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Razor: Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club, Book 11

Page 20

by Candace Blevins


  * * *

  I had no idea what to expect, and I jumped and yelped at the three fast, sharp strikes of the cane. They weren’t especially hard, but you don’t have to wallop someone with a cane to get their attention.

  The belt slammed into me, and I froze in place, unable to move or even breathe.

  Three more fast, biting hits of the cane while I hadn’t recovered from the belt, and then the belt hit again. Somewhere around the fifth strike of the belt, I started dancing and begging and trying to get away. However, they didn’t decrease or increase the speed or intensity. It came in time to the music, in a predictable rhythm. Over and over. Again and again. One-Two-Three-ONE… One-Two-Three-ONE… One-Two-Three-ONE… One-Two-Three-ONE…

  The deep gong echoed through the room while the higher pitched drum gave it’s three sharp strikes — and the pain of the belt stayed with me in much the same way, reverberating through my body, my nerves, muscles, and brain. Through my being.

  Eventually though, I became the rhythm and no longer fought it. Tears flowed from my eyes, streaked my face, and fell to the floor — and yet I welcomed each strike, whether from cane or strap. I was the music. The music was pain. The pain was me.

  Until the drumming stopped, and everything else along with it.

  The pain stayed with me, even though no one was hitting me. My pulse drummed in my ears, and my ass and thighs throbbed in time to it.

  I heard Daddy and Abbott behind me, but didn’t turn to look. My shoulders were sore, my balls hurt, but mostly, my ass and the backs of my thighs were on fire.

  I whined when the blindfold went on, but sucked like my life depended on it when Daddy put his dick in my mouth. A cock lined up with my asshole, and my chest vibrated with a long, low groan as a well-endowed dick opened me, spread me, filled me.

  My arms were let down so they rested on my back, still bound together, and everything’s a blur after that. Abbott fucked me hard and fast, and Daddy alternated fucking my throat with just going in and holding, spreading my jaw wide with no relief, and barely enough room to get oxygen in around his dick. I’d completely forgotten about the possibility of being bitten, and I froze when sharp, sharp, sharp teeth sank into my neck. Both Abbott and Daddy held their cocks motionless, and I stayed statue-still in terror at first — until bliss soaked into my veins. The vampire’s mouth sucked and pulled at my blood, and I wanted him to keep doing it. Heat and ecstasy shot through every cell of my body, pulled my stretched balls into my body, and shot out my cock in the most intense release I’ve ever felt. I panicked internally because I hadn’t been given permission, but Daddy said, “You’re good, boy. Relax and enjoy.”

  I vaguely remember Abbott coming in my ass and licking my neck, but I have no memory of them removing the spreader bar or parachute. I recall Daddy’s arms carrying me to the bed, and Abbott telling Spence to get me hard again. I wondered if the cinnamon burned his mouth, but I didn’t have the energy to ask. I was certain it’d be at least a week before I’d manage another hard-on, but Spence’s mouth is magic and before long my cock was standing tall and throbbing.

  They sent him to stand in a corner, sat me up, and gave me some orange juice. “Drink, boy.”

  I gladly drank it, and Daddy took the empty bottle from me and tossed it in a small garbage bin beside the bed.

  “My boy is going without an orgasm for a few weeks,” said Abbott. “We’re going to put the two of you in a sixty-nine, but if he orgasms, you’ll both be in trouble. Keep him hard, tease the hell out of him, but don’t push him over the edge. Understood?”

  I nodded, but when Daddy flicked my ear I was quick to say, “Yes, Sir. I understand.”

  “You can come as often as you want,” Daddy told me. “But keep in mind we won’t stop just because you busted a nut. If you think you need to stay on edge so you can handle what’s happening, you’ll probably want to hold onto it.”

  “If either of you goes soft, you’ll both be punished.” Abbott’s voice was firm, but not as scary as I’d seen him earlier. He’d bitten me and I’d liked it. I was still wary of him, but most of my fear had melted away.

  Abbott situated Spence on a small table, facing up. The tiny platform was just big enough for the other submissive’s back, with a little room on the sides. His legs were in stirrups, up and out of the way. They set me on top of him, my legs to the side of his torso, my cock in his mouth. My abdomen rested on his, and his cock was in my mouth. Two pointy pieces were situated under my thighs so I couldn’t push into his throat. A shelf went over my back, and another one over my head. We were locked into a sixty-nine with no escape. I couldn’t lift up to get his cock out of my mouth, and he couldn’t move away to get mine out of his.

  The cinnamon lube had been merely hot on my cock, but it did, indeed, burn my mouth.

  My eyes went wide when I saw a three-inch-long needle heading for Spence’s balls, right under my nose. I jumped and squealed when a needle went through my balls at the exact same instant one went through his. It was like I was watching it happen to me, but I wasn’t.

  The needle pierced the skin, tunneled an inch or so sideways, and came out again without going through our testicles. It still hurt like a motherfucker, both the entry and the exit… and the tunneling in between, too. Hands pulled away and returned with another needle, which went into the other side of my ballsack. They inserted each needle parallel to the one before it, side-by-side so they made a sick design. When there was no more room, they started new lines. Right ball, left ball. Right ball, left ball.

  Eventually, I stopped jumping, but the yelps and squeals never stopped. I’d have gone soft if Spence hadn’t worked my cock.

  Spence, on the other hand, seemed to grow harder with each needle, and I was worried about staying completely still so I didn’t push him over the edge. In retrospect, I’m certain my yelps and squeals didn’t help, but they were pushing fucking needles through my ballsack.

  Every ten needles, the two doms switched places. I was a nervous wreck while Abbott worked on me, and so much more relaxed when it was Daddy. It hurt the same, but I trusted Daddy’s hands on my balls. He loved to hurt me, but he wouldn’t injure me. I’m sure the same can be said of Abbott, but my body didn’t seem to care.

  Some of the needles hurt a thousand times worse than the others. I think maybe they went in right on a nerve, instead of just beside one. I screamed and yelped and fought to get away when those went in, and I’m pretty sure Spence came dangerously close to losing it at least once.

  A few of them must have done the same to Spence, and he squirmed and fought from below me. His screams vibrated through my cock and made every needle come alive, which had me squirming and fighting, though there was no danger of me losing it and coming.

  When our balls were so full of needles there wasn’t room to put any more, Abbott ordered, “Spence, make him come.”

  I was certain there was no way I’d come, but I hadn’t expected Abbott to fuck my ass again while Spence worked on me with his mouth. My balls were on fire, throbbing as one, but also in what felt like a million places. The super-sensitive areas felt as if electricity zinged through them, and Spence’s warm mouth and skilled tongue worked my cock until my eyes rolled back so far I should’ve been able to see my own brain.

  Add Abbott’s cock in my ass, pounding away, and I didn’t just have an orgasm, I exploded out my cock and down Spence’s throat.

  Abbott kept fucking me long after I’d come, and I thought the needles would finally come out when he stepped away, but Daddy crammed his huge-assed cock in me and jackhammered me another twenty minutes.

  Abbott checked to be sure we were both hard when Daddy finally finished. Spence was so hard I’m sure he hurt, but I wasn’t fully hard. I’d come a lot, and the needles hurt. Most of the time, pain makes me hard, but the needles weren’t that kind of pain.

  “Your boy’s only semi-hard,” Abbott told Daddy.

  Daddy leaned down until his fa
ce was inches from mine. “When we stand you up after the needles come out, if your cock isn’t standing proud, you’ll be in trouble.”

  My jaw ached from being forced open so long, but I went to work on Spence’s cock, hoping to kick him into gear on mine. He sucked, pulled, and swirled his tongue, and I backed off on working his cock so hard. He was trying to stay hard without coming, after all.

  They pulled two needles out at a time, and the process went a lot faster. You’d think taking them out would hurt less, but the sensations kicked up again and before long I was screaming and writhing around, aware I was making it hard for Spence to keep from coming, but I couldn’t stop. I was a sobbing, hiccupping mess when they finally pulled me off the table. Daddy put me on the bed and massaged my hips and back so I could straighten out — I’d been bent up and held still so long, I was frozen in that position.

  “I think I’d like to see your boy have at least one more orgasm,” Abbott told Daddy while he fucked Spence — still on his back on the table. “How many do you have to give him before he’s begging you not to touch his cock?”

  “Depends. He’s human though, so his stamina isn’t as good as you’re probably used to.”

  Daddy’s words hit me like a slap to my face, and he stopped rubbing my hips and tilted my face so he could see it. I looked down, and didn’t move my eyes when he ordered me to look at him.

  “Nothing wrong with being human, Matty. It’s just the way it is. That wasn’t said to make you feel bad.”

  I finally met his gaze. “You said you can’t make me a raven.”

  “No. Ravens are born, not made.”

  “Do you want me to be a wolf?”

  “Absolutely not. If you want to be something, it’ll be an animal without an alpha. I own you. No one else.” He caressed my ass. “I don’t want you to be a shifter, but if you decide you want it, we’ll figure it out. You should know you won’t be able to race anymore if you aren’t human, though.”

  My cock went soft, and I closed my eyes. “It was hard when you took me off him.”

  “I know it was. You’re good for now — until I want it hard again.”


  * * *

  They gave me a break while they both worked on Spence, and I felt so sorry for him. I have no idea how he kept from coming a few times. I even saw his cock jerk once, but he managed to pull it back and keep from letting go.

  Eventually, they put me on my back with my head upside-down over the edge of the bed. Spence was between my legs, blowing me. Abbott fucked his ass, and Daddy stood beside the bed and fucked my throat. They told us if Spence didn’t get me off at least two more times, we’d have to kick each other in the nuts six times. I didn’t want Spence to kick me in the nuts, but mostly, I didn’t want to have to hurt Spence. The thoughts of being ordered to do so were horrifying.

  The second orgasm only happened because of that threat, and even then, it almost didn’t.

  Daddy and Abbott put us in bed together and left the room when they finished with us — with orders we weren’t allowed to touch ourselves for any reason. If we needed something, the other would have to do it for us.

  Thankfully, we fell asleep in each other’s arms and neither of us needed anything.

  When we finally left, Daddy helped me dress, and carried me upstairs and out the door. He’d driven his truck, thankfully. I woke up enough on the drive so I could get myself in the house. It was nearly four in the morning, but when I asked him what he and Abbott had done, he’d merely told me he’d been garnering political favor with the strongest supernatural in the area.

  He held me in my sleep, and took such good care of me the next day, I truly felt like a spoiled boy. Breakfast in bed, massages, and I got to sit in his lap and play video games when I finally got up. It was just like the day after I’d gotten my dick pierced.

  Chapter 24


  * * *

  Girls Night Out finally arrived, and Micca and I ended up in the good limo with Gen, Bethany, Cassie, Connie, Angelica, Sam, Spence, Cam, Viv, Heather, and Tara. We had nearly thirty people, divided up between two limos.

  I don’t know how protection details were handed out, but I guess Dozer was assigned Gen and the other top ol’ladies, and since I was with them, I was around him a lot. He made me uncomfortable, but I tried to ignore him. He didn’t hide the fact he didn’t like me, and I could feel his disapproving, judgmental gaze on me even from behind.

  We played pool and danced at The Billiard Club, and I balanced alcohol with food so I was only buzzed when we left for the next place. There wasn’t an opportunity to eat there, so by the time we left the live performance, I was well beyond buzzed, but not sloppy drunk.

  It was close to time for us to go to our final stop, and Cassie, Bethany, and Viv were ready to go to the limo. I figured I could use a little down time before we went to the last place, and since the four of us would be together, and the guards were close, I thought it would be okay.

  I hadn’t seen Viper or Bobcat in a while, but Dozer was near the door when we left so I assumed he’d make sure one of the guards was with us. Micca, Gen, Angelica, and Connie walked us near the door, we all hugged and waved, and my little foursome put our arms around each other and stumbled into the cooler night air.

  The Limo had been right outside the door when we’d left The Billiard Club, but here, we had to walk about a hundred yards through the Chattanooga Choo-Choo’s gardens to reach the spot the limo could retrieve us.

  “Well, lookie here. It’s four little bitches.”

  I looked up to see three large men and one regular sized man. Actually, three huge rednecks and their good-ol’-boy friend would be more accurate.

  Bethany slapped her hip and said, “Damn. No gun. They’d be fun to shoot, wouldn’t they? Like fish in a barrel.”

  “No,” Cassie giggled. “Like rednecks in a barrel. Fuck, where’s Cam? He’s my hero, though I guess they prolly took his gun, too.”

  I have no idea what the men intended, but one of them grabbed Viv and held her against a light pole — and I had to do something. My intention was to kick him in the kidneys from behind, but one of his buddies got in the way so I formed a plan B and kicked his buddy in the knee with my right foot. He leaned over in pain, and I slammed my left knee into his face. The man who’d had his hands on Viv turned to me and hit before I could dodge, but Viv pulled pepper spray from a pocket and the man was soon screaming in pain, ripping at his face with his hands.

  I hit one of the other men, though my face was bleeding so I’m not sure my aim was great. It pushed him away a second, and I throat-punched another man as Cassie kicked him in the side of the knee and followed him to the ground with a few more punches. Turns out, Cassie’s a bad-ass. Who knew?

  When we’d taken care of all four men, Cassie pulled her phone out. “I’m texting Tara and telling her we need her in the courtyard.” She looked around. “I don’t think that’s what this is, but she’ll understand. Right?”

  “Why do we need her?”

  “She’s a nurse, and your face is all bloody.”

  I stretched my shirt wide to get it over my head without getting blood on it, and tucked it into a back pocket. My left eye throbbed, and I needed to get cleaned up, but this wasn’t going to cut the fun short.

  Guards came out with Tara, and Bobcat herded me and Bethany to the limo, but I wouldn’t go until Viper followed behind with Cassie and Viv. Cassie had cleaned the guy’s clock, but she seemed really upset.

  Tara grabbed a first aid kit from a purse she’d left in the limo, and expertly cleaned my face and put butterfly bandages on my cut. “It needs stitches, but this’ll hold it.”

  Micca flew into the limo, obviously worried, and I could see the relief on her face when she saw me. “Fuck, Matty. You okay? Where’s your shirt?”

  “Yeah. Doesn’t even hurt.” Micca can’t smell a fib, and she needed to know I was okay. “My shirt’s in my pocket, so it doesn’t get
blood on it.”

  She pulled me into her arms. “If it doesn’t hurt, it’s because you’ve drank your weight in booze tonight. Fuck, I think my buzz is gone.”

  Mine was mostly gone too, and my face throbbed, but I wasn’t going to admit it. I’d even lied to the shapeshifters and hadn’t cared. “I’ll help you get your buzz back when we get to the next place.”

  “Fuck me,” said Angelica. “Ya’ll have to see this. Matty kicked ass!”

  It felt like I’d gotten my ass kicked, but it looked completely different on video. I took one man down by myself, pulled the man on Viv away long enough she could get to her pepper spray, punched another man hard enough it knocked him off the walkway into a planting area and he didn’t come back for more, and then helped Cassie take down the other man. Yeah, I got hit once, but I delivered at least a dozen hits and kicks. Razor had been adamant about practicing Krav Maga both with him and on my own — it seemed to have paid off. Most of these guys probably weighed two or three times what I did, and yet somehow I’d managed to take them down. Logic told me they were probably drunk or stoned, but it still looked good on camera.

  My phone rang, and I put it to my ear and said, “Hello,” but no one was there. It rang again, and I pulled it away, pushed the button, and put it back to my ear while everyone around me laughed and giggled.

  “You okay?” Razor’s voice vibrated straight to my balls, and I closed my eyes to talk to him.

  “Yes, Sir. Tara’s a nurse and she cleaned me up. I’m fine.”

  “Good. You ditched your protection. Don’t do it again.”

  My eyes flew open, but I was looking down by then. “You sound pissed?”


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