The Co-Parent (The Relationship Quo Series Book 3)

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The Co-Parent (The Relationship Quo Series Book 3) Page 12

by Nicole Strycharz

  “No, I’m not okay…” I went from level mildly sad to level I just watched the end of Titanic and The Notebook. “I’m tired again, and I forgot to wear that new necklace and my feet hurt in my heels, and-.” Ugh, I’m ugly crying. I felt with my cane that there was a parking lot cement thing, the divider thing, I don’t know what it’s called but I sat on it. “I’m so fucking hungry.” I cried.

  Yep. Preggo cried about being hungry and this led to a frantic Chloe threatening a burger joint to have my food ready on the fly.

  She’s not the only one affected by the changes. Moses is doing prenatal yoga with me. As an instructor, he knows all the moves and he respects my apprehension about being in a class when I can’t see.

  We laugh more than we work out. I’m more of a strength exercise gal so flexibility isn’t my thing.

  “Okay, so sit Indian style and relax,” he told me on the floor of his living room. “Humming is a great way to relax baby, so we’re going to hum and hold a single note.”

  I snickered, “Does your baby like it too?”

  “Shut up.” He warned.

  He’s sitting beside me all ready to go but I reached over and rubbed his…well, I can’t say belly because Moses is all abs. “Aww,” I teased, “boy or girl?”

  “Excuse me if I respect and understand the female body.” He defended.

  “Says the guy who asked if since I was a virgin my vagina was closed up like a drawbridge.”

  He snorted, “I didn’t say that.”

  “Oh! Idea! Knock up Chloe so our babies can play together.”

  “I already tried offering, she said not yet. Now focus please.”

  “I guess pole dancing would be tricky with a bump…” I pondered aloud. “Okay.” I shook off the funny and got into a meditative pose, backs of hands on knees and Moses did the same.

  “Now hummmm…” he began and it hit my morbid funny bone again.

  “On it- hummm…” but I started a beat with it.

  We sounded like a beehive but then I made it hip-hop.

  He spoke around the sound, “Please don’t hum profanity ridden music to my niece or nephew- hummmm…..”

  “Hard Knock Life by Jay-Z is not profane, hummmm…it’s art. Hum hum hummity hummm, I want Blueberry to be open minded…hummm.”

  I can sense him trying to hold a straight face. “You won’t say that when your baby yells the word ‘tits’ in the store. Hummm…”

  “I have to pee, hummm…”

  He laughed outright.

  My boss, on the other hand, is paranoid as hell. Sitting at the office I was collecting his contracts in a folder when, “Owe!” I yelped.

  He was standing behind me but flipped out, “What happened? What? Pain? Is it the baby? Go home, just go home and sleep.”

  I held up my pointer finger, “I’m fine Mr. Vicars, just a paper cut, calm down.”

  “Antiseptic!” he literally shouted at the top of his lungs and his voice cracked, “Stew! Get the first aid kit!”

  “Mr. Vicars-.”

  “Know what? I can do this myself, you go home.”

  Jesus Christ! He’s terrified I’m going to have an accident and sue. However, he’s sent me home a lot since he found out. Even when I told him I’m breaking from school and have more time for work. I need the hours to make up the money for Blueberry.

  Whatever, today is a loss. I shoved my shit in my purse, called a cab and left. Using my stick I headed for the elevators, “Fuck it.” I told Blueberry. “We’ll go home and nap. Sound good?” I’ve taken Moses’ advice and begun talking to baby. Now It’s all I ever do.

  This is perhaps my favorite part of being pregnant. I’m no longer alone in the darkness. I have someone just as blind to the world as me. We both have to perceive the earth without sight and that little life trusts me to guide us here and there. This is the happiest I’ve been since losing my sight.

  “No, scratch that,” I told baby, “We are going to that hole in the wall sub shop where Mr. Jacob found that meatball sub. Mommy hates meatballs but you love em’ so I shouldn’t deprive you.”

  The elevator doors opened and we got on and rode down. All the cab drivers know me from this one particular company so I never feel unsafe. “Hi, Ibaad,” I said as he guided me to the back seat.

  “Baby is growing,” he told me.

  I got in and held my tummy through my skirt suit, “Yep, and baby is hungry.” I told him about the shop. “Know where that is?”

  “Oh yes.” He drove us that way while I changed to tennis shoes and led me to the door after. These guys at the cab company rock. I went in and by the gritty floor under my shoes, I knew this was no five-star joint but the smells were epic.

  As I waited in line I heard a TV to my right. Sounded like it was mounted on the wall. It caught my attention right away.

  “Hello and welcome back to The Celebrity Ring! I’m Marcy Clay and this is the ‘gossip buster hour!’

  Did the president really get caught at a Taco Bell in Texas doing a popular dance move?

  Was Roman, the song artist spotted hand in hand with his ex at the last concert?

  Popular Author of “Over Your Dead Body,” Mrs. Roisin Black, just announced the release date of her second book in the steamy Omega Security Series. There are movie rumors ya’ll.”

  Now I’m all ears because Roisin Black is the shit.

  “But before all that we have our Celeb Chit Chat Interview with none other than the man candy bachelor we all love, Mr. Gabe Gilmore! Coming to us from London with our very own Blair Fawn.”

  I swallowed and strained to hear. I have not even the slightest interest in Mr. Gilmore but he’s the only bridge in the world to Gavin. It’s not like they’ll interview his assistant or like I can actually see the interview and Gavin will be standing there but I still want to hear this.

  “Next.” Said the clerk.

  I stepped up carefully with my stick showing me the way, “Hi, so I had a friend bring me a sandwich from here. Now if I don’t find it again I’m pretty sure my baby might gnaw his or her way out.”

  He laughed, “What can I get ya darlin’?”

  “Well, it had like, meatballs, grease, mozzarella and angel tears on it…”

  He cracked up, “That’s probably the Marinara Italian Fireball.”

  “I trust your wisdom.”

  “We only make those on Friday’s but I’ll whip one up.”

  I shouldered my purse, “You just unleashed a boatload of hormones that make me want to cry.”

  “Well don’t because women crying is a phobia of mine, but my wife was like that when she was pregnant. She craved stuff too. Take a seat and I’ll bring it over when it’s up.”

  More hormones. I handed him my card then paid and went to sit. Feeling my way around. I found a booth near the TV because I could hear them summarizing Gabe Gilmore’s life and success as they led to the interview.

  Then it started and my heart flipped when I heard his voice. He sounds eerily like Gavin. Maybe it’s the accent.

  Blair, the reporter launched it, “So Mr. Gilmore, you’ve been a busy man these days! How did you like Ibiza?”

  He laughed, “it’s Ibiza, what’s not to like?”

  “I agree, and from the pictures popping up on the internet you may be enjoying it more than some. The one that broke the web was this one here. You were posing with a girl at the shore; drink in one hand and her on the other. Is this a dating possibility?”

  “Uh, no, we’re just friends…”

  She moved around it, “and considering you’ve been to countless countries where would you say is the best spot to kick it?”

  “Well um…er, that’s a difficult question. I like working out in my division based in Sweden, the countryside is very nice but I’m not one for the cold. I’m very fond of America though.”

  I caressed Blueberry, “Hear that? That’s exactly how Daddy sounds. Daddy is British. They sound like their IQ is through the roof which is a little an
noying when you feel dumb but they’re also sexy as hell so it’s okay.”

  Blair went in for the kill, “is that due to a special someone that you were seen with in the Spring?”

  Gabe’s rich laugh really twists my heart, it sounds so much like Gavin and the melody of his accent is sweet to me.

  “I suppose I,” he sounded like he adjusted in his seat, “should’ve seen that question coming eh?”

  She went on, “I have to ask. I can’t tell you how many letters we get about the mystery girl you were seen with in California. The pictures still get so much attention. The one on the boat, the one at the outdoor market, and the blurred glimpse of you and her attending the opera. Since when does Gabe Gilmore see a woman for a steady week? Was something going on between the two of you?”

  I frowned, this guy must have taken all Gavin’s dating ideas or the other way around.

  “She was um…” he paused. “a very, very special girl.”

  “Was it serious?”

  “We both understood it had an end time, but I think of her often and…” he sounded thoughtful, “and I’ve not met another girl like her. Says a lot coming from the likes of me. I’m fairly global.” He teased.

  “Will you see her again?”

  “I’d like to, but um, well as I said she’s quite spectacular and beautiful so, I doubt she’s still single.”

  “Aww! Do you think it could pick up where it left off?”

  He was silent a long time, “Somethings…are more beautiful because they’re short. I don’t know exactly what could or would’ve happened but, sometimes you meet someone and they…rent a vacancy in your heart that…without them should perhaps just stay empty. It’s all chance, yeah? So…anything is possible I suppose.”

  Wow. He just described my relationship with Gavin. How weird. It actually made me feel understood and at peace. Maybe Gabe Gilmore isn’t as shallow as I thought.

  Blair took a last try, “can we know who the mystery girl was?”

  He laughed again, “uh, no. She’s rather private and I’d like to respect our time together.”

  “Are you planning a trip to America soon?”

  He perked up, “yes actually, I have to check in on the progress being made at Gilmore’s International; V Interactive District.”

  She fawned, “that was a very successful business venture. How close are you to putting your name on the products?”

  “A few signed papers and a handshake.” He said with confidence.

  That explains Vicars’ jitters about me in the workplace. He’s not worried, he’s cutting my hours. Great. So pregnant, blind girl might be losing her job too. That’s great.

  The guy showed up with my sandwich as they went to a commercial break and I left, I’d heard enough. On my way out my phone rang but it had no ring alert that told me I knew the person so I ignored it. When I got in the cab though I listened.

  “Brianna…it’s Gavin…”

  The start of the voicemail put all the hairs up on my arms and broke me out into goosebumps.

  “Listen, I don’t have long but…I’ve um…well…I’ll be returning to the States soon, and…” he trailed off. “I don’t even know what I’m saying but…you’ve been on my mind and…I thought maybe I could see you.” Someone called out ‘one minute Gabe,’ in the background. “I have to go but, perhaps you could call me back? I did sneak your number when I left that morning. I know we said only a week but- and I understand! If you don’t want to see me, I mean.

  You may have something going on- someone- or just. Yeah, well…now that I botched this…” he gave a nervous laugh, and I did too. “I have to go but, call me.”

  Chapter Twelve


  Now here I sit with Chloe on my sofa and I’m turning my phone over and over in my hands.

  “It’s almost ten,” said Chloe. “So almost…” she counted in a whisper, “six there…in London. Are you ready?”

  “No.” I sighed.

  “He called hours ago, he might not even pick up.”

  I hit the button without any more thinking and it rang, and rang, and rang. Then voicemail. I hung up. “I can’t do this.” I groaned. “I don’t know.”

  Chloe patted my knee, “I understand. Maybe he-.”

  The phone rang and cut her short. My hands went numb and she checked, “It’s him. Get it.”

  I answered before I could chicken out. “Hello?” I said.

  There was such a long quiet with background noise I thought I lost him, but then, “I had no idea, hearing your voice would feel this good.”

  And just like that, we settled into a contented calm, “Well, my voice has been known to have healing powers.” I joked.

  “I saw a thing about that on the news. Men go far and wide to call you, just to hear your voice.”

  “Yeah, it’s a hardship.” I smiled, “How are you?”

  He sighed the long way that tells you it’s been a long journey. “Better, since hearing your voice.”


  “That was well said on my part.”

  “Nope. You’re opening comment was way more romantic. You sounded genuinely relieved to hear my voice.”

  He growled, “Fine, let me try again. I feel less awful about my life since you answered.”


  “How are you, Love?”

  Chloe shoved me and whispered, “That accent! I’m going to make Moses talk that way during sex.”

  I covered the mouth of my phone, “Don’t talk about your dirty Moses sex right now.”

  “What?” Said Gavin.

  “Nothing,” I said into the phone.

  “I heard the word sex. Men’s ears are trained to hear that word.”

  I slapped Chloe’s arm but can’t see so I missed and hit her boob. “Owe!” she yelped.


  Gavin laughed, “Having a pillow fight?”

  I pointed at my room and Chloe begrudgingly got up to give us space.

  “Uh, no my friend was just being…my friend.”

  “I thought I was your secret?”

  I laid my head back. “I kind of…had to tell her…because of….circumstances.” I patted my bump.

  “I’m glad I wasn’t forgotten then. Have you thought of me?”

  All the time, I thought. “Yes.”

  He gave the moment some time, “So…I’m coming back…to America.”

  “I heard Gabe’s interview. I wondered if that meant you too.”

  He sounded a little shook, “You heard the interview?”

  “Yeah, you guys sound really alike. Must be the accent.”

  “Right.” He sped over it. “Can I see you? You don’t have to but to be honest…there’s something I didn’t tell you before, a truth that, I feel a little burdened about. I still can’t promise you anything, I’m still a terrible person with terrible habits but…not seeing you ever again would be…torture.”

  “That was corny.”

  “I don’t care, I meant that one.”

  Oh. I softened like butter, “Yeah, I’d like to see you too. I actually……I need to tell you something too.” I drew a line down my bump. “It’s just that it would be better if I told you in person.”

  “Mine too. So we agree then? I have to fly to New York first then California.”

  The thought of a plane over New York still bothers me, “Be safe…on the plane I mean.” I’m terrified of flying.

  He was smiling I think, “I don’t think anyone has ever asked me to do that.”

  “No one ever told you to be careful or to be safe?”

  “There’s a mall a block down from the airport I’m flying into. I’ll voicemail the address. Meet me there? Noon?”

  I didn’t miss that he didn’t answer my question. Sounds like even though he had parents, he was as much an orphan as I was.

  “Okay. See you then. Goodnight Gavin.”

  “Goodnight, Miss Brianna.”


  It’s been a week since I spoke to Brianna. Now here I am walking the mall near the airport. I’m still dressed from the meeting I had in LA. ; A fitted gray suit. I’m also hoping no one notices me but this mall is ridiculously bright so hopefully the sunglasses help. My private detail get nervous when I mosey all about in crowded places like this but they’ve managed to back up and give me a bit of breathing space.

  This mall has three stories so I’m browsing my way from top to bottom to kill time since I’m early.

  I’m so nervous about seeing her; I’m sweating. What if she’s with someone? What if she only wanted to say, hi? What if we finish what we started? Is she still a virgin? Did I make her feel right enough to want more from me?

  Smoked two packs before coming here, but I’m still on edge. However, I skipped my morning Starbucks spiked with liquor because I don’t want her to smell it on me. She deserves the side of me that tries not to be a fuck up.

  At twelve on the nose, I looked at my watch and then hurried to the escalators that connected the floors. I was on my way down when I spotted her. It was instant. Like seeing a red dot on a map. She’s that unforgettable, that singular to me.

  She looks like one of the models I’ve seen going down the runway. She’d told me over the phone this morning that she’d be in a white dress with red flowers and a red sweater. It was very short and she wore it with tennis shoes. She’s a blend of innocence and worldly seduction and I already want her.


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