Book Read Free

Behind His Lens

Page 14

by R.S. Grey

  “Should I arrange for a model to come by your room? They’ve been eyeing you this whole trip. Who do you want? That pretty brunette? I’ll have her come compensate you after our fitting.” I thrust my hips up so that they meet his groin in a seductive wave as I drawl out the word compensate. I know I’m playing with fire.

  He growls and cups my chin so that I can’t tilt my head away. The move should scare me, but instead, it turns me on, morphing me into a puddle of desire. I like this side of him. The side that won’t let me get away with my snarky games. I want him to force me to open up to him. Physically and emotionally.

  With his hand on my chin, he grinds himself against me there, once, twice, over and over again until I feel like I’m going to lose my mind. “Are you listening to me, Charley?”

  I gulp, “Yes…” His pants and my jeans are the only barriers between us, but they feel transparent when he grinds hard like that.

  “I. Don’t. Want. Them,” he bites out.

  We stare into each other’s eyes with a fierce intensity.

  “Then take what you want, Jude,” I whisper demandingly. His eyes glow with unspoken desire when those words slip out of my mouth. Did I really just say that?

  His brow cocks and he sweeps his lips down over mine, so gently that I’m not sure if they’re actually on me or not. “I plan on it, Charley. But it’s almost four and you have fittings.” And with that, he grabs my arms and hauls me up off the bed.

  He’s gone from the room before I even fully catch my breath. How does he do that? How does he turn my world completely upside-down?


  You can hardly even call them fittings. After all, we’re only modeling string bikinis and simple cover ups. But they wanted to be sure that they had everything in the correct size, so we’re set up in a conference room inside the resort. Models fling clothes everywhere as they change into their swimsuits, and the stylists flit around taking measurements and adjusting straps and ties.

  They have a few styles picked out for me, but for tomorrow, I’ll be in a white bikini that has a twisted bandeau top and a strappy Brazilian bottom. It’s more revealing than any of the suits I packed for the trip, but it fits like a glove and it looks amazing paired with the delicate gold chain the stylists tie from my neck down to my waist. It looks like something a celebrity would wear as they’re tromping around on their honeymoon. I tug gently on the thin chain as the stylists swarm around me.

  “How the hell are your boobs that big when you’re this size?” The small raven-haired girl asks as she adjusts my swimsuit bottom. I blush peaking down at the top of the bathing suit. My breasts are spilling out of the tight top, and I have to fight the urge to adjust the material to cover them more.

  “They aren’t that big…” I try to assure myself, and anyone else in earshot, but the stylist huffs and steps back to inspect her work.

  “Ugh, you lucky bitch.” She laughs and whips around to go grab another suit. I use the opportunity to go and stand in front of one of the numerous full length mirrors positioned throughout the room. I gasp when I see my reflection. My tanned skin looks like it’s glowing beneath the gold body-necklace even in the harsh resort lighting. I’m sure it’ll be even better when we’re out on the beach. I twist on the balls of my feet to check out the back and almost faint when I see how much of my ass is exposed from the Brazilian style bottom. It’s not a thong, thank God, but it cuts sharply, revealing quite a handful. Jude is going to freak and I can’t help but smile at the thought.

  “What a great suit,” a sweet voice sounds behind me. I turn to see the brunette model that only an hour ago I was mentioning to Jude for compensation.

  “Oh thanks.” I smile. “I’m Charley by the way.”

  “Bella,” she coos, taking my hand. She’s absolutely beautiful with deeply tanned skin and long silky brown hair. Not to mention I’ve seen her in dozens of magazines over the past year. Why didn’t they choose her for the cover?

  “So I saw you sitting with Jude on the plane.” Her head tilts to the side gently and she rests her hand against her elbow. Wow, she really cuts to the chase. Her sentence wasn’t posed as a question, but her tone insinuates that I should answer as though it was.

  “Yeah, he’s a friend,” I answer curtly, unsure of where she’s leading the conversation.

  I guess my tone was overtly defensive because she holds her left hand up so that her beautiful ring glistens in the light. “Oh, you don’t have to worry about me. But you should know that I’ve worked with him on a few other shoots. He’s never dated any models that I know of, but let’s just say that some of these girls wouldn’t mind being his first.”

  My eyes scan through the crowd as she speaks. It’s not like I couldn’t already see that, but I wonder why she wants to point it out to me.

  “Why are you telling me this?” I ask with a slight smile so she doesn’t think I’m angry with her.

  “I saw you guys cuddling when I used the plane’s bathroom. It was incredibly sweet and I don’t presume to know what’s going on, but if you are more than just friends, I wouldn’t let these girls get to you.”

  I’m about to explain to her that we aren’t more than friends, but I bite my lip. She’s trying to help me out and I appreciate it. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t slightly intimidated by the thought of all these beautiful women pining for Jude. Damn him. If he weren’t full of such dark sexiness, this wouldn’t be a problem.

  “I appreciate it, Bella.” I smile before swapping the subject. “Where are you from?”


  By the time the fittings are done and I’m back in my room, exhaustion has set in and nothing sounds better than a relaxing bubble bath before I crawl into my king-sized bed. The bath is practically overflowing, music streams from my phone, and I’ve dimmed the lights so that shadows cast across the gleaming marble floor. The bathroom angles toward the ocean, so that if I leave the door open I can see the rolling waves fading into the black night as I recline into the Jacuzzi style tub. It’s perfect and I let my mind wander as I soak myself into a pruned raisin.

  The water turned lukewarm a while ago, but I haven’t been able to force myself to get out. The only reason I stir at all is because the last song on my play-list cut off, silencing the room and awaking reality. The peace and quiet was just what I needed after the hectic day, even if a certain pair of dark eyes still wove their way into my thoughts the entire time.

  Suddenly, a loud clap sounds at my door and I jump, sloshing water over the side of the tub. Who would be coming by? I didn’t order room service, even though I should probably eat soon. I haven’t thought to have dinner yet. I step out, grabbing my towel to dry off, before quickly wrapping my body in one of the resort’s plush robes. They’re fluffy, white, and reach the tips of my feet. I’m completely cocooned in its warmth as I trek to the door. I lean in to look through the peep hole. My heart races when I see Jude’s confident smile on the other side.

  With my hand clutching the top of my robe closed, I unlock the door and slide it open.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask, even though I can see the bags of food in his hand. Maybe he’s just stopping by on the way to his room.

  “You have to eat something,” he answers, as if the situation between us is completely black and white.

  I clutch the robe tighter. “How do you know I haven’t eaten already?”

  His eyes scan down my robe before landing back on my face with an easy smirk. “Charley, have you eaten yet?”

  I suck in my bottom lip trying to stall for time, but it doesn’t work. “No,” I answer simply.

  He holds up the bags, “Don’t worry, I won’t keep you up late, I swear.” He crosses his hand over his heart and my resolve melts ever so slightly.

  I want him to come in. I do. I want him to so badly. But what happened earlier is still fresh in mind, and if he comes in now I’m scared of where it might lead. Or do I want it to lead there? I certainly did earlier…

; “Okay, but only because I’m starving,” I huff, as if I’m even slightly annoyed with his presence.

  He winks as I hold the door open a little wider and let him pass by, “Oh, of course.” His presumptuous tone makes me want to kick him out, just barely. Unfortunately, it also makes me want to jump his bones.

  It’s quite the predicament.

  “You can set out the food while I change.” I point over to the small dining room table in the corner of the room facing the large floor-to-ceiling windows.

  He sets the bag down and glances at me over his shoulder with smoldering eyes. “I think I like what you have on just fine.”

  “I’m sure you do,” I retort with a scolding head shake. He chuckles as he starts to open the bags, and I quickly grab my yoga pants and a loose night shirt.

  “You should see what I’m wearing tomorrow. It’s a really modest one piece,” I joke as I walk back out from the bathroom, having changed and brushed out my long hair so that it falls straight down my back. It’ll only last for a few minutes though; the moment it starts to air dry it’ll turn into loose waves.

  “Somehow I doubt that.” He quirks his brow skeptically as he starts to scoop salad and chicken onto one of the plates. I smile, accepting the plate as I take one of the seats at the table. I wrap my legs up under me and as soon as my eyes take in the feast before me, my stomach grumbles loudly. It’s a strange sensation after having lost my hunger so long ago.

  “I guess I didn’t realize how hungry I was,” I blush, unwrapping one of the plastic forks.

  “You seem to be forgetful when it comes to food,” Jude remarks, but I just shrug doubting he’d be able to understand.

  Once he’s sitting across from me and we’ve eaten a few bites, he pauses and glances up. “So tell me more about this suit?”

  “Well, it’s covered by a really long skirt, so you can’t see anything.”

  “Mhm,” he mumbles, not believing me for a second.

  “Don’t believe me?” I cock my brow challengingly.

  “Not in the slightest,” he says, licking his lips between bites. My eyes follow its trail as I try to recall what he tastes like. Minty spice instantly comes to mind.

  “Well, I guess you’ll just see tomorrow,” I shrug, knowing he’ll freak even more now.

  He nods, looking me straight in the eye as he murmurs, “I can’t wait.”

  My cheeks flush as I quickly look down at my plate. “What did you do while I was in the fitting?”

  “I had a meeting with the crew, but then I had a little bit of time to go explore the beach outside of our hotel.”

  “Oh, I’m so jealous!”

  He furrows his brows in concern. “We’ll have time to go after the shoot tomorrow.”


  “Yeah. I’m not sure how tired we’ll be, but maybe after a nap we can go swim or walk down the beach.”

  I chew the rest of my bite slowly before nodding. “That would be really fun.”

  After a few bites in silence he asks, “Did you get to meet any of the other models?”

  “I met a girl named Bella. She was really nice and she admitted to seeing us sleeping on the plane, so I’m sure she wasn’t the only one.”

  “We weren’t doing anything wrong,” he answers with a sternness behind his blue gaze.

  “Oh, no. I know,” I clarify, “Well actually I wasn’t certain, but it didn’t feel wrong to me.”

  “Good,” he nods his head, and I can tell he likes my answer. “Was she nice to you?”

  The way he asks makes it clear that if she weren’t, he’d be all too willing to rectify the situation. Suddenly, I’m glad she was sweet...I can’t blame him for wanting to be protective of me; I’m just not sure why he feels the need to be. Maybe because he orchestrated this whole job he doesn’t want me to have a horrible time?

  “Oh, yeah. We chatted for a while actually,” I pause, wondering if I want to tell him the next part. Will it boost his ego even more and remind him of all the other options he has available to him? “I’ll be honest, she warned me about the other girls having crushes on you.”

  “Charley, we talked about that earlier.”

  “I know. I trust you, and jeez, it’s not like I have some kind of deed on you. I just wanted you to know what she said.”

  He looks up at my thoughtfully, “Thanks for telling me.”

  “Do you like knowing they all find you attractive?” A small smile skims across my lips.

  He shakes his head and he stands to put his empty plate and silverware back into the brown paper to-go bag. “It sort of makes me more uncomfortable than anything else. But their opinions don’t matter to me.”


  “Yes. There’s only one person whose opinion I would care to know.”

  “Well you don’t have to worry. I’m sure your mom thinks you’re handsome, Jude.” I smile wide at my cheeky comment, knowing he’ll bite back.

  He leans back in his chair, folding his hands over what I know to be a very toned stomach. “You’re funny, Charley. But I think you’re avoiding answering my question.”

  “You expect me to lay all my cards out on the table?” I stand and fold up the rest of the trash before carting the paper bag over toward the door. When I’m done, I bypass the table and sit on the edge of the bed.

  He shrugs, “I think it’s fair. I’ve been honest with you thus far.”

  “Yes,” I answer simply, folding my legs so that I sit with them criss-crossed on top of the comforter.

  “Yes?” he asks, standing from his chair and walking toward me.

  My pulse spikes as he approaches and I wet my lips instinctively. “Jude, you can’t honestly be that obtuse. Yes, I find you really freaking attractive.” I fold my hands in between my legs, watching a possessive smile take over his features, transforming him into the sexiest man I’ve ever seen.

  “Uggh,” I sigh, splaying back onto the bed.



  “Well that wasn’t so hard now was it? It’s the least you could do after I brought you dinner.”

  She leans up, bending her arm, and rests her head on the palm of her hand. I mirror her actions so that we’re laying down facing each other. “I really do appreciate you feeding me,” she offers with a timid smile.

  “I was happy for the company.”

  We lay in silence, soaking in the moment, testing the waters of what could happen next.

  “What time are you going to sleep?”

  She twists her neck to look at the ornate clock decorating her nightstand. “I probably can stay up for another thirty minutes, but then I need to be out like a light or you’ll be whining about a model with bags under her eyes tomorrow morning.”

  “Never,” I protest, taking in those gorgeous eyes now. I’d never complain about something that brings me so much joy.

  “What are you thinking?” she asks dreamily.

  “I was wondering how long I got to keep you,” I answer honestly. The way I say “keep you” sounds more possessive than I meant it to, but when I see her plump lips part for a gentle inhale and her eyes dilate with arousal, I know she likes the idea as much as I do.

  Oh, sweet girl. If I could take you now, I would. But thirty minutes is not enough time.

  She’s quiet for a few moments after that, trying to tamper the desire that’s so easily read across her features. I watch her twirl the soft duvet cover around her finger. “Wouldn’t it be nice if we were here for vacation and not for work?”

  I smile. “I don’t think you would have let me sweep you away to Hawaii on any other pretense.”

  “There is a photo shoot, right?” she teases.

  I laugh before shrugging playfully and narrowing my eyes. “That information is classified, Ms. Whitlock.”

  After she’s laughed herself out, I scoot an inch closer so that we’re only a foot or so away from each other. “Have you ever been to Hawaii?”

  She shakes her h
ead and her gaze falls on the wall behind me as memories cloud her expression.

  “No. My mom always preferred Aspen or Europe. She wasn’t a beach kind of lady.” She wrinkles her nose. “Too much sand.”

  I reach out and twirl my finger on the back of her hand that rests on the bed between us. She doesn’t pull away, but her eyes linger on my touch with a soft focus. “That’s a shame. Europe is beautiful, but you seem like you belong on the beach as well.”

  She smiles wide, “I do. I love the water and the sun. I could sit out in the sun for hours.”

  I let my finger glide up over her delicate wrist and then slowly up her arm. “You’re already radiant, but once you catch some sun tomorrow, you’ll be glowing,” I say admiringly, letting my hand pause at the top of her sleeve. She scoots a few inches closer to me, and I take the invitation to run my hands under the cotton shirt. Her skin is so soft, so inviting, that my hand feels as if it travels on its own accord, trying to get its fill of her.

  I glide across her shoulder and down her shoulder blade, barely grazing her skin, but I still feel those familiar goose bumps blossom under my path.

  She purrs softly and scoots another inch. “That feels amazing.”

  Her words undo any remaining resolve, but I don’t want to ravage the poor girl. I take a deep breath and glide my hand back down to her arm to get a better angle. “Lay on your back, Charley,” I instruct, gently pushing her down.

  She complies willingly; her beautiful wet curls splaying out around her while her arms lay limp by her side. Her big blue eyes look up, searching my face for answers, but I’m not willing to give anything but these simple touches. Maybe tomorrow I’ll take it farther, but right now, this is perfect.

  When my hand reaches the hem of her loose cotton shirt, I tug it up slowly, revealing an inch of her slim, tantalizing abs. I drag a finger across her skin, from hip to hip, and watch as her stomach quivers in response. I love doing this. I love knowing my touch can cause so much lust to build within her. Tugging her shirt up another inch or two, I lean down and place a chaste kiss an inch away from her belly button. She arches ever so gently, enough to goad me forward until I’ve tugged the hem of her shirt up so that it rests a millimeter below her breasts. Everything about Charley is so delicate and pretty— the sweet curve of her torso, the dip of her belly button, the gentle line that dips down her trim abs to the top of her black pants. We’re both in a dreamy haze, letting the moment carry us, but I have no clue when one of us will snap out it.


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