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Razor: Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club, Book 11

Page 2

by Candace Blevins

  I couldn’t stay in this room with him another minute, or every scent-hound who walked in would know I was in here with a twink and had been horny as fuck. I touched his chin. “Good to know. Email me your number and other contact info. My hand print’s gonna look great decorating your ass when you’re a good boy.”

  Blood rushed to the surface of his skin on every body part I could see. The color and size of his eyeballs changed. His nostrils opened a little more. “And when I’m bad?”

  “My belt, at the very least. Let’s get you back to your friends. No flirting outside this room.”

  “Okay, but I don’t live in the closet. It’s fine if you’re about to come out, but not if you want to stay in there.”

  “Got it.”

  The rest of the night went without incident. Viper shadowed the foursome to their car and saw them off, to make sure they were safe on RTMC property.

  He came to stand beside me when he returned. “Anything I need to know?”

  I’d known our scents were telling when we stepped out of the office. I’d reined mine in, but there wasn’t much I could do about Matty’s. “Not right now. It’s possible I need to talk to everyone at church.”

  I can have sex with women and enjoy it. I prefer mouths and asses, but that isn’t a problem in the clubhouse, and my new brothers had all seen me fuck plenty of the sweetbutts — emphasis on the butt. I’m not interested in a relationship with a female, but one hole is as good as the next if you just want to get off.

  But nothing does it for me like a twink.

  Chapter 2


  * * *

  Duke slammed the gavel and hardwood met hardwood. My insides quaked along with the reverberations, but I held my emotions in check so no one would scent them.

  “Razor gets the floor first.”

  He nodded to me, and I leaned back in my chair.

  “Wanted ya’ll to get to know me before I told you too much about my personal life. You’ve seen me spank the sweetbutts and you all know I’m in the leather lifestyle, but you should know I’m what’s called a leather daddy or a bear.”

  “So, you’re gay?”

  I’d known I’d get the most kickback from Dozer. It also didn’t escape my notice he was familiar with the term.

  “Yes. I could argue I’m bi, since I can enjoy fucking women, but I don’t do relationships with them so I consider myself gay.”

  “Duke and I knew when he came,” said Brain. “He asked for some time to let everyone get to know him before he told everyone, and we gave it to him. He’s still on loaner to us from Memphis, but he likes it here and wants to stay, if we’ll have him. I think he’s a valuable addition and I’d like to keep him around.”

  “If he stays,” Duke said, “he won’t be in the closet when he starts dating. If things get serious with a guy, Razor’ll bring him to the clubhouse. Likely won’t fuck him in front of us, but I’m guessing they’ll cuddle and shit.”

  “I’m good with it,” said Dawg. “Dude knows what he’s doing with the laundromats. We’re making money on the first two inside six weeks of opening.” His gaze met mine. “You’re my brother. Don’t care what kind of hole you like to fuck. It’ll be strange having a man as someone’s ol’lady if you get serious with someone, but we’ll figure it out.”

  I nodded. “Thanks, brother.”

  “I want him to stay, too,” Bash agreed. “He fills in at the bar and the gun store like he works them every day. I’ve watched him defuse situations on patrol like a pro peacekeeper, and having someone around with medical skills comes in handy for the humans we keep close. Also, I’ve grown to like the son of a bitch.”

  “The RTMC is about men. Not faggots.” Dozer’s voice dripped with disgust, and I knew better than to respond. He’d made a statement, hadn’t asked a question. It’s impossible to reason with homophobes. Best not to engage at all.

  “Pretty sure leather daddies do the fucking,” said Gonzo. “They aren’t the ones taking it up the ass. I’m not sure, but I think that means he isn’t a faggot. I mean, I don’t really care one way or the other. I’m with Bash — I like him, even if he is a bird.”

  Gonzo surprised me. The modern-day use of faggot signifies gay men in general, but its origins referred to the younger men who were fucked. I didn’t argue with Gonzo though. He was on my side and there was no reason to correct him.

  “Is that true?” asked Dozer.

  “My boys don’t fuck me. I fuck them. Yes, that’s true.” I didn’t mind their tongue in my asshole if they were supernatural and couldn’t get sick, but they never fucked me. Figured that’d be more information than this crowd needed though.

  “Boys?” Dozer looked like he wanted to come across the table and pummel me.

  I tried not to take offense and answered the question as neutral as possible. “It’s a designation within the lifestyle and has nothing to do with age. There are fifty-year-old men who identify as boys. I’d never screw someone underage, and I’d beat the shit out of any man I caught messing around with a kid — no matter the gender.”

  “I’d like him to stay, but we’ll need to have more discussion when and if he finds someone he’s serious enough with, he wants to bring him to the clubhouse or take on road trips,” Viper said, choosing his words carefully. “Especially trips where other clubs will be present. I’m all for keeping him here and making him one of us, but we’ll need to be careful lest we end up in a war with another club because they attack him or his… boyfriend? Partner?”

  Viper looked to me wanting clarification, and I shrugged. “Depends, but probably boy. Think of how Cam is to Frisco and Isaac — not a partner, right? Duke knows ya’ll are used to them and told me he thought things might work out here since you accept them. He didn’t make promises, and I’ve been careful to teach the men working with me how things are set up, so they can take care of the laundromats if I have to leave. Your accountant has detailed notes, too.”

  “I asked him to stop and check on Gabby when he left the gun store after using the range the other week,” said Horse. “Her voice didn’t sound right when I called, and she’d been out of sorts that morning. I still had to teach a class, but she had me worried. Turned out, she’d scared herself and was in bed with her gun, reading a rom-com to try to get her body to settle. He sat with her in the living room and they watched comedy specials until I got home. She was fine when I walked in the door. Not a scent of terror at all, but I could still smell it permeating our bedroom. He more than has my vote.”

  “Is this why you asked me to hold off on scheduling you to teach Krav Maga?” asked Nix.

  I nodded. I’m a certified instructor, and walking away from the business I’d grown in Memphis had been hard. I didn’t want to begin to set things up here and have to leave students again. Nix was looking forward to adding classes. He and Horse had plans to add a room onto the back of the gun store, and had talked with Sam and Ethan Levi about possibly teaching self-defense classes a few times a year as well.

  “Fuck, dude. Doesn’t matter who you like to fuck.” Nix looked to Duke. “When we can vote on this shit so we can get started on scheduling and advertising?”

  “We’ll vote next week. It has to be unanimous.” He looked around. “Unless it’s unanimous now, but if not, we’ll take the week so everyone can have time to think it over.”

  The entire room looked to Dozer.

  “No one else has a problem with it? If we vote him in and someone jumps him because he’s kissing his boyfriend, we’ll have to fight them on his behalf. We’ll have to stand up to them like we agree with his...” He cut himself off and shook his head. “Viper had it right. We risk war with another club over it, if he flaunts it out of town around other clubs.”

  “I’m not interested in staying in the closet,” I told Dozer, “but there’s a time and place for everything, and I’m not gonna be a dick about it. We won’t know how to handle the details until I find someone I want to date long-term. Rave
ns mate for life, same as wolves.” Well, not exactly like wolves, because we aren’t opposed to sharing, but we’re loyal and honest, once we find our mate. I looked around the room at my brothers and continued. “I’ve spent time with men long-term who I knew weren’t my mate, and I can’t say whether I’ll do that in the future, but I’m ready to settle down. If I’d have wanted to keep playing, I’d have gone to a bigger city with more of a leather scene. However, participating in the leather community as a leader takes a lot of time and responsibility, and I long ago gave that time to the RTMC. I chose Chattanooga, and I hope ya’ll will choose me.” I’d gone off course. I took a breath and clarified. “I’m not going to lie about who I am, but I won’t flaunt it where it isn’t appropriate.”

  “You fucked Chigger’s ass while I took her cunt. Our dicks touched through the wall.”

  I had to fight to keep from laughing. “Dozer, you are the exact opposite of my type. Under no circumstances am I attracted to anyone in this room.”

  “I’m hurt,” said Viper. “I can be pretty.”

  I laughed. “Sorry, but you’re way too tall and bulked to be my type. The eyebrows are nice, but not enough to sway me.”

  He touched his brows and chuckled. “The girls at the shop insisted — said no employees could have untamed brows. I figured if it was awful I could just change and get them back, but it turns out they were right and I kind of like the look.”

  “And now he has us talking about waxed eyebrows during church!” said Dozer, as if this was the final straw.

  “Brother,” said McGyver, “chill. Your dick was a few millimeters from a gay guy’s dick and you’re pissed. Mine has been too — we double-teamed Peanut. No biggie. I know I’m a heterosexual man. If I had doubts, it might bug me.”

  Dozer came out of his chair and leaped towards McGyver, but Bash was to him in an instant. Dozer has a hundred pounds of muscle and eight inches of height on Bash, but he was on his back with Bash over him and his hands around Dozer’s neck before any of us could blink. Bubbles moved in to help Bash, but he wasn’t needed so he stood to the side in case he was.

  “No fighting in church, asshole,” Bash growled, his wolf close to the surface. “We use our words. I’ll let you up and Duke will impose your fine. Blink twice if you can control yourself when I let you up.”

  He stood and stepped away from Dozer, who went to his hands and knees to gasp for air and dry heave a few times before he could breathe again.

  “Five hundred dollar fine to be handled with a check, not cash,” Duke said as Dozer stood.

  They’d brought me in because they needed more ways to launder ill-gotten cash. Most of the older club members are swimming in cash we can’t just spend willy-nilly lest the IRS starts asking questions. Making him pay with a check would hurt a lot more than allowing cash. Dozer already hated me, and this wouldn’t help.

  Dozer looked around the room, met everyone’s gaze but mine, and finally looked to Duke. “I’ll abstain from voting. You’ve made your point. We need ways to launder money and he’s showing us more routes to make it happen. If we aren’t breaking any rules with the national organization, do as you please.”

  “The Fort Lauderdale chapter went through this a few years ago and brought the national people in to be sure they were kosher,” said Brain. “The official ruling is that individual clubs will decide who to let in and whether they care about sexual preference. Club members must be an American citizen, at least eighteen, a shapeshifter not controlled by another, own and regularly ride an American made motorcycle, and be a biological male. Any previous or current ties to law enforcement and they have to be approved by the national organization once the local one is interested in them. Otherwise, it’s up to the individual chapters to vote someone in or not.”

  Dozer shrugged. “Tiny’s not doing so well in Atlanta. Things go to shit here, I’ll go back.”

  “We’ll miss you, if that’s your choice,” said Duke. “I’m sure Bud will welcome you back, but you’re part of the family here.”

  “Not leaving now. Just letting ya’ll know worst case scenario. Won’t share a woman with him again, but if you vote him in then he’ll be my brother. I know abstaining doesn’t mean I get to deny him. I’m an enforcer. It’s my job to help Bash and Bubbles make sure everyone’s safe. As long as Razor doesn’t make our job harder, we’ll be good.”

  “Have a seat,” Bash said from behind him. “It’s time to take the vote so we can cover the rest of the agenda.”

  Duke went around the table and everyone voted me in.

  I hadn’t even realized how tense I was until the gavel sounded and Duke asked Brain to get me the Chattanooga rocker from the safe. They keep the patches in this room so they’re easy to get to, and emotions hit me when Brain stood me up and hugged me before giving it to me. I knew there’d be a party later where everyone was supposed to hug me, but having Brain give me a full-on bear-hug meant the world to me right then.

  “Thanks, Brother.” My voice had too much emotion in it, and I dialed everything back. The damned wolves could smell everything.

  “Glad to have you. I’ll step out and text Gen,” he said, his gaze meeting Duke’s.

  Duke smiled at me. “She was waiting for word of whether we celebrate this weekend or next weekend.”

  “Tonight’s your third night of the full moon,” I said. “It’s a bad time for a party.”

  “We’re the RTMC. We can party anytime we fucking feel like it.”

  I laughed and took my seat again.

  “Brain has the floor next,” said Duke.

  “Next on the agenda,” Brain said as he stepped back into the room and to his seat, “is whether to build a new room onto the back of the gun store, or buy the building about to go on sale across the street and open it as a new business. I’ve run the numbers on this one, so I’m presenting it instead of Duke.”


  * * *

  The celebration party went off without a hitch. Dozer gave an obligatory sideways hug, but everyone else hugged me as they normally would’ve.

  I heard Gen and Duke in a corner, and she was ticked he’d known I was gay and hadn’t told her. “You know you can trust me!”

  “You wouldn’t have told anyone?”



  Gen glared at him and he kissed her forehead. “I love you, Beautiful. Ya’ll did a great job with the party.”

  “I’m glad he’s here to stay. I like him.”

  None of the women seemed to take issue with my sexuality, which was yet another relief. I’d like to say what they thought didn’t matter, but in the MC, it did.

  The party broke up about an hour before dark. Those going on a run that evening left in a truck headed for the woods, everyone else headed to their various jobs. Church is at ten so we can open the restaurant at noon. A few people had needed to leave when it opened, and then an hour later when the gun store opened. Dozer worked the door across the street, so he had an excuse to leave, which was fine by me. Other than the people scheduled to work, no one else left early.

  Whether it was to make a point or not, I wasn’t sure, but Viper invited me to take Chigger’s ass while he ploughed her cunt. Bobcat took her mouth, and we got lots of whoops and hollers when the three of us came on her belly and face.

  I finally breathed easy, knowing my new chapter accepted me.

  I hadn’t rented an apartment yet, not knowing whether I’d be staying, so I went to my room downstairs, got my burner phone, and left to collect money from the laundromats. Our coin machines take cash or credit card, but we require a minimum charge of $40 to use a credit card so most people use cash.

  Matty had sent his phone number to my email address, along with a picture of him on his lime-green street-legal racing bike. If he’d sent a nudie pic I’d have wanted to spank him for it, but the boy dressed in leathers, glancing at the camera just before his helmet covered his face made my dick hard. It wasn’t posed — so
meone close to him had taken the candid shot and it captured his liquid grace. Made me want to plan a trip to a cabin in the mountains so we could ride together, and I didn’t even fucking know him yet.

  I’d texted him from my burner before church to let him know it’d be Monday before I had a chance to talk, but I was looking forward to it. It’d be lame to call him after I’d told him tomorrow, but I was tempted. I’d brought the phone in case he texted me.

  Our phones are provided by the MC, and while I didn’t think the control room spied on us without a good reason, I’d never used an RTMC phone for relationship stuff. It isn’t that we weren’t supposed to, it just didn’t feel right.

  He’d sent another text around noon to let me know his last class let out at one if I wanted to meet him for lunch somewhere between UTC and North Chattanooga.

  I texted him back:

  * * *

  Full Moon for burgers? I can be there at one to get us a table

  * * *

  Works for me. If I get out early I’ll beat you, otherwise I’ll be there five or ten minutes after. See you tomorrow

  * * *

  Won’t argue with a handjob, no matter when you get out of class

  * * *

  Ha ha. Looking forward to tomorrow

  * * *

  So much more I wanted to say, but it could wait. I collected money and checked equipment at the other locations, rode to the clubhouse to put the cash in the safe, and made my way to the whorehouse. You’d be surprised how much business we do on a Sunday night.


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