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Fallen Angel's MC Box Set

Page 38

by Erin Trejo

  Gripping her hair in my hand I want her as close to me as possible. Even then I don’t think it’s enough. Jersey has an unseen hold on me. A chain that wraps around my heart that leads to hers. I don’t ever want that to come apart.

  My phone rings breaking our moment. I don’t mind though because I know there will be many more of these.

  Grabbing my phone, I answer without looking.

  “Yeah!” I can hear commotion on the other end before I hear Creed speak.

  “Get over here. We have a situation.” Before I can respond, he hangs up. Creed never tries to bother us if it’s late like it is now unless shit is serious. Most things get held off until the next morning.

  “Shit!” I let out a growl before I stand. Jersey is already snuggled into the pillow when I look back.

  “What happened?” She lifts her head and props up on her elbow. Damn, I can’t get over how perfect this girl is.

  “I need to go into the club.” Running my hand through my hair, she smiles up at me. Little tease.

  “I will fuck you senseless when I get back.” Jersey giggles as I grab my boots and pull them back on. I really hate this late night shit but there’s really nothing I can do about it.

  “I’ll be waiting.” Wiggling her eyebrows as I pull my cut on, I want to spank her ass too.

  I climb on the bed, crawling over towards her as her eyes light up. That fire that’s always there sparks a little more tonight.

  “Promise me.” Brushing my lips over hers she looks confused.

  “Promise you what?” Another quick peck she pulls back.

  “Promise me that you will always be waiting for me.” Her hand runs up into my hair as the other caresses my cheek.

  “I promise to always wait for you no matter what.” Chills race over my body. They’re not the good chills either. These are the chills that something’s wrong.

  “Me too darlin’. I’ll be home as soon as I can. If you need somethin’ call, and I’ll get someone over here yeah?” Whispering against her lips, I never want to leave her. There’s an overwhelming sense of dread that fills me as I kiss her once more.

  “I’ll be fine. I’m going to sleep.” I watch her lay back down, her hair fanning around her. The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen lies there and it’s mine. She’s mine.

  I tuck her in before my phone rings again. Grabbing it I yank it out.

  “FUCK, I’m comin’.” Stuffing it back in my pocket I walk towards the bedroom door. I turn around and lock eyes with my Angel.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too, Ryker.”


  “Promise.” Blowing her a kiss I walk out of the room and towards the door with an overwhelming feeling inside of me. Whatever is going on now, it isn’t going to be good.

  Chapter 33

  Stepping inside the club house the place is a mess. People are moving around everywhere in full gear. That’s never a good sign.

  “ROUND UP!” Creed yells as I snap my head in his direction. Our eyes meet and there it is. The doom I knew was coming.

  “Listen up! We called you in here for a reason. Shits goin’ down and we are about to be sucked into it. The Dusts’ made an arrangement with the Russians. Instead of that little light the night episode comin’ back to the Dusts’, it was traced back to us. How the hell that happened, I don’t fuckin’ know. What I do know is the Russians have a little site set up around ten miles East of here. They planned a little light the night of their own on our fuckin’ clubhouse. We move before they move, simple as that.” Creed looks around as I run my hand through my hair.

  Here it comes. My shit storm, the mess I created is blowing back on the club. I knew it would happen.

  A hand comes down on my shoulder as my body vibrates with rage. I can’t let the club take the fall for this shit. I did this shit.

  “Get the bullshit out now, Ryker. We can’t have your head on half ass when we ride.” Tank looks at me like I’m about to explode. In fact, I feel like I might do just that.

  “It was my fuck up, Tank.” Tank let’s go of me as he cracks his knuckles. Scrubbing his hand over his head he looks at me.

  “We aren’t doin’ this brother. This is the fuckin’ club! You are the club! She is part of this family too and we protect that!” His screams vibrate through me as everyone turns to look at us. The silence in the room is eerie but I know what I feel.

  “I know she is now! She wasn’t then though, I fucked it up!” My nerves are firing off one by one until my body feels like it’s a burning inferno. My hands clench at my sides as Creed walks over to us. All eyes are trained on the three of us.

  “I don’t give a fuck if she wasn’t then. She is now. I say we move, we fuckin’ move. Got it?” Creed lowers his voice as he looks at me. A part of me wants to tell him no but I know it wouldn’t do any good so I nod.

  “Good. Now we ride. Joey drive the van. In case shit happens, get back to the van. Don’t risk your asses for a bike we can replace. I’m talkin’ to you, Torch.” The guys all chuckle as Torch raises his beer bottle. Out of all of us here that one doesn’t follow directions for shit.

  “Let’s ride.” Twirling his finger in the air, the guy’s head towards the door but Creed stops me.

  “I know how you feel, Ryker. This is club business though. The Dusts’ are tryin’ to turn them all and this is just one of their games. Let’s win it before they do.” With a quick nod, Creed nods back.

  We all head out to the bikes as Joey hugs Bella. She has been spending a lot more time here than she used to. I take a minute to send Jersey a text to let her know not to wait up.

  “Gonna be a long one. Gotta take a ride. Sleep beautiful.” I don’t have to wait but a second for the reply that has me grinning from ear to ear.

  “Already asleep. Love you.”



  My heart swells a little more. Out of all the shit that I’ve done I think Jersey was the best. I know how we came to be together is all kinds of fucked up but we’re here and I haven’t been happier. That girl makes me smile even when my life feels like it’s going to end. My stomach tells me this night isn’t ending well either but that one little word from her settles something inside of me. Promise.

  That’s all I need to make it. Just her sweet little promise.

  “You good brother?” Tank hollers over as I slide my helmet into place.

  “Yeah. Just makin’ sure my bike’s good. I don’t plan on leavin’ it behind later.” Tank chuckles before adjusting his helmet.

  “Cher wants to take Jersey baby shit shoppin’ this weekend. You think she’s up for it?” Laughing at that one, I look back over at him.

  “Hell yeah. That’s all she’s been talkin’ about. Buyin’ some kind of bassinet or some shit. Talkin’ about ruffles and Pampers versus Huggies. Hell, I ain’t even sure what the fuck a Huggie is!” Tank laughs before we hear Creed revving up his bike. I know it’s time to ride and so does Tank.

  With a quick nod we all file out in formation. Ten miles isn’t very far but it’s way too close to home. I’m just glad that we got the jump on this shit before they did.

  Chapter 34

  My body is on fire and tensed to the max. My muscles are corded so tightly they may fucking snap.

  We’re all in position as we stake out the surrounding areas of this little shack. As much as I’d like to toss in a gas bomb I know that would attract more unwanted attention than we already have.

  I watch through the binoculars and count out the number of guys I can see. We seem to have them outnumbered which is a fucking good thing. I wonder why they don’t have more guys than this if they planned on coming after us? Hell, they may have been thinking the same thing as me. Light that shit up and walk.

  “How many you got, Ryker?” Torch comes over the headset as I keep looking.

  “This side has three. Saw at least one inside, guessin’ there’s more.” Listening to the
static in the ear piece makes me crazy. I hate using them when we are out but I know we need to. Hell, I’d rather goes balls out screaming in there.

  “Got two on South end.” Barry, one of the other guy’s chimes in. That’s at least five. That’s easy enough to take out considering the amount of ammo we have tonight.

  “On three we move. Torch and Jimmy, take those two on your end. Ryker, you and Tank got those three. Once we see them hit the ground, Me, Charlie, James and Spoon are goin’ in. Joey you keep eyes out. Barry and Tiny fall back to perimeter.” Creed’s voice leaves the ear piece as I line up the scope of my gun. Hell this right here is what I do, what I’m good at. Sharp shooter my ass, I’m the best shooter there is. I should have taken my ass into the military for this shit.

  “What the fuck you smilin’ for?” Tank slaps my arm before I look over at him.

  “Cause motherfucker this is what I do. I shoot.” Tank smiles shaking his head before looking back through his own scope. He knows how I am.

  Watching the two motherfuckers I plan on taking out, I listen for Creed’s voice.

  “1………….2……………3! GO!” Shots sound off all around us. My two guys drop as Tank’s follows.

  “Clear!” Yelling into the headset, I see Creed and his guys moving in. Tank and I follow at a short distance. I keep my eyes moving, I watch the area around us. No way in hell is someone sneaking up on me.

  Shots sound off inside the shack as Tank and I come up to the door.

  “You good?” Looking at Creed and the others they all nod. Tank and I step in with Jimmy not far behind us. Torch, the fucking lunatic is already in there looking around the area.

  Walking in, that dread hits me like a brick in the stomach. I’ve never felt anything like this after I’ve killed someone. This whole feeling is off and doesn’t settle right.

  “Son of a bitch!” Creed growls as Tank makes his way over to him. Creed passes him something before all eyes land on me. What the hell did I do now?

  “What? What is that?” Tank shakes his head trying to pass the paper back to Creed. This is some bullshit. I stalk over snatching the paper from his hands.

  When I look down, my heart stops beating. What the hell is this?

  Stepping closer to the table I brush off the dead guy’s hand and pick up the photos that he was looking through.

  “What would they be doin’ with these?” Looking up into the face of my president I want answers. I want to know if they know anything else.

  “I don’t know, Ryker.” Tank digs through the rest of the papers as I stand there still. I can’t believe what I’m looking at.

  “Motherfuckers!” Tank’s growl rips through the shack but I know he’s found something. Moving quickly, I’m next to him as he leans over one of the dead guys on the floor.

  “What? What is it?” Tank drags the back of the guy’s shirt up to reveal the last tattoo I would have expected.

  “Shifter’s? What the fuck is this brother?” Taking a step back my mind is a mess. My body is so fucking jittery I can barely stand still.

  Looking from the guy back to the pictures, my heart explodes. There’s no fucking way. They can’t be behind this. Those motherfuckers couldn’t have planned something like this out.

  “Tell me this isn’t what it looks like brother.” Pointing at the pictures on the table I look at Creed.

  “Fuck!” Creed flips the table as all the pictures of Jersey flutter to the floor. My stomach is right behind them.

  Chapter 35

  “Calm the fuck down Ryker!” Tank has me pinned against the outside of the shack when Jersey didn’t answer her phone. I’m about to lose my mind and Tank’s going to lose his life if he doesn’t take his hands off me.

  “Somethin’ ain’t right! She always answers!” Pushing against his grasp, Creed steps around the corner with Torch on his ass.

  “You said she was goin’ to sleep yeah?” Torch looks at me but I want to snap his damn neck.

  “She would hear it ring!” Looking to Creed for help, he nods.

  “Let’s ride. Get there as fast as we can. Tank, get back to the club house and call up Griff’s boys. Get them on standby.” Tank releases me and before anyone can move I head towards my bike. This is bullshit. I had that apartment locked the fuck down. Nobody knew I lived there!

  They can’t have her. She’s pregnant.

  I’m on my bike and flying across town without a worry for myself. At this moment I don’t give a fuck if I wreck or not. My mind is buzzing as I play the scenarios over in my head. None of them end well if I find out anyone’s hurt her.

  Pulling down my road I notice all the fire trucks and police scattered around. What the fuck is this shit?

  Climbing off my bike, I leave it in the middle of the road. Rushing up towards the mass of people, I panic.

  “Where is she?” Pushing my way through all the people, I don’t see her anywhere.

  “What happened?” Grabbing my neighbor Steve, he looks over at me.

  “Shit man. Someone called in a fire. They didn’t find shit.” Shaking my head, I know it. I know they have her.

  I push my way through the crowd not giving a shit that the police are hollering at me as I move.

  Shoving through the door, I scream for her.

  “Jersey! Baby?” Making my way through the apartment, she’s not here. My pulse kicks up as blood roars in my ears. I will kill whoever has her with my bare hands.

  “She’s not here?” Creed walks into the bedroom behind me as I run my hand through my hair.

  “It’s my fault Creed. I shouldn’t have left her alone.” Tugging at my hair, I knew it was a mistake to leave her by herself but I thought she’d be safe here.

  “No it’s not. They planned this shit and we are gonna get her back.” Creed walks over putting his hand on my shoulder but that does little to ease the rage that burns through me. I want blood. I will have blood.

  I make my way through the apartment like a fucking crazy man. I turn to every spot I have guns and knives hidden before stuffing them in a duffle bag.

  “You aren’t out on your own brother. We plan this.” Creed growls as he makes his way towards me. He better not give me that shit right now.

  “Fuck that! They got my old lady Creed! My kid! No, fuck that shit!” Creed’s hands come to land on my shoulders pushing me against the wall.

  “She’s pregnant Ryker! We can’t go in guns blazin’! She could get hurt God damn it.” Taking a deep breath, I know he’s right but they have her.

  Nodding my head, I run my hand through my hair before shaking my head. I need to be calm and think this through. Creed’s right, if I go in there all fucking crazy she could get hurt. I can’t have her getting hurt.

  “Yeah, we plan it out. You’re right. I can’t have her hurt. We need to move on this though, Creed.” Lowering his hands, Creed watches me.

  “Yeah, you’re right. Let’s get back to the clubhouse and get shit rollin’ yeah?” Taking deep breaths trying to keep some sort of peace within myself, I nod.

  “Ok. Yeah, let’s get back.” I don’t drop my duffle bag, no, I’m going to have that motherfucker on hand at any given time. My heart slams inside of me as I try to keep myself under control.

  My body vibrates with rage as I think of all the things that could be going on right now. If they hurt her at all I will kill them slowly. I’ll sit and watch the life drain out of their bodies.

  Climbing on my bike, I have to choke down the bile that rises into my throat. All I want right now is to wrap my arms around Jersey and hold her close to me. I want her to yell at me for being a fucking pervert and always wanting sex. I want to hear her giggle when I whisper dirty words into her ear.

  As I ride back to the clubhouse Jersey is the only thing that is running through my mind. I just need to get my hands on her, hold her.

  Chapter 36

  With a beer in my hand, I pace back and forth around the main room. I haven’t done anything but drink si
nce we came back. In fact, if one more person tells me to calm down, slow down on the drinks, or asking how I am holding up, I may lose my fucking mind.

  Creed has been in his office on the phone and Tank has been doing the same in the other office. Every once in a while they’ll come out and give me an update but for the most part no one knows where Jersey is.

  I put in a call to Bone to see if he has any information that he can give me but so far I haven’t heard shit from him. My mind is a complete shit storm and there is nothing I can do about it. I don’t like being in this position.

  I pull out a cigarette and light it up before walking out the side door. I need some air.

  Taking a deep breath of the cool night air, I scrub my hand over my face. What am I going to do if I can’t find her? What if they hurt her, the baby?

  The ache in my chest won’t let me breathe. It tightens and becomes an annoyance I can’t seem to get away from. I hear the door open but I don’t look to see who comes out.

  “I’m sorry about Jersey. We’ll find her.” Bella’s little voice comes from behind me as I turn to look at her.

  “Thanks sweetheart but I’m not in the mood for talkin’.” Bella giggles slightly before stepping up next to me. I don’t want to hurt this girl’s feelings but I am in no fucking mood to deal with this shit.

  “You know she wants the baby to be a boy.” Glancing back over at her, I smile slightly. I didn’t know she was hoping for a boy.

  “I didn’t know that.” Taking a long pull from my beer bottle, I look up at the dark night sky. I hope wherever she is that she’s safe.

  “Yeah. We talked about it one night. She said she wants him to look just like you. She loves you, Ryker. She’s the best person I know and if I have to go in there to get her out, I will. She deserves to be happy.” I look over and watch a tear slide down Bella’s face but there is also something else in her. She has a warrior’s spirit. She’s a Fallen Angel's. Just like the rest of us, she has lived a hell that no one should have to.


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