The Co-Parent (The Relationship Quo Series Book 3)

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The Co-Parent (The Relationship Quo Series Book 3) Page 20

by Nicole Strycharz

She’s in love I can see it all over her face.

  Chris led us upstairs to where the bedrooms were. Brianna’s had three window walls and a tiny terrace but she was too afraid to go out.

  My bedroom had a fireplace so I offered it to her but she doesn’t know how to use them and she’s afraid of getting burned.

  Then we observed what would be the nursery and the spare room.

  The bathroom is what adjoins our rooms. It too is made of brick and the tub at the center is enormous. It’s porcelain white and an inviting oval shape. There’s a glass shower, and windows. A Jack and Jill sink was in the corner. This house is such a downgrade from my life. Me. Gabe Gilmore lives in houses that could house four families. I like modern, glassy houses, cold steel kitchens, marble, empty walls, all dark colors. Not anymore.

  Brianna’s choice in homes has led to the word ‘cozy’, not the word ‘stylish.’ It’s not a party house. It’s no bachelor pad. It’s a family place. It’s where my kid is going to sleep. This was such a happy errand. I loved seeing her fall in love but now the panic is back. I’m committed to a woman I’m not even fucking anymore, that’s having my baby.

  I’m committed to that baby. That bump under her shirt. So now I can feel myself about to let her down again. I have to be myself. I have to fuck up.

  Chapter Nineteen


  My ultrasound got pushed back a week because of the move but I don’t mind. I’m twenty-one weeks and I have a home. My own home. Gabe kept his word and put it in my name and I love it. I was never for taking anything from Gabe, but this is different. It’s for our kid and it’s a chance at giving him or her all the stability her orphan mother didn’t find till later in life. This is the place Blueberry will be raised and best of all Moses and Chloe actually live only twenty minutes away.

  Blueberry is now according to doctors, the size of a fat banana! Around eleven ounces. Now I’m dying to know what’s in there, a boy or a girl and I’m making my new home as perfect as possible.

  Everyone is helping, all my extended family and Gabe’s house keeper but I notice something about Gabe. He’s getting distant again. He got me all set at the house but he’s retreating into work.

  I haven’t started working for him yet with the move.

  The paparazzi don’t know about the new house so there are no invasions and he marked it as private land so if they do venture out, they can be arrested for trespassing.

  Since family helped us move the house is pretty much perfect. The guys even dealt with me while I had them move things into place; perfectly arranged in certain shapes so I wouldn’t trip. Moses helped me learn the step counts.

  “Danny?” I said as I carefully walked the hall of the new house. My fingertips dragged lightly along the wall, “I can’t find the pots…”

  “Pots?” She said coming down the stairs.

  “Yeah, sauce pans, skillets and stuff… I checked the pantry already. It’s my first time cooking here. I’m thinking we need a pizza break.”

  I heard her come all the way down then go to the kitchen so I followed carefully. Gabe had called at lunch to say he’d have dinner with me and this came as a surprise since he’d been dodging me. Therefore, I decided home cooked was the way to go. She brought me to where the hutch was and guided my arm upward. “They hang,” she told me.

  “Oh…” I felt each one and took down a skillet. “Thanks, Danny sorry I had to bother you.”

  “Are you kidding? It’s great to have another woman around. Besides, you do half my work so I have more study time.”

  I laughed, “Good. Because, I have to admit, I missed living with people. I always had Chloe or foster parents, and then I had my dads. Living alone was freeing but darkness and quiet freak me out sometimes.”

  She smiled I think. I don’t know I just know that Danielle is the sweetest soul on the planet.

  Her voice always carries a light and happy tone. “I don’t think people are supposed to be alone,” she said. “I think sometimes that’s what’s wrong with Mr. Gilmore.”

  I felt my way to the stove, “I doubt Gabriel scratches for companionship. All that money probably buys him plenty of friends.”

  Danielle brought me an apron, “Yeah but not the right kind.”

  I didn’t think of that. “How long have you worked for him?”

  “I started working here when I started college so…three years. I love it. He’s a good boss.”

  “How do you manage work and school?”

  She got excited, “I do online college. Mr. Gilmore pays for it. That way I can travel wherever he needs me but it’s top notch education.”

  I didn’t know he was so kind to people. He seems so self-involved sometimes but what was I thinking? This same guy bought me a house.

  “He’s lucky to have you,” I told her.

  “Thanks. He’s really not a bad guy. He even promised to open doors for me once I graduate. He may be a total man-whore but he’s never been inappropriate with me. Well, I take that back,” she giggled, “I started working here when I was pretty young so when my first boyfriend came to pick me up he gave the guy a grand and told him to bogger off.”

  I laughed until it hurt. “So this baby better not be a girl then?”

  “No,” she agreed in a chuckle.

  My phone rang just then and she went to get it off the table for me while I sliced the chicken breasts for tonight. She paused my YouTube recipe and I cleaned my hands before taking the phone. The ring told me it was Gabe.

  “Hello?” I said as Danielle started the dishes behind me.

  “Eh?” Gabe’s voice boomed in my ear, “Brianna! What you doing, Love?”

  He sounds odd. Boisterous and teasing.

  “Making dinner,” I said, “Blueberry wants Chicken Marsala,” I laughed. He spoke to someone in the background like he didn’t even hear me and I frowned. “Gabriel? Are you there?”

  “You’re at the office?” He asked.

  I set my hip into the counter. “I just said I was making dinner. Where are you?”

  “Party in the Hills.” He laughed at something, “It’s bloody wild.”

  I felt a flicker of annoyance, “So you aren’t’ coming home then?” I hated how disappointed I sounded so I revised, “I mean, that’s totally fine, have fun I guess. I start as your secretary tomorrow so I’ll see you at the office. I just got all your information from your first assistant-.”

  “You’re so fucking gorgeous. You know that, yeah? I don’t know what it is. I tried figuring it out a few minutes ago but I can’t.”

  I frowned because between the accent and the slurring he’s hard to understand. “Are you alright?”

  He laughed, “Even pregnant. It’s making me feel like a perverted bloke. I want you all the time. I see why men want to fuck you. You can’t see and all that but they look, you know? You don’t see yourself…waltzing all about sexy as fuck.”

  I tried to figure a way to reply, “Are you drinking?”

  “No.” he sounded indignant. “I have only drank…should I say drunk or drank? Fuck me, I can’t remember the bloody grammar for that one. I drunken only one…” he laughed, “No, no, it’s drank. I can’t fucking find my cigarettes.”

  I pushed away the letdown feeling, “You’re drunk.”

  He was talking to other people again. I heard at least three women and a guy.

  “I need to go,” I told him after he took too long to answer.

  “Wait, wait…” he sounded like he was getting further from the noise. “Are you cross with me, Love?”

  I thought about if Danielle should hear this conversation but I’m not moving, “Nope. We’re roommates not married. You should have your party life if you want it. I have to go, though.”

  He groaned, “I can’t find my fucking phone, either. What in hell is going on?”

  My jaw tightened, “You’re on your phone, Gabe.”

  He made a gasping sound, “Well, shit.” Another laugh, “That’s embarr

  This whole thing is. “I really have to go.”

  “Running from me like always?”

  In the same second, he asked I felt a strange kind of flutter. It was so low in my belly and so sudden that it almost tickled and I made a sharp gasp.

  “You there?” Asked Gabe, “What’s the matter? You alright?”

  I didn’t answer right away because I was afraid I’d miss it if it happened again. I went really still and felt around my stomach. When I felt it again I gasped again. I can’t help but make the girly sound.

  Danielle was at my side in a jiff and whispered, “Are you okay?”

  I was so excited I reached for her hand and placed it over my bump. We waited in silence but when she felt it she gasped too. “The baby is moving!” she said with a jump. “Oh my God it’s so cool! I’ve only felt this one other time!”

  We laughed and kept feeling. I was so happy to share the moment with someone.

  “Brianna?” Gabe’s voice brought me back.

  “Gabriel! The baby is moving!” I said in a high and happy pitch, “Blueberry is totally kicking or gliding or tap-dancing! Danny and I can feel it! It’s like a quick little tapping!” He started talking to someone in the background again and it made my mood drop dramatically. “Gabriel.” I tried.

  “Yeah, Love?” he sounded so distracted.

  “The baby moved. Didn’t you hear me? Blueberry moved and Danny and I are feeling-.”

  He interrupted me by laughing at something in the background and I gave up. I disconnected the call and let myself feel a little sad for a microsecond. Just a second, though because Blueberry moving means more to me than a drunk playboy. I don’t need him to bask in this moment so I blocked him out.

  No, actually, he blocked himself out.


  The party was loud. I don’t even know where I am or what house I’m at. Maybe it’s Roman’s?

  I lost count of the drinks I’ve had and I’m out of cigarettes. Somewhere in the dizzy madness of the night, I remembered Brianna, and calling seemed like a good idea but then things were coming out of my mouth that was far too telling. When she told me our baby moved I pretended not to hear her because it means three things.

  I’m not there.

  I can’t control myself.

  I’m not good for her.

  She’s sharing the news and expecting equal joy from me but all I’m doing is making the moment sour. I’m glad she hung up.

  Now I’m sitting on the front steps of this house just trying to think clear but I can’t. A pair of thin arms encircle my neck from behind and a pair of lips kiss over my ear. “Come back inside,” says the seductive voice.

  I turned my head and was met with very brilliant brown eyes. I don’t know who she is but we’ve been flirting all night.

  “I need more convincing…” I smirked.

  She slid her hand into my open collar and caressed my chest before pressing her breasts against my back. Her kisses ranged down my neck and I closed my eyes. Comfort. It’s such a hard thing to find if it’s lasting. Easy if it’s not. When I make love to Brianna I could stay in the moment forever and the effects last longer than my booze, or my cigarettes or my meaningless lovers. Problem is her brand of comfort also scares the living hell out of me.

  Her arms require more from me than just quick satisfaction. She needs dependability. That’s why I always leave directly after because I can’t have her or myself thinking I’m capable.

  “What about now?” the stranger at my back asked. “Is that enough convincing, baby?”

  “Baby…” I opened my eyes at the word. “I’m going to be a father, you know?”

  She purred in my ear, “Mmm, congratulations.” She moved her hand all over my chest.

  “We have all the pumps and zippers, not snaps.” I laughed.

  She turned my chin and kissed me, “Stop talking about babies,” she said before straddling me. I held her against my body and pushed my hands up her crop top.

  “Do you have babies?” I must be very drunk to ask that.

  She snorted and laughed, “God no. Ew, fuck that. Come on, let’s go find a room.”

  I can tell by the taste of beer on her tongue and the giddy looseness that she’s as sloshed as I am. “I need a damned smoke.” I groaned into her neck. I usually don’t do drunk girls…lawsuits and all that.

  She pulled a pack from the back pocket in her cut off shorts and flipped the top open. I drew one out and she had a light ready. Then my phone rang. It was my father and with little desire to give a shit I answered.

  “What?” I never answer that way to him.

  “You didn’t send the report. How long does it take to send a fucking fax, Gabriel?”

  I laughed when whoever this girl is started feeling for a hard on.


  I frowned and growled, “What!?”

  “Get to the office and send the bloody fax!”

  “Can’t. I’m very drunk and I don’t want to, so piss off.” The girl in my lap fell into giggles.

  “Listen to me,” my father’s tone went dark, “Get to the office, send the fax and if you don’t I’ll pull back my funding of the new factory here in London. Get moving. And it’s a confidential file, so don’t have one of your stooges do it, either.”

  I snapped inside but hung up and coaxed the girl off my lap. She protested but I got myself up and pulled my keys. I staggered my way to my Benz and fumbled to get the door open. I dropped the fuckers three times.

  Roman came sprinting my way, “Going home to the baby mama?” he laughed.

  “Nope. Office,” I swore and kicked my door. “Can’t find the fucking keyhole.”

  Roman was beside himself with laughs. “Use the fuckin’ clicker man. The button.” His pupils are super dilated. I know he does harder shit than me but he looks so gone. “Come back after.” He’s basically hanging on me and I’m equally unstable.

  “Maybe I will. If I can find the office.” I laughed.

  I got in my parallel parked car along the street. I had no one behind me or in front. I turned the engine on and put the window down.

  Roman cracked up at nothing, “Feel like I’m walking on glass and shit,” he admitted. “When you gonna have a baby man?”

  I thought then blinked past the fog. “December. They said that, I think. Whenever month has fucking Christmas in it.”

  “Mine was May.” He said.

  I raised my brows, “You got a kid, Mate?”

  “Yeah man, she’s seven. I think so, fuck. Seven or nine. Acts like she’s thirteen. Tells me to eat healthy and shit, she’s a little mama.”

  I was a little shocked. For all the time we spend together at parties I never knew this about him. How was it not in tabloids and so on? “You married?”

  “Ha! Hell no. She busy dating some accountant. She thinks she’s too good for me. Wasn’t too good to let me fuck her. Whatever.”

  I thought of Brianna. She was too good for me but unlike Roman, I know that. “You see your kid then?” I asked.

  “Yeah, like once a week and shit. When I can. If I’m not in the studio, you know? Not like her mother cares, long as she gets that money.”

  Child support…. “You pay a lot?”

  He busted out laughing, “You’ll see, man. Bitches suck a man dry most the time. You won’t have bones when she’s done.”

  “Brianna doesn’t want money. She wants to…co-parent…”

  “What the fuck is co-parent? She’s not billing you for your deposit?” He looked disbelieving.

  I shook my head, “She wants to split shit.”

  His brows went ever higher. “Weird.”

  I felt a strange kind of turn in the air around me. She’s rare. Brianna is a rare woman.

  “Gotta go,” said Roman, “I’m seeing ten a you,” he shook my hand then left and I sat in my expensive car thinking. I heard an engine rev way up ahead but it wasn’t mine. I checked but I’m still in park

  I squinted when a pair of headlights and high beams blaring came barreling down the street. I had enough time to realize they weren’t stopping before I felt the collision and my world went dark. Then I fell asleep.

  Chapter Twenty


  I opened my eyes slowly but the light still hurt my eyes. There is a distant beeping sound and a cold feeling to my surroundings.

  I turned my head and everything hurt. I saw the pale colors of a hospital room. It’s unmistakable. I’ve been here plenty of times for different reasons; overdose, alcohol poisoning, the one time I tried booze and prescription drugs and so on.

  Only difference is that this time when I looked around I wasn’t alone. I always wake up alone. Not this time.

  On the empty bed next to me was a sprawled out Chloe cuddled into a softly snoring Moses. Her golden hair was fanned out all over him and he kept her tucked into his body.

  On the settee by the foot of the bed was a sleeping Danielle and in the chair beside my bed was a huddled up Brianna.

  She slept in the chair with her knees folded up in her arms hiding the bump well. Her hair was all around her shoulders and she was using her long dress as a blanket. She was so close to the bed I reached out and touched her knee. In an instant, her eyes opened and she brought her head up in the opposite direction.

  “Gabriel?” She put her hand over mine and felt my knuckles, veins, and fingers, “Gabe?”

  Amazing. She knows me just by touch.

  “Hey,” I said in a grumble. I couldn’t get my voice to go any higher.

  “You’re awake?” she felt up my arm. Now I see with the clearing of my vision that her eyes are red. She’s been crying? About what? Me?

  “What happened?” I managed.

  She sat back and kept my hand but with no grip. “The party you were at was really big so people were coming and going all night. While you were parked a drunk driver swerved into you on the street. The driver and his three passengers are a couple rooms down. One might not make it.”

  “Was I driving?”


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