The Co-Parent (The Relationship Quo Series Book 3)

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The Co-Parent (The Relationship Quo Series Book 3) Page 5

by Nicole Strycharz

  “You’re sure? We can eat at one of the shore front pl-.”

  “I’m sure,” she sang.

  I stood and helped her up.

  “Can we bring our treasures?” She asked.

  “Absolutely,” I gathered the few we discovered and directed us to the boat. She was still nervous but better. The fresh seafood I had made up for us by my personal cook was outstanding and she kept the conversation alive. It was either deep or light due to her bold sense of humor and for the first time in many years, I felt very not alone.

  “There was also the time I went in the men’s room, but that happens a lot still,” she laughed as desert was served.

  “You have such good humor about your sight…why is that?”

  Her face didn’t give anything away, “it is what it is. I did panic at first. When I was young I think I thought it would get better, that I just had bad eyes but then when I was thirteen and they told me it was a definite and inevitably going to happen I flipped out. I used to have a fear of the dark so…this wasn’t exactly my dream.”

  She felt for her water glass and I noticed how graceful she is. She moves slow and lets her hands see for her. She’s fascinating to me.

  “You’re fine with it then? Is that why you joke about it?”

  She swallowed the water then set it down, “no. I’m not fine. I have a lot of anxiety. I listen to relaxation techniques and sitcoms and comedians… I do yoga and meditation with my friend Moses and I have little hobbies. My best friend Chloe is always a call away but I don’t have total breakdowns like before.”

  “And makeup?” My question made her collapse into giggles. “I’m sorry if it’s rude, but I need to know how you do all that. You’re wearing it, I can tell. You always look sharp, like a model so how do you-.”

  “When I was thirteen and they told me, Chloe and I devised a plan. We worked non-stop at teaching me how to feel my way around my face. I can do all of it myself thanks to her. It was literally hours upon hours of practice. I had to learn my face like a canvas and feel by memory. I still go to this one cosmetic boutique, though. I buy all their products so on special occasions I go, tell them what I want and let them do it.”

  “That’s incredible.”

  “As far as clothes and accessories… it’s all about order. Which kills me because by nature I’m not organized.”

  The night was smooth. Easy. Fun. Happy. Brianna is flirtatious but not trashy. She’s full of morals but not a prude.

  Taking her home was killing my nerves. I’m pretty confident I won myself a stayover and from this morning to now I need it. That and a cigarette.

  I got to her apartment via her instruction and went around to get her door. I walked with her to her apartment building and then inside. She lives on the third floor and reached into her bag before pulling a key with a thick rubber guard. I waited while she found the lock and opened it.

  Going in she turned to face me and smiled, “tonight was great.”

  I smiled back, “it was better than great. Thanks for not running out on me.”

  Brianna fiddled with her key, “I don’t think I ever had such a fun date before.” She patted her purse, “I’m going to put out the shells; that was therapeutic.”

  I stepped closer, time to initiate part two. “Goodnight Brianna,” I said before leaning to kiss her. These kisses are as addictive as my cigarettes and booze. They make me feel just as careless.

  She pushed her hands up my arms and surrendered to it. Her mouth parting and her chest pressing into mine. I secured her hips and she didn’t pull away so I brought them against my groin. She fits perfectly! Her hips are wide spread and soft, not hard and pure bones like most the women I’ve had. It’s inviting and sensual.

  The kiss got wetter, and sloppier, as the heat between us bloomed into an inferno. Now it’s lip sex. Our mouths are so involved its sex standing up.

  I took a step into her apartment then another. That’s when I felt it. The press on my chest that kept getting stronger until I had to break the kiss.

  “No, no, no,” she said in a gasp for breath. “Backup.”

  “What? Why? I didn’t kill you in the car or in the bloody boat.”

  “You aren’t coming in.”

  My eyes bulged and I pressed her hips closer. “You don’t want this? I feel it on your skin, Love, you want this as much as I do. It feels…” I kissed her again and she kissed me back. Is that resolve slipping? “It feels so right,” I said against her lips. “Let me into your flat so I can make you feel like a woman.”

  She busted out laughing and I frowned. I narrowed my eyes at her even if she can’t see me.

  “I’m sorry,” she said around the outrageous laughter, “I’ll make you feel like a woman,” she said with the slaughtered British accent. “Oh my God, where did you get that? An 80’s flick?”

  I let her go to cross my arms, “women like being told those things.”

  She shook her head with a grin, “not this one that was corny. That was- you just lost like…twenty points for that one.”

  “Women need to get their shit straight. If we don’t say those things we aren’t sensitive enough and if we do it’s corny…”

  She pulled it together a little and came forward to bring her hands up my chest. “Okay, how do I break this down? We want the romance, right? But we want it your own way. We know men are too big and bad for saying pretty things like Romeo so when you try it feels really, really fake. It’s when you say things without thinking that turn our knees to jelly.”

  “Like?” I asked. I need to know because what the hell?

  “Like…” she thought a moment. “Like when you told me at the docks that you understood my fear. You didn’t get annoyed or pushy. You took me on the beach, which was romantic. Or when you explained the shells to me. Showing me through your eyes what they look like and taking time to give me pictures. That was over the top romantic.”

  She’d purred closer as she spoke and now she was in my arms, feeling my chest and shoulders, “so no lines?” I checked. “No, baby I want to make love to you all the night long?”

  Her laugh wasn’t as offensive to me this time. I felt her back, shoulders and waist before descending to her hips again.

  “No, that sounds corny again. We like men being men. Like ‘I wanna fuck you,’ is acceptable once the time is right.”

  My turn to laugh. “Wow, you may be my dream woman.” I kissed beside her nose, “now let me in so I can thrust you against this wall and get under this skirt.”

  She bit down on her lip and her breath came out in a squeeze. “That was said just right…but…” she pressed my chest back again, “you aren’t coming in tonight.”

  My high crashed, “why?”

  “Because we just met and because I don’t know you and because I’m-.”

  Her expression looked conflicted.

  “You’re what?” I pressed.

  She untangled herself from my arms, “just not yet…” She stepped out and felt my cheek before kissing it. “Good night, Gavin.”

  Chapter Five


  Oh, the agony! I slumped back against the door I just closed on Gavin. He’s so much of what I was looking for but he’s also everything I’ve been avoiding.

  I can’t just let him waltz in and have me against my wall. I’ve never even done the sex thing lying down, plus we need more time.

  Then I groaned. We don’t really have time; he goes back in six days. What am I going to do? String him along?

  The next day I woke up thirty minutes early to pick an outfit for work because he might be there and I want to look amazing.

  This time I went for a top in the blacks section of my closet. It was fitted but the sleeves were quartered and belled. Then I a pair of snug, dark khaki trousers and sleek black heels, a job requirement. I styled my hair in a loosely weaved French braid and donned my jewelry then hit the door.

  I got into the office before Pat and set myself up. I’
m too excited to see Gavin. Well…hear Gavin. I went to typing up documents Vicars needed and kept an ear out for my new secret.

  “Hey, honey,” Pat said as she came around to throw her purse down.

  “Hey, gorgeous. Good morning.”

  “You’re in a good mood.”

  I smiled, “yeah it’s all the fresh air I got last night. I was at the beach.”

  “Nice. Guess who else was at the beach?”

  I printed out a file for one of the girls in accounting. “Don’t know. Who?”

  “Gabe Gilmore! He was seen on his boat with a mystery woman. They couldn’t get a good shot but they said the two of them were holding hands and stuff.”

  I waved her off, “Stop reading that crap. I’m telling you it’s got to be really invasive to have everyone reading about your life.”

  “If they want to be famous they invite the press upon themselves.”

  I knit my brows together thinking about Gavin and how much I relish the fact he’s a secret. I can’t imagine having my life exploited. “Maybe he wants her to be a mystery; poor guy can’t even go on a date.”

  “Yesterday you said you thought he was a dick.” She reminded.

  “Even dicks deserves a private life. Besides, you said he’s a bed hopper; if he’s just toying with her she doesn’t need the publicity either.”

  Pat started tapping at the keys of her computer, “okay I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt on your argument but this is the first time they’ve seen him out with a girl aside from a drive away from her house in the am. So they aren’t going to give up. It is a big deal for Gabe Gilmore to be out with a girl.”

  “There goes your future husband.” I teased.

  She whimpered, playing along, “I’m so devastated.”

  We laughed and got to it at our tasks. I wonder if Gavin knows who the mystery woman is. Funny that he and I were out at the harbor and so was the big shot, Mr. Gilmore.

  Vicars appeared between Pat and me a couple hours later, “Pat, I need you to accompany me to the distribution center. They had an accident and we have to work up a report, Brianna?”

  I turned my head, “you need all the forms right?”

  “Yes,” he confirmed, “and as soon as you have them pass em’ to Pat and…” he made clicking sounds on his phone. “I’m sending you the numbers. I need you to call all the people on the list. I made footnotes about why.”

  “On it,” I said as the email chimed on my computer.

  He patted both our shoulders, “I’d lose my own head if I didn’t have you both. Brianna, when do your classes start again?”

  “They started weeks ago. Spring break was in March, Mr. Vicars.”

  “Shit!” he said, “did we adjust to your class schedule or-.”

  “Yeah, I go at night on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.”

  “Then you can still come in tomorrow morning and help me get ready for the conference, right?”


  He breathed out in a whoosh. He’s so cute. I love working for his scattered self.

  He and Pat got up to leave and not seconds later Jacob was drumming on my desk. “Hello, cutie. Where’s Vicars?”

  I tilted my head, “sorry Boo, you missed him already. Did you have an appointment?”

  “Well, we didn’t call it that.”

  “Always make him write it down. He can’t remember walk-ins.”

  He grumbled. “Alright, I’ll come back. How ya been?”

  “Really good. I’m having a much better day.”

  “I can tell. You look good. I’m not the only one to notice either.”

  I heard the phone ring but only laid my hand over the receiver, “who?”

  “Gabe Gilmore is checking you out from down the hall.”

  I rolled my eyes, “the man is hopeless. Pat said they just caught him out with a girl last night.”

  “When you’re filthy rich you can afford to have a fucked up love life, Bri.”

  I patted his hand, “you’ll find the right girl.” I held up my finger to him and answered the phone, “Vicars Interactive Incorporated this is Brianna, how may I direct your call?”

  I thought about Gabe Gilmore the millionaire checking me out like Jacob said and smiled a little. Gavin has already stolen my thoughts. He’s captured my mind within forty-eight hours but I have to hope he doesn’t do the same with my heart. Either way, I don’t want the millionaire’s attention, I want Gavin’s.

  I want my handsome, rogue Brit.


  Watching Brianna work is as interesting as watching her do anything else. She’s so in control for someone without an important sense like sight. I didn’t even know the blind could do half the things she does.

  Then there’s the beauty. I told myself on the drive home this was it. There would be no more pursuing Miss Brianna. I’m breaking all the codes I’ve lived by forever. I’m negating all the advice from my father and I’m sporting for a girl. If all I want is sex I could get it at the drop of a hat, so why fuss over one girl?

  Looking at her now I know why. I knew when I walked silently past her this morning. She’s screwing up my mind. I want her and the only way to get her out of my system is to do her and move on. I have only six days to work this and though it’s short it feels long to a guy like me that doesn’t date.

  I interrogated poor Danielle again for a new date idea and thanks to her I’m loaded again. I’m getting in Brianna’s pants if I have to bulldoze my way in.

  Once Jacob left I made my way over. “And hello, Miss Brianna.”

  She was still on the phone but I liked how her cheeks flamed and a stutter developed over the phone. She made me wait until she was done then hung up and looked in my general direction, “Mr. Gavin.”

  “I have something for you.” I slid something across the desk and she reached out and carefully felt around.

  She grasped the gift and felt along its sides. “What is it?”


  Her back went straight, “to what?”

  “Concert. Jon Bellion.”

  She covered her mouth, “no way! Stop. Really?” her excitement is great.

  “Front row, Love.”

  “For when?”


  She shook her head, “you got two front row tickets to Jon’s concert on the day of the event?”

  I shrugged, “well, when you know a millionaire you get away with things.”

  “How did you know I like him?”

  “I busted into your mobile phone last night and saw the playlist you were listening to. I happen to love his work. Tell me you’ll go.”

  She turned herself from side to side in the wheeled office chair. “Okay…but…ugh.” She set the tickets in her wallet and I worried over that noise she made. “I really hate to sound clingy but you can’t like…wander off or anything if we go. I won’t know my surroundings and I won’t be able to hear over the music so it’s like losing two senses.”

  I folded my arms over her desk. “I have no desire to be more than two feet from your body so I think that’s fine.”

  Her color turned again. She blushes easily like a high school girl. Like she’s that unused to male flattery.

  “May I go home and change first this time?”

  “Yes, I’ll pick you up.”

  The phone rang and she reached for it. “Vicars Interactive Incorporated, this is-.” Before she could say I bent over the desk and kissed her mouth. I’d been careful to make sure there were no eyes from the hall but it was empty and her lips looked like they needed it.

  She made an ‘oh’ sound that was terribly sexy. Like a sex sound. Then she recovered, “this is…this is…B-Brianna…um…how may help- direct. How may I direct your call?”

  I laughed and left her to it all flustered.

  I went through the work day fine until my office phone rang. It was my father’s number and it made all the good of last night and today dim to nothing. I braced mys
elf then answered. “Hello?”

  “Gabriel?” his voice came down the line with instant authority. “Where in Christ have you been? You closed the deal?”

  I sat straight out of habit, “yes Sir, they accepted the terms.”

  “Were you there early? You didn’t let them push you, did you?”

  “No, Sir I was ready. They weren’t all in agreement but-.”

  “Marcus thinks we don’t have the money to buy him out, he’s wrong but don’t tip your hat, let him stew. What’s happening with the merge?”

  “We’re making necessary cuts to Vicars Interactive, starting with the low-level positions, and then we’ll start combing the executive levels.”

  “I want our people in there and most the old crew out. How is Vicars with the changes?”

  I tapped my pen on my desk, “he’s not resisting anything. He’s unsure about the conference, though.”

  “How many secretaries does he have actively working his affairs?”

  I thought about Brianna and Pat and my mouth spoke before my mind could catch up. “Two.” Shit!

  “I want one of his secretaries cut from the staff. Make him less secure so when we approach with the offer to buy he’s overwhelmed enough to consider it. I want Vicars Interactive to become Gilmore Interactive by the summer.”

  I rubbed my eyes in annoyance then drank my spiked coffee to dull the pain. “Yes, Sir,” I said robotically.

  “One other thing.” He added. “Check the paper. If its on the headlines here its sure as hell there.”

  I frowned and looked through my pile of newspapers and work mail. I found an entertainment weekly magazine called Stars and Stories. Right, there on the front page was me sitting on my boat deck with Brianna from last night. I felt sick and freaked for a minute. Her back is to the picture and it was taken from really far away so it’s grainy but there it is.

  The headline read Wine and Dine with Unknown Californian. Has Gabe G. Changed his spots? Who is his new lady friend?

  “Fuck,” I said aloud.

  “Gabriel,” my father brought my attention back, “don’t do anything to mess this merge up. I don’t give a damn who you’re screwing just don’t let it screw us. Bang her and move on so you can keep your head in the game. Don’t let this turn into a bloody drama picture for the press. You went to dinner with it? You took it on the boat? Have you lost your wits?”


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