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Fallen Angel's MC Box Set

Page 8

by Erin Trejo

  We roll through town slowly as I feel Jada’s hands tighten around me. I know she’s just as nervous as I am about this.

  Pulling off into the hotel parking lot, I called ahead and made the reservations.

  “You grew up here Creed?” Tank climbs off his bike next to us smiling.

  “Yeah. Long time ago brother.” My face never changes. It’s true; I haven’t been that Creed in a long fucking time.

  I help Jada off the bike before I notice the look on her face. She looks so sad and distant.

  “You know everything’s gonna be ok right?” Gripping her shoulders I pull her into my chest, soothing her.

  “I don’t know if it is Creed. What if Kenny comes after me?” Pulling her back slightly, I look down into her eyes.

  “I won’t let him hurt you. Do you trust me?” The look in her eyes gives me the answer to that. She doesn’t trust me anymore. I can’t say that I blame her though, I did fuck up.

  I drop my hands from her before running my hand through my hair. I don’t know how I’m going to convince her that I’m not the same man I was years ago. Hell, I need to convince myself because I’ve become worse than I ever was.

  “Creed, it’s all been so much. I just… I don’t know.” Shaking my head, I don’t want to hear it. I know what she has running through her head; it’s basically on display for everyone to see.

  Creed the piece of shit that walked away when she needed him the most. The bastard that fucked her on the roof of her house and ran like a bitch. It might as well be a fucking banner flying above my head.

  “Don’t worry about it. Let’s get checked in.” Pulling the small bags we packed out of the saddlebags, I turn to walk towards the entrance. I know she wants to say something else but I close myself off from her. She should fear me, I’m a monster.

  “You two are some fucked up motherfuckers.” Tank laughs as he stands next to me at the desk. Glancing over my shoulder I see Jada off in the corner.

  “I fucked up brother. I made a mess of that girl a long fuckin’ time ago.” Tank nods his head as I check us in. The man at the desk passes us our keys and I turn to head towards the room.

  “She loves you though brother. I can see that shit.” Shaking my head, I walk over to where she stands looking out the window.

  “Rooms ready.” Jada nods her head slightly but doesn’t look up at me. This is going to be a long fucking trip if it keeps going like this.

  Heading towards the rooms, I feel uncomfortable. I hate that Jada feels the way she does and I hate that I fucking caused it.

  “This is me. Let me know what we're doin’ brother.” Stopping I look at Tank.

  “Thanks brother.” Nodding his head, he goes in his room closing the door behind him. The fucking tension is mounting between me and Jada and I feel like a weight is on my damn chest.

  Sliding the key card, I walk in first dropping the bags to the floor as soon as Jada closes the door. I spin around grabbing her shoulders, slamming her against the wall. Her eyes are wide and scared. She’s been through this before but this is different. It’s deliberate.

  My mouth crushes hers before she can object. I need to taste every drop of her. My dick responds to every little moan that escapes her.

  “What are you doing?” Her eyes dart to mine sending waves of desire through my body. Those eyes are all I see when I go to sleep.

  “Jada, I don’t know what the fuck I’m doin’ here. Since I saw you again, I can’t fuckin’ stop thinkin’ about you.” Jada shakes her head slowly, her eyes welling with tears.

  “I don’t know how to do this anymore. I don’t even know how to live anymore.” Shoving her face into my chest, I hold her. Rubbing her hair down her back, I want to take all the pain away from her. Every bad memory she has I want to erase.

  I pull away from her before wiping the tears away from her eyes.

  “Let’s just go see Jason.” Jada nods her head before we head back to the door.

  Knocking on Tank’s door I watch Jada chew on her bottom lip behind me. She seems to be contemplating something. I’m sure there’s a lot going on inside her head.

  “We ridin’?” Tank grabs his cut as I nod.

  “Headin’ to the cemetery.” Tank nods and follows us awkwardly out to the parking lot. Jada doesn’t look like she wants to be anywhere near me at the moment but I guess that’s just too fucking bad for her.

  “Get on the bike.” Snapping at her, she flickers her eyes towards me. The pure look of hatred flows through them.

  I shake my head and look towards Tank.

  “Drive her.” Tank gives me an unknowing look considering I almost ripped his throat out before we left for touching her.

  “I can walk.” Jada snaps and walks off. This girl is going to fucking have me tie her sexy ass to a bed before this day is over.

  “You ain’t walkin’ anywhere sweetheart. Pick a god damn bike and get the fuck on it.” The growl rips my throat; frankly I’m sick of playing these little games with her.

  “You aren’t my husband Creed. Don’t fucking tell me what to do!” Her yells are a little louder getting some stares from other people walking around.

  “If I had my fuckin’ way you’d be a lot more than that to me! Now get the fuck on the bike.” Just as I’m about to take a step towards her she turns around and stomps over to my bike. I watch her throw her sexy little leg over it and sit with such an attitude I want to bend her over and spank her ass on the damn bike.

  Glancing over at Tank he smirks and shakes his head. This is such bullshit.

  Climbing on I grab her hands roughly and yank them around my waist before I take off.


  Tank gave us some space once we pulled into the cemetery. I still don’t know why he needs to be here in the first place. Probably some club bullshit that I fell into the middle of. That’s just what I need.

  “When’s the last time you came out here?” Creed sits in front of Jason’s headstone pulling old weeds and overgrown grass.

  “Right before I left. Around 4 years, I guess.” Dusting off his name, I don’t look over at Creed. The way he talked to me and what he said earlier still lingers in my mind. He wants more than that? What does he want? I want to ask but I won’t.

  Before I know what the hell is going Creed breaks down. I’ve never seen him lose it the way he is right now. He sobs uncontrollably. My heart sinks into my chest while I let him have his moment.

  “I’m fuckin’ sorry Jas. You were my family man. All I ever wanted was to make you proud of me. I fucked up. I ruined everything brother. You always gave me hope and now I have nothin’. I messed up man.” Creed hunches over, tears trailing down his face.

  I put my hand on his back trying to soothe him but he shrugs it away. I don’t know what to do or say to him so I don’t say anything at all.

  I scoot away from him and stand ready to walk away. Something pulls at me though. I don’t want to walk away from him. I love him but he’s just as lost as I am.

  Turning to walk away thinking it’s for the best I hear him.

  “Who the fuck told you to walk off?” The Creed I came here with is now back and in full force.

  I don’t answer him but I keep walking. He needs time to figure himself out as much as I do.

  Hands wrap around my waist before I’m yanked into his hard chest.

  “I didn’t fuckin’ tell you to move did I?” The slight growl has my pussy throbbing for him. I don’t understand how he can do this to me.

  “You need to be alone. I can see it.” I try to reason it out with him but that doesn’t go so well.

  “If I wanted to be alone darlin’ you wouldn’t be here.” His voice is rough and sexy as hell.

  “What do you want from me Creed?” I decide to put it out there and at least get an answer from him. I don’t know what’s running through his head.

  His hands let go of me, I turn to face him.

  “What do you want?” My voice pleads with him. I need to
know what he’s thinking. I hate not knowing.

  “I want you Jada. You are all I’ve ever wanted. I tried to move past you and find someone else but I can’t.” His eyes burn into my soul.

  “I love you Creed. I’ve always loved you. Since we were kids you stole my heart.” Tears clog my throat as I look at him. His eyes fill with unshed tears.

  “You mean everything to me.” I lean into him, brushing my lips across his. My body shudders from the touch of him. He makes me crave things that I never knew I wanted. His body owns mine and his heart has mine its grasp.

  “I want to own every piece of you Jada.” Creed’s tongue runs across my lips before he crushes his mouth against mine. I savor the flavor of his lips, his tongue.

  “This is a fucking cemetery.” A voice sounds off behind us. Creed let’s go of me quickly shoving me behind him in a protective move.

  “Creed?” Is that Cher? Oh my god!

  “Cher?” Stepping out from behind Creed, I see her standing there with a bouquet of flowers. I swallow hard as I take in my old best friend.

  “Jada? Oh my god!” Tears fill her eyes before we rush towards each other. We grab each other in a teary embrace, holding tight to our old friendship.

  “What are you doing here? Where have you been?” A million questions rip from Cher’s mouth as I smile at her. She looks beyond amazing.

  “It’s a long story. What are you doing back?” Wiping my eyes, she wipes her as well. God, I have missed this girl.

  “I graduated but I came back for my mom. She was a mess when my dad died.” Her dad died? Oh my god, I didn’t know.

  “Cher, I’m so sorry I didn’t know.” Cher shakes her head.

  “You were already gone when I came back. No one knew how to find you.” Her eyes dart from me to Creed and back again.

  “You too. I saw you around from time to time but you never stayed.” Turning to Creed, I remember what he said. He watched me for a while. Cher must have seen him around.

  “I was around for a while. You look good Cher.” Creed doesn’t smile or move. He just stands there still as could be.

  “So do you. Different.” She smiles over at him before looking back at me.

  “Are you two together?” She looks back and forth when Creed speaks.

  “Yeah, we are.” My heart slams in my chest when he says it. I want to jump on him and kiss him but I don’t.

  “Everything good brother?” Tank walks up behind us. Cher and I both turn at the same time to see the massive man standing there.

  “God damn!” Cher’s words make me laugh. This girl has never been shy about what she thinks of men.

  “This is Tank. Tank this Cher, an old friend.” Creed introduces them before Tank steps forward gripping her hand. A slight giggle bubbles into my throat at the blush on Cher’s cheeks.

  “Nice to meet you darlin’.” Creed steps forward grabbing my hand to pull me away.

  “We are goin’ to eat. You can join us. Tank drive that woman.” Tank doesn’t even think twice before he pulls Cher along with him.

  “You are not playing matchmaker.” Looking up at Creed his smirk says it all.

  “Not matchmaker. I’m losin’ our bodyguard. I want to fuck every inch of you in this town.” My body shakes before Creed laughs. He loves everything he’s doing to me.

  “Is that why you brought me here?” Laying my head on his shoulder, he wraps his arm around me.

  “No but that won’t stop me from what I want.” A quick kiss on the forehead and Creed scoops me up in his arms, throwing me over his shoulder. His hand comes down slapping my ass roughly causing me to yelp.

  “Put me down!” I giggle but he just keeps going.

  I think I am truly falling in love with this man all over again.


  After we ate and I got rid of Tank’s hovering ass Jada and I head to her mom’s house. I haven’t seen my family either and I may stop in say hi. They didn’t really care when I left but then again they never really got into my business anyways.

  “You sure this is a good idea?” Jada is so nervous but I know she wants a few things from her house. She told me about the photos of her and Jason that she wanted to have with her for so long but Kenny wouldn’t let her come back for them.

  “It’s fine sweetheart. I’m right here.” We walk up the steps towards the front door and knock. The door starts to open and a man stands in front of us. He looks like a fucking asshole just standing there.

  “You again?” His eyes zero in on Jada. She tenses up next to me, her hand tightening in mine. She doesn’t say a word and I know exactly who this motherfucker is.

  “She wants to see her mother. You wanna run along and get her.” I speak for her and not in a friendly tone. The man looks between us before turning and walking inside.

  “Is that the motherfucker that raped you? You fuckin’ tell me now and.” Before I can finish Jada’s mother steps up to the door. She looks so old and worn down.

  “Mom.” Jada’s voice is barely audible. Her mother’s eyes dart between us before settling on Jada.

  “What are you doing here?” I can feel Jada shaking and I hate this for her.

  “Let’s go sweetheart. Fuck this.” I start to pull her with me away from the door but she speaks before I can so I stop.

  “I wanted to see if I could get a few things from my old room. Pictures of Jason.” The look on her mother’s face says all I need to know. She isn’t going to let her have anything.

  “You run away and you think you can come back here? You accuse Tom of raping you and you have the nerve to show your face here again?” The accusatory sound of her voice pisses me off.

  “I just wanted my pictures.” Jada is trying so hard to stay strong, I can feel it but she’s cracking under the surface.

  “Let’s go darlin’.” Pulling her slightly she rips her arm from my grasp.

  “He was all I ever had. I’m sorry I wasn’t the perfect daughter but I was still your daughter!” The man I assume to be Tom steps up next to her mother eyeing my girl again. Rage boils in my blood as I take in the son of a bitch that hurt her.

  With my hands balled into fists at my side I step up next to Jada again.

  “Creed could you give us a minute.” Her mother’s words slap me in the face. I didn’t expect her to even acknowledge me but I won’t ever walk away from Jada again.

  “Can’t do that Mrs. Dells. Now if you want to hand that motherfucker there over to me, I will gladly walk away.” Pointing over her shoulder at Tom, I watch him quake under my glare before quickly retreating into the house again.

  “What do you want mom? Why don’t you love me?” Tears stream down Jada’s cheeks and I want nothing more than to take them away but I can’t, she needs to deal with this on her own.

  “You don’t understand Jada. You lusted after that boy for a long time. I saw you. I knew the look. I saw so much of myself in you that I hated it. I screwed my life up a long time ago when I met your father and had kids too early. You were so like me and I hated it.” I watch the tears now on her mother’s face.

  “I’m not you. I couldn’t ever do that to my kids. I couldn’t play favorites and push the other away!” Grabbing Jada around the waist I pull her away from the door.

  “You tell Tom, I will make him pay for what he did to her. As for you, she doesn’t need you anymore. She has me.” I make a promise right then and there. Not only to Tom but to myself. I have to be a better man to her. She deserves so much more than I have given her.

  Pulling her towards the sidewalk, I see my mother out of the corner of my eye.

  “Creed?” She practically yells at me. Jada looks up with a slight smile and nods.

  We walk over towards my old house where my mother stands.

  “Hey, mom.” Her eyes tear up as she looks me over before throwing her arms around me.

  “Oh Creed. I have missed you so much.” I never thought I would come back here and see her but I’m glad I did.

>   “I missed you too.” She pulls back and looks up at me, her hand running along my cheek. She looks just the same as when I left.

  “You’re ok? You look good.” She looks me over one more time making me smile. We may not have always gotten along but she is my mother.

  “I’m perfect mom. We just wanted to say hi.” Her eyes look from me to Jada and hold there.

  “Jada? Oh my god!” She grabs Jada hugging her next.

  “I heard what Tom did. Your mother tried to hide it when you left but I knew. He is a nasty piece of man.” Wiping at Jada’s tears I wonder how much my mom has changed the last few years.

  “We need to get goin’.” I grip Jada’s hand in mine.

  “You just got here. Don’t leave, not yet.” Her eyes plead with me but I want to get Jada alone. We need to talk things out.

  “We’ll come by before we head out of town. We have shit to do right now.” My mom’s smile grows as she nods.

  “I’m so glad to see you both.” Nodding with a slight smile, I pull Jada away and back towards the sidewalk.

  “What are we doing?” Jada’s eyes lock onto mine.

  “Gettin’ a tattoo. Want one?” She giggles like I was joking which I’m not. I have a fucking plan and I’m going with it.

  We head back towards town and meet up with Tank and Cher at the tattoo parlor.

  “You weren’t joking?” Jada gives me a sideways glance. She is so fucking beautiful she just doesn’t know.

  “Fuck no. Come on.” Dragging her inside, I stop at the desk.


  “Tank I need a favor.” Smiling sweetly up at him, he looks confused.

  “Whatever you need, your man got it.” He chuckles slightly but I just look at him.

  “What is it?” He finally cracks when I don’t budge. I like getting my own way.

  I whisper my request to him and he laughs. Asshole.

  “You’re not playin’?” Shaking my head, he walks away. I can’t stop the smile that tugs at me. I know what I’m doing.


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