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Fallen Angel's MC Box Set

Page 27

by Erin Trejo

  After my little talk with Doc and Piper I need to check on Cher. I know this isn’t what she’s used to and hell this is the second time she was shot at.

  “Dad. Is Cher going to be ok?” I can see the concern etched into her little face. It really tugs at my heart that she has to see this.

  “She will be. She just needs a little time.” I lean down to kiss Bella’s head when she smiles.

  “I really like her dad. She makes you smile.” Pulling her back into me, I hold her tight.

  “You make me smile too baby girl.” Bella jumps up and kisses my cheek before she steps back.

  “Go to her.” For such a young girl Bella has an old heart. She’s lived through a lot but she knows a lot more than I think. I can see it all over her face.

  “I love you.” She smiles up at me before I turn to go see Cher.

  Walking down the hall a sense of peace fills me. Something just clicks inside of me. This is my home. These people are my family. Every step that I have taken in my life has revolved around this club. It almost pisses me off that I thought any differently.

  Walking into the room Jada’s head pops up with a slight smile.

  “How’s she doin’?” I shrug out of my cut and lay it over the back of the chair as Jada stands.

  “I don’t know Tank. Doc said she’ll be ok. I’ve never seen her like this though.” Jada breaks into tears as I take a step towards her and pull her into a hug.

  “I’m sorry Jada. This shit is all my fault. I shouldn’t have gotten her involved in this shit.” Jada sniffs slightly before pulling back to look up at me.

  “Cher was a wild card. She always has been. No one makes her do anything Tank. If she didn’t want to be here with you trust me, she wouldn’t be. Cher has always had this light inside of her but something always over shadowed it. You brought it out of her. Since the day she met you I can see how happy she is. You didn’t do any of this.” Tears fall down her cheeks before I reach up and wipe them away.

  “You’re the best friend she could ever ask for. Thank you for bein’ here.” Jada smiles as she takes a step back and looks over at Cher.

  “Take care of her. She needs it right now. Maybe not always but for now.” Plastering a smile on my face, I think I can do just that.

  I watch Jada walk out of the room before closing the door behind her.

  Turning back to the bed, I pull my shirt off and kick my boots off to the side. As much as I want to get out and find this asshole and as much as I want to be in that office talking shit out with Creed, this is where my heart needs to be. To keep me sane I need to be with her.

  I climb on the bed and roll Cher over so she faces me. The blank look on her face is one that will haunt me for the rest of my life. As much as I know I couldn’t have stopped them from coming to my house I feel like I let her down.

  I reach out and run my fingers over her cheek as she blinks her eyes slowly.

  “I never wanted this for you. You’re smart, beautiful, full of love. You deserve so much more than I can ever offer you. I thought about walkin’ away from you so you would be safe but I can’t. You’re the air that I breathe. You’re the beat of my heart Cher. I thought about ways to make it without this club but they are the backbone of everything I am. I would take a fuckin’ bullet for any of them but more importantly, I know they would take one for you.” Tears slowly run down her cheek breaking my heart a little with each one.

  I hate that this is breaking her the way it is but I think that at the end of it all she’ll be stronger for it.

  “I don’t plan on lettin’ him get anywhere near you. If he wants you, he has to take me. He might knock me down but when I get back up his blood will be on my hands.” More tears fall before I lean in and kiss them away.

  I never understood women. I never really cared to either. My mind was always fuck em and leave em after what Candy did to me but Cher has touched something so long forgotten inside of me. She brings out the man that I want to be, the one I was so long ago. The one that cared and had a heart.

  “I can’t make you stay Cher. I know how this is hurtin’ you. I only ask that you stay until I can get him gone.” Her eyes finally move to look at me. So sad and lost.

  “I don’t think I can leave you Tank.” My heart skips a beat but she still looks off. She has something more to say, I can see it.

  “What? What else do you need to say? Cher, just tell me darlin’. If I fucked up I will fix it.” The slight smile melts my heart.

  “You didn’t fuck up Tank. I’m pregnant.”

  Chapter 38

  I know I’m in a stunned silence but I don’t know what the hell to say here. I’m going to be a dad again?

  I should be excited about this right? I mean, I am excited about this but a baby?

  “I don’t know what to say. Fuck me.” Yeah, I’m going to be a dad again. As I let that sink in a smile creeps across my face.

  “Fuck yeah! I’m goin’ to be a dad.” Excitement builds inside of me overtaking the rage that was there.

  I grab Cher and pull her closer to me as my hand runs over her stomach.

  “We made this.” Even though I have Bella this is a different circumstance completely. I’m older and smarter this time. I’m settled and can offer security.

  “Are you happy Cher?” I know it may be a stupid question but we never talked about having kids. Hell, we never talked about living together, that just kind of happened.

  “I don’t know how to be a mom. I don’t think I’d make a very good one.” Damn this woman knows how to kill a good mood.

  “Cher, cut the shit. I see the way you are with Bella. Fuck, I see the way you are with all the kids that come around. If anyone is going to make the best mom it’s you.” I can see the doubt in her eyes and I hate it.

  “You put too much faith in me.” Sliding up the bed I sit up against the headboard.

  You know, I have been doubting myself for a long time now. Cher has always been the rock that held me in place whether she knows it or not.

  “I put faith in somethin’ I believe in Cher. I don’t put my faith in shit. I believed in you from the day I laid eyes on you. You forced me to open my eyes and take a look around. I know what I am but I also know what I can be.” Reaching for her she climbs into my lap.

  “The faith I have in you, you put there. I’ve never met someone like you before. If anyone can prove every fuckin’ stereotype wrong sweetheart, it’s you. You’re stronger than you think.” Cher looks up at me before she places her lips against mine.

  Now that is a hell of a lot better than just lying there in tears.

  “I’m scared Tank.” She whispers softly against me before I press my lips back to hers. I want to show her just what she means to me.

  “You have nothin’ to be scared of. I’m goin’ to take care of you, Bella and this baby.” My fingers skim over her stomach as shivers race through her body.

  “Are you sure this is what you want?” Her eyes are so full of passion. She has to know this is what I want.

  “Cher, havin’ a family is all I’ve ever wanted. Not just the club, a real family. You just gave me that. I love you.” Slamming my mouth against hers, I just need to feel her. I need to know that she is mine.

  Rolling us over so I’m on top of her, I grab her shirt and pull it over her head before kissing her neck.

  “I love you Cher.” I trail a line of kisses down her neck and across her throat. Her head tilts giving me better access before I travel lower.

  With my face between her breasts, I suck her skin into my mouth as her hand runs over my head. Damn it I love the feeling of her touching me.

  “I love you too.” Moving lower, I kiss her stomach before I hear her sob. How can she make me so happy in the matter of minutes?

  Pulling her shorts off, I climb off the bed and strip quickly. I need to be with her in more ways than she knows.

  When I climb back on the bed, Cher spreads her legs for me. With a smile, I climb in betwe
en rubbing my dick through the wetness that waits for me.

  “You know you’re mine forever right?” Teasing her clit with my dick, she arches her back. I love watching her come undone from my touch.

  “Answer me sweetheart.” I try not to sound demanding but I want to hear it come from those sexy lips of hers.

  “I’m yours.” Her sexy whispers hit me in the dick. The fucker twitches and wants inside of her, in that safe place.

  “For how long?” Circling her clit, I can hear her gasping. Damn I love turning her on like this. I love seeing that look on her face.

  “Forever. I’m yours forever.” Sliding into her slowly I hear her moan.

  “That’s right darlin’. Mine forever.” Slow short strokes. That’s all I give her.

  Her body squeezes around me and I get lost in her.

  Chapter 39

  I fell asleep last night as I lay snuggled up with Cher. I don’t think I’ve slept that well in a long time.

  It feels good though that’s for sure. Waking up this morning, I feel refreshed and ready for anything.

  I look over at Cher lying on her back next to me. My eyes flicker to her exposed stomach and I can’t believe there is a little life in there. A little life that we created in all this madness.

  I can’t stop myself from touching her stomach. It always did amaze me that I created Bella but now another one.

  Pride rises inside of me as I think about how Cher will look with a baby in her arms. Hell, I just want to see her belly when she grows my baby in there.

  “It isn’t going to grow just because you stare at it.” Her sleep-filled voice makes my dick stir.

  “I know. I just can’t believe I did it. We did it.” I trail my fingers over it again before resting my palm there. Cher’s hand comes to rest over mine as I look over at her.

  “I never thought I’d have more kids but damn darlin’. We’re havin’ a baby.” I smile like a fucking lunatic. Cher probably thinks I’m delusional.

  “We are. How do you think Bella will take it? I don’t even know if she likes me that much.” Chuckling I lean in and kiss her forehead.

  “Bella loves you as much as I do.” Cher smiles as I lay on my side looking at her. I reach over and brush a piece of hair away from her face.

  “I’ve been thinkin’. I know the last few days have been hard on you but I think I want you to talk to Bella about Thomas. I just feel like the more we know, the better we will know how to handle him.” I see a slight sparkle in Cher’s eyes now. She has been asking to do this and I feel like now would be the time.

  As much as I want this motherfuckers head, I want Cher better. I know what happened yesterday was a shock to her but I want her to know that I value her and her opinions.

  “Are you serious?” I love her. Damn I love this woman.

  “I’m serious. I think it will bring you two closer. Sometimes I just feel like Bella thinks she’s alone in all this. I mean with her past anyways. If anyone would understand the hell she lived it would be you.” Cher snuggles into my side where she fits.

  “I would love to. I would love to share that part of her. I hate that we have to bond over something like that but I know what you mean. I felt that way for a long time. I think it would do us both good to talk to each other.” Yep. I love her more now.

  “Fuck darlin’. I don’t know how much more I could love you.” Cher laughs as I kiss her head.

  “As much as I want to stay in here and fuck you all day, I need to get up and see where we are with this shit.” Cher whines and I melt. She does this shit to me.

  “Fine. Those assholes won’t miss me a few more minutes.” She giggles slightly when I put my arm around her.

  We lay in silence just being together when I hear all the little laughs and giggles in the hallway.

  “You hear that. We are goin’ to have that.” I feel so proud right now. Hell, I’m a little excited about all of this too.

  “You think you can handle a little one? You’re all big and tough now.” Cher giggles as I tickle her sides.

  “I got your big and tough. I can handle that little one. You know it’s a boy right?” Cher looks up at me and rolls her eyes.

  “You’re an idiot. It isn’t even anything yet.” Shaking my head, I look down at her.

  “Mark my words. You got my boy right here.” Tapping my finger to her stomach, she laughs.

  “You have lost your mind. I’m hungry.” Cher sits up as I watch her climb her naked ass out of the bed.

  Mmmm, now that is what I want to see every morning.

  “Now you’re makin’ me hungry.” Cher turns around to see me eye fucking her with my hand on my dick.

  “You’re kidding right?” Looking at my hand then back to my face, I shrug. What the hell, I am a man and she did just stand there baring all her flesh.

  “Darlin’ you just showed me that hot piece of ass and then look at me like that?” She pulls a shirt over her head before turning around.

  “I’m hungry Tank.”

  “Fine let’s go feed my little linebacker.” Watching her laugh is the most precious thing to me. After the hell of the last few days, I think I finally got my Cher back.

  Chapter 40

  I can’t wipe the smile off my face as I watch Cher eating her breakfast. I don’t know that I’ve ever been this excited in my life.

  “Stop Tank.” Cher looks over at me with a mouthful of food.

  “What the hell did I do?” Sitting back in my chair, I just can’t stop.

  “You can’t keep staring at me like that. It’s creepy.” Taking another big bite, I try to focus on something besides her sexy lips. Damn I love those lips.

  “What are you so happy about?” Bella drops down in the chair next to me looking at me as if I lost my mind.

  “Nothin’.” Trying to wipe the smile off my face isn’t working out so well.

  Bella looks from me to Cher but she just shrugs and shakes her head.

  “You two are so weird.” Standing she makes her way into kitchen before I see Creed.

  “Hey, I’m goin’ to check in.” Cher nods as I stand up smiling at her. Cher picks up a biscuit and throws it at me.

  “STOP!” She squeals as I chuckle and walk up the stairs.

  Heading into Creed’s office, my heart rate picks up. I saw the way he looked this morning so I know something’s up.

  “Hey brother.” Creed looks up from some paperwork that he has on his desk.

  “I don’t know what the fuck is goin’ on but we got five nomad transfer requests.” Narrowing my eyes at him that is really strange.

  “What the hell?” Walking closer I pick the papers up off the desk and flip through them.

  “Since when does Reggie want to roll with us?” Reading off one of the names, I almost laugh.

  “Fuck if I know. Brady I get but the other ones don’t make any sense.” Setting the paper back down, I look at him.

  “You votin’ on it?” He nods his head before running his hand through his hair.

  “Figured it would be easier. I can tell you no one is goin’ to vote Reggie in here.” Creed chuckles but I know he’s right. Reggie is a piece of work. Wherever he goes there is surely trouble to follow, trouble we don’t need.

  “Damn right. We don’t need the extra shit around here anyways.” Nodding his head, I know he agrees with me.

  “We know anythin’ else?” Creed scrubs his hand over his face once before looking directly at me.

  “We’re pretty sure it came from Shadow’s. Jimmy kept watch, saw a truck leave there. Can’t say it’s the same truck but we don’t need to be fuckin’ geniuses either.” Nodding, I agree. I knew it came from that way and now my question is how I am going to deal with it.

  “Whatever you have in that fucked up head of yours you might want to get it out.” I don’t look at him this time.

  Thoughts rush my head all at once and I’m just trying to sort through them when Joey comes in.

  “Hey Pres.
Benny just called in, said there was a lot of activity over at Griff’s.” My head snaps in Joey’s direction. I don’t like the sounds of that considering what I know.

  “What kind of activity?” My pulse races and fire burns through me. If anyone fucks with Griff, I’m going to lose it.

  “Don’t know Tank. Said there was a lot of cars.” He said cars not bikes. That means it isn’t club related, it’s personal.

  Scrubbing my hand across my face, I look over at Creed as my stomach clenches. Bile rises in my throat as I try to calm the fire that burns into me.

  “What do you know?” Creed looks over at me before I look at Joey.

  “Take a walk.”

  Chapter 41

  I knew what it was before I ever said a word. My heart is falling in my chest. I’m losing him.

  “Griff’s been fightin’ cancer for a long time. Last time I was out there he asked me to take care of his kid. Gave me a bank account number he’s been savin’ up for her.” Creed shakes his head before sitting down at his desk.

  “That’s hard brother. I didn’t know it was gettin’ that bad.” I sit in the chair across from him nodding my head.

  “Yeah, he didn’t look too good last time we were out there. Look Creed, I know we have a shitload goin’ on but I need to go over there.” Creed stands shaking his head. I knew he wasn’t going to like it but I don’t really give a shit.

  Griff has been a rock in my life and there is no way in hell that I’m going to let him go without a final goodbye.

  “Can’t let that happen brother.” Standing up I slam my hands down on the desk.

  “I respect you Creed. You know that but this shit is personal!” Watching his face soften he sighs before he looks up at me.

  “I don’t like this Tank. What if Thomas comes after you instead?” I chuckle at that one. I’d love for his eyes to be on me and not one of my girls.

  “Hell Creed, he comes at me I’m good.” I see the look on his face; he doesn’t think this is funny.

  “I’ll take Torch. I’m goin’.” Making that final decision, he shakes his head.


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