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Fallen Angel's MC Box Set

Page 18

by Erin Trejo

  “Nope, you get Piper though.” Piper steps up next to me as Bella cuts her eye to him before coming back to mine.

  “Who gets me?” Piper stands there like a smiling jackass. If only he knew the little devil I am leaving in his care he wouldn’t smile like that.

  “You get to keep an eye on my daughter Bella. Bella, meet Uncle Piper.” Standing up with a giant grin on my face, I slap his shoulder before making my way to my room to pack. That should be an interesting combination there.

  Chapter 7

  “You can’t just do that! I don’t even know that man!” Bella stomps around my room while I pack a small bag to take. I knew she wouldn’t be happy about this.

  “Should have thought about that shit before you went sneakin’ out of the house.” Grabbing a few t-shirts, I walk over to the bed and shove them into my bag.

  “Oh come on! This is stupid!” I glance over at her with her arms crossed over her chest. Something inside of me snaps. She looks so much like Candy did when I first fell in love with her. So young and innocent.

  “Bella look. There is some shit goin’ on and I need to know you’re safe. Piper isn’t that bad.” Zipping my bag, I pick it up and throw it over my shoulder before walking towards the door.

  “Isn’t that bad? Meaning he can be bad.” I chuckle as she mumbles behind me.

  Piper is in his 60’s but he is wise beyond his years. He has so many sides to him that I don’t think we have even seen them all. He’s a good man, very trustworthy.

  Walking back into the main room I dead stop when I see Piper at the bar with a stack of boxes.

  Bella slams into my back from my sudden lack of movement. I can’t believe what I’m seeing though.

  “What the hell dad!” She steps around me as I keep my eyes on those boxes. I explode into a fit of laughter once I realize just what they are.

  Bella looks up at me and follows my gaze before she yells again.

  “Are you kidding me? No dad! Come one.” She protests as I walk over towards the bar. Piper smiles as I look through the piles of board games he has set out.

  “Candyland?” Raising my eyebrows, I look up at him. The grin on his face is killing me. I almost feel sort of bad for leaving Bella now.

  “What the hell is chutes and ladders? Dad!” Bella hollers next to me. Turning to look at her I can’t help but laugh. Piper is going to have a fun time with this one.

  “It’ll be fun. Love you baby girl.” Leaning in a kiss her head before turning towards the door. Creed is standing there waiting on me.

  “What’s all that shit?” He points over his shoulder at the bar as we walk out of the club.

  “Piper is goin’ to make her play board games for 2 year olds.” I chuckle. We walk over to the bikes and I tie my bag on.

  “You sure you’re ok with this one? I don’t trust anyone else on it.” Looking up at Creed, he’s a tough motherfucker but he has a soft heart.

  “I got this. No worries brother.” Creed nods as he takes a step back.

  In reality, I’m ready for this ride. It’s been a while since I’ve actually been on good run. I can at least say that this one is for a good cause too. Besides, I know the President over there, he’s a special friend to me.

  The rumble of the bike under me sends chills over my body. Glancing over I see Torch ready to roll. With a slight nod, we head out on our way.

  The air blows around me as we ride. The one thing that has always kept me grounded was to be able to hop on my bike and ride. I’ve been on a bike since I can remember.

  The assholes that were my parents never did much with me but my neighbor rode a Harley. He quickly became my best friend. He would take me out all the time, even if it were just around the block. Once I got big enough to really ride, he would take me all over with him.

  Those are my first memories of being on a bike. It stuck with me over the years. When I came to this club, it was on the shittiest bike you had ever seen. It was rusted and half shit, but it was mine. I was proud of that bike. In a way that bike was a big piece of my life. In fact, it’s still in the back of the shop at the club.

  I’ve come a long way since those days. Those were days of loss and torment for me. They hold so much hurt and agony that I never want to relive them again.

  It’s funny to think just how much life can change over the years. I’ve become a man in this club. I grew up here.

  18 years old doesn’t make you a man. Living is what makes you man. Taking care of your family is being a man. You learn quickly in this lifestyle how to grow up and become that man. I know I did.

  The reality of it all didn’t hit me until Bella showed back up though. My heart never felt at ease until that day. Having my daughter back has brought something back into me. Something brighter than the dark days I held onto for so long.

  The day Candy took Bella away from me never left my mind. I couldn’t be a man or live right until I found her. I hated that it took so long and I missed so much but I can’t be happier than I am now that she’s here. I missed her whole life. I missed her first day of school, her first loose tooth. I hated knowing that but I do have her now. I won’t ever miss anything again.

  The one thing cemented in my mind is to keep her safe and with me. Her life is precious and valuable. I will protect that girl with everything I have in me until the day I die. Even after that I know she will be taken care of through my brothers.

  Chapter 8

  Pulling into the Devil’s Spawn’s clubhouse parking lot is surreal. We drove for 12 hours straight stopping for only gas. We have an alliance with them and they’ve always held up their end of our arrangements. I know a few of the guys over there including their president. They’re not bad guys once you get past their rough exteriors, much like the rest of us.

  Climbing off my bike, I see their president, Griffin come out to greet us.

  “Look at you motherfucker.” He walks towards me with a smile plastered to his face.

  “How’s shit, Griff?” We meet in the middle before we step into a slight hug. Pulling back, he doesn’t look as good as he used to.

  I know Griff helped me out with Bella but that’s been a while. It was mainly Sandra that I’ve seen these last 8 months.

  “Same old shit. Glad you boys came out. I know why you’re here but there is somethin’ else I want to discuss with you brother.” Nodding my head, Griff and I have always had an awkward relationship. I met him when I was first patched in. Hardass motherfucker that didn’t care who he hurt or why. He taught me many things about this lifestyle. That was way back when the clubs were closer though.

  Things change with time just as they should. Griff has become a better man much like the rest of us.

  I nod at Torch before I follow Griff inside the clubhouse and up the set of stairs.

  Once we step into his office, he motions for me to sit.

  “How’s life over this way?” Griff walks around and drops in the chair behind the desk. He looks like hell now that I see him up close.

  “Hard brother. So this Dougie shit. Couple of guys went out to run checkpoints and found him by river. Not your normal style killin’ either.” I cock my head to the side as I listen to him. Nothing about our world is normal that isn’t any kind of news to me.

  “What do you mean?” Griff huffs slightly before he leans on the desk.

  “Military style, Tank. That shot was taken from at least three blocks out. Straight through brother. You have to be one solid shot to hit a fuckin’ movin’ target straight between the eyes brother.” My head goes into a spin. Military style. Who the fuck has that kind of manpower behind them.

  I scrub my hand over my face as I try think this through. We have plenty of rivals but none with that kind of manpower. This shit is off the charts. We never had any kind of trouble with anyone that ran with military. That fact in itself sets me on edge. That is never a good sign.

  “That’s all we got?” Looking back up at Griff, he nods his head. Shit this is just ge
tting worse and worse.

  “I know Tank. Wish I had more news for you. We can head out to the site after you rest up and eat somethin’.” Nodding at him, I drop my head in my hands trying to make some kind of sense out of all of this.

  “Wanted to ask you a favor brother.” My head pops back up as I look at Griff. He looks so lost, in his own world right now. I’ve never seen him look like this before.

  “Anythin’ brother.” Griff smiles slightly before he passes me a photo. I grab it and look it over. It’s his daughter holding a baby. I knew he had a daughter but not a grandchild.

  “That your grandkid?” Smiling, I point at the baby in the picture while Griff grins ear-to-ear nodding his head.

  “She’s 2 months old.” He looks so happy. A proud grandpa that’s for sure but there’s more to it, I can see it in his eyes.

  “That’s great brother. Beautiful family.” Passing him the photo back, he looks at it for a second longer. Shit there is something else going on, I can feel it.

  “I’m dying Tank. Cancer. I’m ready for it and I don’t want no I’m sorry or none of that shit. I have an account set up where most of my earnings go. When I’m gone, I need someone I can trust to get that to Abby. Can you do that for me brother? Can you make sure she gets that?” Griff looks up at me with a tear in his eye. Griff is one of us, he’s family.

  “You’re damn right I will.” Griff smiles as I stand up and shake his hand. I know he doesn’t want the sympathy so I don’t give it. I treat him the same as always.

  Griff means a lot to me and I would be honored to do this for him.

  “You’re a good man Tank. You’re an even better brother. I knew if I could trust anyone with this shit that it would be you.” Nodding I run my hand over my head.

  “You know I got you Griff. You taught me a lot, like a father. I’ll never forget that.” Griff nods his head before he looks back down. He grabs a pen and writes something on a small piece of paper before passing it to me.

  Folding it up I stick it in my pocket already knowing what it is. There is no need to exchange that information again.

  “Let’s get you and your boy some food and god damn beer.” Chuckling I follow behind him out to the bar.

  Chapter 9

  “This shit doesn’t make sense Torch.” Pacing around the scene where they found Dougie just throws me off. This isn’t even a road he should have been on.

  “I don’t like this shit VP. You’re right, this is off brother.” Torch looks around a little as he talks. I pull out a cigarette and light it up.

  Looking in the direction of where the supposed shooter was, it makes no sense.

  “Let’s walk up there and see what the fuck we see.” Nodding toward the tree line, Torch follows behind me.

  We walk around trying to place where the hell the shot could have come from. This isn’t even a main road that anyone but bikers would know of. The Spawn’s like to keep it that way for protection purposes.

  “VP, take a look.” Tossing my cigarette to the ground, I walk over to the spot that Torch stands looking down at it I shake my head.

  “The fuck. Someone knew about this road. They knew the clubs barely used it. FUCK!” Looking down at the pile of cigarette butts someone has been out here often. Scrubbing my hand over my face, I pull my phone out.

  “Let’s move out. Call Griff and let him know what we found. I’m checkin’ in with Creed.” Torch nods as he slides his phone out.

  Walking back towards the bike, I really don’t like this shit. It all seems off and that all too familiar feeling in my gut kicks in.

  “What did you find?” Creed answers quickly. I know he wants answers as much as the rest of us.

  “Fuck, brother. Dougie was out on the maintenance road. We looked around, found signs that someone has been out here a lot brother. Looks almost set up. Military style shot, Long range.” I hear Creed blow out a breath. He knows this shit is bad.

  “Son of a bitch!” He growls into the phone. I know the feeling. My stomach feels like it wants to bottom out.

  “Fuck Tank! Get your ass back to the clubhouse. We need to figure this shit out.”

  “Got it.” Sliding the phone back into my pocket, Torch walks up.

  “Griff’s settin’ up a perimeter. He’s throwin’ some guys up that hill to keep watch.” I nod my head as I look around one last time. This was a set up, I know it.

  “Creed wants us back. So much for a vacation.” Torch chuckles as we walk back towards the bike.

  “This isn’t typical club shit brother.” Torch climbs on his bike looking over at me. I already know that but I don’t know just how far off it is.

  “Sure the fuck not. Doesn’t make sense either. Why the fuck out here?” We both look around again as we sit on our bikes. The fact that Dougie was out here and that the only ones that know about this road doesn’t sit well with me. In fact it down right chokes me.

  As much as I want to stay and investigate, I know I need to get back. There’s just something off about this and I hate that nagging feeling I get. It’s there now and strong as hell.

  “Convenient. Quiet. No witnesses.” Torch talks as he lights up another cigarette. I’m thinking the exact same thing.

  “To convenient. No one knows this road brother. It’s well hidden. Inside job?” Glancing over at Torch, he nods his head. I knew he was on the same page as me, I can see it all over his face.

  “How many clubs know this route?” Torch looks at me now. My eyes connect with his as I think that one over.

  “3 that I know of. Griff never handed out information brother.” Torch looks around shaking his head before looking back at me. I know who the one that doesn’t play well with others is.

  “Fuckin’ Shadows.” I growl out between my teeth. The Shadows knew briefly about this road. It was a meet and greet many fucking years ago. What doesn’t make sense is what the hell Dougie was doing out here to begin with. He should have never taken this road, let alone taken it alone. Hell, there isn’t a reason for anyone to be out here.

  “Let’s get the fuck back.” Torch nods as we start our bikes up.

  Riding back home, I can’t stop the thoughts running wild in my head. How the hell did Shadows know that Dougie would be on that road? Why was he on that road?

  Who the fuck do they have shooting? All these unanswered questions storm my mind at once. We try to be diligent about keeping up with new recruits. We always know or make it a point to know who the hell they have prospecting for them. It’s just a basic survival skill in this lifestyle. Nothing we know about anyone around has anything to do with a military style shooter.

  Shadows are too close to home for my liking. What the hell would they have been doing up this way? None of this sits well. It eats at me and it will keep on until we figure it out.

  I try to focus on the road and getting my ass back home in one piece but now that we know there is a fucking sharp shooter out there it makes me uneasy.

  Knowing Bella is safe is the one thing that means the most to me but this changes shit. A lot.

  We are up against a fucking sharp shooter that can take people out from a fucking distance. I don’t like the sound of that.

  Chapter 10

  Pulling into the clubhouse parking lot is a bittersweet feeling. I hate the news that I came back with but I’m glad as hell to actually be back. As much as I needed the break the news that I was handed wasn’t worth it. Not only did I find out that we are facing a sharp shooter but I learned that someone really important to me is dying. The thought of not being able to talk to him or see him again hurts me.

  My hearts heavy with everything that I’ve learned the last few days.

  Climbing off of my bike I notice Cher’s car is parked alongside the building. I smile to myself knowing that she’s here. One less headache and worry for me right now.

  I head inside to find almost all of the guys goofing around and having a good time. I wonder if Creed kept this shit to himself. There really i
sn’t a need to get everyone pissed off at the new information until we have something more concrete.

  “Where’s Pres.?” I walk past the bar asking anyone that will listen to me. Timmy’s the only one that looks up.

  “In the back.” Nodding at him, I head towards the back to find him. I need to talk to him about this shit and I need to do it now. I can’t handle holding this much knowledge about what happened and not sharing it with him.

  “You’re back.” Cher walks out from the hallway stopping in front of me. As glad as I am to see her, I need to handle the shit that rolls around in my head before I can deal with her. This shit takes top priority.

  “Talk later.” I try to step around her but she just side steps and looks up at me.

  “I haven’t seen you in days. You’re just going to walk off?” I hate being this way but this is who I am. When I have something in my head, I need to get it out. There is no in between.

  “Not now Cher! Club business comes first.” Growling slightly she takes a step back. Her eyes fill with tears but I don’t have time to baby her.

  “Fine. Have your fucking club.” Shoving me in the chest, she walks off. I let out a breath, scrubbing my hand across my face I head towards Creed’s door.

  Standing there about to knock I hear Jada crying. I hate to interrupt but this shit is more important. I don’t know what’s going on with her but we need to fix this problem.

  Knocking, I wait for the door to open.

  “Hey brother.” Creed leans out and pulls me into a hug.

  “Hey, we need to talk. Private.” Creed nods before he turns back to Jada inside.

  “I’ll be back in a while.” Creed turns and walks towards the main room scrubbing his hand over his face. I can tell he’s stressed out about something too and I hate to add to that but this is club business and he is the president.


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