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Royal Shark (The Rourkes, Book 6)

Page 11

by Kylie Gilmore

  He barks out the new destination to the driver. We’re really doing this. My heart thunders in my chest.

  He turns back to me and frames my face with both hands and kisses me once more gently. “Sara.”

  That’s all. One word said with so much affection, warmth, and desire. I melt despite my usually tough shell.

  “Adrian,” I say on a sigh.

  And there are no more words. An understanding passes between us. It was always going to come to this. As inevitable as the sun setting, or our reunion. We had a pact.

  Chapter Eight


  I have the penthouse suite, which means a private elevator. My guard goes to his room on the floor below me, and I take Sara’s hand, entwining our fingers together, as we ride up to my suite. This moment feels inevitable, like we were always meant to come together in this way. We just had to reach the magic age of twenty-five for everything to click into place. It was in the cards—our younger selves knew.

  She gives me a sideways look. “I should’ve known you’d have the penthouse suite.” Her voice sounds tight. Is she nervous?

  I give her hand a squeeze. “There are perks to being a prince. Doesn’t mean I always get what I want.”

  She sends me an incredulous look. “What have you ever not gotten that you wanted?”


  Pink blooms on her cheeks, and she gets quiet for a moment. “Well, you can have me tonight.”

  “I definitely will.” And after that, too, I add silently. I don’t kiss her, even though I’m dying to. My need is too great, and I don’t want elevator sex, or living-room-sofa sex. I want her in a big bed, where I can take my time with her.

  The elevator doors open directly into my suite, which takes up the entire top floor. I scoop her up into my arms, and she squeals. “What are you doing?”

  I cross through the living room. “Carrying you to my bed.”

  Her green eyes are huge, her cheeks and neck pink. “You’re a secret romantic, aren’t you?”

  “Actually, I’m extremely practical. Fastest way to get you to bed is to carry you. See? Here we are.” I set her down in the center of the king-size bed.

  She throws her arms and legs to the sides. “Oh my God, it’s like a big fluffy cloud!”

  “Goose down.” I unbutton my shirt as she watches.

  She props up on her elbows. “Is this weird? The two of us getting naked after being friends for so long? I mean, we knew each other best as kids.”

  I jerk my chin at her. “Take off your shirt, and I’ll let you know.”

  She pulls off her V-neck shirt and tosses it to the side. Lust surges through me. She’s mouthwatering, her full breasts in a lacy pink bra. “Well?” she asks.

  There’s still her black jeans and shoes, but this is such a good view I can’t wait.

  I kiss her, covering her with my body. Her arms wrap around my neck, her legs spreading to cradle me close. Perfection. I kiss and caress as I strip her down, loving everything I see and feel and taste. She’s smooth, soft, and tastes like vanilla. I cannot get enough.

  She shoves the covers away so she’s lying on the silk sheets and lets out a soft sigh. She appreciates the luxury of the bed, and I appreciate her being naked in it. I lower myself down her body, kissing as I go.

  “Adrian,” she says, her fingers running through my hair, “it’s been so long for me. Now.” She tugs my hair. “I don’t want to wait.”

  I’ve barely gotten started. I rise up over her, grab her hands, and pin them to the bed. I lower my voice to the deep growl that gives her goose bumps. “Turns out I’m in charge.”

  She shivers, her eyes dilating. “I love that growly voice.”

  I smile. “I know. Now say my name when you come.”

  “Oh, that doesn’t always…” She trails off because I’ve slipped a hand between us, stroking her.

  Within minutes, she’s moaning. And then I do one better and slide down her body, putting my mouth to work where my fingers left off. Her hips arch, seeking more, and I give her what she needs, sliding my fingers inside her and stroking her on the inside. She cries out, bucking wildly, and then her entire body shudders as she comes into my mouth. Fucking amazing. I’m so turned on.

  I lift my head. She collapses into the mattress, breathing hard, her eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling.

  I kiss my way back up her body and grin. “You forgot to say my name.” I kiss her. “Say my name.”

  “Adrian,” she whispers, her fingers sliding into my hair, her gaze focusing on me. “Amazing Adrian.”

  “Ready for more?”

  She nods. “I ache for you.”

  I groan, get out of bed, and grab a condom from the nightstand. I always have some just in case. I roll it on and turn back to her.

  She’s on all fours and looks at me over her shoulder. “Fuck me.”

  My cock surges, and I don’t waste time, grabbing her by the hips and thrusting deep. She gasps, and I groan. I can’t go slow. It’s intense throbbing heat. Her body squeezes me rhythmically; she’s already going over again. I slip my fingers between her legs, and she drops her head, saying my name in a chant that fills my mind. I want to possess her. I want her to always say my name.

  She stiffens and then she goes off, rocking under me. I let go, thrusting deep over and over. Sensation explodes through me in a fiery burst.

  Jesus. It’s never been that intense before.

  I run a hand up her spine and give the back of her neck a squeeze. She practically purrs, her cheek turning into the pillow, her lips curving up in a smile.

  I pull out and lie down beside her, stroking her back.

  She turns her head to face me. “Awesome.”

  I can’t help my smile. It was awesome. “Next time I want to see your face.”

  “I like it better with you behind me.”


  “I guess because it’s just about sensation, not, you know, checking in with each other. Basic and primal.”

  I kiss her. “Nothing wrong with primal, but I want to see your expression when you lose your mind.”

  “Someone’s confident.”

  I roll her to her side and pull her close, tucking my leg between hers and applying just enough pressure to get her attention.

  She moans. “Wicked man.”

  I stroke her soft blond hair back from her face. “Sara, this isn’t a onetime thing. You know that, right?”

  “You want to talk about the relationship? Seriously?”

  I nip her lip for mocking me, and she responds with a wild passionate kiss in return. Did not expect that, but I go with it. Impossible not to. She tries to climb on top of me, so I roll to my back and let her, spreading her legs over me.

  “Look what you made me do,” she says with a bright smile. “I want you again.”

  I hold her face in my hands, sensing she’s avoiding the intensity of what we have. “I’m not asking for promises, but this right here, you and me, is not your standard one-night thing. We have a history. You’re a part of me, just like I’m a part of you. It’s good, really good. I’m not letting you go so easily this time.”

  She stares at me for a moment before her expression shutters closed. She’s got a killer shield around her heart. I’m not sure she lets anyone in ever, but she can trust me.


  She climbs off me and flops onto her back, nearly vibrating with tension. I pull the covers over us both, and then I wait. I sense she’s trying to decide if she’ll stay with me for whatever this thing is between us, or retreat to her defensive self. I’m starting to learn her ways.

  Finally, she stares at the ceiling and says, “I don’t do long term, and I don’t do relationships. It’s nothing personal. I just…can’t.”

  I prop up on one elbow to look into her eyes, where she’s lying on her back. “Are you telling me you’ve never had a relationship?”

  Her chin juts out. “That’s right. By my choice.”

  “Relationships are a bad bet.”

  She relaxes. “Yes! If you think the same way, then we can just enjoy each other.”

  “I did think that way for a long time, but maybe I was just waiting for you.”

  “Adrian,” she says in a choked voice, her eyes welling.

  “We were close, and it killed me not to have you in my life. I always thought of you, always hoped you were okay. Why didn’t you keep in touch? Silvia and I both tried to connect with you.”

  “I’m sorry,” she says, blinking tears away. “I couldn’t. You were all tied up with memories of my summers on Villroy with my parents, and I couldn’t go there. It would’ve left me heartbroken, and I needed to be strong to be there for Chloe.”

  I kiss her. “Silvia suspected she and I were tied up with your Villroy memories.”

  She strokes my hair. “Now that I’ve seen you both again, I regret letting so much time pass.”

  I nuzzle her neck and breathe her in. “No regrets. We’ll make new memories now, here. More than one night. I can’t say goodbye to you so soon.”

  “As long as you’re in town. You leave Friday, right?”

  “Yes.” And I want to bring you back with me, I add silently. It’s Wednesday night, which means she’s granting me two more days. I need more time.

  I can’t leave Villroy. They’re counting on me to make the casino a success and give our economy that final push it needs to be sustainable long term. For the first time in my life, my kingdom needs me, and I won’t let Villroy down. This is my legacy, and I want Sara to be part of it. I know she couldn’t handle Villroy memories when she was younger, but this Sara—as strong and capable as she is—can definitely handle it. She can visit her sister. Chloe doesn’t need her as much now that she’s an adult.

  She smiles, looking relieved. “Okay, we have until Friday, and then we’ll keep in touch.”

  It’s not enough.

  “Okay?” she presses, practically begging me to go along. Obviously she needs more time.


  She cuddles up against me and sighs.

  There’s no question in my mind that there is a future for us. I feel like I’ve waited my whole life for her. She’s not ready to hear that now. I need to choose my moment.

  ~ ~ ~


  Adrian stayed two weeks more than he planned, and I’m okay with it. More than okay. He was right about us. It feels easy, like we picked up where we left off, not heavy like a relationship. He’s leaving tomorrow, and I’ll truly miss him. I hope he’ll visit regularly. Him being the boss and having access to a private jet makes that a real possibility. This is the kind of tie I can handle. There’re natural boundaries that keep it a casual thing.

  It’s late afternoon on Thursday, and I have to get ready for tonight’s poker game. We’re going to be at this funky hotel in an artsy neighborhood across town. I arranged for a suite and ordered some food from a Jewish neighborhood—cheese blintzes and rugelach—and lots of fresh fruit. It’s important that I change things up so there’s always a nice surprise when the guys show up to the game.

  Adrian is poking around my studio apartment. We’ve spent most of our time at his hotel or in the city. “You and Chloe lived here?”

  I laugh. “I know it’s tiny, but we had a system. Everything worked out ahead of time, from sharing the bathroom to meals. She made breakfast, and I made dinner or brought home dinner from the diner. We shared the futon. It pulls out to a queen-size bed.”

  He stares at the futon, which is looking kind of old, then looks at me. “It must be hard to be here by yourself after being so close to your sister.”

  I’m shocked at his insight. “Yes. It’s been hard. I’ve never lived alone.” My throat tightens. “It’s like I lost the best part of me.”

  He nods. “It was similar when Silvia and I separated to go to different universities. Twins have an extra close bond from sharing the womb. She went to Yale here in the US, and I went to Cambridge in England. We’d never been so far away from each other before. Of course, we kept in touch and visited, but it wasn’t the same. The twin bond is still there, but it stretched, you know, letting other people in between us. She has Cade now.”

  I step closer, drawn by his openness. Most men don’t share like this with me. “You seem as close as ever to me.”

  His hazel eyes are direct. “We’re close, it’s just different. Sort of like you and Chloe. She’s changing into the woman she’s meant to become and moving into the next part of her life.”

  I hug him, an unusual gesture for me. It’s just so good to have someone really understand what I’m going through, separating from Chloe.

  He kisses my hair. “I got it right what’s going on with you.”

  I press my cheek to his chest, listening to the steady thump of his heart. “Yes.”

  His voice rumbles in his chest. “Having a female twin gives me unique insight into the female mind.”

  A surge of affection rushes through me, and I kiss him, and then I kiss him again and again. The fire ignites once more, and we rip each other’s clothes off.

  Next thing I know, he’s lifting me right up against the wall. I wrap my legs around him, hanging on as he pounds into me, his mouth on my neck, sucking hard. My head arches back, my eyes closing, consumed by the fire between us. His fingers slip between us, adding another level of intensity. I’m panting, sensation clouding my mind, the pleasure overwhelming me. His mouth claims mine, and I explode, a starburst of pleasure shooting through my entire body. He thrusts more and more, and I never want him to stop. I go over again, shuddering with my release, and this time he goes with me, his lips pressed against the side of my neck.

  We stay like that for long moments, plastered together, breathing hard. We are animals—primal and basic. No messy emotions that hurt and betray with their temporary nature. Just raw sensation. It’s exactly what I want.

  He lifts his head and stares at my neck. “I marked you.”

  I put a hand to my neck, alarmed. “You gave me a hickey?”

  He brushes my hand away and runs his finger over my neck. “I got you good.” He sounds pleased.

  “Adrian! I’m seeing the guys tonight. How bad is it? Can I cover it with makeup?”

  “Leave it,” he growls in a command that my body responds to instantly. Desire pools between my legs, soaking him, where he’s still buried deep inside me. My lips part. I’m caught in sensations that overwhelm any rational thought.

  His lips curve, his eyes knowing. “You are perfect for me.”

  I’m speechless and shockingly eager for more of the pleasure he gives.

  He lifts me off him and sets me on my feet, holding me by the arms to steady me. My legs are so wobbly.

  I finally find my voice. “Is this hickey an alpha-dog thing? You want them to know I was with you?”

  He holds my jaw with one hand, his eyes intent on mine. “I want everyone to know you’re mine. It’s not alpha dog. It’s a fact. I claimed you.”

  I get hotter and wetter by his hold on me, his words, his heated eyes. I want to protest that I’m not his, but part of me wants to be possessed by him. “Yes.”

  He groans, his mouth covering mine, his tongue thrusting inside. Adrian claims me, and I surrender to the passion I’ve never experienced before him. I can enjoy this knowing we understand each other, just a temporary insanely passionate time before he goes back home.

  Chapter Nine


  Sara is in the shower, getting ready for the game. I’d join her in there if it wasn’t so tiny. I don’t even think I could turn around without knocking my elbows into the sides. I look around her place. There’s one tiny closet. Inside is her small wheeled suitcase, where she keeps the stuff for the game, including the lockbox for the money. She either needs a guard or a better, less risky job. Like, say, working at my casino. First I have to get her to agree to a visit.

  I prolonged my stay here, wanting to be with
her as long as I could, but I really need to get back to the casino. Emma keeps asking me when I’ll be back, tired of taking my place. And I know her heart’s not in it. I’m the one who can make the casino a success, and I want Sara by my side helping me do it. She says she’s considering my job offer, but I can sense her reluctance. She’s placating me, afraid to visit Villroy. I’m pretty sure it’s that and not me that’s the problem.

  She emerges a short while later, wearing a dark green sleeveless turtleneck with black trousers. “The one thing I have that covers better than makeup.” She shoots me a triumphant look.

  I cross to her, folding the collar down to admire my love bite. “Where’s the fun in that?”

  She swats my hand away. “Don’t be a Neanderthal.”

  “Why not? You like it.”

  Pink dots her cheeks. “In bed I like it. Not anywhere else.”

  I gesture toward where we just had sex. “Against the wall too.”

  She holds up a finger, a stern expression on her face. I grab her finger and nip it.

  She plasters herself against me, her mouth colliding with mine, her fingers tunneling through my hair. Jesus. I’m rock hard, ready to have her again. I’ve never had a woman respond to me the way she does. She hikes her leg up, trying to climb me. I give her a boost, and she wraps her arms and legs around me, moaning into my mouth. We’re zero to sixty in one bite.

  I lower her to the futon and cover her, settling between her legs. Then I lift my head and grin. I can’t help it. She wants me so badly she can barely keep her clothes on. “Let’s get you out of these nice things.”

  She closes her eyes and groans. “What is wrong with me? I need to get over there to set up.”

  I kiss her. “You can’t resist me.”

  “I’m not usually like this. Ever.”

  “You’ve been waiting for me.” It’s how I feel. I hope she feels the same.

  Her eyes widen. “You’re so arrogant.”

  I stroke her hair back and cup her cheek, serious now. “Just like I’ve been waiting for you. That’s why we made a pact to marry when we turned twenty-five. That’s why we found each other again. You and me. Meant to be, had to be, like the last card dealt. The only good bet.”


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