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Drake (The Powers That Be, Book 5)

Page 14

by Harper Bentley

  Heart pounding in my chest, I lifted my chin the tiniest bit, showing that I was making the decision to trust, before slowly dropping to my knees for him, resting my butt down on my calves.

  I saw his eyes crinkle a little at the sides; he was pleased.

  “Good girl,” he pronounced, voice husky with lust. He slowly stalked toward me moving to where I knelt.

  Watching him, I found myself unsure, uncertain of going forward with this. I’d given him my trust but now would he give me his? He’d kept saying he had to be sure but I was still clueless as to what that meant.

  He now stood in front of me, his hard cock straining against his boxer briefs, his eyes piercing mine as he looked down. Reaching a hand down and cupping the side of my face, he languidly ran his thumb over my bottom lip.

  “So fucking beautiful,” he remarked, watching the movement his thumb made.

  Then his eyes locked on mine, the gleam in his silently communicating something I wasn’t quite grasping, but when he knelt too, I sucked in a breath.

  His voice was low and gravelly when he uttered, “Give me time.”

  He wasn’t asking; he was telling. But he was trying.

  I nodded which generated a slow smirk from him.

  Abruptly, he grabbed me by the waist, pulling me up onto my knees and kissed me before his mouth veered away to leave soft kisses at the side of my neck while his hands dropped to tug my panties down and off.

  From somewhere he produced a condom, and suddenly his briefs were down and he’d covered his thick shaft with it. He next lifted me to straddle him and slowly slid me down to sheath his cock.

  “Oh, my God,” I whispered, hands on his shoulders, my head falling back as I took all of him inside.

  His lips landed back on my neck where he peppered it with gentle kisses, his hands at my waist holding me steady as his hips moved up in deliberate and measured thrusts that already had my climax building.

  “Love how fucking wet you get for me, Honor…” he said, his breath hot on my skin.

  Brushing his lips down, he kissed between my breasts before moving to one, his hand coming up to pull my bra aside then he sucked my nipple into his mouth causing me to let out a throaty moan.

  Lips gliding across to my other breast, he gave it the same attention as the other, and it was then I realized this wasn’t like the other times we’d been together—hard and rough, unrestrained fucking; no, this was slow and calculated with a bit of tender thrown in. He was giving me soft and sweet—he was making love to me.

  At this thought, I tipped over the edge, my body completely giving in, my amplified arousal escalating into a mind-blowing orgasm. Digging my fingers into his shoulders, my head came forward and I cried out his name. Then he was there too, his hips moving faster as he wrapped his arms tightly around me, and pushing his hips up hard he buried himself deep with a groan. We stayed locked in each other’s arms for a long time, as if our bodies needed the closeness, our minds the assurance of the other.

  When he pulled back, he touched his lips to mine and said low, “You’re one of the best fucking things in my life.” He then kissed my forehead and as he lifted me off him, his lips brushing my mouth again before moving down between my breasts, over my belly and finally to my thigh as I stood. “Time,” he uttered looking up at me. It was now more of a question than a statement as it had been before.

  Gazing down at him still kneeling before me, his eyes almost pleading with me, I felt my insides go to mush. “Okay,” I whispered back.

  And I was okay. He’d said it wasn’t a date, so I knew I had to trust. And obviously, something had happened to him that made it hard for him to trust, so I decided to give him time.

  I just hoped it didn’t take too long.

  Chapter 17

  Drake left around seven after looking at the time on his phone and groaning out a, “Fuck.”

  We’d talked a bit more after we’d dressed, sitting on my bed where he’d pulled me sideways onto his lap.

  “I know I’m keeping things from you, but I fucking promise, if we last, I’ll tell you everything.”

  “Can you at least tell me—”

  “I promise,” he interrupted so I guessed I was finished questioning him. He’d kissed me sweetly then said, “Gotta get back, babe. Can you come by the garage Tuesday night?”

  “Maybe,” I answered, giving him a smirk as he nudged me to stand.

  “Do it,” he replied, bending to touch his lips to mine. “Not gonna be very available this week. Everyone’s busy and Mom and Dad won’t be back until this weekend. But I want to see you. If I could come here, I would but it’s just not feasible. Sorry.”

  It made me wonder why it wasn’t feasible, but I’d told myself I’d trust him, so I commented, “I’ll see what I can do.”

  After he left, I made myself a sandwich, did some homework then went to bed.


  Monday was the same as usual—school, work, home.

  But Drake and I had texted throughout the day, which was different. He usually only called or texted me at night, but I wasn’t complaining. I liked staying in contact with him and it let me know he was thinking about me.

  He called at ten just as I was lying down for bed.

  “Hey,” I answered.

  “Hey, beautiful. Calling to let you know I miss you.”

  I let out a dreamy sigh. “I miss you too.”

  “What’re you doing?”

  “Just got in bed.”

  “Mm. What’re you wearing?” he asked, voice low and gruff.

  I chuckled. “Same thing as usual—tank top and shorts.”

  “Fuck. I want you in my bed…” he trailed off.

  I sat up on my elbow. “You know, I could come over, Drake.”

  I heard him groan. “Not tonight, baby.”

  God. This trusting thing was so difficult. “Okay,” I whispered, lying back down.

  “Just don’t wanna drag you into everything,” he stated.

  This was new. “Drag me into what?”

  “I just need to be sure,” he said for what had to be at least the third time.

  “Sure of what?” He was so damned secretive. Ugh.

  “But you know what?”


  “If I was there, my mouth would be on your sweet pussy,” he shared, instantly making my womb dip.

  “Drake…” I said quietly.

  “Touch yourself, Honor,” he instructed. When I didn’t reply, he ordered, “Do it.”

  “Okay,” I said, letting out a small gasp when I felt myself already slick for him.

  “You wet, baby?”


  “Fuck…” he rasped. “Think of my tongue on you…in you…sucking your clit inside my mouth.”

  “Oh, God,” I moaned, my body trembling as my fingers moved.

  “Want you to come, baby…put a finger inside…”

  I did as he said, feeling my body getting hotter, my back arching off the bed as I was just on the verge of climaxing.

  “Hearing you, picturing you…is making me so hard…Christ,” he ground out.

  “Drake!” I cried as I gave in to my orgasm which left me shuddering and breathless. Damn.

  “You make me want you so fucking bad…”

  “I want you too…” I breathed.


  As I came back to myself, I asked, “You could come over…”

  I heard him let out a breath. “Time, babe…” When I stayed quiet, he said, “Gonna let you go. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, baby.”

  We hung up and even though my body was in a state of bliss, my mind was questioning everything and I fell into a fitful sleep.


  Voices coming from the living room woke me and I lay there listening wondering if I’d just been dreaming.

  “You stole the money, asshole!” I heard a man yell and sat up immediately, heart in my throat as I grabbed my phone to see that it was just
after two in the morning.

  “You’re a goddamned liar,” Vic replied. “Albert’s setting me up! This is all his shit right here!”

  Albert? As in our stepdad? What the hell?

  I got out of bed and opened my door quietly, peeking down the hall to see Vic in the living room with two other men.

  “Oh, yeah? Then who took the ten grand? Huh?” one of the men asked.

  “I don’t fucking know but it wasn’t me!” Vic answered.

  “Vic?” I called as I stepped out into the hallway.

  In a clipped voice and not looking at me, he demanded, “Go back to bed, Honor.”

  “Want me to call the police?” I asked.

  His head jerked toward me. “No! Go back to bed!”

  I stood there in my pjs shuddering when the two men turned and gave me lurid looks.

  “Let her join the party, Justice. We could make a deal here,” one of the men said with a nasty grin.

  Turning his head to the guy, Vic bit out, “Fuck you!” The men laughed as my brother looked back at me, pure fury on his face. “Go back in your room and lock the fucking door! Now!” Vic told me.

  I spun and went into my room contemplating on whether I should call the police or not. Not knowing what else to do, I called Drake.

  “Yeah,” I heard him answer sleepily.

  “Drake!” I whispered. “There are two men in the house with Vic and I don’t know what to do!”

  “Honor?” I heard him moving around before he came back on the line. “What’s going on?”

  “They’re yelling saying he took money.”

  “Who is it?”

  “I don’t know. I heard yelling and looked in the living room. Two guys are in there with him.”

  “Hang up and call the police then call me back.”

  “Vic told me not to call the police!”


  “What if they hurt him?” I said as I heard more yelling from the front room.

  “Call 911 and stay in your room!"

  “But he told me not to call,” I repeated, feeling the tears well up in my eyes. “I’m scared, Drake. Can you come here?”

  I heard him curse low. “I’ll try, Honor.”

  “What?” I whispered, shocked that he wouldn’t say he’d be here.

  “I’m sorry, baby. I can’t just leave.”

  Huh. When I heard a loud crash from the living room, I let out a gasp.

  “Call 911, Honor! Now!”

  “O-okay,” I said hanging up then dialing the police. The dispatcher came on the line and when I told her what was going on, she said they’d send a car over immediately.

  After disconnecting, I ran out of my room and across the hall to Vic’s to grab his baseball bat. “I called the cops!” I yelled, running into the living room to see my brother with a bloody face and the coffee table smashed to pieces. Screaming, “Get the fuck out of our house!” I swung the bat at the nearest man who moved easily out of the way with a laugh.

  “Call off your bodyguard, Justice,” he said with a chuckle then looking at the other guy, he nodded toward the door.

  I swung at the other man who grabbed the bat right from my hands. “Sassy little thing, aren’t you?” he said with a sneer.

  “Get out!” I yelled.

  He grinned then threw the bat on the floor as he headed to the front door. Turning, he told Vic, “You have until Friday to pay everything back.”

  “Fuck you!” my brother shouted just as they slammed the door behind them.

  Now a sobbing mess, I went to Vic. “Are y-you o-okay?”

  “I’m fine,” he assured me, going to the kitchen and flipping on the light.

  I followed him to the sink, watching as he spit blood then splashed water on his face. I handed him a hand towel that he used to pat his face dry.

  “Do y-you need stitches?” I choked out, looking at the nasty cut below his eye. He shook his head and I questioned, “Wh-who were they?”

  “Just some assholes.”

  “But I heard you say something about Albert?”

  There was a rap at the front door and a man called, “Police!”

  My brother now glared at me. “I didn’t call them!” I cried.

  Wiping my eyes, I went to answer the door but he cut me off with his body. “Go to bed.”

  I stared at his back as he walked to the front door, wondering what in the world was going on.

  When he looked over his shoulder seeing that I hadn’t immediately done as he said, he bit out just as he reached for the doorknob, “I’d probably fuckin’ die if you ever fuckin’ listened, Honor.”

  I scowled as a few tears ran down my cheeks then giving in, went to my room but kept my door cracked standing at it and listening to the police questioning him about what happened.

  “It was two guys who thought they knew me,” Vic explained.

  “The call came from a woman. She here?” one of the officers asked.

  At that, I stepped out of my room and went into the living room. “I called.”

  “Are you okay?” the other officer inquired looking me over for injuries.

  I nodded.

  “And you say you don’t know who they were?” the first cop asked Vic, looking at him suspiciously.

  Vic shook his head.

  “And you don’t wanna file a report?”

  Another head shake.

  The second cop looked at the bat first, then the broken table before looking at me. I wondered if he thought Vic and I had gotten in a fight and we were now lying. Then he told his partner, “Nothing we can do here then.”

  The first cop studied Vic for a long moment. “You sure?”

  My brother nodded.

  “All right,” the officer said giving up and going to the door. “Make sure to lock up,” he suggested before they left.

  Vic locked the door behind them and turned to face me. “I know Albert set this shit up. Ingram’s probably a plant he’s put in the bar to frame me.”

  I sucked in a breath at hearing that. “What? Why?”

  He let out a huff. “Payback.”

  My phone rang from my room but I ignored it. “Payback? Seriously? After all this time?”

  Once again, I followed him to the kitchen watching as he rinsed out the towel in the sink then got ice from the fridge and put in it. Holding the towel against the cut under his eye, he disclosed, “I didn’t think he’d do anything but I guess the fucker has some balls after all.”

  “What’re we gonna do?”

  “We’re not gonna do anything,” he informed me. “I’ll take care of it.”


  “Don’t worry about it.”

  I frowned. “I will worry about it!”

  My phone rang again and again I ignored it.

  “I’ll talk to Finch tomorrow. Let him know it’s not me.” He let out a breath. “Go to bed, On.”

  “Did those guys follow you home?” I asked.

  He looked at the floor and shook his head. “They broke in.”

  “How?” We’d had two break-ins now? God.

  “When I got home, they came out of the spare room.” My mouth dropped open. “I know. I’m sorry. I was gonna fix the fucking lock tomorrow.”

  Oh, my God.

  Oh, my God!

  “Th-they were in the house when I was alone?” I shrieked. I didn’t think my nerves could have gotten any more rattled than what they already were, but upon hearing they’d been in the house with me, well, they definitely did.

  “I’m sorry.”


  “And you didn’t tell the police they broke in?” I screamed.

  “I said I’m sorry, Honor.”

  I stared at Vic for several moments, completely unnerved, then whispered, “Please fix it now.” When my phone rang again, I left the kitchen and walked to my room on shaky legs. My phone was on my bed and I sat down seeing it was Drake calling. “Hello?”

  “Are you okay?” he yelled. “You
didn’t pick up!”

  I sniffed then realized I was kind of pissed that he hadn’t come over when I’d asked and now found myself being a bit snippy at his concern.

  “I’m fine. We’re fine.”

  “Tell Vic I called the police because I was worried about you,” he disclosed. “So what happened?”

  After taking a breath and blowing it out, trying to get hold of myself, I told him, “Two guys broke in saying Vic stole money from the bar. They left before the police got here. But Vic didn’t wanna file charges and that’s pretty much it.”

  “Damn. I had to make some calls but I’m on my way—”

  “No, it’s okay. You don’t have to come over,” I interrupted.

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there sooner. I’ll be there in a few minutes,” he said, hanging up before I could tell him to go back.

  I’d heard Vic go into his room, so I now went across the hall and knocked quietly on his door.

  “What?” he called.

  When he opened the door and I looked up to see the cut under his left eye again, I couldn’t help the fresh tears that filled my eyes. “Are you sure you’re gonna be okay?”


  “What if they come back? Or find you somewhere else and really hurt you?”

  He sighed then came to me wrapping his arms around me in a hug. “It’s not gonna happen, On. I know Albert’s behind this. He just wants us scared. But I’ll get to the bottom of it, okay?” He kissed the top of my head and letting me go, looked down at me, eyebrows raised waiting for confirmation.

  My brow wrinkled with worry. “Okay. But, please, Vic. If something else happens, please let the police handle it.”

  He nodded.

  “Promise?” I asked.


  I didn’t believe him but knew it was no use in arguing. “Drake’s coming by. You good with it?”

  “Yeah,” he mumbled.

  “I’m gonna put some clothes on,” I said. Instead of going across to my room, I went into the bathroom because I needed a flipping moment.

  I sat on the edge of the tub, my nerves still shattered at the thought of the men breaking into our house. If they’d wanted, they could’ve hurt me. They had hurt Vic and could’ve done a lot more to him. Then I’d come out swinging a fucking bat—while they were probably carrying guns—of which they’d easily disarmed me. I let out a shuddering gasp before standing and going to the sink. After splashing cold water on my face and drying it, I went to my room.


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