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The Illuminated Witch

Page 7

by Imogene Nix

  One of the knights had hidden in the tavern when the others had left. The knight had embraced something more insidious than his violent form of Christianity. He’d learned of the darker ways. The knight was no longer human and had wrought his revenge on the invaders, slowly imbibing on those gathered there while they were lost in the bottom of their cups. Not enough to kill them, just enough to feed his hunger.

  When Javed had entered, he’d seen the creature. He’d fought valiantly. But the creature had been strong and fast. Then he’d sunk his fangs into Javed, feeding. But the final blow from the vampire had weakened him. The knight-creature had torn into his own wrist and shared his blood.

  No one in the tavern had survived the night. Neither had he or his soul.

  He probably should send Celina away. “I can’t.” The words were quiet in the stillness. He let them grow. Javed accepted the truth in his utterance.

  He knew that Hope and Xavier would be happy to take her on. But he couldn’t do that. He couldn’t let her go. Seeing her on the ground had made something deep within him claw its way to the surface.

  Javed grabbed the phone. “Celina will need clothes in my rooms. Get Bertha to grab some for you.”

  “Yes, master.” Damn. Idris. Things would be uncomfortable around here if he remained. The new nest had to find its equilibrium, but the master and his second both coping with feelings for one woman would upset that. The situation would need careful handling.

  “She’ll need sustenance too. Have the food brought to my rooms. Then, Idris? We need to talk.”

  His stomach curled. The man was honorable. But they had little in common. Idris was young—eager to climb his way up to become a master at the next possible opportunity. But he was still little more than a pup.

  With that thought came the knowledge that he wasn’t young. Neither in body nor spirit. He was jaded and weary. Hundreds of years of battle and loneliness had taken their toll on him. On his spirit.

  “Yes, master.” The words interrupted his introspection. Lost deep within his own mind again, never a good place to be.

  He carefully placed the receiver back into the cradle and stood, waiting for the knock he knew would come. He didn’t have to wait long.

  After knocking and being bidden to enter, Kharisma entered the room with a smile and a basket of clothing and a tray of foods, which she laid on the table beside the door. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’ve come to some kind of conclusion.” He grimaced at her words. “There’s the food and clothing you requested for Celina.” She laughed. It was rich and throaty sounding. It lightened his mood. “You know, Bertha doesn’t say much. The only thing she did share was that Celina is a good woman. I interpret that to say don’t hurt her.”

  He held his breath, unsure where this conversation was going. “So?”

  “So, I would have said something similar to that. You’re a good man, Javed. You deserve to be happy. Even when we were together, though, I knew it wasn’t forever. There was too much loneliness in you for me to fill.” She coughed lightly. “I hadn’t meant to say any of that, but you know me. Can’t keep my mouth closed.” She surged forward and clasped her arms around him. The hug was brief but welcome. “Now you need to go to bed. And so do I. Eamon will be waiting. I’ll check the patient tomorrow evening.”

  Then she was gone, leaving him standing in the room, focusing on the tray and basket she’d brought with her.

  When Javed re-entered the bedroom, he braced himself for another onslaught of anger, but instead she’d curled up in the center of the bed, crying. The bruises on her body sickened him. The purples and reds marred her pale skin.

  He didn’t dare study any lower. He’d already seen the fine white lace she wore. Marveled at how the fabric made her seem so fragile but enticing. His mouth dried.

  He felt helpless. What did he say to this woman? How could he put her at her ease? How could he make her understand that he didn’t want to use her?

  “I shouldn’t have said that. I’m so sorry.” Her words were muffled, and they ripped a hole deep inside the ice that encased his heart. She lifted her head, and he was struck by the shimmering emerald of her eyes. Tears had slid down her face, leaving glistening tracks.

  He moved without thought, sitting down on the side, the mattress dipping a little. “We all make mistakes. Sometimes we say things we don’t mean to.” He shrugged, feeling foolish sitting there in his stained clothing while she wore only her underwear and the marks they’d inflicted on her.

  He knew nothing of soothing or settling. Nothing of calming. After all, he was a fighter.

  He was a warrior. In life, he’d been a soldier for his ruler against the incursions of the Christians. As a vampire, he was still a warrior. He fought for the Council and the protection of the innocents.

  He released a frustrated sigh, realizing he couldn’t give her the softness she no doubt craved. Javed made to rise.

  She reached out then grabbed his wrist.

  “Don’t… Please don’t go.” Her voice carried pain and fear and right now all he wanted to do was take her in his arms. She was in pain and still she apologized. He closed his eyes, and she released her grip.

  “Oh God! I’m making a fool of myself.” He heard the whisper and even as she jerked away, he carefully took her hand.

  “No. You’re not making a fool of yourself. Please, be peaceful. I should have known better than to bring you here. But I can’t let you go, not yet. It’s daytime, and the secure quarters are locked down until nightfall. If you will get back under the covers, I’ll bring you the food that has been prepared.”

  She watched him as she swiped at the tears on her cheeks. He felt as if he was being weighed and measured. What would she find?

  “Thank you.”

  He turned away and heard her moving, slowly. She had to be uncomfortable, but he didn’t know what to do for her. So he waited as she scrambled back, huddling beneath the sheets. When he was sure she was covered he headed to the other room to collect the tray and clothing.

  On his return, he noted that she was covered, with the bedding tucked firmly under her arms. It strained across the bountiful mounds of her breasts, and the pumping of blood through his veins took on a louder quality. The rest of his body also reacted. He breathed deeply. Instead he could smell her scent in the air. His body hardened further.

  “Here is the food.” He moved slowly and carefully lowered the tray to her lap, concentrating on her face. She blushed slightly, the pink tinge cresting her cheeks. Her breathing sped up, and he could hear the thud of her heartbeat. It was racing.

  “Thank you, master.” She whispered the words before she ran her tongue over her lips as if they were sandpaper dry.

  The moisture in his mouth dried. He wanted her.

  She grabbed his hands as he made to shift away. “You saved me from them. I saw you.”

  He chanced to gaze into her eyes. “I did what I had to do.”

  She nodded, and averted her eyes. Damn! It wasn’t right that she should glance away. “I… Yes. I understand that.” She turned away, and it hurt.

  “I saw what they did to you. I left you alone. To face them.” The rage grew once more, chasing away the desire.

  “The stone should have protected me.”

  He clenched his teeth so hard that they ground together. “But it didn’t. And you are damaged because of it.”

  She must have heard the self-recrimination in his voice because when she looked back to him, there was shock on her face. Her eyes widened. He was entranced by her beauty. The clarity of her eyes and the fine purity of her skin intrigued him. “But you are the master. You must ensure the protection of everyone. And I should have been okay.”

  “No!” The word burst forth. “I should have protected you.” Unable to withstand the caustic rage he felt at himself, he leaned in. “I. Should. Have. Protected. You.”

  Close. So close, he could taste her breath. He gave in as they leaned together and their li
ps touched—a glance of flesh on flesh.

  Chapter Five

  He tasted so damn good. Her mind couldn’t concentrate on anything else, except how he invaded her mind. The touch of his lips against hers was amazing. They were so soft and gentle. They didn’t plunder and demand.

  He cupped her shoulder.

  She moaned and flinched a little at his touch, and he pulled back. “Forgive me.” The shock on his face would have been comical if she’d been able to think. “I didn’t consider your feelings.”

  Celina frowned. “I didn’t… Uhh… Yeah.” Her face flamed.

  She felt the heat of it and turned away, but she’d seen his anger at himself. Somehow she had to explain. It was wrong that he thought she didn’t want his touches. “I wanted you to kiss me.”

  “You don’t have to…” He sounded confused and cross.

  Damn! She’d have to spell it out. “You didn’t upset me. I wanted you to kiss me more.” She flamed, embarrassed to have made the admission. “Now… Maybe I could dress and eat my dinner? Then we should probably go to bed.” She made a strangled sound, realizing what she’d just said and how he might take it. “Not in the same bed, but we should sleep.” She closed her eyes, breathing deeply, and hoped to ignore the embarrassment crawling through her. “Look, can I just have my clothes?”

  This time he smiled, though the worry still lurked in the back of his eyes.

  He held out a basket and quirked his eyebrow. Men and relationships had never been really high on her agenda, so she was at a loss as to how to deal with the sensations that she was experiencing. She reined in the thoughts, realizing he was still standing there, observing her.

  “Uh, you can leave now.” Her words must have startled him because his eyes widened and with a stiff bow he retreated.

  She dragged the light pants and top from the basket, ignoring the fresh underwear, and shimmied into them, remembering once more that her body ached. Funny how it hadn’t seemed so bad while he was there, touching her.

  Celina shook her head. I’m a prize winning idiot. Even considering getting into something with a master vampire is foolish. But even as she spoke sternly to herself, the insidious voice in her mind told her that maybe it would be okay this time. Surely with him she might find somewhere to belong? And maybe even a family of her own.

  “Bah humbug to you too,” she muttered and slid back under the covers. I need sleep. It’s sleep deprivation that is causing these ridiculous thoughts.

  Celina closed her eyes, tried to clear her mind. But it was a long time before she slept.

  * * * *

  The air was heavily perfumed. Humid.

  She moved and felt the whisper of silk on her skin. A jingle came from outside, and she rose on one elbow. “Who’s there?”

  The words were quiet, and her stomach clenched tightly. She rubbed her hand across her exposed skin, touching flesh. She glanced down, and shock invaded her system.

  The clothes were so unlike anything she owned. Crystal tones of pink and blue edged with gold embroidery. They were almost translucent. She hunted around for something to cover herself with. Cushions, mounds of cushions were everywhere, and she scooped one up as the sound of moving material caught her attention.

  Celina peered up. Javed stood in the doorway. The white of his traditional clothing contrasted with the tones of his skin. He looked in control. Comfortable. Peaceful.

  Her mouth dried. “Javed?”

  “Yes, Celina. We are here together.” He inched closer, removing the headpiece and dropping it to the floor. His dark hair glistened damply in the low light of lamps scattered around the room.

  “Where are we?” She clutched the cushion to her breasts, the nails of her fingers digging into the fibers.

  “At an oasis.”

  The sounds of horses, jingling harnesses and voices intruded for just a moment, and he smiled. “I have sent the others away. It’s just us here. In our own private hideaway.”

  He reached out to a carafe that sat on a low table. She hadn’t noticed it before. Javed filled two goblets and handed one to her. She observed him, sipped on the drink, finding it pleasantly refreshing. Then she put the goblet down on the small shelf beside the divan.

  She took a deep shuddering breath. “Why?”

  This time his eyes twinkled. “So we can be alone.” He advanced slowly on the bed of cushions, and the sinuous motions left her weak. Her body betrayed her.

  The way he moved was so sexy and fluid. So alpha male and she knew she wanted him. “But… But…”

  “No regrets. Celina, tonight you are mine. I will love every inch of your body. Your bountifully full breasts, your lush lips all will be worshiped. I will feast on your rounded stomach and glory in your taste. Tonight, nothing is forbidden.” He sipped deeply from his cup before placing it on the floor beside the bed.

  Javed dropped to his knees and leaned into her, sliding his arms around her waist. They clung together as he touched his mouth to hers. He slipped his tongue between her lips, and he tasted good. The kiss was hot, turning her inside out at the power of his desire. Her desire raged hot and wild.

  When he finally shifted away, she panted for breath.

  His eyes were glassy, and she extended a trembling hand out to caress his cheek, but she tugged it back before touching him. “How do you do this to me?”

  “Because of the connection we feel.” He stopped and gazed at her as if seeking her very soul. “No one else has ever made me experience such emotions.”

  His words filled the emptiness she hadn’t realized existed within her.

  She took the goblet he’d offered before, needing a moment. The nectar was tart but refreshing, and she drank deeply. He sipped from his goblet while her mind whirled.

  Her body was betraying her. She desired him, true. But never before had she experienced this intense need that came from being around him. She tingled, and couldn’t seem to find her way back to reality. She seriously doubted it existed right now, and couldn’t make herself care.

  When he held out his hand for her goblet it was automatic to give it to him. He put it beside his on the floor and shifted up onto the cushions next to her.

  “You are magnificent in that.” He indicated to the clothing she wore, and for the first time she realized she’d dropped the cushion. Now he could see her. His face was tight, the planes of his face taut. Her nipples puckered below the light covering. She realized he had seen her reaction as the heat in his gaze blazed.

  Unable to stop herself, she caressed his cheek, felt the warmth of his skin. He leaned in and nuzzled. The most secret recesses of her being heated, she could feel the dampness at her core.

  Celina clenched her legs together just as he shifted closer. This time he towered over her, and she didn’t care. He cupped her breast through the soft material, rubbing gently over her nipple, and she mewled.

  His lips feasted upon hers, and she opened to him. They slumped back to the cushions…

  Awake! Awareness flooded his system. She must have woken because there was a sound, the opening of a door. What could she need? He couldn’t help himself, the primal reaction to the dreams making him shove the covers on the sofa away. His body ached as desire rode him—desire for Celina.

  The sound of movement within the room left him frowning. What if she needs me? He rose and stalked to the bedroom. The bed was empty, mussed as if she had shared his dream. Thoughts of the oasis, the tent and the passionate embrace notched his need higher. His cock was hard and ready for her sweet flesh.

  He could still taste her. The heady scent of Celina and nectar mixed.

  A door opened and she stood there, soft, with pink riding the tops of her cheeks and her eyes flushed.

  It was clear something had occurred. He couldn’t help himself. “Celina?”

  She glanced up, and he caught a momentary glimpse of shock. Unable to help himself he swooped, taking her lips with his. She twined her arms around his neck as she leaned in and he felt h
er softness through the light layer of her top against his chest.

  The kiss was hot—fervent and hungry. It almost stole what was left of his soul. He jerked away. My soul? Who am I kidding? I don’t have one. I’m a damned vampire! Haven’t eight hundred years been enough to prove that to me?

  “Javed?” Her voice was lost and uncertain and he damned himself anew.

  “I shouldn’t have done that.” His voice was hoarse as if the screaming in his head had been released. Inside his heart told him that it needed her and the connection between them, while his mind warred, telling him he was unclean and unfit for her. He couldn’t do this. “I have to go.”

  Javed didn’t dare turn back. Instead, he turned on his heel, every footstep stiff as he kept himself tightly controlled. If he didn’t, he’d reach for her. And that might just break him.

  It was enough to hear her breathing hitch. In his chest, his heart thudded wildly while he wished for the one thing he couldn’t have.

  He left the room. The sound of footfalls filled the air as he gained the sitting area. In the room beyond there wasn’t a sound. Nothing. He stopped and waited. Knew that his internal examination of the situation was doing nothing to help him recover his equilibrium.

  Every second of silence damned him. Eventually, she shifted. He heard the soft sounds. He also heard the sobs that she fought to contain, every sound another knife plunging into what was left of his heart.

  * * * *

  Celina woke. The sleep hadn’t refreshed her. But at least there was no more dreaming of Javed. She surveyed the ceiling. Her body ached. Not just from her injuries but from unrequited passion.

  She lifted her arm, and inspected the horrible bruising. They were a nasty red and purple against her pale skin. “Good thing I live in a nest, otherwise people might get the wrong idea.”

  She rose, the muscles of her body still tight, but she didn’t ache the way she had the night before. As she headed to the bathroom, she chanced a peek through the door to the sitting area. Empty.

  Celina didn’t let her mind settle on whether she should be pleased or not. Right now she needed to visit the toilet then get out of here. She scurried through her ablutions then carefully vacated the area, creeping to the door back to the sitting room. She spied the basket where it lay on a table and hauled it up. She could ask about her other clothes later. Right now she just wanted out of this area.


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