The Co-Parent (The Relationship Quo Series Book 3)

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The Co-Parent (The Relationship Quo Series Book 3) Page 4

by Nicole Strycharz

  I made it outside my building and felt my way to the light when I felt a hand wrap around my arm at my elbow. “Sit with me a second?” he asked. Oh, so he didn’t leave. Interesting.

  I was hesitant but I let him lead me to a bench. I felt where it was then pushed the back of my skirt down to sit. I felt his warmth fill up the place beside me and we sat in quiet for a minute, with nothing but traffic, people chattering, and a breeze.

  Then he spoke, “I go back to England next week. Monday morning I’ll be on a flight back.”

  I nodded and accepted the little gnawing at my gut.

  He shifted to face me, “so here it is. Cards on the table, yeah? I’m not boyfriend material. I don’t have my shit together. I’m a flat out rogue sort. I work and party, see? That’s my life. I don’t go steadily with women, I like being a typical black sheep, but I understand why you’re …running. I just told you what I am. So now there’s no guessing for you. I’m not making empty promises. I’m asking for lunch.”

  I held my purse close, “why me then? You’re in the hot girl’s capital. Stop wasting time on a blind chic and go hit up the clubs or something…”

  “Because I like you. You’re entertaining. I like your queer sense of humor and you are hot. You haven’t seen you. You’re the reason men didn’t want women flouncing around in the workplace, and because chasing you is actually pretty fascinating. I like this coming after you bit. It makes me feel very manly.”

  I laughed. “You’re crazy.” I shook my head and bit my lower lip. “You married?”




  “Engaged? Girlfriend?”

  “Nope and nope.”

  I thought a minute. “So I won’t have to wonder if this is serious or if you like…are using me because you’re going back in a week and we’ve made it clear you just like me…you’re admitting you’re bad news? No denial?”

  He leaned toward me, “I’m absolutely all the things your mum and dad warned you about.”

  I wet my lips, “you’re no liar.”

  “Right. No harm done. Think of it as-.”

  I grimaced, “don’t say casual. I hate that. It sounds like I’m buying bike shorts or jeans.”

  He laughed, “okay then…renting? Better? You are renting me for the week. Till I go back. Then we go our separate ways. I’ll be the best one week, dating partner you’ve ever had. I’m a master at this.”

  “I thought you said you don’t date…”

  He went quiet, “you’re going to need to stop this whole ‘intelligent female’ situation.”

  “This is new for you too then…?”

  He snorted, “everything about you is new for me, but I like it.”

  I heard him flick a lighter and sighed, “really?”

  “What?” he said around the cigarette between his teeth.

  “Your habits are gross.”

  He breathed smoke, “aside from a smoke, I haven’t even-.”

  “I could smell the liquor from your,” I did air quotes, ‘coffee,’ this morning.”

  He grumbled things in his thick accent, “I already told you I’m an alcoholic.”

  “If you want me rented for the week you’re going to have to find a way to have fun the old fashioned way. Which is sober.”

  I could feel him jiggling the bench because he was bouncing his leg on the ball of his foot like a nervous tick. “I had a girl ask me to go straight once or she said she’d leave me. I often think of her over a glass of brandy.”

  I cracked and smiled but then I got serious. “Then,” I stood up. “This was fun while it lasted. You do seem like a cool guy to know. You also boosted my ego with all the chasing, but I think I’ll pass.” I shouldered my bag.

  He sprung up in front of me, “you’re leaving?”

  I nodded, “I’m just not into all that junk. It’s not personal Gavin, but being with me, even if it’s renting…I would have to trust you. Even if I don’t want to, my eyes don’t give me much choice. I can’t rely on a drunk to walk me downtown or drive me home or guide me through a parking lot. I think deep down you’re probably awesome but…we only have a week so I don’t have time to dig.”

  He took a breath and I let him think a moment. “What if I don’t do those things with you. I do them on my own time?”

  I was annoyed he’d come up with an out but then again…he’d made me feel so fantastic. I want that feeling again. What if I never find that? This way he’s offering memories and then Monday he’s gone.

  I smiled, “it’s a start.”

  Chapter Four


  I can’t believe I just agreed to that. What the fuck is my problem? No booze? No smoking? I actually committed to a whole week with the same girl? Have I gone daft? I’ve fallen completely arse over tit for a blind little American girl with unusual standards.

  I suppose I’ll pick it all apart later because now I’m taking her to lunch and after convincing her I’m not buzzed she let me drive. Danielle’s car was a perfect match for my hidden identity. Brianna still has no clue who I am, and the more we talk the more unwilling I am to change that. I don’t have to worry that any part of her is fake because she’s been given no motive. I can rest my mind knowing she isn’t trapping me, there’s no danger.

  I got her to the office five minutes before she’s supposed to go on. I stopped her from getting on the lift and took her hand.

  Leading her beside the doors I lifted her hand and kissed the back, “I want to take you to dinner.”

  She turned a pretty shade of pink and felt up my forearm to cover my hand, “can we…?” she looked torn, “I really don’t want to offend you or something…but can we see each other in another part of town? If this is just a week, I’m not sure I want the world involved in it.”

  Considering that the papers would eat this story up I was relieved to hear her say it, “yeah, like a secret? Holds more spark if fewer people know, don’t you think?” I agreed.

  She smiled and it made her lips look delicious, “exactly.” She heard the elevator coming and turned but I caught her chin and laid my lips over hers. These lips are driving me bonkers. I love this. She’s so yielding but she also always feels like she’s moving away, even when she’s content. It makes the thrill of connecting with her, stronger.

  She pushed my chest and stopped, “we just said secret, and you kissed me in my building.”

  “Can’t help it. I haven’t touched you since last night, that’s quite a gap.”

  She pushed me back further which is adorable since I’m bigger and stronger. “You can close the gap tonight. Not now,” she tried to move for the lift but I caught her wrist and spun her back against the wall.

  I kissed her the way I wanted. I slipped my arm around her waist like last night and pressed her into my body. I coaxed her lips apart with my tongue and dove in without thought to the cons. Then I pulled back abruptly so I could witness her disoriented haze, “I’ll pick you up here at six. You get out at six I’m guessing, or five.”

  “F-five-thirty but I need to go home and change.”

  I shook my head but then I realized she can’t see me. I leaned and kissed her ear, “no, I want you the way you are. I like this skirt and I’m too impatient. Meet me out front at five-thirty.”

  She looked shook up but in a good way. Quick and aroused breathing, pink cheeks, wide eyes, and a loud swallow, “k…”

  I smiled to myself. She’s bashful, that’s so new to me. I love that too. Then I kissed her cheek and saw her onto the elevator.

  “Aren’t you coming too?” she asked as I held the doors open.

  “Nah, Gabe is done for the day, so am I.”

  She reached out for my chest, found my tie and pulled me in part way to kiss me again. Nice! Very nice, I’m peeling the mysterious layers I think.

  Then she let go and I felt big-headed, like a balloon was on my shoulders.

  I drove Danielle’s car to a
shop and returned it to her with an alignment, new brakes front and back, an oil change and an engine light that no longer flashed. I thought she was going to faint when I told her. She thought I was expecting her to pay.

  I do…but not with money. “I need date ideas…” I told her.

  When five rolled around I didn’t spare time. I drove Danielle’s car again straight to Brianna’s office. I don’t trust the little minx, she may try to run again and I can’t risk that.

  She came out carefully with her walking stick guiding her steps. Why does she make my head so busy? So frantic? I met her on the walk and thanks to Danielle’s advice I was fully loaded with romantic woo magic.

  “Miss Brianna…” I said as I guided her to the car.

  “Mr. Gavin,” she mimicked my accent. “Where shall we away to this fine evening?”

  I smirked as she situated herself in the passenger seat then I closed her door and walked around to the driver side, “I was thinking I should feed you, then I have an activity planned.”

  She gasped and clapped her hands, “you mean prince charming planned an itinerary? Should I bring my passport?”

  I turned the key, “your mouth better be as skilled in the sack as it is in sarcasm.”

  She laughed but I’m fairly serious. I feel that if the cards are played right I might find out.

  She couldn’t help herself, “are you driving on the correct side of the street this time?”

  I slanted her a look, “did you survive lunch? Yes. Then sit there and be quiet.”

  “I survived lunch but I’m pretty sure I lost seven of my nine lives. You drive like a nut.”

  “You’re supposed to go fast on a motorway, but feel free to hold my hand if you’re afraid…”

  She turned her head away because she thinks I don’t know that means she’s smiling.

  I drove us to the docks and parked. Once we made our way to the harbor she stopped as soon as she felt the wood under her feet.

  “I smell sea air.” She was holding my arm. No stick.

  “Yes. Take off your heels, Love.”


  “Because I doubt you’ll catch your footing on a beach.”

  She tensed on my bicep. “We’re at the docks?”

  “This was a step by step surprise but yes.”

  She didn’t make a move to go so I waited. “I don’t know if…I’m comfortable with this.”

  “Is it the boat, the water or me?”

  She tugged down the hem of her skirt like she didn’t trust it was in place, “if this is multiple choice, can I say all the above?”

  I hate that she doesn’t trust me but maybe I would worry over her sanity if she did. “What if we don’t leave the pier?”

  “Did you rent a boat?”

  I wrinkled my nose about lying to her. It’s actually my boat but I’m Gavin to her, not Gabe Gilmore. “I…did.”

  “So if I say I don’t want to go I’m a bitch but if I do you could turn out to be a murder or something.”

  I stepped in her way but she kept hold of my arm like it was a post, “you’re not a bitch, and I’m not a murder. Side note, that if I was, the car would have been an easier place.”

  “Maybe you have a sea fetish.” She volunteered.

  “But if I kill you in the car I could stuff you in the boot.”

  She frowned, “you’d put me in your boot?”

  “No, the back of the car.”

  “You mean trunk?” she raised a brow.

  “Is that what Yanks call it?”

  “I don’t know; I’m a Red Sox fan.”

  I laughed, “We’re getting off point. The point is I respect your fears.”

  “It’s just…” She hesitated.

  Now that I’m facing her I see the worry. Her pretty brow is creased.

  I held the side of her neck and softened my tone, “hey, tell me what’s going on?”

  “I know you don’t have much experience with blind people, but… I don’t know…I can’t say it’s all of us… maybe not all of us but I’m still a little new to the darkness club.” She’s babbling now but with a confident air, a façade. “Leaving my comfort zone is scary enough, trusting a stranger is…horror movie scary. Boats are on the ocean and-.”

  I took her hand from the crook of my arm and held both her hands up between us, “we don’t have to do this at all. Why don’t we walk the shore first then come back?”

  Her entire body relaxed. “I’m really not dressed for the beach.”

  “We’ll throw our shoes in the car.”

  She smiled and it calmed my own nerves. “Okay…”

  I led us back and we tossed our shoes in. I stripped my suit jacket and my vest then loosened my tie. I found out she carries a foldable cane in her purse but she still agreed to allow me to be her eyes. I like that.

  We walked the shore for two hours talking. From politics to family matters and I marveled at the fact that she was so strong. I don’t get to know women on this level; it’s ever only reached drunken sex or maybe one dinner.

  “Were your parents well off?” I asked her.

  “Uh, that’s a little personal but I can say they were planners. They thought ahead.”

  “Do you remember them?”

  She squealed when the cool water touched her toes and I laughed. “Yeah,” she nodded, “I remember everything. I was tight with them. What about you?”

  “Well…my father is-.”

  “Uh oh…” she said with raised brows.


  “Whenever people refer to their dad as ‘father’ it means he’s a dick.”

  I laughed and imagined the man I loved and feared, “he’s not exactly what one looks for in the basic ways. He’s not bad, though.”

  Her red hair whipped across her face and she tucked it behind her ear. “You sound like you’re trying to be fair about his coldness.”

  I rubbed the back of my neck, “he was sort of…forced into the role of dad. I guess I feel sorry for him.”

  “What about your mom?”

  This feels so awkward. Now I know how she felt about the boat ride. Not to mention I’m telling her the truth but through a tinted glass called Gavin. “She’s a free spirit. She’s never been able to sit still long. She took off when I was a baby and I see her rarely. She’s in Asia I think.”

  “You think?” Brianna slowed up so I followed suit. “You don’t know where your mother is?”

  “She checks in every few months.”

  “When you said, your dad was forced into the role…what did you mean by that?”

  I feel like red lights are flashing to warn me. I went too far already and now I don’t even remember my intentions.


  I want sex from Brianna, not this.

  I’m doing this, to get the sex, so where did I lose control of the night?

  “Do you like sea shells?” I asked instead of answering.

  She stopped us and moved her hands down to my forearm. “I dug too deep, right? Sorry. I’m pretty much an open book so I half expect others to be the same.” She shook my arm. “Here, watch this…” She let go to set her hands on either side of her head and deepened her voice, “All data recently received has been deleted. A draft of this information has been sent to the ‘review later’ files.”

  I burst out laughing and she reached out for me, connecting with my chest first. I took her hand and secured her on my arm again. “Thank you.”

  “You were about to distract me with a decoy question, let’s go back to that. Yes, I used to like sea shells. The beauty is lost on me now, though.”

  I stepped us back from the sea and let go of her before I sat down.

  “Gavin…” she sounded stressed right away and held out her hands.

  Something about the way she said my name pierced me a little. Trust, fear, need, all in my name…my false name. I reached up and tugged her hand downward, “I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere, sit with me.”

  She pulled back on my hands, “pencil skirt plus sand, equals awkwardness.”

  I pulled, “sit your sexy ass down and stop whining.”

  She groaned then lowered herself beside me. I pushed around the sand and found dozens of shells at a time. “Here,” I took her hands and set a very wide fan-shaped shell there, “this one is snow white, with, a vibrant pink underside. The groves in between are like an orange.”

  She felt the shell, turning it over and smoothing her fingertips over the surface. “I like this…I can imagine it when you describe it like that.”

  I smiled and dug up another, “this one has sharp edges…what do you think it is?”

  She felt my hand first then took the piece I offered. Her nose scrunched up. “It’s coarse…it’s a…” she grinned, “starfish.” She traced the shape with her index finger.

  She makes me see things I don’t. I appreciate my sight and I want to share it with her. I leaned and dug to find a conch. It was pretty big. I set it in her waiting hands and she felt with her palms then her fingers. She looked like she was counting the points at the top and testing the sharpness.

  “Conch?” she asked.


  “What’s it look like?”

  “This one is an apricot color. With…cream…like in coffee or tea- does that make sense? Am I butchering this?”

  She reached out and found my knee, “no keep going. You forget some of the small things like that.”

  I studied her a second, “where it curves open, right here,” I didn’t want to move her hand on my knee so I took her other hand and made her touch the sleek center, “it’s the same cream on the outside but deeper,” I guided her fingers into the core, “it’s auburn here…”

  She looked so peaceful. Like she was away in her head imagining these things, “Is it daylight right now?”

  “It’s dusk…the sun is really far down to our left and the sky is purple. It’s making the sand and the water look pink.” I sighed, “I love your beaches here.”

  She hummed in appreciation. “I think I’m getting hungry. Is dinner on the boat?”


  “Let’s go then.”


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