work for you?” Darwin held out his hand as he rose up and Dani accepted it.

  “Saturday works great,” she said.

  Darwin looked like he wanted to say more but was pushed aside as Sharon, Martin and Caroline bounded up to Dani and bundled her up into a hug.

  “You really pull off miracles, Dani,” Martin said. “Allie told me this was all your idea. Coco was sure to be charmed because Brad has always said he could never go on stage and let the audience see him vulnerable.”

  Dani grinned. “I mean, Coco’s main problem was that she thought he loved his public image more than he loved her. I guess he proved otherwise.”

  “He was dreamy,” Sharon said with a sigh. “Do you have any more hot uncles who are willing to make public declarations of love, Darwin?”

  “Let me check.” Darwin pretended to scroll through his phone. “Nope, fresh out of those, sorry.”

  “So, you’re the last of your kind?” Caroline looked at him and then gave Dani a mischievous grin. “Some lucky girl should snap this guy up soon.”

  Dani blasted a mental ray of “Why! Caroline Why!” onto her sister, and pretended to ignore what she’d just said. Martin piled on, teasing them both some more.

  Late that night, before she went to sleep, Dani had time to think. She sat up in bed and pondered over the recent events. She thought about how she’d felt happy, how she felt like she belonged, in a way that all her travels could never match. Allie’s mother had chased fame and never found happiness. What about herself? What was she chasing, as she wandered around the world? What was she looking for that Innocence hadn’t already given her?


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