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Justice Healed

Page 9

by Olivia Jaymes

  Reed pushed up the brim of his hat and grinned. "Catching up on your reading? I've been standing out here for fifteen minutes freezing my nuts off."

  Tanner slapped Reed on the back. "Call me the original bookworm. How did you find me and what are you doing here?"

  "I asked Logan. He wanted to talk to you but he's on duty tonight. I've been deputized in his stead."

  "Isn't that a demotion for you?" Tanner joked. "Come on. There's a pizza place on the next block. My treat."

  Reed shoved his hands in his pockets. "If they have heat, I'm in."

  It was a quick walk to the restaurant and they settled into a table before ordering two coffees and a large with everything but anchovies. "So what did Logan want to talk to me about that was so important he sent you? It's not another murder, is it?"

  "No, it was the conference call you missed with Marshal Evan Davis this morning."

  "Shit, I wanted to be there but I had two deputies call in sick with the flu. I was out on a call. What was it about?"

  A smile played around Reed's mouth. Reed was a good man, a smart cop, but something of a mystery. Women loved him, men wanted to be him, and Reed didn't appear to give a damn either way. He was dedicated to his job and little else. While Logan played at being a ladies’ man, Reed didn't play at anything at all. Tanner doubted Reed had ever pursued a woman in his entire life, yet he was never short of female companionship on the rare occasions he took time from his work.

  Tanner would trust Reed with his life. There weren't many people he could say that about. In fact, the list was comprised of the five lawmen in the group plus his deputy, Sam.

  "The Marshal wants our help."

  Tanner wrapped his hands around the steaming coffee cup. "Okay, with what?"

  Reed's lip curved up slightly. "He wouldn't say. Said he couldn't."

  Tanner laughed. "So he wants our help with something but he can't tell us. Do we have to be blindfolded the entire time as well?"

  "Luckily he didn't mention it. He asked us to help him guard something that was being transferred from the border of Canada down to Colorado. Right through our jurisdictions."

  Tanner stroked his chin. "He's a U.S. Marshal. I'm guessing it's a prisoner transfer."

  Reed nodded. "That's what the rest of think. As for Colorado..."

  "Florence." Tanner finished the sentence for Reed. "Holy shit, it must be one bad dude if they're taking him to Florence. That place has the worst of the worst." Tanner frowned. "Why aren't they flying him? Wouldn't that be easier?"

  "Jared asked that question but Davis simply said that no one would expect the cargo to be driven instead of flown."

  "Then he's expecting trouble. When do we get details? We can't plan until we know what we're dealing with."

  The waitress placed the piping hot pie in the middle of the table. Tanner's stomach growled. He'd missed lunch since he'd been shorthanded.

  "Davis promised to let us know a week ahead. He can't tell us any sooner than that. Damn, this is good pizza. I've got to come visit Springwood more often."

  Tanner chuckled. "We do have good pizza. The owner had a restaurant in Chicago at one time."

  Thinking of Chicago made Tanner think about Madison. He'd been busy all day but it hadn't stopped him from replaying their kiss a dozen times or more. Maybe he could call her tonight. Just to say hello and see how her day was.

  "So when do I need to mark this on my calendar?" Tanner asked.

  "That's the thing. Davis doesn't know. Apparently they only give him about five days notice. They don't give any warning to the guy being transferred. From what I've heard, they just show up in his cell and move him."

  "And that's where we come in."

  "Exactly," Reed replied, signaling to the waitress for a coffee refill. "We arm ourselves and make sure this guy gets to Florence. Piece of cake."

  It didn't sound all that difficult. The prisoner would be in cuffs and shackles, probably riding in an armored vehicle. It was a babysitting job at best.

  "Let everyone know I'm in. It sounds like a nice break from domestic disputes, cattle rustling, and Saturday night drunken fights."

  "Don't forget drug cartel murders." Reed helped himself to another slice.

  Tanner grimaced. "That's not the usual around here. I can't wait until Jason Anderson can help us turn this tide around."

  "Did you give him the picture of your wife's new man?"

  "Fuck. Logan tell you about that?" Tanner didn't give a shit that Reed knew, but it was fun to bust his balls a little bit.

  Reed grinned. "He did. I guess Logan can't keep a secret."

  Actually, Logan was as tight-lipped as they came. He'd kept Tanner's secret regarding his Monday night meetings for years.

  "I did. Anderson said they would run it through facial recognition."

  "Fuck technology. What does your gut tell you?" Reed was an instinctual cop, rarely wrong.

  Tanner leaned forward and set his coffee cup on the table. "I think Fenton Jacks is somehow messed up in this drug war. It's too much of a coincidence him showing up when he did."

  "Then I don't envy you. At some point, you're going to have to tell your ex Jacks is a criminal. It ain't going to be pretty."

  It was going to be hell on earth. Somehow, Abby would blame Tanner.

  "I could send her a text." Tanner tried to keep a straight face.

  "Hell, why not a message in a bottle? It'll get there eventually." Reed laughed.

  Tanner sobered. "I don't want my kids mixed up in this. Shit, I don't want Abby in it either. If Jacks hurts them in any way, I'll take him out myself."

  "The rest of us will be right there with you." Reed's eyes had narrowed and his expression grown cold.

  If Jacks so much as harmed a hair on their heads, Tanner would make the man wish he'd never been born. Family was everything to Tanner, and no one was going to mess with his.

  * * * *

  Madison was having dinner on Thursday with Sherry, Lisa, and Carrie and no one was more surprised than Madison herself. She found she actually liked spending time with Lisa and Carrie. Whatever they'd been as kids, they were different now. Carrie had even pulled Madison aside and apologized for being a "total bitch." Apparently, she'd been as insecure as Madison but it had manifested itself differently.

  Carrie checked her watch. "I only have a sitter for an hour and a half. Hubby has the night shift. Spill it. Inquiring minds are dying to know."

  "We had fun. Monday and Wednesday. We went to see that new car chase movie. It was okay," Madison answered primly. She wasn't one to talk about her relationships much. If she'd ever had any worth talking about that is.

  Lisa waggled her eyebrows. "Two dates in three days. Very good. When do you see him again?"

  "Friday. He's fixing me dinner at his house and then we're going to watch some movies."

  Sherry nodded. "Then you're going to have sex with him?"

  Madison felt her cheeks get hot. "That's kind of a personal question. All we've done is kiss so far."

  "How was it?" Lisa grinned. "I bet it was hot. The sheriff looks like he knows his way around a pair of lips."

  That was the understatement of the year. Tanner was the best kisser ever. Madison didn't have a ton of kissing experience but she'd be willing to bet her medical license Tanner was in a league all his own.

  "It was hot," she admitted. "But I'm not sure I'm ready to sleep with him."

  Carrie tapped her lips with her finger. "Well, it's the third date."

  Sherry and Lisa nodded as if Carrie had said something very wise. Madison looked from one to the other. "So? It's the third date? Is that supposed to mean something?"

  "That's the get naked date. Everyone knows that," Sherry answered.

  Madison sat up in her chair. "I didn't know that. Maybe Tanner doesn't know it." She smacked her forehead. "How did I not know this?"

  Of course she knew why. She'd had very few third dates. The vast majority of the men she dated never made i
t past date number two.

  "Calm down." Sherry patted her shoulder. "You're going to get yourself all worked up. It's only sex. You've had sex before. You're not a virgin."

  "I might as well be," Madison retorted. "I haven't had much luck when it comes to sex."

  The women laughed and Carrie leaned across the table. "I think you will with the sheriff. I'm guessing he's had some experience. Damn, he's good looking. If I wasn't a happily married woman, I'd be all over it."

  "Me too," Lisa joined in. "I usually like my men younger, but for him I'd make an exception."

  "If everyone thinks he's great, how come he wasn't dating anyone?"

  Sherry looked around the dining room and then leaned forward. "He dates women out of town. I heard he was seeing a widow over in Harper for awhile."

  Madison didn't like the twist of jealousy inside her. She'd always felt the emotion wasn't a positive one. "Do you think he's still seeing her?"

  Carrie's eyes went wide and she slapped her glass down on the table. "No way. Tanner Marks does not dabble with women."

  "We never said it was exclusive or anything," Madison said, her mind running over every word he'd spoken, looking for trouble. "I mean, I couldn't get angry with him for it."

  Lisa's brows drew together. "I would. If a man asks you out three times in one week he better not be laying the pipe anywhere else."

  Madison almost spit out her tea. "Laying the pipe? Oh God." She couldn't stop the fit of giggles at the very elegantly dressed Lisa's choice of words.

  Lisa waved her hand in the air. "You know what I mean. Laying the pipe. Slamming the sheets. Tapping the keg. Whatever you want to call it."

  They were all laughing, the sound turning several heads in the restaurant. Madison wiped the tears from her eyes. "I don't want to call it any one of those things." She sighed. "I want it to be making love."

  "You're a romantic." Carrie smiled. "But sometimes it's okay if it's just hot and raunchy."

  "I'm not a romantic," Madison protested. "I'm practical, down to earth. I'm a doctor."

  "A doctor who's fixing to get laid proper for the first time in her life." Sherry grinned. "You lucky girl. Be sure to wear your new underwear."

  Madison groaned. Just when she was relaxed and comfortable around Tanner, a spanner was thrown in the works. How could she be calm, cool, and collected tomorrow night when all she would be thinking about was sex?

  * * * *


  Come on in." Tanner took a step back so Madison could enter his house. Her gaze quickly scanned the interior decorated in shades of brown and blue. It was clearly a male dominated home. There were no comfy pillows on the sofa or a crocheted throw on the back of a chair. There was a large German Shepherd with a wagging tail who was crowding around their legs trying to sniff her. Tanner caught the animal by the collar and tugged him back.

  "Easy, Scout. Let the lady get in the door and get her coat off." He smiled apologetically. "We don't have too many visitors so he gets excited when people come over."

  She held out her hand so Scout could get her scent. Apparently he approved. His tail wagged even faster and he pulled at Tanner's grip.

  "Sit." Tanner's commanding and deep tone had an immediate effect on Scout. His bottom went down to the floor in a second. Madison had to fight the urge to sit down herself. His voice was that compelling.

  "He's sweet. Scout? There's a character in my favorite book—"

  Tanner laughed. "Mine, too. I didn't do very well in school but I did like To Kill a Mockingbird."

  "How many dogs have you named Scout?"

  Tanner chuckled and helped her off with her coat. "I swear this is the first. Although I did have a black Lab named Atticus and a cat named Finch."

  "Is he a police dog?"

  Tanner laced his fingers in hers and led her into the kitchen. "Retired, although every now and then he helps out. He's got hip problems that keep him from active duty on a daily basis. Now he's just part of the family."

  Madison knelt down and rubbed the silky fur. "He smells good. Did he just have a bath?"

  "If a lady is coming to dinner, then every member of the family has to clean up. It wasn't a pretty sight, let me tell you. He was royally pissed at me this afternoon for bathing him. He pouted in front of the fireplace until I gave him a treat."

  Laughter bubbled up. "I think I know who's in charge around here."

  Tanner winked. "He let's me think I am. Can I get you something to drink?"

  She looked into his glass. "Is that tea? That sounds good."

  He poured her a glass and she sat at the table. "Did you have a good day? You said you had a full day of patients scheduled."

  They'd gone out on Wednesday night and seen the latest blockbuster movie. He'd been so tired he'd fallen asleep and then spent the rest of the evening apologizing for it. He told her about the drug route war and the vigilante, in addition to a bout of flu that was keeping his deputies from work. She'd known all about that flu bug as it had filled her waiting room all week.

  "I did. I'm exhausted. I hope this flu bug has wound its way to the end. I had my first patient at seven this morning."

  Tanner was pulling items from the refrigerator. "It's good we're having a low-key evening in tonight. I was planning to broil a couple of steaks. How do you like yours?"

  Just how low-key was he planning to keep it? She'd worn her best underwear but she wasn't sure she was ready to sleep with him tonight. Although her body was definitely not against the idea. Just the sight of his wide shoulders and handsome face made her warm. Her brain, on the other hand, was the one dragging its feet. She really liked Tanner. A lot. If they made love and then he dumped her, it would hurt. She'd never been hurt by a man before and she wasn't all that keen for it to happen now.

  "Um, medium." She finally remembered to answer. "Can I help?"

  He shook his head, pulling the broiler pan out of the oven. "Everything is under control. I've got baked potatoes to go with the steaks, salad for a starter, and ice cream for dessert."

  She smiled. "What kind of ice cream?"

  "Chocolate fudge. My daughter told me all women love chocolate."

  "It sounds delicious. I think I like having a handsome man make dinner for me." She wanted to sound relaxed and normal. He leaned down, his palms resting on the table.

  "Handsome, huh? For that you get a kiss."

  His lips were firm and warm, and the kiss was over way too soon. She was breathless as he turned back to the kitchen counter.

  "So, how's the drug thing going?" She sounded like an idiot. Awesome.

  "No more dead bodies which is always a plus." Tanner slid the broiler pan in the oven. "We're working with the DEA so I'm hoping to get news very soon."


  Tanner started setting the table. "There are some guys I meet with once a month. Other lawmen like myself of smaller towns. We share information and work together if we need to. Most of them are affected by this."

  "And the vigilante?" Madison helped him with the flatware.

  "And the vigilante. They're good men. I'd trust them with my life." He smiled. "I'd trust them with your life."

  Her stomach fluttered and at first she thought she had ringing in her ears. Tanner was looking at her expectantly. "That's you, right?"

  Her phone. Shit. "Yes." She grabbed her purse from the floor and rummaged for her cell.

  Sherry. This better be damn important.

  "Hey, Sherry. What's up?"

  Madison listened with growing alarm.

  "Tonight? You want to fly out tonight?" Her voice sounded squeaky but she couldn't help it. "Hold on. I'll ask him." She looked up at Tanner. "I don't suppose you know of any place in Vegas where Sherry and Dan can get married? Apparently Dan has agreed to it and Sherry isn't taking any chances that he'll back out. She wants to fly out tonight. Like now."

  Tanner grinned. "As a matter of fact I do. Can I talk to her?"

  Madison handed him the phone and listened
to his end of the conversation. When he hung up, he turned the stove off. "Looks like we need to pack a bag and head for the Billings airport. We'll stop by your place on the way. We can pick up some takeout and eat in the car."

  She was having a hard time taking all this in. "Billings? Bag? I think I've missed something."

  "Your best friend is getting married, Maddie. You're her maid of honor and I just promised Sherry I'd get you to the church on time, so to speak."

  "Now?" she croaked. "This minute?"

  "Not a moment to spare." Tanner sported a wide smile. "They want to get married as soon as possible. I'll make the reservations while you pack a bag. It will only take me a couple of minutes to get my things together, but I know women don't like to be rushed."

  She was going to Sin City with Tanner Marks. With a name like that, sinning with this gorgeous man was probably a given. She didn't know whether to shout for joy or run in fear. Deciding to make up her mind later, she stood and squared her shoulders.

  "It sounds like a great trip. Let's go."

  Chapter Ten

  It had all been a whirlwind.

  Tanner had taken Scout to Deputy Sam's house, and Madison had informed her father of the impending nuptials in Vegas. He’d been amused but happy for the couple. She and Tanner had hit the road for the Billings airport, meeting Sherry and Dan there along with Dan's brother Jim and his wife Karen.

  The plane ride had been uneventful, and now they were checked into the Mirage Hotel on the Vegas strip, heading to their rooms.

  Scratch that. Room. Singular.

  Apparently while Tanner made airplane reservations, Sherry had been making wedding chapel reservations. That left Dan to book the hotel rooms. He'd booked three, which just showed that men couldn't be trusted to make travel arrangements.

  They were walking down a long corridor and Madison's heart was beating so fast she might as well have been walking to her own doom. She was that damn nervous. The fabric under her arms was damp and she'd licked her lip gloss off six times since the plane had landed.

  "This is it." Tanner stopped and set down the suitcases. She slipped the card into the slot, the light flashing green before she pushed open the door. He had insisted on carrying the luggage and she stood back to let him pass.


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