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Razor: Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club, Book 11

Page 13

by Candace Blevins

  But he’d considered it.

  “You did the interrogation thing to make sure I’m okay with it. You’d have told them to erase my memories of the day if I’d freaked out.”

  “Replaced and not erased, but yeah. It was an option.”


  “Was, Matty. Once you’ve been bound to the promise, I’ll give everyone in the clubhouse the okay to be honest with you about what they are. Angelica gave me a lot of trust today by revealing herself when she wasn’t going to stay with you. If you were to tell someone before you could be bound to the promise, my life and Angelica’s life would be forfeit.”

  Fuck. I didn’t want to do anything to put them at risk. “What do we need to do to make it legal?”

  “Get dressed. I’ll text Abbott and see when he can meet us. It isn’t cold out — bring a shirt but don’t worry about putting it on. Jeans and sneakers should be fine, and if they aren’t then we’ll just put the shirt on over your arm a few minutes and take it right back off.”

  “Abbott? As in Abbott and Spence? He’s the head guy for the oath thing?” Abbott’s nice enough, but he can be damned scary. I liked spending time with Spence though.

  “Yes, that Abbott. Run upstairs and get some clean jeans on that ass. I’ll be up in a minute. I need to eat before we go.”


  * * *

  Matty wrapped a charcoal and red scarf around his arm and body, and when combined with the dark jeans and red boots, my cock went rock hard when I saw him. He managed to poof his hair without washing it, and I didn’t bother asking how. It wasn’t important for me to know. He started cutting his hamburger patty one-handed, and I took it away from him to do it. When I returned it to him in little squares, he mixed them with mayo and ketchup, sprinkled steak sauce over the horrid concoction, and ate like it was the best meal he’d had in weeks. I had four hamburgers — with the buns.

  “You eat a lot because you’re a raven? You have a faster metabolism?”

  I nodded, and he said, “Everyone in the RTMC eats like you.”

  “We have about fifteen minutes before we need to leave. There are three more burgers in the fridge, do you want me to heat you another?” He usually waits on me, but I needed to take care of him. I could’ve lost him, and I was still a little freaked about it.

  “I’m okay, Daddy. Did you rent a house on Missionary Ridge because your raven likes being high up?”

  “The raven appreciates the view, but he’s happy most anywhere. I’m on the ridge because it’s where I found a house in my price range that met my needs without having to sign a year-long lease.”

  “Can we tell Micca?”



  Micca would likely find out about supernaturals before too long, because Aaron wouldn’t want an analyst working in the dark. I sighed. “Maybe, but give me some time to get used to you knowing, okay?”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  I put a black leather collar on Matty before we left. I put him in one for scenes at home sometimes, but he rarely wears one outside the house. It looked especially stark on his neck with only the scarf wound around his body, but it felt important to mark him as mine while he paraded around half-naked.

  Abbott was still at The Billiard Club, and the doorman waived us in and straight to the back. Someone else walked us down a few flights of steps, knocked on a door, and opened it.

  Abbott was sitting on a sofa in front of his desk, his boy on the floor and kneeling against the vampire’s legs.

  Abbott inhaled when we walked into the room. “How badly is he hurt?”

  “He went skidding across gravel, grass, and dirt with a short-sleeved shirt on. His gloves protected his hands, but his arm got chewed up. Various parts of the left side of his body are bruised and he’ll be hurting tomorrow, but he laid the bike down pretty easy so he’s in decent shape. Or, he will be when the skin grows over his arm again.”

  “Please, have a seat. Do whatever you need in order to make your boy more comfortable.”

  I sat and gently pulled him into my lap. He curled into me, and I kissed the top of his head.

  “Alex is upstairs,” Spence said, looking at Abbott. “Or, he was earlier. Can we check to see if he can help?”

  Abbott was silent a moment, and said, “He’s still here. Let’s hold off on doing anything until we’ve finished our business.” Abbott looked at Matty a few seconds before his gaze met mine. “If you ever decide you want to share him, I’d be open to the four of us playing.”

  I smiled. “I’m sure Matty would enjoy that, as would I. Not tonight, but perhaps in a few weeks.”

  “Spencer,” said Abbott, “why don’t you tell Matty what you are, and what I am?”

  “The reason it was okay for you to fight me full out,” Spence told Matty, “is because I’m a werewolf, and I can heal by changing to wolf and back.” Spence looked up to Abbott, met my gaze, and then seemed to study Matty a few seconds. “If you know werewolves and shapeshifting ravens are real, have you wondered about the other myths? Vampires?”

  Matty shrank into me, and even I could smell his fear.

  “Abbott isn’t going to drink your blood, Matty, and even if he did, it wouldn’t kill you,” I assured him.

  “He feeds from me a few times a week, and I love it,” Spence assured Matty. “But what you need to know for tonight, is that he’s kind of the head vampire, and he’s the strongest supernatural around. He’ll make sure you can’t accidentally tell someone about supernaturals, because if you do, you’d either be killed or turned into a slave who’d never walk free again. He’s keeping you safe, Matty. This is important.”

  My boy relaxed a little, but not enough. “I’d have found another way to keep you safe if I didn’t trust Abbott,” I told him. “Why does the idea of a vampire terrify you when werewolves didn’t?”

  “Angelica had so much control, and I like her. Abbott’s always scared me.”

  I chuckled. “Fair enough. I think Abbott probably scares everyone unless he’s deliberately putting them at ease. I trust you, and you trust me, right?”

  He took a breath, blew it out, and forced himself to relax. I let him sit up on my lap, but I kept my arm around him, careful not to touch his wound.

  “Thank you for seeing us,” Matty told Abbott. “What do I need to do?”

  I was so proud of my boy. So brave, even when he’d just found out he was the only human in a room with a raven, a werewolf, and a vampire.

  “Spencer can help you put a few drops of blood into some water.” Abbott’s voice was softer than I’ve ever heard it, and his smile told me he was impressed with my boy, too. “I don’t need much for this, and I don’t need to get it straight from the tap.”

  Abbott bit himself and put a teaspoon or so of his own blood into some wine, and he did it so Matty didn’t notice while our boys were busy with the spring-loaded needle to get some blood from my Matty’s finger. Abbott talked Matty through what to say, they drank from their respective glasses, and even I felt the sizzle as the oath became real.

  Abbott’s voice sounded in my head. I don’t taste fae in his blood, but he has some latent magic. Probably not enough to do anything with, but his artistic side is strong. He uses what little magic he has to bring his visions to life. Do you mind if I speak of this to him in layman’s terms before I test the binding?

  As long as it’s positive and doesn’t freak him out, please do.

  You’re right. He’s had a lot to deal with today. Another tack, then.

  “Matty, sometimes when people are really artistic, they miss the details needed to keep their life on track. You don’t need a daddy because you can’t grow up, but because it lets you express your creativity without having to worry with all the things that stress you. Micca helped you survive without a daddy, but you still had to be responsible with money and time. If you’re hoping your Daddy can free you to just be artistic, you should talk to him about it. I believe you’ve
been holding yourself back artistically, for fear you’d lose your way without anyone to help guide you. Micca would’ve, but you didn’t want to put that burden on her, yes?”

  He’s remembering how hard it was to survive after Steve’s death, and he’s beginning to believe he can trust you to be there for him because you’re harder to kill, since you’re a raven. He’s seeing you as a bit of a superhero.

  “Thank you, Abbott. Sir. I’ll talk to Daddy about it.”

  “I’m glad. Why don’t you and Spencer run upstairs and eat in the kitchen, so I can talk to your daddy? Spencer placed a pretty big order earlier, more than enough for the two of you. There’ll be food for you to bring downstairs for your daddy when we finish our conversation, too.”

  “We ate before we came, Sir.”

  I kissed my boy’s good shoulder and helped him stand. “Go with Spence and eat, even if it’s just a damned salad.”

  The two boys left, and Abbott stood. “Stay where you are. We’ll make this as easy as possible, but I’m looking forward to dining on raven past the point of gluttony.”

  Abbott sat beside me, turned me so my back was to him, and put his mouth at the side of my neck. “I’ll recline us back once I’ve started. Just relax and let me maneuver us. You don’t need to do anything except enjoy.”

  “Not too much enjoyment. Please. Nothing sexual.”

  Abbott chuckled, and my skin broke out in goosebumps. “You know as well as I do that isn’t entirely possible, but I’ll keep it as platonic as I can.”

  No one fucks me. Ever. I do the fucking. But Abbott could make me want to be fucked if he put his mind to it. Matty’s right to be scared by the vampire because Abbott’s powers are damned terrifying. Still, I trusted him not to abuse them. Or, at least not to abuse them with people he considered friends. I was probably more acquaintance than friend, though he didn’t share Spence with many people, so perhaps I ranked somewhere between.

  His fangs sank into my neck, my goosebumps multiplied, and I realized he probably heard every thought going through my head. I blanked my mind by imagining how it felt to fly high over forests and fields, and I tried my best to ignore Abbott’s lips at my neck. Sucking. Pulling. Damn, he may as well have been sucking my cock, because it grew despite the fact I didn’t want Abbott sexually. His teeth inside me, his lips working my neck, the heat of my body leaving me and going into him — how could it not affect me?

  I knew he was taking too much, but I didn’t care. When he finally pulled his teeth from me, I heard the command to change in my head, and the next thing I knew, I was sitting on my clothes as my raven, with my head and most of my body sticking out of the neck of the human shirt.

  He waved towards a full plate and bowl on the floor. I didn’t remember them being there before.

  “Drink and eat, before the boys get back. You have about five minutes to hydrate and feed, change, and get dressed. Think your thoughts at me if you need to communicate. I’m going to sit and bask in your aura until I need to pull myself together.”

  Chapter 17


  * * *

  Atlanta traffic was moving better than usual, and Matty practically bounced in the seat beside me, but I didn’t tell him to calm down. Instead, I decided to work him up a little more.

  “Get that pretty dick out and stroke yourself. I want you so hard you hurt.”

  “Fuck, Daddy. I’ve been hard since before we left the house.”

  He had a large plug in, and a steel cock-ring around his dick and balls. Not tight, just heavy.

  “I haven’t decided whether I’ll let you come tonight. It might please me to deny you in front of everyone. You’ll be a good boy and thank me for denying you if I do though, right?”

  He pulled his cock out, and groaned as he stroked. “Daddy! Please!”

  “Please what?”

  “Please don’t deny me all night!”

  “Hmmm. We’ll see how things go. You’ll be on your best behavior, right?”

  “You know I will, Daddy!”

  It’d been two weeks since we’d been to see Abbott, and Matty had moved the rest of his clothes and a few pieces of furniture in with me a couple of days later. I’d assured him he’d get a go at decorating when I bought a house, and convinced him this one was fine “all plain and shit” because I didn’t plan to be there much longer.

  As it turned out, the Alex Spence had spoken of was a Lugat vampire, which meant a few sips of his blood and my boy had only needed a couple of days to fully heal. We didn’t give him enough so he was good-as-new overnight because I didn’t want him to have supernatural hearing and smell only to lose it, but it was nice to get him through the worst of it quickly.

  But mostly, Abbott was right about Matty seeing me as a superhero who wouldn’t die on him as Steve had. It let my boy fully give himself to me, when I hadn’t known he was holding back.

  I took control of Matty’s finances, made sure he had food he felt comfortable eating, and punished him when he didn’t follow orders as soon as they were given. If he wasn’t out of bed within ten seconds of being told to get up, he had to use ivory soap to brush his teeth instead of toothpaste. He used toothpaste at night to be sure he got fluoride at least once a day, but the soap-bar rule got him up and moving most mornings.

  Bud and Nickie had invited us to go to a club and then spend the night at their place, and we were on our way to their house. Wolves don’t share when they finally mate with someone, so I’d been more than a little shocked to learn that Nickie’s a switch, and Bud lets her play with submissive men. She’d have her own submissive to play with, but the two of us had discussed what I was comfortable letting her do to Matty, should the energy of the evening lead us to it.

  The GPS took us to a swanky part of Atlanta, and into the driveway of an impressive mansion. I’d collared Matty before we left the house, and now I told him, “Step outside the car and take your shirt and shoes off. You have permission for jeans, collar, cock-ring, and plug.”

  His entire body flushed with excitement, and he obeyed without question.

  I grabbed our duffel from the backseat of my king cab, and headed to the door. “Chop chop, boy. Keep up.”

  He was one step behind me by the time I reached the front porch, and I didn’t bother turning to be sure he’d followed orders.

  Nicole opened the door and motioned us in. “Razor! I’m so glad ya’ll could make it.”

  Her black skirt wasn’t especially short, but I had no doubt she wore nothing under it. She wore a black corset and no bra under her sheer tan blouse, and I was careful not to pay too much attention to her nipples. Bud had explained his wolf got a kick out of watching her torture submissive men, but he was still territorial over her with dominant men. Her fancy collar had tags dangling from the front and back, marking her as Property of Bud — just to be sure everyone who neared her knew she belonged to him.

  She turned and addressed a thin, naked man in a tiny steel chastity device. “Beau, please show Matty to Razor’s room so Matty can put their bag away. We’ll either be in the den or the big garage — bring him to us once he’s completed whatever’s necessary to get them settled in.”

  Daddy rested his hand on my shoulder. “You don’t have speaking privileges until you return to me. Beau will point out the bathroom and any other rooms he feels you need to be aware of, but you don’t have permission to speak to him for any reason. If you need something, text me.”

  “I understand, Daddy.”

  We’d stopped to piss twenty minutes before we arrived, so he should be fine. I couldn’t imagine any other reason he’d need to speak, but he’d text me if something came up.

  I followed Nicole through the house, and Bud put his laptop on a side table and stood to greet me when I entered the den. I noted a werewolf sized tray with cold cuts and cheeses. I approved.

  “Welcome,” he told me. “Just handling a few last-minute things before I let the control room know I’m only available if some
one’s in jail or their life’s in peril.”

  “You have a beautiful home, thanks again for inviting us.”

  “Not a problem. My brat’s looking forward to the possibility of fisting your boy. How was the drive down?”

  “We came in my truck, so not as much fun as it could’ve been, but traffic wasn’t terribly bad — about as good as it ever gets for Atlanta.”

  We sat, snacked, and talked for probably ten minutes before Beau and Matty returned. I opened my arms to Matty, and he quick-stepped across the floor and into my lap.

  “Our room is gorgeous, Daddy! There’s a waterfall and pool outside our window, and it’s positively enchanting.”

  I chuckled, glad I’d told him he could speak again when he returned to me. Nickie had said it would be fine for Matty to be under relaxed rules while Beau had to follow strict protocol, but she’d been adamant that Beau not be put into a position where he had to hold a conversation with Matty.

  “I’m glad you approve.” I snugged my boy into my arms a little tighter. “Let’s go over a few things again, in front of our hosts.”

  I noted Beau had gone to an empty corner, and now faced it with his hands behind his back in perfect posture.

  I ran my fingers through Matty’s hair. “You’ll address Nickie as Miss Nicole tonight. While we’re casual, you can address Bud by his name without an honorific. Once you’re under formal rules, you don’t address him unless he speaks to you, in which case you’ll address him as Sir. I don’t intend for you to be away from me and Nicole at the club, but if it happens and a dominant or club employee speaks to you, what do you say?”

  “My daddy doesn’t like for me to talk to strangers, Sir.” He paused. “Or ma’am, if it’s a woman.”


  * * *

  The club lobby was beautiful, but we followed Miss Nicole and Bud through it to the utilitarian playroom. My cock was already hard as granite, but it throbbed and tried to grow harder when assaulted with the sounds of leather and wood hitting skin, yelps, begging, and the visuals all of this held. Men and women being flogged, paddled, and waxed. Men and women in display cages along one wall, some bound in uncomfortable positions, two bound so everything was on display, others merely caged without any further restraint.


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