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Victoria and the Alien Doctor (Intergalactic Brides 2)

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by Jessica Coulter Smith

  “I have a suite of rooms at a nearby hotel. They’ve reserved the top three floors for Terran use and it’s only a few blocks from the station. It’s a two bedroom suite, so there’s plenty of space.”

  “I can’t just run off to your hotel with you. I don’t even know you!”

  He frowned. “You know a Terran male would never harm a female, and especially not a child. I only mean to help. Besides, if things go accordingly, you’ll be living there before long anyway.”

  Her mouth opened and closed a few times before she shook her head. “You’re not making any sense. Why would I be living there anyway?”

  “Because.” He smiled. “You’re going to be my mate.”

  Her jaw dropped. “Excuse me? I’m going to be what?”

  “My mate. I’d sworn to never take a mate, but I thought we could help each other out. I want children, and you need a way to ease your daughter’s suffering. I realize I’m getting the better deal, since I don’t know if I can save her or not. You may need some time to think it over, but while you do that, I think we should get to know one another.”

  She sank into her broken-down recliner. “Mate?”

  He nodded, looking around again.

  “But… why?”

  “I can’t sit back and do nothing when there’s a chance I could help your daughter.”


  “Pardon?” he asked.

  “Evie. Her name is Evie. And how is it we’re having this conversation outside of the station? Don’t I need a translator to understand you?”

  His smile broadened. “I wasn’t using the translator systems at the station, either. I learned your language when I realized I would be stationed here.”

  “So you’re doing this for Evie?” she clarified. “And because you want children? What happens if I can’t have any more children? I had a difficult pregnancy with Evie. The doctor said it might be better if I didn’t have another baby.”

  He frowned. “I hadn’t counted on that. There are medical tests you’ll have to undergo before you could be approved as a mate. If you carry the cancer gene, or the genes for any illness we might not be able to cure, the request will be denied. If you are unable to have more children, you will also be denied. What kind of complications did you have?”

  “I was put on bed rest the last three months of my pregnancy because of preeclampsia. I know it’s a common enough condition, but I was severely underweight during my pregnancy and that just added to the problem. I wasn’t really in a good situation and couldn’t afford to eat more than twice a day, and even those meals weren’t as nutritious as they should have been. Evie arrived early with underdeveloped lungs and had to stay at the hospital for a few weeks after she was born.”

  He rubbed his chin and began to pace. “But it’s possible, if you were in a home where food was plentiful and healthy, that if the stresses in your life were removed, that you could carry a baby full-term without issue and have a healthy child. I think the problems you faced were due to your circumstances and not because you’re unable to have a normal pregnancy. Tests would give me decisive answers, but you’d have to agree to be my mate first.”

  “And if I’m your mate, you’ll heal Evie? Or at least try to?” she asked.

  Xonos nodded. “I give you my word. She’ll become my daughter the moment we’re mated, and I’ll do everything in my power to save her life.”

  Victoria bit her bottom lip to stop its quivering. “She’s never had a father before,” she said softly. “Maybe knowing that someone else cares about her would give her the strength to keep fighting.”

  “What type of cancer does she have? Perhaps if I did some research…”

  “Osteosarcoma. It affects children. Usually it doesn’t show until they are around ten or older, but Evie’s showed up when she was two. It’s practically unheard of for it to happen so soon. And hers has spread like wildfire, starting in her right leg and now it’s in her arms and the last tests she had done showed it had moved into her lungs. She has maybe a month, two tops, to live.”

  Xonos studied her with a grim expression. “I hadn’t realized it had progressed so far. I’ll see what I can do, but it isn’t likely I’ll be able to cure her. There’s a scientist here from my world. His name is Syl. I’ll call him tonight to get his help with this. I know I won’t be able to do it alone.”

  Her heart sank, but she tried to stay optimistic. Just because Xonos hadn’t been able to cure the mate who had died from cancer, it didn’t mean he didn’t have the power to cure Evie. Miracles happened all the time, and Victoria had been praying hard for one for Evie. Her little girl was due for some good news, and maybe telling her she would have a daddy would be enough for the moment.

  “What happened to Evie’s father?” Xonos asked. “If he’s still around, he might protest my claiming her.”

  “I don’t know who Evie’s father is,” she admitted. “I was at a party and was quite drunk. I remember I walked off with two men and by morning I could tell we’d had sex, but I never got their names and if I’ve seen them since, I didn’t recognize them.”

  He scowled. “And do you make it a habit to be so reckless?”

  “No. Not since Evie. I was young, only twenty, and I was trying to escape from my life. I had a father who beat me and a mother who whored herself out for drugs. I’ve lived in neighborhoods like this, or worse, all my life. I don’t want that for my daughter. Especially not if she doesn’t have much longer to live. I want her to see the good things in life and get a chance to experience them.” She twisted her hands. “I haven’t had a drink since the moment I discovered I was pregnant with Evie. And I don’t do drugs or smoke. I try to live a peaceful life, and most of my time and energy goes toward Evie. I had a job up until a month ago. I’m on unemployment right now, but it isn’t really enough to pay the bills.”

  “Just how dire is your situation?”

  “We’ll lose this place next week if I can’t come up with the rent money. The utilities are scheduled to be shut off in four days. I can’t afford them either. Evie’s medicine is expensive and takes up just about all of my money. I haven’t been able to afford all of it, so I know I’m responsible for her current condition and the amount of pain she’s in. I’ve done everything but solicit strangers for sex as a way to pay for everything she needs.”

  Xonos sighed. “I can’t let you stay here. Even if the tests haven’t been done yet, I can’t leave you in this place, not knowing all of that. Pack your things. I’ll carry Evie so we won’t have to wake her. Take what you need for now and I’ll send someone tomorrow to pack the rest of your belongings.”

  “We don’t have much. Maybe two suitcases and one box worth of things I’d want to keep. And really, the clothes are more of a necessity. They’re all second-hand and Evie’s don’t fit the best, but they’ve had to do for now.”

  “First thing tomorrow we’re getting the blood samples I need from you and then we’re going shopping. And don’t even think of saying no. I’m not giving you an option. You’re going to be my mate. You obviously need a protector more than I realized.”

  She wasn’t sure if she should feel affronted that he thought she was doing such a poor job of taking care of Evie and herself, but she had to admit he had a point. They were on the verge of losing everything, and she couldn’t afford to take care of her child. She was doing a horrible job as a mother and maybe it was time to accept some help.

  “Just let me change out of my pajamas and I’ll start packing.”

  “Tell me where Evie’s suitcase is and I’ll start packing her things. I promise to be quiet and not wake her.”

  “In the top of her closet. Most of her clothes are hanging up but there are a few things in the dresser drawers.”

  Xonos nodded and followed her down the hall. She pointed to Evie’s room before dashing into her own. Pushing the door shut, she quickly changed into jeans and a tee, and then began shoving her clothes into her suitcase. When she was finish
ed, she took the box out of her closet and began packing the few pictures and knickknacks she wanted to keep. The furniture and dishes could stay behind. If she was moving in with Xonos, she wouldn’t need them. And if things didn’t work out, maybe he’d let them stay at least long enough for to save for another apartment or find a new job.

  He was waiting in the living room when she came out of her room. Her daughter was in his arms and the suitcase at his feet. There was a knock at the door and she hesitantly opened it only to discover a human male in a chauffeur’s outfit standing on her stoop. She ushered him inside, and he promptly picked up the box and one of the suitcases.

  “I’ll return in a moment for the other bag, Mr. Xonos. Is there anything else you need?”

  “I believe that will be all, Ned.”

  The man nodded and carried their meager belongings outside. Victoria held up her key. “I need to return this to the manager and let them know I’m not staying.”

  “I’ll have someone take care of it for you tomorrow. Tonight, we’re going home and getting Evie settled. Then tomorrow starts your new life.”

  She shook her head. “We can’t get used to a new life until the blood work comes back, and you determine whether or not I’m allowed to be a mate. I don’t want to give her false hope that things are changing if they’re only going to remain the same. I just ask that you let us remain with you long enough for me to find a place to live and another job.”

  Xonos smiled. “Have a little faith, Victoria. Things will work out the way they’re supposed to. If we’re destined to be a family, then that’s what will happen.”

  She nodded. Ned returned and took the other bag. They followed him down, Victoria pausing only long enough to lock the apartment. She handed the key to Xonos and they walked out to the limo that waited for them. Victoria had never ridden in one before and wasn’t sure what to expect. There was enough space for Evie to stretch out and lay her head on Victoria’s lap, while Xonos sat on her other side. She found his presence comforting and hoped for the best.

  When they arrived at the hotel, he took Evie from her and led the way to his suite on the top floor. The view outside his living room window was breathtaking, unlike anything Victoria had seen before. She followed him into the second bedroom, where he gently tucked Evie into bed. The bed would be plenty big enough for her, but she didn’t dare sleep with her daughter for fear of hurting her if she accidentally bumped Evie’s leg or arms. It wouldn’t take much to fracture a bone and Victoria was a restless sleeper.

  “I’ll have Ned bring your things up,” he said as they backed out of the room.

  “I’ll take the couch,” Victoria said.

  Xonos frowned. “Why the couch?”

  “If I sleep with Evie, I might hurt her. I’ve slept in worse places than your couch. It won’t be a hardship. I bet it’s more comfortable than any of the beds I’ve slept in before.”

  “You’ll be sharing a bed with me soon enough. You might as well sleep there. I promise to keep my hands to myself, if it will ease your mind. I’ll not expect anything of you.”

  “Until we’re mated?” Her heart fluttered in her chest at the thought of sharing a bed with him, whether sex was involved or not. What would it be like to wake up in those muscular arms?

  He nodded. “Even then, I don’t expect you to just jump right in. I know we need to get to know one another before things progress between us. I’m willing to give you the time you need, as long as I have your assurance that we will be intimate at some point in the future.”

  “Thank you,” she said softly. Please don’t embarrass yourself and try to cuddle him in the middle of the night.

  Ned returned a few minutes later with their belongings and Xonos carried Evie’s to her room and Victoria’s to his, leaving the box in the living room. She reached inside and pulled out the few pictures she had of Evie and her and placed them around the room, putting one in her daughter’s room on the dresser. She wanted Evie to feel at home when she woke in a strange place.

  The rooms were spacious, with furnishings nicer than anything she’d seen before, except for in shop windows when she’d gone uptown. When everything was put away, and Evie’s clothes had been placed in the dresser, she returned to the living room where Xonos was staring out the window.

  “You should get some rest,” he said. “We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow. Evie can come with you to the clinic in the morning and we’ll take your blood. I’ll need several vials; the tests are extensive. You’ll also need a wellness exam, but if you’d prefer, I can ask my assistant to handle it. I don’t want things to be awkward between us.”

  She felt her cheeks warm. “If I have to remove my clothes, I’d rather you do it.”

  He nodded.

  “Are you coming to bed?” she asked.

  “In a little while. I need to contact Syl. Even though the hour grows late, I want to discuss the situation with him, see if he’ll do some research tomorrow and start working on a cure for Evie. It may take him some time, but since time isn’t on our side, I’ll see what I can do to prolong her life while he works in his lab.”

  “I seem to be saying thank you an awful lot, but thank you, Xonos. You’re the answer to my prayers.”

  He gave her another nod with a small smile and she hurried into the bedroom, where she closed the door and changed back into her pajamas. After putting her clothes in the dresser, she pulled down the covers and slipped into bed, not even bothering to turn out the light. She wasn’t sure how well Xonos could see in the dark and didn’t want him to bump into the furniture when he finally came to bed.

  Closing her eyes, she breathed a heavy sigh and settled into the softest bed she’d ever slept in. Yes, she was pledging herself to a man she didn’t know, but it was a small price to pay if it meant her daughter would live and would get to experience things Victoria would never be able to give her. And he wasn’t exactly hard on the eyes. If just one look made her warm from the inside out, what would happen when he kissed her?

  Maybe things were finally turning around for them.

  Chapter Three

  A cry pierced the air and Xonos leapt to his feet, his future mate bolting upright in bed. She scrambled out from under the covers and went running through the suite before he could stop her. Following, he realized she was going to Evie’s room, having recognized her daughter’s cry. He quickly made sure his loose sleep pants were still sitting at his waist, and hiding his semi-erect state, before stepping inside the little girl’s room.

  She clung to her mother, tears streaking her cheeks. “I thought you’d left me,” Evie cried.

  “Never, precious,” Victoria assured her. “You remember Mr. Xonos, don’t you? From the Terran station?”

  Xonos cleared his throat. “Just Xonos is fine.”

  “Why are we here?” Evie asked in a small voice, eyeing him over her mother’s shoulder.

  “We’re going to live with Xonos for a while, maybe forever. Would you like that? To keep this room for your own?”

  The little girl nodded, slowly extracted herself from her mother’s arms and came to stand in front of Xonos. She reached up with her little arms, and he bent to pick her up. Immediately, she hugged him tight and he returned her affectionate embrace, careful not to hurt her fragile body.

  “What do you say we order breakfast before we start our day?” he asked.

  Evie nodded and he carried her out of the room, picked up the phone, and ordered one of everything on the menu. He wanted to start the day off right, and his new family needed to eat a nice, big, healthy meal. Especially if they were going to keep up with him today. He’d just have to keep an eye on Evie and make sure she didn’t tire too quickly.

  When breakfast arrived, Evie helped lift the silver domes, her eyes going wide at the variety of foods available to her. He wondered if she’d ever had an omelet before, or when the last time was she’d gotten to indulge in a sweet, syrupy waffle. She seemed hesitant to reach for anything, so he
piled several things on her plate with the assurance she could have more if she finished everything.

  There were tears in Victoria’s eyes as she watched him serve her daughter, and he wondered if it hurt her pride that she hadn’t been the one to provide such bounty for her daughter. He could tell she was an independent woman, someone used to standing on her own two feet and having to fight for everything they had. He admired her for it, but those times were about to change. She had him now, at least, as long as the blood work came back okay.

  “This is really all for me?” Evie asked as she picked up her fork and poked at the omelet on her plate.

  “It’s all for you,” Xonos assured her. “And I can promise there will be just as much food at lunch today. Maybe we’ll stop at a restaurant and you can pick anything you want from the menu.”

  Her eyes lit up. “Even dessert?”

  He couldn’t help but smile at her enthusiasm. “Yes, even dessert.”

  “Mommy, you should try this,” Evie said, shoveling a bite of the ham and cheese omelet into her mouth.

  Victoria had yet to fill her plate and Xonos took over the task. She tried to protest as the plate overflowed with food, but he didn’t stop until she had nearly one of everything to choose from. He set the plate down in front of her and then took to the task of filling his own. But he kept an eye on his two girls, making sure both were eating well.

  It was strange. He was single yesterday and had planned to stay that way, but when he’d woken in the middle of the night with Victoria wrapped in his arms, something inside of him had shifted. He’d never held a woman before, not like that. Sure, he’d been with women at the floating brothel near Terran, but those were quick encounters meant to alleviate some stress and lacked intimacy. There was something almost sweet about having her snuggle close to his chest, giving him her trust.

  When he’d previously contemplated having a mate, he’d thought it would be nice to have a woman in his bed every night and someone to share his days with. He’d never stopped to think how having a woman in his life would make him feel. Sure, he’d thought about the physical aspect of it but not about the emotions involved. After just one night, he wasn’t sure he could keep their deal strictly that. If what he’d felt stirring inside of him when he’d woken to her soft body pressed to his, her breath caressing his bare chest, was a hint of things to come, then he could guarantee that feelings would definitely be involved, and probably sooner than he’d ever thought possible. He already admired her for her strength and the care she gave her daughter. It wouldn’t take much for him to grow to love her.


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