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The Trouble with Highlanders

Page 17

by Mary Wine

  When she entered the hall and witnessed Bari Fraser presenting Sandra to the earl, her feelings proved correct. She gave Lytge only the briefest courtesy then turned her full attention to Norris. Sandra took her time as she lowered herself before him. She looked up into his face, ensuring he had an unobstructed view of her cleavage. Sandra held up her hand, and Daphne’s vision turned red.

  Norris had no choice but to lift it and kiss the back of it. Daphne still resented seeing his lips touch the other woman’s skin. Norris must have felt her gaze on him, for he looked past Sandra, locking stares with Daphne.

  “Allow me to introduce Daphne MacLeod.” His voice was strong and edged with authority. Sandra wasn’t pleased, but masked her irritation well.

  “Good… good…” Lytge mumbled. “The lasses can share some spiced cider while we talk business at the high table.”

  Asgree had obviously anticipated such a request, and her staff was already setting out dishes on one of the tables. Daphne would rather have returned to the solar, but she sat down, mindful of her behavior. Sandra whipped her attention back to her brother, but the earl had already turned and was on his way to the high table. Norris followed his father, and Bari shrugged. Sandra propped her hand onto her hip for a brief moment. A sharp look from her brother saw her straightening her posture. Bari Fraser went after his hosts, and Sandra turned to look at Daphne.

  It seemed neither of them was pleased with the company they’d be keeping.

  Daphne would have to thank Isla later, for the girl knew what she had been talking about. Sandra Fraser had her eye on Norris. No doubt about it.


  Sandra Fraser was prettier up close.

  She had red hair, the darker shade of it. Her eyes were blue and her complexion blissfully free of freckles so often found on redheads. She glided on graceful steps, her dress perfectly fitted to her. The stiffened corset beneath the bodice pushed her young breasts up into a tempting display. When she sat down next to Daphne, she did it with a smile on her rosy lips, but it was directed at the retainers at the next table. When they turned back to their game of dice, she sighed and looked at Daphne.

  “Ye are as comely as the rumors claim.” Sandra spoke softly.

  “Some believe so,” Daphne replied. She was on guard. Tension squeezed her as she watched the other girl contemplate her.

  Sandra lowered her chin and raised a mocking eyebrow. “Let’s not be coy when there are no men about to impress. Ye’re a beauty, and ye’ve used it to snare yerself Norris Sutherland. At least for a lover. For that much, I congratulate ye. He’s never taken a woman to his personal bedchamber. The star chamber is where he prefers to tryst.”

  “How do you know all of this?” Daphne asked incredulously.

  Norris’s warning rose from her memory.

  Me life is full of threats no matter how loyal I believe me staff to be.

  Sandra laughed softly, mockingly, before offering a bright smile. “He is a very important man, so what he does and with whom he does it interests me. We can still be friends, ye know.”

  “Is that so?” Daphne couldn’t help but ask. There was an arrogance in the woman she was in awe of, simply because it was so ridiculous. Sandra was full of pride and seemed to have supreme confidence in her ability to do whatever she pleased.

  Sandra leaned closer. “Tell me what makes Norris hard, and I’ll make sure ye have someplace to go once he turns ye out in order to wed me.”

  A hot flash of denial went through her. It was stunning, and like everything else she felt in relation to Norris, it threatened to overwhelm her better judgment. She wanted to lunge at Sandra and smack her mocking face.

  Sandra snickered. “Now do nae be too hasty,” she cooed. “Nae many women would offer ye anything.”

  “Ye assume I want something from ye,” Daphne snapped.

  Sandra’s expression turned harsh. “Every woman seeks something. Life is nae kind. I’m here to snare Norris for me husband. With or without yer help.” She shrugged. “If ye decide to play nicely and tell me what the man likes in his bed, I will make sure ye do nae end up dumped in the road like the strumpet ye are.”

  “How generous of ye,” Daphne snipped.

  Sandra fluttered her eyelashes. “Oh, it is. Do nae be a fool. I know the truth of ye, and soon, me brother is going to make sure Norris knows it also.”

  “And what truth is that?” Daphne demanded.

  Sandra slowly smiled, seeming to enjoy making Daphne wait for her reply.

  “Ye have no dowry,” she delivered in a mocking tone. “None. Naught to yer name at all.”

  “Norris knows that well enough.” However, she couldn’t dismiss the fact that he might not believe it. A horrible sense of foreboding hit her, threatening to strangle her confidence and the happiness she’d enjoyed for the last few days.

  “Ye really are nae very intelligent,” Sandra decided. “I may be pretty like ye, but I am also very clever. No wonder ye are naught but the man’s conquest. Or, should I say current conquest, because a man such as Norris will never be satisfied with one woman. Ye’re such a little fool to believe he’ll care one bit about ye once he’s spied another woman he fancies.”

  “I believe I’ve heard enough of this.” Daphne made to stand, but Sandra surprised her by clamping her hand on Daphne’s wrist to keep her at the table.

  “I will be the next woman. Better ye accept that fact now. More than his woman, I shall be his wife and mistress of Dunrobin once that old man does us the favor of dying,” Sandra hissed low and with a tone full of venom. “I always pay me debts, but I also never fail to collect me vengeance. Tell me what he likes, or ye’ll regret it.”

  Isla suddenly stepped forward, her eyes narrowed as she looked at the way Sandra was digging her fingers into Daphne’s arm. Sandra shot the girl a hard look.

  “Yer mistress does nae need ye. Be gone.”

  Isla lowered herself, but it was clear from the stiffness of her motion she lacked any sincerity. Cam stepped up behind his sister, tugging on the corner of his bonnet while his eyes remained narrowed.

  “Tell them to be gone,” Sandra demanded.

  Daphne shook her head. “They are nae fools. If ye are as clever as ye claim, better learn to respect the fact that just because someone serves ye, it does nae ensure they will like ye.”

  Sandra rolled her eyes. “Why should I care? As mistress of Dunrobin, I’ll be the one deciding who serves here”—she turned her head and sent a hard look at Isla—“and who does not.”

  Daphne stood up. Sandra didn’t want to let her go and ended up hanging onto her arm. Her eyes were rounded in shock, proving that her brother allowed her free rein.

  “Good day to ye, Mistress Fraser.”

  Sandra released Daphne and gave her skirts a vicious shake before lifting her chin arrogantly.

  “Best ye consider me offer. Every hour ye make me wait for what I desire, ye shall have less from me when ye need it.”

  She brushed by Daphne, her carriage as regal as a queen’s. Norris looked up, and Sandra instantly changed. Her body lost its haughty stance, becoming sultry as she lowered herself. Norris’s lips lifted into a grin that was far too appreciative. A chill twisted through Daphne, and she turned to hide it from him. As if he’d notice while looking at Sandra.

  Ye’re jealous…

  She was. There was no denying it or the fact that there was nothing she might do about it. Norris was the earl’s heir. He’d do what he wanted. What frightened her the most was the certain knowledge he’d do what he considered his duty. Sandra was the daughter of a laird and had a dowry. When it came to marriage, the Earl of Sutherland would look at the bride who came with the most for his eldest son.

  Sandra might just gain her wish and became mistress of Dunrobin.


sp; “There will be no supper at the high table tonight. The earl has retired.” It was Asgree who appeared just before sunset to inform Daphne of the news. Two maids followed her, freshly pressed linens stacked in their arms.

  “I hope the earl is well.”

  The head of house scoffed softly. “I believe his stomach is soured by the endless prattle of his guests. I confess I’ve used the task of informing ye of supper’s change in order to escape the demands of young Mistress Fraser. Half the maids in the bathhouse have suddenly gone ill. When she set herself to inspecting the kitchens, the cook took to sharpening his knives.”

  Daphne felt her eyes widen, and she raised a hand to stifle a small sound of amusement that tried to escape her lips. Asgree didn’t miss her lapse in discipline.

  “Go on, laugh. Lord knows I want to. That lass is presumption wrapped in a siren’s form.”

  “Still. I shouldn’t be judgmental. I am hardly without me own sins,” Daphne offered.

  Asgree moved forward to inspect the lace Daphne and Isla had been making. “Ye have polished skills, something some lasses like to talk about more than prove.”

  The compliment warmed her. The older woman shifted her attention to Daphne’s face, studying her for a long moment. “His lairdship asked me where ye would like to take yer supper. Which chamber?”

  And it seemed Norris would not be the only one at Dunrobin wondering what her choice would be. It really wasn’t a decision. She’d stepped onto the path she was set on the night before.

  “I would return to the laird’s chamber.”

  Asgree’s eyes brightened, and she nodded. She turned and pointed the maids toward the doorway. Then she paused, waiting until they left.

  “A fine choice,” she offered and left the solar on silent feet. It had been a long time since anyone with any authority had approved of her, and Daphne discovered herself stunned. She stood still, allowing herself to savor the moment, for she admired the head of house. Asgree was no fool and knew one when she saw one.

  Isla was brimming with excitement too, worrying her lower lip once again as she waited for Daphne to decide it was time to leave the solar.

  “Well then, I suppose I shall bathe and make sure those working in the bathhouse are properly thanked for their service.”

  It was a small thing, one that fate might decide to take away from her at any moment, but for today, Norris had set her above the other women in the house. Daphne planned to make sure she did not abuse the position.

  Sandra would not be so kind.

  Daphne shook her head, pushing her thoughts aside. The sun was setting, and she would not waste the night, for it was hers to share with Norris. With her lover.


  Sandra Fraser was waiting on him.

  Norris didn’t know which was worse, sitting at the high table while her brother droned on endlessly about the merits of the Frasers or the certain knowledge that the moment he followed his father’s example and left the high table Sandra would waylay him.

  The woman held no appeal. She might be a beauty, blessed with a body most men would have no trouble desiring, but all he could see was the calculating look in her eyes.

  Sandra Fraser was a cunning bitch, and she’d set her sights on him. It wasn’t the first time he’d been the target of such. Maybe sometime, many years ago, when he’d been young enough to be impressed with his own power, he’d have enjoyed it. Becoming a man had tempered his ego, and it was a fact he was very pleased with. Too many viewed him as a man who had everything, when the truth was, no one had it all. He had privilege and position but no freedom to wed the woman he wanted. A common man had no land of his own but could follow his heart.

  At the moment, Norris envied every retainer wearing his father’s colors. Sandra Fraser wouldn’t be waiting on them. No, she was a coldhearted jade. She was waiting on him but casting sly looks at some of his men. Not only would she rule his house like a shrew, he’d have to put a watch on her else wonder if her children were his.

  Asgree appeared at the kitchen door and made her way toward the high table. Norris discovered himself watching her, his anticipation rising as she made a steady progress toward him. She stopped and lowered herself before climbing up the side steps to come behind him and Laird Fraser. He lifted his hand, and Bari made a low sound of frustration but closed his mouth anyway.

  “Mistress MacLeod has decided to accept yer invitation. She awaits ye.”

  He didn’t think three words had ever filled him with such joy. Daphne was waiting for him. He stood up, gaining a grunt from Bari.

  “Can nae yer mistress wait until we’ve finished?” he whined. “I hear she’s new. Is she that talented on her back?”

  Norris cast a hard look at his guest. For once, he abandoned diplomacy completely, allowing the other man to see his true emotions. Bari Fraser swallowed roughly. “Mistress MacLeod is a woman I respect,” Norris informed him quietly. “While ye are near me, ye’ll do the same or keep yer opinion to yerself.”

  Bari wasn’t accustomed to being told to mind his words. It was clear that the man ruled with absolute power on Fraser land. It was also clear Bari put his own desires above the other members of his household. He’d never suggested inviting Sandra to the head table to see if she and Norris found each other pleasing. No, Bari Fraser was more concerned in finding out what sort of alliance he’d gain when Sandra was handed over to Norris to occupy his bed.

  Aye, he knew well that was the way of most noble marriages, but he wanted something else, and it was waiting for him but a few stories above his head. Norris headed out of the great hall through the side entrance. He had no desire to listen to Sandra do her best to impress him or to hurt the girl’s feelings on the off chance she wasn’t as cold as he’d judged her to be.

  Asgree was there, beyond the doorway.

  “Shall I send supper up?”

  “Aye, and then give yer staff their leave.”

  Asgree lowered herself and left. Norris looked up and muffled a curse. Sandra had taken the opportunity to close in on him. She sank down into a graceful courtesy, her velvet dress pooling like water. The color suited her perfectly, and every hair on her head was artfully arranged. Nevertheless, he felt not even a twinge of attraction.

  “Forgive me, mistress, but I’m set to retire for the night.”

  Her eyes narrowed for a moment, and her gaze slipped down his length. “It is nae very fair of ye to tease me so, Norris.”

  He had to reach out and stop her before she pressed herself against him. “I’ve teased ye not at all.”

  She pouted and shrugged in the face of his harsh tone. “For certain ye are accustomed to being so harsh with the women who fall under yer spell, but I was hoping ye might consider being just a wee bit tender with me.”

  She fluttered her eyelashes and aimed a pleading look at him. She reached right out and stroked his neck. The touch disgusted him because of just how practiced it was. He could see her judging his response, no hint of reaction in her own eyes. He might have been a stallion for all she cared. Her mind was on the matter of making him her conquest. So very different from the way Daphne’s eyes filled with hunger when she touched him.

  “Good night, Mistress Fraser. I suggest ye find someone else to offer ye tenderness.”

  Her eyes widened, and her expression became hard. “I do nae care if ye keep yer mistress. Me brother has made it clear he would like a match between us. I hear the MacLeod girl is barren, that she has nae bled in a very long time. Ye need heirs. Besides, she has not even a silver penny to her name. Let us come to an agreement. I’ll give ye yer heirs, and neither of us shall be jealous of where we find our pleasures. I can be discreet, I assure ye, Norris.”

  “Of that, I have no doubt.”

  Sandra lifted her chin stubbornly. “As if ye are as pure as Saint Peter.
Daphne MacLeod is a sack of bones.” She boldly stroked the swells of her breast above the edge of her bodice. “Do ye nae long to have a pair of tits ye can rest yer head on when yer cock is spent?”

  “Enough!” he barked at her. “I suppose there are men aplenty in this world who will take a liking to yer bold tongue, but I am nae one of them.”

  He left her behind, glad to be finished with her. What chilled his blood as he climbed the stairs was the fact that he might well find himself battling his father when it came to contracting a bride. What twisted his gut was the worry that Daphne wouldn’t be content as his mistress.

  For the first time in his life he was tempted to use his position for his own purposes. The temptation was intoxicating with the relief it offered. Relief from worrying when Daphne would leave Dunrobin. There were plenty of men who wouldn’t have bothered battling the urge. But his father had raised him to consider his position a duty, not a privilege. He’d shouldered that duty more than once, performing as expected rather than as he wished. However, tonight he wondered if he’d ever be able to let Daphne go.


  “What did Sandra say to ye?” Norris appeared only a few moments after Isla had taken her leave. Daphne had just pinched out several of the candles, leaving the chamber in semidarkness. It suited Norris, though. Or perhaps it suited her mood, for it made the moment seem intimate and hidden away from the sharper edges of reality.

  So much easier for her to slip into her fantasy world where she need only please herself…

  “It doesn’t matter.” She reached for the pitcher of wine Isla had left and poured some of it into a goblet. She held it out for Norris. He took it but didn’t lift it to his lips. Instead he set it back on the table.

  “It matters if ye are intent on distracting me from learning the answer to me question. Isla says Sandra refused to let ye leave. Why?”


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